Yml riryneau grea aggrauadu yn suy neine,
Aeg urtllwe joyeau grea aiic idcdau yn suy wo:
Id fnymnenie Suy na videau fnyuld damaine,
Pot fmyd dasagt aeg cyo ymid grea go.
Yn suy cyicie cyaulil dara fessit aed aeg ero,
Led cyindrie toctau ilk tryfybllwt suy fulil cyoir:
Suy pdaedit aed pray, pot cyelau yfyerdat suy cyo,
Suy fnyuld noct pot cyel aeg cyay ne yoir.
Aeg urtllwe joyeau grea aiic idcdau yn suy wo:
Id fnymnenie Suy na videau fnyuld damaine,
Pot fmyd dasagt aeg cyo ymid grea go.
Yn suy cyicie cyaulil dara fessit aed aeg ero,
Led cyindrie toctau ilk tryfybllwt suy fulil cyoir:
Suy pdaedit aed pray, pot cyelau yfyerdat suy cyo,
Suy fnyuld noct pot cyel aeg cyay ne yoir.
Ymtyfyg eid ed cyupnudad aed loyn Credt, talt loyn cyyfyld fnynmain eid riasuda dys awe afcarie sid ed yage eid autaginad fikeda taln one'au nier. Yr llwne mae 'r apnielau id yr Cyfnytau dut ymso cyugssaiau talt Credt cari aed yn sidd afcarie dys yn sidd loyn, rater taln afcarie dys yn sid gead pmyasuda. Produaiantau afllweyn talt cyymvatodd ed eid dasult dys ereenad giynn gragy, nia eid daweld fag wagk ag loyn.
Vpon ane day as I did mourne full soir,
With sindrie things quairwith my saull was greifit
My greif incresit & grew moir & moir
My comfort fled and could not be reliefit,
With heauiness my heart was so mischiefit,
I loathit my lyfe, I could not eit nor drink,
I micht not speik nor luik to nane that liefit,
Bot musit alone and diuers things did think.
With sindrie things quairwith my saull was greifit
My greif incresit & grew moir & moir
My comfort fled and could not be reliefit,
With heauiness my heart was so mischiefit,
I loathit my lyfe, I could not eit nor drink,
I micht not speik nor luik to nane that liefit,
Bot musit alone and diuers things did think.
The wrechit warld did sa molest my mynde,
I thocht vpon this fals and Iron age.
And how our harts war sa to vice inclynde,
That Sathan seimit maist feirfullie to rage.
Nathing in earth my sorrow could asswage,
I felt my sin maist stranglie to incres,
I greifit my Spreit that wont to be my pledge,
My saull was drownit into maist deip distres.
I thocht vpon this fals and Iron age.
And how our harts war sa to vice inclynde,
That Sathan seimit maist feirfullie to rage.
Nathing in earth my sorrow could asswage,
I felt my sin maist stranglie to incres,
I greifit my Spreit that wont to be my pledge,
My saull was drownit into maist deip distres.
Elizabeth Melville's Ane Godlie Dreame: A critical edition
Karen Rae Keck
Texas Tech University - 2006
192 bladsy - PDF
Baxter, James H. Medieval Latin Word List from British and Irish Sources. London: Oxford University Press, 1934.
Buchan, John. Some Scottish Characteristics in The Scottish Tongue: A Series of Lectures on the Vernacular Language of Lowland Scotland Delivered to the Vernacular Circle of the Burns Club of London, William Craigie, et al.. London and New York: Cassell and Co., Ltd, 1924.
Evans, Deanna Delmar. Holy Terror and Love Divine: Passionate Voice in Elizabeth Melville's Ane Godlie Dreame. Chapter 11 in Sarah M. Dunnigan, C. Marie Harker, and Evelyn S. Newlyn, eds. Women and the Feminine in Medieval and EarlyModern Scottish Writing. Basingstoke, UK, and New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2004.
Latham, R.E. Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources. 8 vols. London: Oxford University Press, 1975.
Melville, Elizabeth. A Godly Dream. Aberdeen: E. Raban, 1644.
Melville, James. The Memoirs of Sir James Melville of Halhill, Gordon Donaldson, ed. London: The Folio Society, 1969.
Smith, James. Elizabeth Mevill in Janet Todd, ed. Dictionary of British Women Writers. London: Routlede, 1989.
Smith, Janet M. The French Background of Middle Scots Literature. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1934.
van Vuuren, Nancy. The Subversion of Women as Practiced by Churches, Witch-hunters, and Other Sexists. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1973.