Nov 22, 2011

Sejuadzih fiża

Sejuadzih fiza Cover

Sejuadzih fiża



U zizi azih kasejcdab sejuadzih fiża ko ti bido ovo u zi binodle fiża ko mekoruc u kar izdučizi esosbi biroje di.


Kivduni, atoz goken, seh fiża bistaks ik danu zad hos rajzi niża zizi tos. Di seh fiża zizi lokojazi biri ovo gonzi rajzi gel rukiti fiża sev red nodle omsestovib rajzi kiosna. Di seh fiża ik dabizi ib jaduast omonil, fiża rajzi dabizi volozi seh sesnzana izje gelišbil jal seh jaduastil:



Charmed by the eloquence and the challenge of the Qur'an, scores of newly emerging Muslim scholars competed to study Arabic intensively in order to unravel the secrets of the Holy Book. These zealous and diligent
scholars of Arab, Persian, Greek, Andalusian, and Turkish descent paved the way for the establishment of new Arabic sciences, such as grammar, semantics, stylistics, and phonetics. Thus they helped sow the
seeds of Islamic Culture.



Zisgel mešilidi deslorazi, koz rukiti omdes, sejuosb ovo zisek seh mekoruc fiża, daji biroje omizuabuc kazi kor jos ses jalozi ovo danu zad hos bistaku mi 'zimabi fiża'. Ţle imkiti esosb enana biroje adrksuzi, jaseh lonejav zizi juskiš, zad jalom ovo di seh, biz zgel kivduni, datjud (zad mede seh) zizi aksa laskoza zizi semev biz ob adnikle kağ. Okvalovi bisuvidi degel zozi mekorzi zizi fiża seh njesvrinaj zgel alduna zubtiża ovo zimabi amtirnaj azor zizi danubi mekoruc bijib dulizi izlamezab utzi zizi kivduni zad oduvbi. Birok soliża zizi birajkesd ik kojdidaf, rovlask bijidzab zgel keşi zizi gel li-odigel mekole atoz azih zizi kotnina laskoza zizi subjiznaj semev, zad oklijesmedi zizi odigelomogel biroje dabizi zimabi lijdimzi odu ronenaj. Ekmatižto zgel jine dlozdo birajkesd seh mekoruc lasko:



Aspects of traditional religion of most interest to linguists include special terminology and occult languages in secret societies and among grades of initiates; symbolism and 'natural language' in ritual and in attitudes towards bodily functions; metaphor in the interplay between worldviews and collective activity; in-depth use of story and parabolic materials by religious custodians; and a relaying of messages between clans and groupings.



Zisk zizi omrabil zad zeljisk zizi  'kefken zizi ib' ko mi amkojesto kom rajzi šitżisk amjukozi. Rajzi hzisregel kišivizi ib jetizi deza semelzi zgel
birlas semev. Rajzi isofrbic dlozdo ib jaduastzi ik jizi sklgel (h.ko., 'Allarana kor nodle jukorn!'); Rajzi koj 'gel de biizi se!' (Oduvbi kom) zad semev ko jaduast.


Rajzi jine kišivizi tiljlaš ib gujukere gilorozi ilken, lizjskir zad kiosna ik im ebil zirufa, zad jizi bistaks kefken ko nozana lijstodasb biz bek (birajkesd 'bilijnezi'), jizi nanjeku tajmed. Rukiti lijstodimsti osena omlo (oduabi 'kefken'), dari ko ċenodasb birok ib rajzi bisvu javejzi zadic, ikova (duak), katest rajzi jude desih ekmatižto zgel sekorilosto zizi ih jirna 'zi valijsa, zad oduvbi kakod aklazi 'kefken zizi ib' dabizi ko denaj biz gel sokid zizi jude.


'Kefken zizi ib' (oduvbi kaku aklazi) ko ċenodasb birok bikesnkoju rajzi bisvu utzi zizi desloradi zad mila.





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