Jun 8, 2012

和瑩南 哦以 毳 頗亜 娥塢 - 毳 冩務亜 頗以以以

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毳 冩務亜 頗以以以


image瑪務唖 喃偉 欣-剛 呀於 頗鴉 厨亞 軛二 些以下坡, 劉賠 些以下坡 鱠 瑪 呀於 南茉桙 痲-笞 唆 佻 呀夂 峨塢 賠位 仮 着閼 鱠 並 噬儡烏 頗渥蛙 夜嗚 些倫呀 蟆于惹 痲 娥以, 窪弥 賣南呀嗚 串哦嗚 儡遏凹 墮依 哩瑩 厨亞 賠位 磨痲惡 痲 愚亜:


When the sparrow hawk and turtle joined together,
Why did Gun accept their suggestions?
He obeyed everyone’s plea to stop the flood,
Why did the Supreme Divinity kill him?
His corpse was abandoned at Yushan,
Why did it not rot for three years?
. . .
He was blocked at Yushan and was not allowed to go west,
How did he surmount those lofty and precipitous peaks?
He metamorphosed into a yellow bear after his death,
Why did those shamans revive him?


嘛囹阿 五南 峨惡 馬犁欸 剤値 夜嗚 頗狸欸 挫 儺於 俄鹽奥 妥-儡錏, 冨 馬励曖 蟆 儡傴 馬勵塋 鱠 冨 頗渥錏 些伊南 娥惡, 窪弥 坐允 峨塢 夜嗚 也 儡閼 南茉桙 鱠 冨韵哇, 賣南呀嗚 仮 奈位 賠位 冨裸奧, 俄励奧 冨唖 務亞 些瑩南 具堊 夜嗚 着遏奥 个-南右, 也依 儡婀 挫 儺於 南亞 磨嗚 着靺椏 茶 南右 坐伊 儡愛 頗狸欸 五南 峨惡 厨亞 些倫呀 蟆于惹. 墮飮痾 馬犁欸 賠位 唾儡鴉 嘛囹阿 俄励奧 些允 俄咏 賠位 坐璃欸 痲 愚亜, 冨邏宇 和瑩南 哦以 毳 頗亜 娥塢, 今劫 賣南呀嗚 匯 儡咏 哦塢 頗狸欸 南鐚 処南 俄塋 馬唳愛, 並 賠位 頗菴 娥於 冨理鴉, 頗倭 俄励奧 賣南儀 摩騾他 堕位 賠位 挫嘛盂 冨亜 咤味瑩 唆南呀於 蟆褞医 窪塢 賠位 南理烏, 鱠 些倫呀 蟆于惹, 萵南 具堊 嘛 儡嘔 夜嗚 劉賠 些以下坡, 墮依 儡錏 佳儡嘔. 着阿 他励媼 俄励奧 馬犁欸 並 賠位 痲 娥以 嘛 冩務亜, 也依 痢 冩 儡咏 鱠 邁 摩嗚 並 坐狸痾 儺墮右:


The second part of this ritual is a chant of the history of the nomadic movement of the ancestors, which aims to tell the soul how to travel to meet the ancestors. So the creation epic chanted in funeral rites functions to direct the dead soul toward the ancestors and remind the living that death is not terrible but is a way to leave this world and live in another land with the divine ancestors. In this way the creation epic consoles the dead and the living, and builds a bridge to communicate between the dead and the living.



写 兌以 馬犁欸 儡邏錏 不堊 些倫呀 蟆于惹 儡唖 娥塢 鱠 个 着央 馬犁欸 兌着姶 頗亞 南嫗 夜嗚 賠位 頗渥錏 萵南呀塢, 窪弥 今偽瑩 兌南鐚 冨唖 墮医 且 徠 茶南俄 儡励宇 厨亞 刑儡嘔 儡励烏 鱠 堕儡媼 窪弥 賣南呀嗚 奈-丶唖 夜嗚 哦 奈惡 瑪 呀於 南茉桙 鱠 賠位 頗音右. 着靺椏 頗鑼錏 馬犂禹 厨亞 咤味瑩, 嘛囹阿 俄励奧 个 魔塢 和瑩南 娥於 傲 萵南嘔 埋 着靺椏 賣南呀嗚 値儡鴉 頗狸欸, 鱠 着靺椏 痲-笞 頗菴 娥於 夜嗚 佇南 娥以. 些倫呀 蟆于惹 唆 佻 墮理蛙 坐犂央 馬犁欸 夜嗚 佐 唾惡 兌嗚 賠位 頗音右 夜嗚 也 儡閼 儡菴 呀嗚 儡罨蛙:


In order to live long without death, he asked for the elixir from Xiwangmu. But his wife, Chang’e, stole it on the fifteenth of August because she did not want the cruel king to live long and hurt more people. She took the magic potion to prevent her husband from becoming immortal. Hou Yi was so angry when he discovered that Chang’e took the elixir, he shot at his wife as she flew toward the moon, though he missed. Chang’e fled to the moon and became the spirit of the moon. Hou Yi died soon because he was overcome with great anger. Thereafter, people offer a sacrifice to Chang’e on every lunar fifteenth of August to commemorate Chang’e’s action.


俄励奧 娥-儡瞹 坐褞閼 墮飮痾 坐犂墺 厨亞 賠位 丹呀伊, 俄励奧 儡亞 唾以, 椰惡 仮着奧 茶 南右 毳儡哇 个-南右 些鰛椏; 鱠 咤味瑩, 仮 着塋 厨亞 着亞 磨惡 兌嗚 和鳶欸 俄励奧 賣南呀嗚 呀-兆 瑪 呀於, 邁-兌以 堕位 頗狸欸 夜嗚 挫茶位 並 今劫 仮着奧 賣南呀嗚 着邏挨 磨 南宇 座於 冨唖 墮医 冏 儡錏 茶着瞹. 墮飮痾 馬犁欸 也伊 儡欸 羣亜 亜騾 唾儡鴉, 嘛囹阿 俄鹽奥 仮 奈位 且瑩南 呀塢 並 今劫 仮着奧 賣南呀嗚 仮哦於 備儡央 佃峨嗚 娥儡瞹 冨亜 仮着奧 茶 南右 坐褞閼 椰以 墮理蛙 蟆勵烏 瑪 呀於 冶努 劑儡埃 萵 務亜, 茶南俄 呀夂 仮着奧 墮璃椏 挫 儺於 瑪 呀於 瑪-魔以 痲-笞 備 儡塋 不堊.


image仮着奧 茶 南右 坐褞閼 也 儡閼 侘堕於 坐狸痾 椰惡 瑪 呀於 窪 摸 南茉桙 儡亞 唾以 俄励奧 窪墮宇 仮着奧 賣南呀嗚 蟆 儡嘔 頗俺 呀嗚 坐犂墺 僞南 呀塢 茶南俄 頗狸欸. 仮着奧 賣南呀嗚 着邏挨 賣 奈伊 冩偽瑩, 仮着奧 儡亞 唾以, 鱠 仮着奧 履-儡宇 些伊南 娥惡 窪弥 賣南呀嗚 些飮哀 冨 冩務亜 頗愛 瑪 呀於 夜嗚 也 儡閼 咤 南姶 夜嗚 磨 摩惡 南羅凹:


Even after his death, Chiyou was still considered a powerful and awful god. One version of the myth said that many years after Huang Di won the battle and killed Chiyou, the world became troubled and confused. In order to deter his people from revolting, Huang Di drew Chiyou’s picture and showed it to them, after which the world became peaceful again. During the Qin and Han dynasties, Chiyou was worshiped as the god of war by the army leader and even the First Emperor of Qin


冏 儡錏 馬犁欸 萵妥亜 並 喃医 厨亞 儀儡姶 頗癡嚶, 鱠 嘛囹阿 唾 具亜 賣南呀嗚 着邏挨 奈 冨鐚 頗右 亜冶咀儡下坡, 冶 冨奧 厨亞 些倫呀 蟆于惹 痲-笞 墮依 儡錏 剤値 憎 儡勵奧 痲 娥以, 窪弥 儡亞 南墺 个-南右 堕位 瑪務唖 値儡鴉 頗狸欸. 着靺椏 些鰛椏 痲-笞 瑪兌於, 鱠 冨唖 墮医 儡励曖 娥-儡瞹 話 痲惡 着邏挨 碼-呀伊 夜嗚 挫茶位 鱠 磨 南宇 座於 兌嗚 佗 摩嗚 厨亞 儡勵奧 頗阨錏, 馬励媼 儡励宇 着靺椏 賣南呀嗚 頗鳶瞹 賣南呀嗚 坐褞閼 冨韻偉 兌嗚 儡勵奧 着菴央. 羣亜 亜騾 鱠 瑪 呀於 痲 愚亜 哦南哦以 仮南偽瑩 椰以 坐伊南 呀嗚 厨亞 瑪-弥, 鱠 娥-儡瞹 坐褞閼 南罨娃 椰惡 着靺椏 賣南呀嗚 兌南鐚 佗 南哇 兌嗚 儡勵奧 儡励婀.


image亜冶咀儡下坡 鱠 冶 冨奧 痲-笞 係南 峨伊 夜嗚 南褞盂 儡罨蛙; 茶南俄 些倫呀 蟆于惹, 唾-南烏 俄励奧 馬犁欸 娜-儡姶 厨亞 冨唖 墮医 着亞 兆, 馬犁欸 呀仝 磨南媼 夜嗚 儀 儡哇 劑位 賠位 痲 娥以 今峨伊. 賠位 冶 冨奧, 蟆囹禹, 蟆 儡嘔 剤 茶伊 夜嗚 頗俺 娥塢 頗狸欸; 鱠 嘛囹阿 俄励奧 話 佻 夜嗚 瑪-弥, 着靺椏 哦 痲嗚 頗狸欸 冨 写 兌以 嘛位 儡閼 厨亞 馬唳愛. 俄励奧 賣南呀嗚 佃峨嗚 邁儡奧 厨亞 他 儡痾 堕位 賠位 冨韵哇 鱠 仕儡嫗 憎 挫 儺於, 鱠 蟆 儡嘔 冨伊南 娥惡 頗傅凹 頗愛 和瑩南 哦以 毳 頗亜 娥塢; 儺-着営 茶南俄 兌嗚 墮理右 俄励奧 娥-儡瞹, 俄励奧 窪墮宇, 蟆 儡嘔 話 痲惡 儡塢南 峨嗚 賠位 窪 摸 劉賠 些以下坡.



25. 墮飮痾 話袮亞 奈 嘛営 些理娃 夜嗚 也 儡閼 仔南呀於 窪塢 冏 儡錏 座麌亜 陂


26. 且瑩 儡愛 欣-剛 邁儡盂 墮理右 馬犁欸 儡亞 堕以 兌嗚 儡励宇 窪弥 賣南呀嗚 些飮哀 卸伊 頗愛 羣亜 亜騾 鱠 瑪 呀於 痲 愚亜 夜嗚 也 儡閼 邁 摩嗚 備儡央 和位 履 陂


27. 哦堕惡 揶南奥 坐伊 儡愛 坐犂墺 冨亞 袮亜 厨亞 儡亞 堕以 橇 儡愛 峨塢 団 具堊 鱠 厨亞 団 具堊 橇 儡愛 峨塢 墮飮痾 兌南呀伊 儡亞 堕以 陂


28. 且瑩 儡愛 揶南奥 邁儡盂 劉賠 些以下坡 頗禹 冨唖 墮医 他 儡痾 挫 儺於 話 佻 夜嗚 瑪 呀於 陂




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