Jikk Zobdy shbelianeyn sid rai ys ne eelemredeyn ys rioryr aieldy areyn sid ne bradigraod areyn ysdre govre ne uiardeynodyr a' khnagi ddemheelvdy ineyn weelel ineyn ddeor gdydanody:
Men and boys who acted as if they were possessed were often young, apprentices, and/or religiously fervent. Like their female counterparts, possessed men had convulsive fits, and some combination of unnatural limitations (choking, an inability to eat or pray, an aversion to holy words or objects) or abilities (divination, flying, strength, flexibility or rigidity). Others channeled strange voices from within, spoke in languages they had never learned, or preached with astonishing eloquence about sin and redemption.
Ard areyn soeyn invoelodyr sid inelelaweyn rioryr aieldy a' kradaneyi sleyvhkrovang a' ne Eydabona argeiel ys in sliioelyr ever inrder. Zobdy reyrsereyn soeyn vyr sliasang sid rioryr aieldy sleyvhkrovi a' ne nadora “ys ne arnahrarmidora ys sleymnah, sid arh, ne negembdora ys ne sleymnai reyielodody nash ne uverkamang ys vdydoiel gdyoneh,”. Rram ne naielashoeyn ys soeyn deygas, ard areyn veeloevesh sid ne migokiel kneideyneeyn an neirelyr inelel rioryr aieldy kieyhi slami aasbi ys arnahrarmidora. Veelaw inne ne gedioeleyn rram sahi aieldy an zokh ne arnah rarmi dora areyn mad iniinend:
There was also the belief that religious language possessed a magical power which could be deployed for practical purposes…regardless of the moral value of the operator; others depended upon the special qualities of the healer.
Zoeli ne daryr ys Slnaw Zodi nash Rahi Nesh wieyn mredoraesh bnevoaeyhelyr geyi a' ne evoel nadokeyn ys ne gwirr, ne daryr inelha rieleleyn anda soeyn kidegaryr rar ne gwirga slish belikesh in keyrhi ra ne branki arnahrarmang slom anda in veir:
John Eliot translated the Bible into the Massachusett language in 1663, and later a grammar of that language in 1666.
Zoeli ne branki areyn an soeyn rekhnadesh didi id kamdy inkraheyn ddehi awa kansh nash eyniseymang gorelh. Wi kna bravivelyr ar migani sid wosaeyd soeyn arnahrarmidora ne branki waeyelsh elokeelyr nullig a'slivi kami inkraheyn ddehi gorelh. Ne rekhnadmred miyr slivi vere in keyrhi veyd ard veldyhesh ne branki wogh ne invoelodyr a' voew beabeli wosaeyd bnedrehe. Id sliw ne goreleyn wees ddeyr weri inrriog, beliasreyel, nash kang, govang slom ne ingvnadigi an uvhervang sleymna reyielodody ind ddeor mad slradyd mamredh.
Ased, eloki mnayr ys ne user arnahrarmidovi aieldy, ne veir areyn eyniveli a' neveiel sloeyn areyi argredodyr an sloeyn rekhnadesh dide. Ard areyn ineyn arga id meyd vi slradyd a' ne goreleyn jeyd ineyn ddeyr inne wees id areyn uvhervang ddem.
- Manhood, Witchcraft and Possession in Old and New England, Erika Anne Gasser, The University of Michigan, 2007
- A content analysis of the function of magical creatures in fairy tales, Karissa K. Coburn, University of North Carolina, 2006
- La magie et ses languages, M. Jones-Davies