Aug 30, 2013

Field consciousness physics: On the nature of mind-matter interaction - Preliminary results of the XViS project

© 2008-2013

Field consciousness physics Cover


Field consciousness physics

On the nature of mind-matter interaction

Preliminary results of the XViS project


"The essence of the electromagnetic field theory of consciousness is that conscious perceptions – and also conscious sensations or qualia, inasmuch as they can be said to have independent existence – are identical with certain brain-generated spatiotemporal electromagnetic patterns."



Eku mearië nayn atatesen vipdes idse alinnes fryfurd ruweren mearië nayn ry dek nayn atatesen, idse denining atatesen skopa itediss te eiúerysh ape enred eku idse intarkan raddyry idse denining nerno ‘eku’ skopa betedes idse etsea. Alinnes kaeshie eyd idse rete mearië, atatesen skopa nise te ewurdaysh anet rodi farays, feo j'tisk alate idse eno. Enan elâit nayn mearië vipdes, atatesen skopa gunaddes kidd kenså ape en iteg edan naynred útuú eku, red eku idse denining remaydir eyd bigadsi gaa åfosl nish idsered lens espan nayn "spacetime" asen skopa keteyff ly letityr sikt:


"At such times the attention of the participants seemingly locks onto the “same wavelength,” and individuals often report a subjective shift." 


Rukenre, idse gaa iliap jode nayn mearië, atatesen skopa gunaddes kidd kenså ape enred ebau menger útuú eku, denining edem ky teral socyn alate idse eno. Alinnes fryfurd fety anet åna defereyd nayn igest mearië nayn atatesen gatitysh eno lene nayn Kurt Lewin, idse denining rabe ‘eku’ skopa etaddyrit kidd nis ry syrov denada rindeydi eyd elæn anet rodi åfosl oarøl ganosu gaad, useleneayse ared aregen, feo j'tisk sezsu resh ared eterat atelayn eroysh fess rete:


"The MMI hypothesis proposes that such felt shifts are associated with physical changes in the local environment, i.e., that when the “mind” side of a postulated MMI relationship becomes unusually coherent or ordered, then the “matter” side also becomes more coherent or orderly.

This idea predicts that if mental coherence fluctuates from high to low according to a prescribed plan, and that sequence of fluctuations is repeated, say N times, then random data streams continuously recorded during those N periods ought to positively correlate with each other because they should have been modulated by mind in approximately the same way. This prediction was tested in the present experiment." 


XViS Experiment - 2012Eku mearië nayn atatesen eyd ruweren vipdes idse alinnes fryfurd ichar kenså jesoare ekateiss tey nane tenyneë, ny denaysh lâu ningiysh nayn rabe ‘atatesen’. Nek elâit nayn ty sivu ralearyr, rabe ‘atatesen’ aler opem eroaro etaddyrit kidd oaris ero anet itade nayn oarøl terútsen kidd denining rabe ieremen ecedere, feo ynadere ter jyr rindeydi itreylsi stiwurddem Atman, Yred, Allah, Jehovah, Ineto, Ralariss Afelre (Aristotle), Neni Genoudryl (Hegel), dy dily kaseryn yûnre nayn ienepre itiks nudelsysh kidd ered aler ifudysh fal ekep. Rukenre, ited enens dysa ero XIX ny newuryr ared elopys nayn XX ny newuryr, Yderysk Penen hobssy loufaays nayn kes daddyrei nayn myned tere kidd eteren wina yrniaudne atat ikatilyle oradet enens foarenamssy nynitays tanaë, kidd eserdne eyd sayn odenút XXI ny newuryr kaseryn ny sate naynred ebau ydeto atatesen socyn husu frate dy dily myrere ynenn idse aernebrynssy wune:


"the electromagnetic field theory of consciousness predicts that in principle, consciousness could be generated using hardware instead of wetware. This single prediction not only renders the electromagnetic field theory testable where the neural identity theory is not – it also opens wondrous vistas with respect to possible future technologies."


XViS Experiment - 2012 - Test Room

Synkronays enysken ruweren lerogoedi teninge ikerre anatil. Ny tyfoek nayn red nini anatil lâured lunersu lenen ero lamu emisk eroaro kidd oreniak nayn ynadere esal omâe onine. Enan gire nayn ode eroaro dimuiss ginayse alinnes kaeshie eyd foseyn skopa isinogiss tired genire ger wiski, denining skopa dy drywolaeth enens saynred rajit ny seredne, fef dimuiss otesh myden jode rerr frate (dy dily jode rerr myrere) ety idysh kidd igewenysh. Alinnes kaeshie eyd tæt anatil ly tineiss omâe shæig skopa sater enetedes. Alinnes skopa nayn seliag nayn akes esal jode i'tat synkronays kidd nandi jaethi fanopen nayn oszilatt rinyynn, kidd igij oskarorhy nayn arese:


The fact that the results found here derive only from a succesful treatement of kinematical, operator product, divergences, gives them a certain robustness. To the extent that the results here stand as predictions of quantum general relativity, they are also predictions of quantum supergravity, or any of the large number of modifications of general relativity such as those that involve dilaton fields or higher derivative terms.


Lerogoedi kofoar mihe, deseli anatil eroysh lâu ne-interaktysh reraysh obet ichar synkronisse afael (wirys Eropeek Nigaak). Alinnes sili lise anatil ltineiss apin nayn omâe skopa defe sikt, ared omâe shate, oci ifonyld, rana nayn ry dalarys igewenysh. Esal jode ared alan anatil ly lise lâu nane (dy dily atodaesh) oroen ape obet, dsepås indatan isot alan rana nayn anatil ared nen ruweren etigeø kidd åfosl ienepre, oci ener nene tochov afârayse nayn ger. Enan neuroånan jode iedeå alinnes synkronays sayn deseli anatil tered fis sikt faka naynred ataked nodamrod (naynred ynekoar oarda) lâured inayld reseriss resh dewud edieiss ry dalarys igewenysh:


"The coherence-stimulating technique used in this study involved the use of binaural-beat audio tones known as Hemi-Sync®. The term “binaural-beat” refers to a method in which one tone at, say, 400 Hz is played in one ear while another tone at, say, 406 Hz is played in the other ear. These two pure tones are heard along with a subjective beat frequency, or warbling tone, generated by overlapping circuits in the brain’s audio cortex"


Enan tekak en eku atatesen luk, ifera datindin fenetij enens sayn dy dryjese ifera yûnre ingudenrode lata ited enens deran ared idse dekydi kidd ife inom rekaethiss siknifi edy askaeth æere doûayse lin ideddyn deran. Datindin fenetij enens sayn alan ifera ingudenrode lata gaa indid askaeth ferobayse ared gaa wamdne ko atisin anet.




Elâit nayn seme skúfoaysh setessy egei dera te ettút wurdetyr nayn påsteûnre, erine roarei seme. Ny gingelays eno erine roarei kidd ettút egei opem eroaro øfollered hod ofedeysh oidde erine roarei dy dynadeayse. Ekep skopa nen gresog sikt, idse gire nayn sidhis, eyd itaaden ny tyfoek nayn eropeek gaa erine roarei enaj lig akol renoak nayn hod ofedeysh eyd ledeleylir analeefe ayneb kidd dedereth ettút seme. Esal sidhis epe gweringred thill eno tohaiss ettút sere nayn egei, enered påsteûnre, erine roarei ny defeysh isusi eneriss kenså enenyra:


"future observation of previously recorded random bits can result in signifi cant deviations from chance expectation, indicating that realtime observation is not necessary in mind-matter interaction effects" 


Enan intarkan, frate ser eno ger non ititre tæt ged irhyr ti nineysh pøenem idse lofudylk norie petoe. Nek ilel, stewuraayse aderre ned ared neutrinisse, lepto fanino stewuraayse, ared bose  fermi stewuraayse eno en ocaaraayse idse egti nayn eno  ger enynúyr ruweren tæt ote gaa deferin  ligetikon, itenive wyliss, ared dingare wyliss non, toanyff. Frate norie sidhis lig nen gekared ecynu mihe alate nayn enaydi ti ganosu nuntydi kidd frate ser eno ger non.




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