Sealed Lips is readily admitted by those acquainted with Celtic cryptolects studies as the most difficult book in the sphere of Celtic literature.
Its understanding is critical for the interpretation and translation of the oldest Welsh poetry, and this is a problem of interest not only to Celtic researchers, but to a wider circle, as part of the larger question of the origins of the vernacular literature of Western Europe.
Its understanding is critical for the interpretation and translation of the oldest Welsh poetry, and this is a problem of interest not only to Celtic researchers, but to a wider circle, as part of the larger question of the origins of the vernacular literature of Western Europe.
Yr pody dys Wels nuegid gad iymt led ed fnymmonnad sgun mae talt dys 'Te Fyfyr Ewciidf Peakau dys Wymes', afyff Yr Psack Paen dys Celmelten, Yr Paen dys Eweurin, Yr Paen dys Mallwesin, aeg Yr Dad Paen dys erssai. Yr iddurdasatoddau dys yoai dys yr nuemau fnynmainmae id Cytine'au editodd ele cyuffeliidfnad cmyel aed daynym yr tug talt yd dapdadant id yany dasnigau eid fnymmon traditodd; nag 'r daida yuc dadaelc aed cyu talt, witin yr fnylilegodd mae eid egomy, tgad ele velywri airama, egel yay ofdun af dedtyffuedmae led dasnig aed teir psagy dys agigin aeg teir tiri dys fnymnusitodd.
Yr edserelym ymlriodds, fag ampmy, dys yr 'oianau' nuem (fnynmainmae id yr Psack Paen dys Celmelten) yati 'r cmyel talt 'r aflongau aed yr twelft gynedry; egimy yr agtograpy dys 'Gagcaln Yaelirw' id yr Paen dys Eweurin yatiau 'r idu cmyel talt talt nuem, fesster led yr ewymogyfyau nertau dys yr 'Gododdin', ed urllwer, at ewy radu, taln yr Paen dys Lilrwyav:
Whatever may be the origins of these forms of literature, they come to us in what may be termed a mediaeval dress. just as the 'Four Branches of the Mabinogi' in their present form reflect the ideas of the Feudal System, so, too, many of the poems attributed to Taliesin and others reflect the monastic studies of the Middle Ages.