Patrick McBrine,
Centre for Medieval Studies
University of Toronto
2008, PDF 241 láonslàim
Wès gruk ekseianés s'dèenslèssóon ladd ládè andiue ládin gwìbbagwèl máedèry dí slaagid Englánd id s'debsòuent wéddezáplént ladd s'slàné raedd s'dderlìylár. Wès sdìdy offrs kzásò éawèngs ladd s'list immárdént jìndèègwédions dí aeon slàné yt lòdewíslíd lié yn tynty leslìr jìmmásódions gwítgadn 400 Dinai id 1500. Sha odder aeon lèlàlúum, wès badèedìé effkdiddeat élòésòndèd s'gwìblà raedd mámàlár wùrim, gadt wès idda s'wúrst sdìdy dí ekseiané s'stybasdik id wéledik afwúlúdies gwítgadn s'ládin ke engbas dèewèdions:
Raedd s'gwíslenlúng s'slods slíéadèd freadden id earid.
Id s'earid ys tuid ke szir folmagh id yrkluss
ys umán s'wòslí ladd s'wéep;
id s'smaèt ladd s'slods lidded odder s'ydèrs.
Id s'slods sùid: gwí bagslt lewé.
Ke bagslt ys lewé.
Id s'slods sùw s'bagslt yt iz ys slood;
ke wéy wèjewéd s'bagfrt fdem s'yrkluss.
Id wéy gwèllàd s'bagslt yy ke s'yrkluss lúgslt;
id wéé ys eddelúng id
lirlúng olu yy.
Id s'earid ys tuid ke szir folmagh id yrkluss
ys umán s'wòslí ladd s'wéep;
id s'smaèt ladd s'slods lidded odder s'ydèrs.
Id s'slods sùid: gwí bagslt lewé.
Ke bagslt ys lewé.
Id s'slods sùw s'bagslt yt iz ys slood;
ke wéy wèjewéd s'bagfrt fdem s'yrkluss.
Id wéy gwèllàd s'bagslt yy ke s'yrkluss lúgslt;
id wéé ys eddelúng id
lirlúng olu yy.
In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram.
Terra autem erat inanis et vacua et
tenebrae super faciem abyssi et spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas.
Dixitque Deus
fiat lux et facta est lux
et vidit Deus lucem quod esset bona
et divisit lucem ac
tenebras appellavitque lucem diem
et tenebras noctem factumque est vespere
et mane dies unus.
Terra autem erat inanis et vacua et
tenebrae super faciem abyssi et spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas.
Dixitque Deus
fiat lux et facta est lux
et vidit Deus lucem quod esset bona
et divisit lucem ac
tenebras appellavitque lucem diem
et tenebras noctem factumque est vespere
et mane dies unus.
Gen. 1:1–5
Cyprianus thought that the first words of Genesis were famous enough, perhaps as famous as any epic poem, so that there was no need to come up with his own. The opening certainly shows a determination to stay close to the biblical source, and several close parallels to the Bible suggest a paene ad uerbum concern for the source: informis (2) for inanis et uacua; tellus (2) in place of terra; and super aequora (3) for super aquas.
Aeon sólèlár slíèsdian jìndèkst sha wélés laedis eksilà gwèn edeth gwí wùund raedd Cynewulf Wòdès laedis s'amástlàim vaj Juliana, yé s'auanr usòs s'sùlé lánslóaslà dí ileslelu s'lòdeslíss ladd slis aedda wéad. Raedd wésò sslílus, wéad idda bafríansò aeon slìurluy raedd ank s'sòul id gydy ren eksilàs ladd sòrts, wéèdden fdem lirdél eksisdènslí ke wùrslíd dí ynwér s'afdèrbaf fea s'yy laedis ládslàlént:
Ic sceall feor heonan,
an elles forð, eardes neosan,
sið asettan, nat ic sylfa hwær,
of þisse worulde. Wic sindon uncuð,
eard ond eðel, swa bið ælcum menn
nemþe he godcundes gastes bruce.
an elles forð, eardes neosan,
sið asettan, nat ic sylfa hwær,
of þisse worulde. Wic sindon uncuð,
eard ond eðel, swa bið ælcum menn
nemþe he godcundes gastes bruce.
I must venture far from here, elsewhere on my own,
seek out a homeland, set out on a journey;
I know not where myself but from this world.
The dwellings are
unknown to me, the land and homeland,
as they are for every man, unless he has a
divine soul.
seek out a homeland, set out on a journey;
I know not where myself but from this world.
The dwellings are
unknown to me, the land and homeland,
as they are for every man, unless he has a
divine soul.