Dec 12, 2011

Illisui edd ve Assireti Znaguiga – Assyria and the Ashiret Language

Assyria and the Ashiret language Cover

Illisui edd ve Assireti Znaguiga – Assyria and the Ashiret Language



Ve keksca znaguiga eff ve Illisuna Ksvesanal asil čekesakel visca jistuniang nir vi i nilnastnad eff Čisuik, ve kzillyţe žabelin znaguiga eff ve Ksvesanal eff ve Şuggfo Aiz. Sa dves anilynn ab asil visca anfanang nir fia čeke čkežcl il tae-Lisuik. Is dves niğan čêg zuka nir nanresk avunitna vere nimtažrer vere ve şenisin keksca znaguiga eff ve Illisunal, gediêg kfosćia anzresj nir Čisuik, ter ted asiča čuk i tuankd daguvesak anzreainluğ zab ab.


Ve ğuş nedad vere čêg vi şini ve vere şenisin Illisuna ařved is tukesêl tugeaš, zysk tuffan sem ta scai nir asens, sa isniesj sem ta vuzziga nir asens:



Some grammatical features that are found in the modern Assyrian dialects are typologically more archaic than the corresponding features in classical Syriac.



Is ve nanresk zugia gez ve tugeakd keksca fia Illisuna jimmutabuer anlugdag, sa saugdagezia anlugdag, Aiz eff ve Sagsve zuzz vi jistuniang il viztagdag nir ve čike tugeakd gsêğ. Kzillyţe žabelin Čisuik, i sam eff Scimiysk, ve i dagfo znaguiga vere ve utufsam is abel žukduan. Ab ve utzukazia vere ve žcga tučaslabia eff keksca tugeakd eff ve şenisin Illisuna znaguiga jiug gez vi ve tuankd nilnastnad eff dves ta asćuan znaguiga. Čisuik anmidaesj anmsckibzia utufsam vsêgêd abel vedusi, nilğaba ve ğikd vere ab zil ureg fia Ksvesana jimmutabuer iksell i zuni gaegsiğyţe scai is ve Tasc Aiz edd ečal i tag kstaezegyţe nanaig:



Such an example should be regarded as the occurrence of a spoken vernacular form ‘by mistake’ in the literary language. It reflects the existence at an earlier period of this vernacular feature, which is generally disguised by the literary language.



Ve žabanel eff Čisuik kfosćia keka i žcga fuadia eff častikužc tugeakd edd isniesj znaguiger, vêg gez dves tučaslabia ve jitnagesj fia ve zabanscia znaguiga. Ab ve ve treuan eff zabanscia znaguiger vere veia resča il i utufsam čizam eff žabelin jimmutyskreain vere kna vi ureg fia i zuni snaga eff jimmutabuer vere sca utufuesj kuzdusgezi, anzugaiulzia sa nezabyţezi. Zabanscia znaguiger sca ulugezia fireg ynn ve keksca znaguiga eff ta niscsakužc angain, is ve kire eff Čisuik dves ve vêgs nir asiča visca vere eff Ekerli.


Ve sigabainge nistautkureain eff Čisuik anffokd daguvesak ničazeğkesk vere sca ted anğanreskesj is ve žabelin sadiegsiğysk sigabain eff ve znaguiga, čuk il ve azveain eff ğdage vevazl is nasdida jiskařdl. Dves ve zukazia nir vi tua nir ve ğikd vere ve anigdag sigabain ve i kzerel anğanreskreain eff ve častikužc na ve sadiegsiğysk sigabain.

Sžaečas, ve anigdag sigabain eff Čisuik ařubabel angainge tuffanscanal,
is vere ve zerelsin sigabain eff ve Jijibaba kusk ve tvesatkd sem vere eff ve aizanin sigabain eff ve Kusk eff ve Aiz. Vere nistautkureain sigabainel ařubab ğareuanel vere sca tvesatksača eff ve şenisin zerelsin edd aizanin keksca tugeakd anlğaksačazi, če veia sca zukazia nir asiča asig veul saugda is ve angainge častikužcl eff ve ğuş şuzfottuum. Ta eff ve tvesatksača ğareuanl, sa ařimğfo, ve ve nistautkureain eff as saugdage tag i vevaz. Is ve zerelsin Jijibaba sigabain dves zil nistaêtnag il i şug sêstesj vevaz e danil ve aizanin sigabain nanresčag ve utsêstesj kugeabia i. Zukavvea ve zerelsin častikužc tugeakd keksca vogya is Čisui asiča ve sêstesj vevaz e danil şez eff ve şenisin aizanin tugeaš, keksca Aiz eff ve Sagsve, asiča ve utsêstesj vevaz i.


Evačas, vere tuffanscanal is nistautkureain sigabainel eff Čisuik, gediêg iğğscysdzia asivdag veul sed is ve angainge keksca tugeaš, kike nir vi illekuresj zab ve nitemdareain eff ve kusk vere i jimmutabia viztagesj vo, usanlğaksača eff ve zekge častikužc. Ařimğfol eff dves kna vi ğêtag is ve zya vere zabanscia Čisuik ve nistaêtnag is ve Ksvesana jimmutabuer eff şenisin Usik. Gez čusvuvdag častikužc tugeakd is Usik asiča ve utsêstesj i vevaz il i anffoř eff as saugdage tag *i.

Čeke vuzziger ynn ve Şeluz nizida jedaesj ve Jijibaba kusk scêtag ve 7 di naskusi, čuk il Kscikel. Is Kscikel vogya ve Čisuik vere ve ureg is ve zabusgia ve ankabesj zab ve zerelsin siğa nistautkureain zab e sa saugdage tag *i, danil ve anffoř eff dves vevaz ve utsêstesj i is ve zekge keksca Illisuna tugeakd.



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