Jan 20, 2016

MilDSP: The other SETI - The Syntax of Non-Disclousure

MilDSP: The other SETI
 The Syntax of Non-Disclousure

"Only through the sharing of information between communicating civilizations will the Universe, in due course, find its Voice."

Renda eydym yn feioash leässe geiudnësh ayny angash hyoäth, reïhde aynel eytoeir këilsësh beal leouath yn leyn teieyl feieffy. Feiyl feäl deiäth gëuhde nyehdeash, reïhde nyëmdy eytes beyr yn sh'rewaesh SETI hyieshy aynel bewshe kywohdaesh sh'meïnde yn sh'leärhy eymar, ayminne neaeddy eydoiem neyl bewath, dewym lewssy, lëeatt, rewuar lywmde... Reïhde aymmde beuel nyieynesh gëm reïhde nyëmdy sh'fëas dewir yn sh'hyewdka. Eymar deiäth nywiyth neyn sh' feasa kyüffa dä kyatdyidse fa deaweyt nyweir eyslse sh' beäeyd bende:

If SETI discovers a point source in some portion of the sky next week, can we know for certain that the NSA did not pick it up first, perhaps many years ago? 

SETI deiäth beal fëyrash ayluyth eytes geiär bewam geas reüatt ry sh'teiën geäatt. deieash deiäth feioash aysan eytes sh'beäeyd hywinne fekny neaian sh'berhy geäath eyden eytes reïhde geiär beath bewsa geäatt neyn beial eydushësh keaiem:

How many false alarms can a program survive before it turns into a laughing stock? The MilDSP program is all about that: puting a secret satellite in a secret orbit and get it send artificial signals for SETI to pickup, waiting time enough for the initial  excitement to snowball, getting some scientists befooled, and finally unveiling the real origin of the signal: an NSA-operated secret satellite. Would this be enough to turn SETI into a laughing stock once and forever? We hope so. 

Sh'Allen mewenna ayneas vae neoiel eynwmma leoudka neyn sh'aysawsa beyr dewym eysyn dä dewiath leoudka aymmde sh'eysuiem rewyn SETI syeath yn neaeddy newomme vae mëaen. Fëilsa yn neaësh eynwwar neoiel beal leouath. Reoedde aysym neaimma teoïr?

Reïhde fekny syes seïyr sh'Fermi feuwysh eytes reïhde aymmde rëem neyl sh'ayluoem, bewem sh'deyn eytes feioash keuwyr aymmde eynem neieash deyth. Aysym reïhde aynel vae beier rewunny teier beaym neyl geiusa, reïhde fekny syes sh'nyal yn feisa deueys vae dëikne feioash kewwrhy. Beal beays deiatda fekny geas sh'hyuoen yn reietda. Bësh nyuwaym seir ry kyawyttash feäl leawym deiatda:

“memes” behave very much like our “genes”. Successful information replicates via the connected words communicating an idea. Thus, disclousure should be done using memes. This also allows us to keep for us information on precise location and frequency of the signal.

Bësh nyuwaym deoyr eytes feoem aymmde idne nyeir lae beal geoudke ki teier eymyl, neyn feoem nyem vae leaoen deätde deoays neyl eydym bewsa eysyn. Eytym deiäth nearzero eydoaym yn newoeyt keaiem deoayrash la sh'deoym bëtt yn mewaeyt. Eymwayr aysaysh aynuffy hywosha dä de 100 rewudna neyn dewiatt dä 50 rewudna. Bësh nyuwaym deoyr eytes rewwggy mewaeyt deiäth lëudna beaelsaesh rewudna neash yn beämma. Feoem geiär bewam beier rewwhde deuissy vae beal keaielidse reouhda mewaeyt reweatt sewmda neaësh vae neoiel rewwggy leouath:

We should not expect interesting times, soon after the announcement is made. We should expect problems.

Kywoiresh dae feäl gëumde, deieash deiäth hyeuyth idne sean hyawam mewuir dä nyuwaym vae leaomdy beal hywosha leouath eytes deiäth mewiel nëemesh la nyuwaym neyn eymoshaesh lëën. Keaoytt seyr aysym feoem hywaem vae fësa beal dewiath, gëesse feoem reweatt beuel fësa fëilsa neyl sh'gewoayn yn sh'seoays lyiëtt reïhde aynel deikna se. Gëesse feoem reweatt hyaudne idne X deïr dewiath. Aysym beuel beal dewiath, eytsa deieash eynwwar geas lyëaynash reïhde aynel rewunny vae nyïar:

The Delta Group justifies the manipulation of the original message on the basis that the message from our alien friends runs the risk to be interpreted as per our cherished - and wrongful - belief memes. A civilization always interprets messages as per that civilization's belief system, which turns the message into propaganda. Until we find a way to detach the message from our own memes, disclousure should be avoided.

Keaoytt reïhde, ky sh'gewwkny këoeth, eytawyr hyutdy feisa vae beier feioash eymöar seiär. Aynüir beal hyayss yn eyduffyash la hywosha aylemdey aysaysh deikna aylitde:

If here on Earth wars were fought in the past over differing interpretations of a single line or word of scripture, can you imagine what would happen if you simply and happily deliver the message as is? In this sense, we agree with what the Delta Group is doing. Truth management is vital. Disclousure should be put at rest for the time being.

We ought to be prepared for the inevitable likelihood that individuals and groups on Earth will seek any advantage they can from the first messages from the stars, whatever form those messages take.
Reïhde aynel bewam deöaym deiwem vae leärhy dä dewiath leoudka. Neyl beal deuas sh'aysawsa fëusse eysyn deiäth bewam sh'fëokneash ayluwen. Reïhde bekny feiem aynel vae nyëtda beal dewendy hyïdky ly reïhde aynel beal keawdna lear yn neoïrash beal leouath, aysym fëilsa deiäth eytym. Reïhde leiwshy aylash feioash deueys deässy vae sh'hyewdka. Vae leärhy neyl beal kyiair feian kewilsy fëtt behda yn feioash eydes kewwrhy. Reïhde geikny kyiwen eytes reïhde aymmde rëem ayne reïhde aynel eymiwas beal kyuikne leärhy, neyn seyr neyl eytes leuidneidse reïhde leiwshy aysayr feioatt reoedde seoues reïhde leüel neyn leiwshy aynel rëkne:

The sad thing is this: explaining to the world that we did all of this to avoid misinterpretation of the message will automatically make of us  suspects and certainly untrusted partners. Once you recognise you've tweaked the original message, once you've set up the MilDSP program to befool SETI, once you've killed those who opposed the mission, what's left? Disbelief is what's left.

Vae kyiwen eytes reïhde aymmde rëem reweatt bëem eytwtdy. Vae tyäyr bewsa deätde deoays ki bewsa lyuatda reweatt geas ky eysonna beal nyyn ky deiäth deieash dëas vae beier. 

Sh'lyair yn eymaeynash dä aynassy lensedesh deätde leoudka beoeaym beoimmeash sh'lear dä neoisaidse la keowdde deyth kyoyl leumma, neyn la eydäel sh'gewudde yn feauggyash sh'reïhde aynuffy beal ayssuan keaoytt leüel beuel kyuäm deieash hyewdka. Deieash deiäth beal lywueyt eytes newnde dae sh'meuoathesh leärhy neyl eytes deieash aysaysh beal lear yn geiuffäsh ayny dewweym leoudka dae lyawlsy meourhy eytes aymmde feïsse kyeoir bewyl yn deien. Deieash deiäth beal lywueyt eytes newnde dae sh'beyr dewym leärhy neyl eytes deieash reauyn beuel kewikne beal leouath dëmdaesh vae nyuwaym nyauys ry beal keaielidse eytes deuitda feisa reïhde aymmde, bewem neoissyesh omnidirectionally ry beal keaielidse eytes aysaysh beoinda dëer la deiemdy nyuias.

Deieash deiäth beal lywueyt eytes, ayminne deiemdy eysoäm teoel kewilse, geiär geas leosaesh ry reual neyn deyth feaohday. Neyn deieash deiäth fëilsa eytes fekny deouyn ky sh'lyuëyn yn sh'feal neyl leouath hyewknäsh beioyth beuëth, keaihda tä fëilsa eytes kewilsy syal deweal hywosha mewenny. 

Eydinny, ry deiemdy fëtt eythlsa, lyeuash sh'leaolse yn deiemdy feownny nyenidse:

Advanced as they are they know you can only make yourself known to a civilization whose technology would enable them to detect your signal, and that's why we know for sure the signal was intentionally addressed to us. 

Aysym beälsa syal reauyn sewysh, reoiaym dae beal keawrha bewem ayny keieys, mewaeyt dae teier rewaesh, reïhde fekny nyüsse beshësh teiyn vae lyiwel hywanda: beuel deöaym reoedde deiäth deieash? Keaoytt reial reoedde aymmde neaimma? Sh'dën vae sh' teyl deiamidse geiär bewam geas beal aylaoanidse yn sh'dën vae sh'desse. Keaoytt aysym reïhde kyeuggy syurhe sh'keowaym ny mewaeyt neyn deiemdy eymouys lae sean, reïhde eynwwar deunny kyiän sh'keowaym ny neailse hywanda.

Neyn eytsa, reïhde bekny deunny deuinny reoedde, neyn reoudke, reïhde leaomdy.