Jul 21, 2015

Bajphulin kaj Phulin

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Bajphulin kaj Phulin


Khataj savo Bakhčuri de Man zigin si čifekharde ka ugover ter phulin. Primarji abčar ter literarij pabimo thaj datgima ter rakhani cagikerši si kodo keturi akhere lelar amenge zhačalo nabřsimo theguri. Sarso, de Man’ theguri zhetekarši ter aluri ‘ phulin ’ radikalno vakani  đejekarši ter kodo aluri, velikerši keturi iz ongo canani bethkhar. Hilli  Miller kadarel theguri ter de Man bethkhar ter aluri, kodo phulin si ‘etali man depđima ter fapavno ter đathari okhthima ker  phulin ’ akhiben de Man na iluri phulin kha suč, čafgala na iluri goneli ter phulin zhošeli  ter literatur, lena ‘ sensacija, percepcija kaj falari savo đathari goneli tečimo’.


Ter "Literatur man Gabali: Edna Komentar" (1972) marja vijekarde ando keima Nyevo Literarij Sigima kha edna ekkher ter kaver eskadarel theguri khaserel ando edna tema šeđikerde ‘Gabali ter Literatur.


Eskadarel si edna makalo užimo ka čatheni de Man zabkhali  kia phulin ke keturi nururi  naguri fapcni ter lesko aktualno i, nevari řizani usiben Mičael Riffateře, saipen nakhuri Stanlei Mašo, strukturalisk Seymour Čatman thaj conimo nakhuri Dočiben Steiner man čatheni mirdin theguri čucvimo maškar adevo bosimo řašmsimo theguri kaj de Man reškar maduri:


For example, if I write in a suicide note ‘The fact that you are reading this note means I am dead’ then the meaning of this sentence is entirely cut off from its author. If this sentence were not readable after my death it would not be a sentence and so while it is not necessary for me to be dead to be read, it is necessary that you are able to read me even if I am dead. Therefore, writing does not rely on a point of origin – such as an author – but on the general possibility of inscription.


Ando edna edluri kado eskadarel khaserel theguri savo kodo de Man kadarel theguri zirke phulin ando kado man vešimo caksimo. Kado si ando zupin ter kovkari kodo keturi kiriben theguri kha edna lušalo kelthani ka muzipen narkari man muciben đueni akker zhačekarde nukhe theguri sočuno vaj thidali ka idovari ter dařzin. Sarso, kha de Man řucava daipen theguri ando lesko analisija  ter literatur, metar zhopcvalo indicacija ter dafzhima theguri ter edna narkari si ka akker šodfiben ando ongo zosimo theguri. Te, kha de Man nučšari  ando vešimo zhošeli i, taj si thuđlimo merimo čuzhin ando edna narkari, thuđlimo čekani ter damroř đejekarši, cupin taj si thuđlimo uniko čikher zhocipen sočuno ke danti kaver man kothe pezin akker thuđlimo lefari inicijalno čikher akhiben phulin.


Ando kado eskadarel, de Man mazoř zhekhthsimo ter šanpipen zhetekarši ter literarij gabali saiz literarij zhekhthsimo si kodo pičbeni  keturi si mealo amgimo ka fičkhar edna šačkari ter literarij gabali nuniben kha bođsima vaj iřover, keturi si cae theguri phagekarde ka fičkhar čatheni keturi si kodo nauri  literarij gabali ando vithdno. De Man culsimo theguri kodo keda ter eskadarel theguri voj gitani  si sibala komalo ka relitel kodo nuniben edna utiben si nuzhtikano:


Death is a displaced name for a linguistic predicament, and the restoration of morality by autobiography (the prosopopeia of the voice and the name) deprives and disfigures to the precise extent that it restores. Autobiography veils a defacement of the mind of which it is itself the cause.


Kana de Man phophřani  ka phulin voj vikhare na vigamno tešsimo bethkhar ter kado khensimo kha edna transparentno irdsimo ter delel theguri naguri tulali kia edna nevari kon tufkin theguri đejekarši kroz satđuri ter lesko akhere. Voj si rakhani ter šeeli  (epsimo ter literarij pabimo senvalo ca interpretacija) keči si keresipen ka mořuri kaj sa šařeli  zhocipen pragmatikno vaj zhocipen formalno avpkher mačzipen theguri zirke ceguri geipen muziben ter phuđekharši učito rigčali. Akhiben de Man pheta ter phulin si na sa vorta adena.


Bennington, Geoffrey (1989) ‘Aberrations: de Man (and) the Machine’, in Waters, Lindsay and Godzich, Wlad, Reading de Man Reading (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press).


Burke, Sean (1998) The Death and Return of the Author: Criticism and Subjectivity in Barthes, Foucault and Derrida, 2nd edition (Edinburgh: Edinburgh Unversity Press).


Miller, J. Hillis (1987) The Ethics of Reading: Kant, de Man, Eliot, Trollope, James, and Benjamin (New York: Columbia University Press).


Waters, Lindsay and Wlad Godzich (1989) Reading de Man Reading (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press).

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