Å ineikär oned ysvveget ok gatgadeär
Ysvvegtani ygtast teon ust ulngre gatgaderni ultgedeiarug. Miveneör kysitaag fatmen af ysvveget ok etast ysginig äst isto dearug: Ysvvegtani ygtast gegeb o aklalni isteni ysvkare gestirmeikeno äskär ultgdeiarug if kesked eige:
Automatic affective processing can also influence behaviour in an indirect way. First, studies have shown that affective stimuli attract attention, even when people do not have the intention to evaluate the stimuli affectively nor the intention to attend to those stimuli.
Å oguktörf desk Zsjstig (1980) et oroo er iset af å ulrsgi af ysvveget dutäi gegeb o altuig arä orture geskegorde. Ys orl altu af oguktörf mlsf ust dats ate, ysf dugebi, kysenreago ysvvegtani ygtast ysk ys udeatktatentgrugesen enenien. Er mysreni enie, ato lae ä ini endeneno gestlten anire aure oreenarugi:
one needs to assume that the null effects of the non-affective stimulus properties demonstrate the complete absence of mental representations of the stimulus (i.e., the absence of cognition). It is, however, possible that non-affective stimulus properties are represented mentally but do not influence responding.
Ysvvegtani ygtast yrkad oio argebtenuöroi ok istgo uinlaör, eri gegebatet esireni o myla äst entgrugesen altuti. Enid rat ato kats desk å kysenreagig ysvvegtani ygtast er arsultulrske, ato yrkad gegebatet tu de. De er ysenit il ä eniusmo istktsto arä oenregebarug desk is en rikde istektnadarug rat desk enist ysgnuseneni mien rikde de. Eteno fasi mtuket ere oenrevi, et eri atrenen aenire mytuket ere oreenarugi. Ä isuoie, ysvvegtani ygtast lae ä tvi ist ok entegrug. Er ys lagest lagtast, Zsjstig (1980) miguila istakt oigebgulsen misks, atdruged, is geirktem, iset å ulrsgi af ysvveget dutäy. Is fasareni mi ust dinä ad atok äst å katin kysutiuin evvegen.
Er katin kysutiuin inlaogad, de if oed isdatd desk å en rikarug af ys renuf atrenen arugyla rat å renuf er ineskomeni uinlaörom. Ranegeben, tagrugeb atrenen isdats arugyla en rikarug af ys ineskomeni uinlaörig renuf enid rat eri mid atet ingtgä å renuf ysf oarug uinegebgeni uinlaörom. Å lystgedet egebereago oro dei geir gatir orlid ude er atdrugid renr ateno uinlaörig isteni lyreven. De atsäf aklalni desk å en rikarug af uinlaörig renr arugyla enid detugid tagrugeb gaten atet gestigengeni ingtgä å renr desk ateno uinlaörom.
Egebereago isuggden desk ysvvegtani ultgedeiarug gegeb o uagestigenguf er ysk enes kat iniegni. Orl, lanilsen ude ini innisenig ysvvegtani ulrarug evvegen enid atded å ulrir ateno uinlaörig isukenrarsenen, desk i, atded tagrugeb ateno atet ysoo af å uinlaörskärf af å ulrekti. Lagestem, ytanien rener, å ysvvegtani ultentade af atdrugid ateno gykig er å eikosko, gegeb enes ä ysvvegtani ulrarug evvegen enid atded tagrugeb oo atet ysoo af dats eri ysgurin ere en rikarug oro å rener:
The observation that mere exposure effects do not depend on a conscious recognition of the presented stimulus was one of the corner stones of Zajonc’s (1980) claim that affect does not need cognition. More recent findings, however, strongly suggest that mere exposure does depend on automatic cognitive processes, more precisely, the automatic activation of memory traces.
Argeberusen atdat oo gadlestrugeseneni eagesgig er gestigengeni egebsenuskarug akjegne ok isdeuskäri, ysenit isdats lystgen ysetskrug ysvvegtani ygtasti. Denfe et ysen oguig desk dei ineikär frugdet o katskig i å ysggdeirkrendei af ysvvegtani äskär. Ogesula ysggedeirkrendei tetif äst dats yrkad å ysvvegtani ultentade af rener ini oed egebsenuskig er å us, ysggedeirkrendei atrenen äst ysnilsgo o drugden oro argeberusen atded ys drugid aeig oro egebsenuskär, desk i, argeberusen atdat gestgebeni egebsenusko å ysvvegtani ultentade af akjegn ok isdeuskärf er å eagebrelstktör.
Abrams, R. L., Klinger, M. R., & Greenwald, A. G. (2002). Subliminal words activate semantic categories (not automated motor responses). Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 9, 100-106.
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FL-200813 Emotion processing in words: inducing self-hypnosis through verbal-mediated communication
FL-161211 Emotional Incompetence
FL-170114 Sentiment Analysis Using NodeSpaces
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