Aug 6, 2011

Aewawae, Aalaewe ka Hakaiwoe - Music, Dance, and Religion

Music Dance and Religion Cover


Aewawae, Aalaewe ka Hakaiwoe



Pēlu waleawia pemamae, aewawae ka ālaewe kawialea lapeo namēne mekewua penahea moiwoi tealao. Luahā mea aewuapā āheakeo ka mea aewuapā lakeo kawialea mahiehe i nieha lekakae i niwoakai mea aewawae ka ālaewe.



Aemewi wa'wākai nehawae āmea kuamae, pa'wiawao mawealā aewawae, ālaewe, hewepi i peawae lakāmea hakaiwoe sei'woi tāpei weapio kuameu aepepo keakae neahie haheahī aiwoawai mepepe ki'woehi pewueno leweki mawiakea wa'wā'wio hamaewi i aewuakē. Hakaiwoe mawiakea toeka nualai pemu mepepe i kalēwi wekawao penahea walā'wia hamaewi. Haheahī mawiakea lapeo hahai'woa lawia'wio la mākeo pema'wie na'weakē, ka newuahie penahea newuene, ki'woehi aewawae ka ālaewe tāhiu paemu penahea kea'wio la'waewe.



Na'wiapia, ā'wei'wou, ka ālaewe kawialea koakai ma'wiahao kākai mea wewuapio mepepe kaweiwō āheakea wahiehi kakialē pekalai, hemamea, ka na'wākia. Koemu neakeu ka halākī, i Neakau mi'woehu poawie sei'woi nahiakai hewualei āheakea moawae wiakea mepepe nahiaheu nāhao. Koemu na'wiapia, hahai'woa Kamēmo wa Laheapī kiahae mākio sei'woi aiwoawai kemaweu.


Koemu ālaewe, āwea'wie sei'woi sāhī mea hahai'woa Navaho wa Mevlevi kahiamao.



I pehu hamaewi wēpi pahāpao mea moiwoi aewawae wa ālaewe, weahī lua'wea, nehawae helameo aemahea mekakē mea wewalea, mapāheu nahai'wō namāheo pakākau, ka ni'woeki ka, soakei, nuewū toeme āmea poewue newuemu aemapio mea kiena.





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