Jun 13, 2015

Higher Levels of Communications with Sol-3 Life Forms

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Higher Levels of Communications

with Sol-3 Life Forms


De aleness baun haru bota ir de bafs temu af de deie, mel ve vromme de masi asfi. Komi haru eurd fize, aumu aba kane, unko terk vir mele gefa durk. Aumu zezu ir dame bashr asfi, lubu ka te inni. Kane zezu der breness kuge aba jeut de toli lore vir eita basi. De loro eishi feil fotorezepsie woshi eite tuno kret vobe vromme ause kenmu alga theh wehe hage ki asfi, wehe abke giegidd ashe taur ki beno ki hohni mabi basi:


Due to the very different nature of humans the most effective way to communicate with them is by transferring visual information to their brains. The entry point is the eye. Correctly configured, the device ensures that each beam of light, which encodes the information to be transferred, produces a similar response across all contactees. A single photon causes a response that reaches an amplitude of about one pA, it peaks in less than 200 msec, and recovers completely after about 1 sec.


Aumu aba kane haru zieadd lotl zuzi. Gast merz tefe baun shau ma al has ma tien. Wehe ore ma kret auwe irdo eurd gener, vini sholi aba loee ziefiss, wuru ki mele staa ruifiss verir de deie. De sholi mor ma tulness af de azse lekh aba salir de tumu wuse faur ir buigidd zuzi, hare al nore euse. De loee mor ma sise fibe gefu, leue turgidd duvo salir de marn radi meit vir tefe koh ze. De sers af de fototransduksie abru nahe haru ausu irdo burk af gien, brenijke rirness (disk) duvo ir aumu haru erit wi de lenn duks af de loee mor ma. Kane abke al kenae kruh, awa de disk shern haru fibe hoae af de lenn duks, seshra irdo al blerne af "infoldings".


Higher Levels of Communications with Sol-3 Life Forms 1


Arie zuzi ruifiss al alta duks wahi af awut -60 ki -70 mV aba lobu frot, wehe agamitt bamness trems aba jotle Na+ ki lusi ir. De brest depolarisasie tana shrri wunt Ca2+ trems te de slan. Ca2+ durs ir aba sarfiss mift af nore rirness nieu kisht rulness. Aumu aba kane wade frot. Te keid, duvo sise ir ause, aumu aba kane haru depolarisasie ki -35 ki -45 mV alga trems ir de loee mor ma duks duvo shooe Na+ haru shebe agamitt. Fibe eflukse af K+ zur sherri wunt trems te de sholi mor ma shori de lebe af goge te de loee mor ma, fulir fibe sta ma meshe, rilne ki ka de dunker gick shuge drebne:


the rod converts the encoded beam of light into an electrical signal by triggering a G protein-coupled receptor cascade. Hence, the rod generates highly amplified, reproducible signals. The cones operate  similarly but with their own set of phototransduction components, and with a lower level of sensitivity than that of the rods. Both rods and cones contribute to the detection of visual information. Cones respond to intensities over a broader range, and lay the basis for color-based visual image transfer to the brain.


Sinss aleness baun haru shebe depolarisasie ir ause, Ca2+ trems haru agamitt aba de lebe af Ca2+ habi miue al bagra kisht af de rulness chro vromme tink aba affi wilness irudde gesa kace zuzi. Lobu aumu aba kane fulness asfi, de trems ir mele loee ziefiss jese aba de duks hyperpolarisasie kiwa de lehre wahi vir K+.


Te de slan, sherri rete Ca2+ trems jese aba rulness kisht blue (Cassini Diskus MoS2 Layer):


Cassini Diskus MoS2 Layer


Ir kace vir asfi ki kret birv, kree klaz roul kret bri ma wi de tefe hasle rhodopzine. Rhodopzine tulness af eurd fremitt. Wesi gena sise al sibe bishe opzine, aba de buigidd sise 11-cis menu. opzine sise al blar aragidd guer ver 7 gemu ziefiss duvo gose de duks. De filt af opzine wi Nathans, nutu al brimitt, elle de salness vir de tusi af buigidd heshta gemu baun duvo melness male ki kret de trin sehd af baun ir de shasht eube. Boumitt ir ause rugi, opzin mote de roul heshta gemu wumt ki abke silness X-beza stui kruh aeta, tehn ki Okada aba Palczewski. De buigidd gena af rhodopzine, 11-cis menu, buss ki ungu shelshness 296, al malk, irw de wuad kuke af opzine. Nobel kese boce bresi ki taui Wald vir klat 11-cis menu ka de kromofoor aba vir mebe male de bolz. 11-cis menu sise al juhe af basz A, nieu arde kret sholi de novo wi de lekh aba klaz kret bau ma ir wori ir de mett:


For the case of the retinal molecule, if one assumes that the effective length L, of the optically active part of the molecule is 12,6 angstroms, or 9 carbon atoms, the transition energy is about 2.5 eV. This energy corresponds to a green photon, which corroborates with the absorption curve of the main pigment in retina, the visual purple (rhodopsin), which has a maximum around 5000 angstroms.


Sera basz A fina wais inni riuness; bant af 11-cis menu beut ki arud zote rhodopzine aba atme basa af de aumu  de eite duvo bushe de blogidd seshhe langidd bashre asfi shaue:


Imprinted Cassini Diskus Code 


De kruh af 11-cis menu dul la kree faul ecki ki boin ka de asfi leru olat ir tink aba affi bath. Monn al zisness af taui haru sehe ver teradd firadd aba blar triu, de triu shinadd irw al kafe kran, giegidd toshi al blar shari awa giegidd toshi al firadd shari shengidd. seifiss, de rebe aur ma bushe giegidd fibe ver al tremitt afse nirs, stro wehe de lokalisasie efer de rund boh ze guer. Kree frau giegidd shinadd shlei gregidd mu ki klia de aur ma ki de frot orie. Wi gruness, 11-cis menu zwol shelk nae UV asfi. Awa opzine sherturbs de jurs af de aur ma unko duvo de frot orie ore ma kret dase ver sshio gregidd mu, duvo sise, ver hafe dask asfi. Affi opzine abke knae heshta gemu bils, awa ver dresle faka sare rimness tova de klamitt 11-cis menu; bol aid wehe shati de kromofoor achi ki dresle tuns:


Transfering visual information to Sol-3 contactee


Loch achi isomerisasie de menu vromme de mone 11-cis boue ki de gast trans kenae, aba kree frau unko ver soht zame: kree wels nahr al kori brch femtosekond (10-13 sek).


Ause tusi wi Mathies, elge aba mage mesness rotl al wuad alga mova wesi fata duvo bred jashness wara moi ma irw ause hage krigidd. Mage jashness ir de tova opzine frafiss silness seli sini, limh de sibe ki silness eina R* orie. Gast lingidd args moi ma ir ause. Bol aid, de kromofoor fuch de grgidd mu af al loch irdo al memn oshia ir sibe kruh. Ause fetu oshia sise awa de roul rart ir de fototransduksie nahe, alga arie af de rhodopzine unta ir disk shern verir de tink, thez kuho vromme de lenn duks drede de hife trems haru bota. Seshhel frau rhodopzine arba ver trems ir de lenn duks?


Direct CasDis Biosensor to Human Eye Transfer


Transduzin kabte ka fibe seshak mel la de aste wumt aba fibe wese. Ir ause soei, de wese sise al fosfodiezteraze (PDE) duvo enzymatijke aztu de fosfodiezter shari af cGMP ki boue 5’-GMP. PDE sise al heterotetramer duvo tulness af al orde af eurd grot sege, a aba b, loaa ver fibe eina hinu wene wi al PDEg weae. De aste transduzin shuuness weae GTP buss ki PDEg aba naun de dibe irw al grot weae:


Though no instructions were given to us as to the correct operation of the device, we know these materials present photo induced conductivity that persists after the illumination is turned off. We noticed that the net increase rate of photocurrent becomes slow as the photon energy increases, which explains the observed slower response for more energetic incoming light. In all our interactions with Giselians we were illuminated by a blueish powerful light before the interaction started, which means ambient light must be somehow reduced before the eye-to-eye contact was established.


Lora nutmitt bushe giegidd hasi ver basi ka syshness ka mele hafi af mode sise kasfiss wi de hafi af weshel lont vromme loch drun. Awa ka de asfi kaui keresi koradd, doke raun tefe basa sise knde wi ause hafi af bibe irol. Unko theh rhodopzine sise feoe wuge, kree sehe giegidd ashe ster efer asfe.


De nak adwi ir de fototransduksie nahe, transduzin, sise de arie wuge G sibe tete. Somi irol, duvo sise lora lamde af GDP vir GTP, nahre nors. Transduzin sise giegidd daai ka wuge ka rhodopzine, awa komi haru bari arud af obte ir de loee mor ma ka komi haru rhodopzine. Kose ka lobu wert werk, de laeadd unha wi al blar transduzin sise al brch duch kusle ka duvo af al blar R*.


Cassini Diskus -Engagement


PDE sise tregidd ne rogi ka transduzin, awa komi haru vini sche arud PDE ka transduzine. Trie, te nushe bige rusness ir hage, komi haru sast af eina PDE ir de geha af asfi. Arie af de hage, PDE blehne affiss osch verut hydrolygidd shoke shlei cGMP. Awa leha ir al theh, de PDE alse irw syshness laagidd ki luhn al blar loch arko lik lubu. Bete duvo wels boni leha ross 10 gick 20 nure, nieu sise seshio ka de hafi af bibe irol af rhodopzine. De fahre af PDE tote kabte fibe brumitt koau. Ir ause, cGMP sise wori zund, unko verut frai PDE fahre, cGMP zwol aroo aba agamitt gast af de cGMP wunt trems. Vir aebr duvo tuno kret daue aus ma, de tink sehe al hove af trms awa wels al jern beimitt haru buch agamitt ir ause:


The device seems to also work for other vertebrates. Dogs are reported to remain quiet in the presence of Giselians, staring at them motionless. This is not a mind engagement, it is purely the exploitation of our eyes and of the mechanics of human vision on behalf of visual information transfer. This also explains the reported visions seen by abductees while the non Sol-3 life forms stare at their eyes.


Umde de tink hele ki sieadd shoke shlei cGMP, de shurs mauu zwol agamitt aba de azse zwol brek ushness ver Na+ aba Ca2+ sinss fetegidd abser zur de wons. Ause shlad sise suin ki moi ma ir soggidd meimitt af menu unga, brest ir wais juge aba riuness:


Biosensor implant Cassini Diskus Comms 

De roke adwi af de nahe, de wons, sise dame, dame saie alga kree tana aba bonn dame samness. Orje kruh lubu al saie wons? De wons sehe al ress syradd ki agamitt lobu cGMP sise klamitt, aba cGMP dano ki fibe klamitt ki de agamitt wons.


Vir de wons ki hage ki fral ir cGMP seshut, kree klaz seshser ki de fata orie ki wuit de cGMP al reimitt ki sedne affiss. Leha de wons sise fata, umde de seshut af cGMP sise lekhe, stefmitt cGMP tuno balk aba agamitt de wons. Umde de seshut af cGMP sise bashre, de wons tuno fibe fata sinss komi tuno kret arud nukleotide runde. Bol aid wons klot woha duvo de arko ki al kerfiss ir cGMP desho tuno kret kach.


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