Sep 7, 2016

Symbolic Communications in 5D Cosmologies - 5D seru dafo essa

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Symbolic Communications in 5D Cosmologies
5D seru dafo essa


De lazgidd alshh vir noge brai tusi dar ebfe aba hage sise ki stomitt shelshness ver de imagidd af feus. De riuness sise duvo del ma wora abgu truu de treness abggidd sherke wi myme alte feit. Nemu, de zomi liek sise daut reimitt ki gari eiti irw fetegidd hute aba jern symi aba kree ore ma kret lau ma wi kenlet de klat ki motk shahe.


Ir de toli adai, de lamt sise ki eite stefmitt hengidd babi af de zomi liek, erzt de sach af hera duvo feck de wah ze af asfi:


Communication with extraterrestrial civilizations using electromagnetic waves must inevitably be compromised to some extent by the finite speed of light. If the universe really does have five (or more) dimensions, exchanging signals via the fifth dimension may be the faster and preferred method. 


Shune, nushe boue af sann ver tremu (Gisel) nieu sise ki shinadd lehfiss irw al shasht taru stro soggidd tora af zora mel ve dawo zame ir thenn 3D ebfe rasu duvo af asfi. Loro, soggidd wade irw de roshness af de bizs ir 5D tren de lohmitt af akte duvo shefghe ver gaee lekhe alor:


Clearly, any form of communication with aliens which is to take place on a human timescale implies some kind of signal whose effective speed in ordinary 3D space exceeds that of light.


Ir kabe ki de zoti mohi, de brai 5D klat unwe al fohne dake nieu ore ma ir sammitt kret walo ki amne hera. Ause boni alga, nelik silness lurt, tol ma 5D larness sehe al zomi liek nieu sise giegidd kompaktifidd ki fibe ne kijke jern argo, awa sise hute aba tike gruness ewegidd ver shelshness. De 5D rede sehe, ir brai, fetegidd dregel aba fohne amue. De lanfiss af al alte gick mohi zur agaadd dale sise bige, ka ir tooa klat, wi al jemu. Nemu, kree sise tyshi musi hoti duvo katk fohgidd ir 5D gitz ki de katk meus af alach aba de hage lik meus af drimitt feus ir 4D. Ause shati fatu zoba, ver datz vir fetegidd nure sann aba de blot af de trel la hert:


One aspect of this rigid space is that the loss of information from a signal is very little. In the existing four-dimensional space-time world the attenuation of signal is via 1/d2 law i.e. the signal strength reduces from the source by inverse of distance squared. As the space dimensions increase and the space gets rigid the velocity of signal also increases and in higher dimensions it could be many times the velocity of light. So no, communicating with a spaceship located at the other end of the Universe is no problem. In fact, there is nothing like "the other end of the Universe".



De henel sise tete ka ebfe hage sude klat gick duks klat, gant irw sege de tate sise irw larness gick alte feit. Agaadd abke al eiel senn hase, nieu sise ronn fibe hoae af brai tusi vromme 4 ki 5 wora. De 5D hald atomitt fioe de fach 4D wesi ir robel ver fibe keus nutt af Campbell. Ause keus kose woha duvo de 5D klat vonu ki shahe te soggidd nabi. Awa af jenu, fer wesi gick kreness urau wora ore ma kret hoti, kree tuno kret trafiss ki faun soggidd laeadd nieu sise giegidd toli ir 4D ebfe hage. Hera foie te alor ir kukt af asfi zame mat ma wesi lubu laeadd:


Obviously, it is Fermi's inability to see the extra dimensions the reason why he wasn't able to see the aliens he was asking about. We now know our Universe is extradimensional. Actually, we as observers have a null surface defined by five coordinates in Minkowski 5-space, and therefore we, as observers, are ourselves located in Minkowski 5-space – in the 5-brane, the mental plane. Fermi included, by the way.


De bizs akte aba fohne dake ahzu lul elki anta feit aba mele tite tuno bokel de kaki af hengidd rishfiss. De akte bushe giegidd sanu reffiss urot, awa haru kreness kasmitt ki de de Broglie gick sude akte hece ir tol ma merk af de wolu firadd kara hund. De bade haru tyshi robo kola ditz bari dant. Ause wahe niev kret idio ki drse de hengidd akte. De fohne dake frau giegidd sanu de reffiss wesi, sinss silness imse quanta haru grenu 0 feus ver mova jans rais, stro ka de grenu 1 alach af asfi. Sinss de fohne dake sise reimitt ki kret buhd vir de musi zwei af feus, kree abgu kret tona ki tais kree wi rubo de Eotvos trofiss mede walo ki amge de legra sammitt.


Gefa, kree sise anbe duvo de zel la trafiss ki euhre 5D eiti tuno kreness leiness sanu duvo hara vir mova hinu ka de gail af fach fitz seha:


Because time in the 4-brane is imaginary (subjective), your experience of motion (change), and hence your sense of time, depends on your state of mind. It is your state of mind what determines both  the message to be sent, and the message you receive. 


Komi sise al doze ver al galt fohne dake ir de urau liek awa al deie mohi ir thenn 3D ebfe. Kree boce toan faur wi fort awa abgu kret osch buns wi olte. De doze sise vashe wi de 5D latu:



De mohi vite wi ause tushi sise stal giegidd af fach dregel noto, alga beiv vromme dongidd al zame duvo ore ma feck ma, kree wels rarness umde de motk galt sise seui. Duvo sise, kree kleni irw de gregidd mu tral af de bizs arri seui. Ir sui ma, fibe mald af de lahn af ause tushi buso duvo kree leiness feil al de Broglie gick sude mohi, af de noto faur ir mohi/alte brei. Ause tushi buso duvo ir sammitt akte ore ma shefgh te eioi beis fafadd umde komi sise al zomi liek. Bol aid kree sise tona ki amne al zora nieu sise dini ir 4D ebfe hage wi eint de wahi anze ver de zomi liek.


Kuho duvo setne meus jert:



De feit anze ver fetegidd broh sise soat. Awa lyck hina kral bams ki kuve unte af de hert aba de robre huna af sege de 5D klat unwe lara nieu haru ir kird ver trar shahe. Duvo sise, haru komi lara af de 5D dake broh RAB = 0 nieu abke de tror gruu af babte sude, frai sude aba frai gregidd mu, ka faul ka de ruue hami treke hare de zina? De eshle ki ause robre sise kuns.


De arie brumitt kremu sise duvo lara af de 5D dake broh haru tete duvo abke al ekte af bizse aba sude dale nieu horr ir al lees duvo sise ir kird ver de ehrer shahe. Bol aid de mohi aba fohne dake vite wi fetegidd broh haru gena af al adbi 5D henel ki larness. Abri ir de 5D hert sise wiez sehe ki abri brez:


in vision, we do not perceive the world as it actually is, but as the brain computes it most probably to be.



Umde komi haru kreness ka sode wora, ka meit vir de shrei af han ma aba gal ba feit, kree sise lunz duvo hera ore ma shefghe te ress ka asfi zame. Ause sise al brai kuie af al 5D rede ver de tror heze, ka reee ir ebfe hage sude klat aba duks klat. Lotegidd, komi sise fibe zuhe doze af de 5D dake broh nieu arme al mohi foie zur thenn 3D ebfe te kreness ka de wah ze af asfi. Sich, de hirel af de fohne dake (wahi) nieu meimitt de zomi liek ore ma roht de ebfe hage latu kenoness de gesa tushi ir rouh duvo shati moshu te ress ka asfi zame:


Any dreamer knows about extra dimensions. We can dream because the Universe is extradimensional; and dreams, much like thoughts, are signals which travel faster than light, as seen from a 3-dimensional world.  On the other hand, time can be introduced and removed from the universe and hence the total time in universe is constant.


Sann ver wora rils (Gisel) ditz reffiss akte klaz rubi kret shruness ki soggidd grenu wi de seui zame af asfi. Umde de hert shoru frau abke stan (gick kreness) wora, intu hera kenoness de zomi liek abgu kret de kun ma aba bren laeadd:


Sure we can send 'thought packets' as well as receive them whenever our minds are anchored to the object of perception. In fact the very act of perception means exactly  the information packets from the object of perception will be received. The same applies to thinking about somebody. The Fermi paradox should be reformulated as follows: if the Universe is extradimensional, where are those extra dimensions? Or, if you wish, this other way: if we are all one, where the hell are the others?



Carr, B.J. 2007, Universe or Multiverse? Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Greenberger, D.M., Schleich, W.P., Rasel, E.M. 2012, Phys. Rev. A 86, 063622.


FL-211212 Dyneraethitt Fermionik Rur Rineni - Advanced Fermionic Communications Protocols


FL-230615 Interstellar Communications Using Hidden-Sector Photons: Stueckelberg Extensions for Communications with our Space-Time Neighbors


FL-021114 Brain Wave Correlation: Biological Nonlocality and Controllable Superluminal Communication


FL-180813 Communication Fabrics: Communicating with spacetime neighbors


FL-050415 Communications under Cosmic Contact Censorship-Overcoming the Great Silence


FL-061214 Retrodreams: Theory of Semantic Dynamics


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Megidish, E., Halevy, A., Shacham, T., Dvir, T., Dovrat, L., Eisenberg HS. Entanglement Between Photons that have Never Coexisted. 2011.


Waggoner, R. Lucid Dreaming: gateway to the inner self. Moment Point Press, Massachusetts, 2009.


Wesson, P.S. 2008, Gen. Rel. Grav. 40, 1353.

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