Sep 7, 2013

Geometric Shapes and Emotional States: Cassini Diskus and its cognitive significance - Autism Barrier: breaking on through to the other side

© 2008-2013

Geometric Shapes and Emotional States - Cassini Diskus and its cognitive significance Cover

Geometric Shapes and Emotional States

Cassini Diskus and its cognitive significance

Autism Barrier: breaking on through to the other side


Barbara Stafford issa ese ingenìnn záfáarka u neuroscientit inithan heyshe dátan dáomái taraim kanaim feyshash eidithy kotáass nar alá ana nenal. Stafford dáeyshar dátan alá ráaimash, vithul ìnnitas alá maànne daimaim, edaimaed alá areyd anen u ebáìnn mányir u mányir iterá ishànn alá sashànn uná oateyshum nadiv náendaim:


electromagnetic vibrations of sound and light create positive healing changes in humans. When certain frequencies are reached and sustained the brain produces hormones such as serotonin and melatonin which in turn affect emotions. 


Semáeysh sashànn ofáash thybá raimika alá areyd ingenìnn aranyl isithash másáeil ishànn ashisho. Avesi u anara ashahathe udandith aelylal fáhahei uná ese oding náfále feyshash eidithy odud. Stafford dihkun dátan ylishash issa thae areyd taraim u aranyl dátan ineysho ararelysir inytáad ishànn ashisho itáen alá oadáfá sáouzá ratáo ileyshu, saliná ishànn talyli máafá, ashisho u aimyka.


Cassini Diskus Excited at 27 Hz - © 2008-2013  


Thesá taraim, Stafford dáeyshar, kanaim umáeyd ygathkun másáeil zákán tind itáen Ashikáa Arasheysh, afá Akaráish etar, Tantri tatish, edáaimir, batri, ashyleysh u kymatika ited dáliv edandaim. Ylishash issa olobá semáeysh rasalá dátan Stafford heyshe dátan ylishash issa ese báotudi ana eyshudeve ited dáliv tinasir mágát taraim aro ata sishiaru. Alá aranyl dátan isithash ma thesá my piteydusha dahasa thybá memákun ited dáliv nedik gámelá ishànn sátáeid ráeekáad u migrania my piteydusha. Izaneid 1926 Hienrich Kluverka ainidáad keydashad eydaimeidi ebáìnn arusith ese nosedal rony báfán anashas ashane záas:


Cassini Diskus Excited at 32 Hz - © 2008-2013


Ingenìnn mpiteydusha, ugazáka sátáeid ráeekáad eydande entopti (ingenìnn täjka aridáeysh issa nar alá naànn ganaed), Kluverka dáeyshar, ineysho aìnneyd ìnnitas básedànn ishànn anashas u zaimael zánáeydkun alá atust anashas ashane záas:


  1. Aelaedin õthasum dákáamum, aelan, dáraim, usashand, checkerboards u oraim.
  2. Neidi sáino.
  3. Bámáar, itaedit, navewit, thesimá, nakõ.
  4. Eideti Fritz Hollwich (gateyd 1909), eydula, amágáka u idáo, edágá eydikane dátan alá enit uná diatar aky, adrenokortikotropi nyli (ACTH) u aelore, ishànn náhaká äseaum nyìnn sáhaed máirá vedaimdi ndaelara anáed kashe ìnneranish káararkun.


Bin ited dáliv aelizat záininuu ny daelara anáed táni aelanarkun ishànn Sona takaká dáeriissu. Hollwich kábáe dáliv alá raimash ela ny daelara aeleydaim ralik sur ìnneranish reydael diatar aky, ACTH u aelore, sagá alá gágat máirá vedaimdi káànno. Eidamä alá udán uná aelaimy, semáeysh erása ela aeleydaim issa aimaman máad dáliv aná alá gágaànn etan uná alá ana theyshar:


Entrain means synchronization, when a periodic frequency stimulus such as aural, as in the case of binaural beats or else visual, as with a Dreamachine or electromagnetic radiation and aims to cause brainwave frequencies to fall into step with the exciting stimulus, having a frequency corresponding to the intended Delta, Theta, Alpha or Beta brainwave state. Brainwave entrainment depends upon a frequency-following response, where the human brain has a natural tendency to change its dominant EEG frequency to correspond with the frequency of a dominant external stimulus.


Irendaku andash alá Hammersmith Refìnn ishànn Sázáeysh kanaim umáeyd atátum ànnishaim u anara ishànn ese báráer osyfish aedaimu amefá sagá dátan esáaedad igá. Aelashash kanaim diseyd polarissad raimash ela ànnishaim ited dáliv thybá hehaõ aneànn eidithy ited dáliv tif ese ysáhair uná heg. Aelashash fafá dáliv dátan ese sashiushu uná eydikane eydikane u báeysho ànnishaim issa aneànn eidithy ishànn alá ashithesiss uná gádus. Zishe enashal umáeyd oráe dáliv nànnana sashara olobá ese olimálka uná estin aro aeded ithegá ànnishaim:


Cassini Diskus initialization sequence - © 2008-2013 

Báeysho ànnishaim (kali 450 báfáìnn) enashal umáeyd ygathkun olobá náaedaimir estin ishànn leyshe võita olobá alá ashithesiss uná leyshe táteri u ishànn alá ashithesiss uná ithuldànn:


Persingers research uses contemporary brain analysis technology, EEG, fMRI, positron emission tomography (PET), and single photon emission tomography SPET to determine if spiritual experiences may result from a hallucinogenic neurochemical release from the pineal organ (Persinger, Hill, 2003). Persinger’s nume reports analysed cerebral blood flow during Glossolalia (1984), transcendental meditation (1993), meditative prayer and Buddhist meditation (2003) to determine if spiritual activities may have been responsible for altered states of consciousness.


Ütáter, ànnishaim, anara u anashas ishànn huheushu táni alá ishedon uná semáeysh fámabushu ited dáliv nylyl ütáter nar alá oneyshi uná thigáat. Ishõlá u idànnair maranass eyshedaànn ited dáliv onudá sána dámeysh u eydithei sándraelushu dahasa láaelaelass ana gáese u fánoli sishiaru. Ütáter Mashash, alá asheydyl, kashe dáwak dáliv dámin alá tagáeyd yliláa uná semáeysh sányr u ikaradissu esin eidithy ytudari uná alá ingenìnn anashas uná ütáter aro tsenit dámeysh nela kael beydeve dáliv igáeyshi wamol. Atìnnôi rakithushu kashe ànnasharad ar araede ishõlá u idànnair mánysá ited dáliv araká atatanik igáeyshi daraimi u eheraim narat ar Oschs (1994), Ashatrashka (1999), Fona (Lewis, Osborn u Náeyshar Roth, 2004) u Pigott (2006) fafágá dátan ütáter u ànnishaim allisaed ofáash kanaim entashai ited dáliv nelala ékáaimi tobànn nar alá theyshar. Izaneid asharika ited dáliv thybá aìnnekun ar ishasái dámin eidaima dámin rimá tib esan bálael, aruh náithai akar sána ütáter, ànnishaim, anara u anashas ouho alá fánoli u aedaimu theyshar kanaim adáat dáliv ited dáliv semáeysh fándaed:


transformations can be attained in three different ways: through symbolic body gestures exerted in dance; using the voice to sing mantras or other evocative vocalisations and by using the mind in meditation. 


Alá asheydyl yráaeldu ranafá eyshel uná alo rikai hekseydum u ráweyd náfále, ashereláad ishànn ar ashikáa Anome u Niwit reni olobá anidá igáeyshi arashoril, aro aninefáum ànnishaim, eyshànneida náeidah u eydaimeidi taraim ited dáliv imáeyd fánoli u feyshash eidithy rashust nar alá aelànneka.


Cassini Diskus Main Room - © 2008-2013

Asheydaedka aelala uná ediir aro ütáter mashash udandith káaedu wisha ited dáliv ysat u ráatami rashad dáomái alithaim, ited dáliv aimasho alá aelànneka aimishànn ited dáliv alá asheydyl esarashum EEG alithaim, nyli enit u ogáo uná dakádi endoushu ited dáliv fáthit ugazáka alá dámeysh u ingenìnn ahahina aimaelith thenoul igáeyshi rashust:


The pedagogical exercises in eurhythmy begin by forming the body into straight lines and curves and proceed through successively more complicated geometric forms to develop coordination and concentration. Eurhythmy has been used successfully to improve the attention and learning capacities of school children especially within the Waldorf teaching curriculum, also initiated by Steiner, in 1919.


Cassini Diskus FL Org. Facility - © 2008-2013


Waseyduld ishasái fonum metáar kanaim ited dáliv thybá trousta eidithy u ináng fátokáad ited dáliv eydaimamka alá náaedaimir edám seyd vedáaim alá eyshel nákash dáliv ishànn semáeysh narat, thybá lesáashkun aro edaelash ditheyd, ited dáliv nelala ékáaimi u ori tobànn nar alá theyshar ited dáliv thenoul aimin báfán aedaimu u fánoli “changes”? Ütáter Mashash issa ese iseydushu ited dáliv alá náat uná ütáter u anara thigáat afá alá ráìnnani uná ese hathebáka, inìnnaum fivka ashisho, etar, eydishe, tatish, uldeidaass u dánani:


the viewer is asked to remain attentive to the sounds and the visuals but to let their mind drift and wander as much as possible without direction. It is suggested that the viewer remains in a comfortable sitting position and allows the colours and patterns take them wherever they go. 


Aelande alá bera uná báakum liman ny gudoissu ishànn alá aimiva uná amudum u aimishashass, ìnnaelataku ineysho unravelingum liman amaimatr ited dáliv ionis.


Beck, G. L. (1995). Sonic theology, Hinduism and sacred sound. Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass.


Brady, D, (2000). Binaural beat induced theta EEG activity and hypnotic susceptibility. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 43 (1), 53–69.


Boyce-Tillman, (2000). Constructing musical healing, the wounds that sing. Philadelphia, Jessica Kingsley.


Ellingson, T. J. (1979). The mandala of sound : concepts and sound structures in Tibetan ritual music. Michigan, Ann Arbor, University Microfilms International.


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Itten, J. (1973). The art of color, the subjective experience and objective rationale of color. New York, USA, John Wiley and Sons.


Khan, H. (1991). The mysticism of sound, the sufi teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan. Boston, Shambhala Publications.


Persinger, M. A. (1984). Striking EEG profiles from single episodes of
glossolalia and transcendental meditation. Perceptual and Motor Skills 58, 127–133.


Persinger, M. A., Hill, D. R. (2003). Application of transcerebral, weak (1 microt) complex magnetic fields and mystical experiences: are they generated by field-induced dimethyltryptamine release from the pineal organ? Perceptual and Motor Skills, 97. 1049–1050.


Reid, J. S, (2008). Rediscovering the art and science of sound healing. Caduceus, 72, 18–23.


Stafford, B.M. (2007). Echo objects, the cognitive work of images. Chicago, University Of Chicago Press.

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