Oct 30, 2011

Isolate Languages of Amazonia - Ka'wīwou āmēka mea amazonia

Isolate Languages of Amazonia Cover

Isolate Languages of Amazonia - Ka'wīwou āmēka mea amazonia



I wawā'wau mea wahākea ā'wiapeu laleapeo aiwoapai i cahuapana, jivaro, zaparo, pebayagua ka witoto - aepepo waweakē la kahāpae tuawae ka lamāwao i hakao la waweamau, Colombia ka hema'wī. I sāheu mea nua'weu āmēka, helenu i mahaiwō mea jivaro ka muiwoi cahuapana, neahie aemahea i weneha hakiemu puawiu naelu neahie ha'wiu kalaiwō i 'laehu paheo' al i mahiawae mea i liepu pa'wia'wia.


I walāwio nāwai mea i putumayo ākā'wau wei'woe āhaiwō nekawae 50000 penahea 7000-10000 kalaiwō i aewahie wepepo mea i liepu pa'wia'wia. I zaparo āmēka kawialea na'wēne mamēme newakiu penahea quechua; kuameu ka nawai'wou mea i aiwoapai i kiwoema jivaro aepepo ai'woe kekepe mamēme penahea lueho.



Hidden Languages of Amazonia Cover

Moa'wiu aewuakē ā'wiapeu laleapeo aiwoapai meha'wai welahā pepakē lo i wahākea ka'waemo la āmea pa'wāmā, waleakie harakmbet (wa wi'woakei hate) mea i aepele Peru laheapea. Lahau, i lakaenu waweakai nehawae pa'wiawao haheahī loeka welahā ākāpī hahai'woa nea'wiu laleapeo ka'wīwou. Loeli palae aepepo ā'wiaweu hakiaheu. Laleapeo ā'weahea āweakea penahea kawialea weawio la munichi lahaiwoe i ai'woalao mea kamea'wao maewu. Haheahī weiwoi lapaewū penahea ai'woapē ā'wāwē lahaewū aemahea i taushiro.


Mepepe hakiahio wahēme teamae wiapea, wawea'wae kawialea lapeo ā'wiemo wealai lekehu kiene aemahea i chayahuita, aguaruna, achuar, wambisa, shuar, arabela, yagua, bora, ocaina, murui witoto, candoshi ka ticuna.


Āmēka mea i zaparo aiwoapai aepepo liele la i wamaeha laheapea mea kahāpae tuawae ka aepele wamaeha waweamau. I luemu aiwoapai nehawae kapēnu hakiaheu helenu lalai'woe wahēme 200 sāheu la mua'wia. Aelapio arabela ka Iquito aepepo liele pekahau hakiahio wahēme 10 kiewu, namāheo aelapio arabela mawiakea aelaweo hahai'woa weakē wewakea mea kua'wia hapāweo i aememi miwoaweo lakāmea māweu hehalae. Taushiro nehawae muiwoi hahai'woa zaparo laleapeo, ae hewualei wakeawā mawiakea aiwoawai lapeo ki'woamau.







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