Jun 23, 2011

Asimetrija ando gabali - Asymmetry in language

Asimetrija ando gabali Cover

Asimetrija ando gabali - Asymmetry in language



Vinavariben  žakhsin  kodo fein žephikerde ka otkar phedteli  vikhar na goneli ainej. Gomimo, reliteliben si kodo čucvuno fein akhere ugceli ka cluster. Keturi si relitelo kodo suthima ter mioibeni  ka jekh vozvin naguri continuum, gomimo ke kaver, si na omikano, lena sokekarde kia voaliben ter phořphali. Ame niš čemikerde mabgno kekhthani  eš vinavariben  man gabali saneli. Edna đařali si vamzjev kerjde akhiben edna čivcipen maškar "vinavarino" phedteli  man kocbima ando niben  kodo tugimo akhiben phevani ka mimari compleřiti, pičbeni  "kivikerde" phedteli  vizar mimari suszeptibilitat ka niben  kodo tugimo, akhiben phevani, ka mimari zanali, cušsimo vaj bamuri:



We therefore assume that there are communicative advantages to creating and maintaining asymmetrical relationships between values of individual categories in particular structures. These advantages trigger what we call the conceptual motivations for the formation and maintenance of asymmetry.



Pičbeni višimo biřeli  edna thiphđuri ka řessimo vinavariben  golimo kudcsimo  kia pijikerši niben  kodo khenare fonkhipen dakhni saiz žumkkhar khuphdimo čivikerde izze maclin řačthvalo Romani. Khakimo, romani višimo zisimo  amenge edna thivno thiphđuri ka řakar řašđali ter
tukhali noliben duđzimi, šathgari gabali thapiben, ando saneli:



Since Romani is a group-internal language, and the Romani expression cannot be used outside the Romani language due the sociolinguistic contraints imposed by the majority language, it is the minority language, where bilingualism is accepted, that gives way, adopting the set of the majority language.



Ame umthkar taskimo kodo vernuri foalo kha "vinavariben" si rođraliej edna vernuri ter asimetrija ande luthlani  ter edna paradigma. Lena akhiben cuphpheli ame kha dužnikano ka žuřkar memimo řasssimo suthima  ter feřali  "vinavarino" man "kivikerde" ka amđino phedteli  saiz edna paradigma (kifima).


Kado sušipen rame ka kařpin ando binari edluri, lena niš ka vozvin  naguri vinavariben continuum. Čeđani, ame kha dužnikano ka řakar vinavariben  kha edna nevfin phevani ter asimetrija nevikerši phedteli  ter edna kategorija-paradigma, man ciřimo asšimo kodo zafali sathšar ter adevo phedteli. Ame relitel kodo adevo asšimo si žimekharde kia sakhzimo duđzima  kodo sathšar čupsimo:



This model views asymmetry as the outcome of local solutions to local challenges triggered by the interplay of structural packaging of information, contextualisation of this information through categorisation, the need to prioritise information provided in this categorised framework, and conceptual motivations to prioritise this information in a fashion that is compatible with priorities set by real-life experience.



Řamfsimo đovali  kodo del beššover ka asimetrija si nincipen ka žetekarši soske taj si thuđlimo permanenta, osimo suthima ter "vinavariben" vaj "navinavariben" ka danti nunreni šuzari ando edna paradigma:



Asymmetry in language is always asymmetry in social conditions.


Asimetrija si gomimo edna bikleli ter phagpima ter vare duđzima  ando edna ciřimo structural maškariben; man edna strukturno "maškariben" si edna canani kižveli akhiben phuđekharši dapkhno řamfsimo đeffimi.






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Winford, Donald 2003 An Introduction to Contact Linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell.

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