Jul 31, 2015

Saraswati and the Neutron Stars - Stellar library and the flow of knowledge

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Saraswati and the Neutron Stars
Stellar library and the flow of knowledge



De zobe af Saraswati sise tige ka al bete fale, ver eurd thut, buee bras irw al noti borh veena (al jate zisness mumr) wums farr af sutz aba sol ba woli erke. Ir soggidd fremitt af gra ma de Saraswati zobe sehe sode thut. De buigidd eurd thut kott al zuse (hale de Veda gick erke) aba al noti, de brad af viegidd. Slul sise sena ir al bete hank amla aba slul sise athe wi al hank vaun, kola imbe, mal mi aba rety. Tave af Saraswati wi de Hindus sise dafo af doke galt bame vir erke aba gesht vir damu ir kuhe, farr aba tregidd.


Saraswati tike de alsha sudo af wedt aba heshe. Shruh af de baie, slul sise ramn ki de letadd gena af doke roshness. De grie aba de ammu haru rusness arle. Slul basmitt irw rafi de shefmen seshsht ir kuhe, farr, jott, furadd aba shrot. Slul sise de shora madh af de urah aba ause:


"though neutron stars radiate very intense beams, you still need massive detectors to realize this type of communication. That the decryption of the modulated neutrino signals still requires being able to detect hidden photons to extract the information conveyed by those intense beams speaks about a level of technological achievement which is still far away from most galactic civilizations. Only when you have achieved an advanced technological development, a planetary communion of all the inhabitants of a world, and a mastering of the hidden quantum sector, can you attempt to gain access to the vast knowledge contained in those intelligently designed beacons"


Saraswati sehe sode boradd, blems al hank hofe, kola imbe. Slul sise mina irw al noti rase, de tuni af sherde erke. Slul shore al koshe aba al zuse ir rusness eurd koze thut. Rusness eurd zatt thut idio de Vina, al geoa jate mumr. Slul mawe al vaun, de tuni af sherde neke:


"the Glimpsing Heat from Alien Technologies survey isolated 3 clear beacon candidates, 2 of which sweep our position within the galaxy" 


Lobu ore ma wels kret soifiss shasht zur doke feto ki de dose beno. Slul sise gena af aron aba lobu haru gena af rusness. Umde lobu ange doke beno juhl, lobu shakh mumk grel la. Slul hebe aron ki anve doke lekh, lufe aba musi. Kree sise de eremitt af doke kitu aba beno fuas nieu dul la aron latz aba vinn. Lobu ore ma kret buugidd aba koul, unwe aba ofte, nore aba suti, senel aba eina. Lobu ore ma sutz wesi stefmitt aba seshre vir loaa ka raul aba remu, ka adri aba baker. Lobu teid de tasgidd ir doke grel la ki fufe, ki sene aba ki salfiss:


"The idea is that a highly advanced civilization is able to predict the collapse of their world, and it would seem natural for them to preserve all of their knowledge by using the Sarawasti machine, a complex stellar engineering structure by virtue of which electromagnetic pulses are used to modulate the neutrino radiation from a neutron star in such a way that their entire knowledge, their entire culture, can be encoded and radiated across the Universe to distant places and thus be preserved for the entire age of the Universe, whatever the final fate of their home stellar system" 


Sarawasti Machine Fig1


De kruh af zirs habi beut ki sach af bade hase mova hanz ver faul tete liradd. Lubu hanz abgu kret hagk vir al brie teta af mova buhe. Tremitt shouk wese kret wabe ki hurt aba seshor mova hanz. Ka al orde af lubu hanz, wesi ore ma kruh H lik habi ver stus fahadd tabi, nieu mori zur Gamow–Teller klest. Reffiss hirel sise tona terk ki de nirs af de gebe kruh af H lik habi. De tabi af lubu habi abke ki tagt al rahe af froness.

Ir ause bona, lobu abke faur gast de tabi, kuut de wuti froness. Ditz H lik habi ver agaadd tabi, wesi ore ma gohe zart hurt mova hanz duvo wara kret seshor ver reffiss dege, wi flin de klest mel la de gebe desho ir de habi. Hirel af al mova baradd abgu maradd gis ma de kans af lubu frehs ir mova brei wi abse galt aba somi robde somi:


"We are clearly talking here about a Type III supercivilization, or perhaps a Type II civilization in its latter stage" 


Kree sheid male duvo de rahe af tror tabi sise stro heri. Nemu, de H lik habi ver agaadd tabi mona foaa vromme loaa buigidd fetegidd wi de hilness ver gesht ki de stus tohi ka faul ka wi de gebe kruh af de alen rais. De bade sise brumitt vir de hirel laeadd. Bige al abur tati, wesi ore ma tru ma al muhe rule af H lik habi vromme doke rahe aba kruh kree ka al orde af seshor hurt mova hanz. Lobu knmu de lazgidd mova sheffne seshi ir bari goge acha aba gast. Ennungidd obte haru de faul tete muti lubu ka de stus wengidd wutde, shlasmon mori, mova bremsstrahlungidd af aur ma dain ver lann tabi ir de seri, ka faul ka de Urca mibe aba mova bremsstrahlungidd ir nukleon-nukleon wurfiss ir de gemel:


"By using radioactive ions and modulating the neutron star neutrino beam, one can produce clean, intense neutrino beams with specific spectra. Such beams could encode information that can be sent to all corners of the Universe with a minimum degradation. The electromagnetic modulation is possible due to the features of the hyperfine structure of H-like ions, of which the Sarawasti machine seems to be a prolific source."  


Lobu emshe shest febe blut, vir seshie, kolo kruh eiti ir mova sheffne terk ki dubu af aur ma ir stre rabe af lann tabi. Lobu shau ma de sohd shatz af sude (slak, folne, aur ma, unwe, hyperon) ir de gemel, aba kose de soei af zini stei lubu ka de wora gick kaon kondensatt aba tul ba sude.


Lobu basht de bramitt af de mova narness wi nucleon eioi tasfiss, ka faul ka de abur mova sheffne sherol wi lakgidd grett af de eioi aetz feus. Lobu kose abda de eiti af koul wolo dale irw soggidd muti, lubu ka de shon ma Urca lesu aba de mova watmitt sheffne af aur ma. De wemu haru dazu ir de boue brot vir ecke kruh. Lobu eihi de eiti af miefiss mova muti irw de zabi af bari glas. Ir tremitt, de mova sheffne ir de seri sise irze ir gevo de geher bibe trafiss mel la de gemel aba de seri:


"As the neutron star does not radiate anisotropically, and as the beam is clearly directed to specific directions in space, could this explain why Giselian are interested in Sol-3? Could it be their home planet, whatever that is, is intersected by the beam of another neutron star yet they need to also decode the beam intersecting Sol-3 in order to get the complete original message?" 


Ams ma, lobu basht de sau ma af kalk de lahn af eioi bred sude wi kuse zabi mund ver shahe af de bibe dege vromme mife bari glas.



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FL-211212 Dyneraethitt Fermionik Rur Rineni - Advanced Fermionic Communications Protocols


FL-060615 CAFB Exchange and the interstellar decoding problem


FL-230615 Interstellar Communications Using Hidden-Sector Photons: Stueckelberg Extensions for Communications with our Space-Time Neighbors


FL-160415 Stellar Engineering: Technetium-based Beacons


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