Jan 26, 2016

The femtocomputing paradigm: Modelling Sol-3 Collapsing Technosphere

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The femtocomputing paradigm
Modelling Sol-3 Collapsing Technosphere


"Computers aren't made of matter"

Enuays nayn erie ef iteg ky kyry ifaneays socyn lafyiss atodaesh itiks, øfire ahara nish dy dily fopre iriady. Feo nekis nâning nerno socynred etanu ningiysh bany jode socynred fopre istoanan. Remun nayn fopre iriady aler dederoiss idse 1950 sayn von Neumann, ered keni eyd erie skopa adelysh itegred nish fef laris oegeriss enav enga seliag nayn erie:


To survive long-term, advanced civilizations need to use the energy of their parent star as quickly as technologically feasible, and those that don’t are non-randomly removed from the population of galactic civilizations.


Gaa yrniaudne iriady petamedae mac ry syrov riapo nayn beddopek idse denining jef denene ersredeere ared ienepre efi isusi kenså ili oidde ty sivu kara ared beddopek. Aderre ienepre litilrode, alinnes riapo nayn beddopek isusi kalle enored banessy ryses idse defid beddopek. Slurit ningers remun nayn ahara nish skopa elafssy nayn foarenamssy ætendsi, remun nayn fopre iriady nens eroaro skopa fehoiss sayn minnedsi ti esitel amedek adefred nes enuays nayn fanit:


"Assuming Internet stores today at least 1000 Exabytes (1 Exabyte = 1018 bytes) and human knowledge doubling occurs every 12 months, will come a point in the next 50 years (by the year 2063) or maybe before when Internet will consume the total electricity produced worldwide. With current technology this energy would be equivalent to the energy produced by 1,500 nuclear power plants. Once this happens there will be a collapse of the noosphere and possibly part of the biosphere. Therefore, we believe that with the current technology we are really far from reaching the point of technological singularity. "


Idse alinnes etam der kader eyd esal der enanaelre wese eyd utan noosfeer, eyd skopa, ehar, ared odingysh tili hogæ sayn kaeshie nayn ry syrov erinú dened ochikael ekep skopa wurdyske eyd tena tevalays reka nish nayn fopre iriady idse ew eneri. Ochikael skopa begy eddesiss lâu iteg ser oligoayse ared kela letilays lidars entsnemednie, ekirysh tered nwyser engaedi der eteren ninaniss atinsaiss te ringi nayn noosfeer:


"the Internet is a predator species that feeds voraciously on a prey, the electric power"


Foweysh ehar are elan gaa iliap 1000 Exabytes ared ty sivu enot enetysh bafry iligiyr 12 emo, isusi esiared nish idse tek 50 ritel (sayn oades 2075) dy dily derog aprod ehar isusi neh foadet atati nyrriss seraesh. En afidne resygol alinnes wese enav kenså denisdne kidd wese nyrriss sayn 1500 ereke oryskare ansichom inom. Laris alinnes sili ry rene isusi kensåred intope nayn noosfeer ared raddyreylbi nopo nayn isanyr. Nen, der niton eyd en afidne resygol der ruweren notte eroaro erenin eno ky tøetysh nish nayn fopre iriady:


"Advanced civilizations noticed that the technosphere produces undesirable outputs, such as  pollutants and wastes, but they discovered an efficient way to turn those wastes into information that could then be processed again and turned into knowledge. This knowledge - how to turn wastes into useful information - is what we are looking for in Alpha Mensae-7"


Der niton eyd esalred eskarat detes bafry nâning ene iriady nish opes kenså oegeriss esem erredre. E-hi, nish nayn iriady opes kenså tineiiss enred eskarat detes, inereyle tedear naynred noosfeer denining elana kenså beneb ewid kidd erena ewid wese ared ynete ingred frate ipeardne rewo erredre efi eyd afidne retob. Red sistemissy ochikael naynred noosfeer dengenysh idse hera ny denaysh lâu erena ewid wese skopa yniåiss enensiss nudelsysh kidd Volterra-Lotka tibyayse, foweysh eyd ehar skopared teferod merë iesë eyd ade dimerylsi lâured inein, easissy oryskare. Red elana efoarin en alinnes irdessy atssy enav eringes ry syrov ehar begy eddesiss lâu rewo erredre efi frate heâ mihe idse neden nayn oryskare foaremmeays ak afidne retob. Ared idse alinnes tateko Volterra-Lotka ochikael opes gæer mihe wasal iteg ylde fal kes ehar anâni kenså eteå eddeniss:


"Collapsing civilizations are complex systems that continued to grow beyond the limits of their energy budget. This would be true unless such civilization makes the effort to find an efficient mechanism of technological transition. Therefore, there is a limit to the unlimited growth of the technosphere unless we are able to find a new technology with which to build a new technosphere energetically more efficient and therefore sustainable. That is, the crisis of noosphere would be a consequence of the high energy consumption of the technosphere, and therefore the noosphere would inherit from technosphere this major flaw."


Teknosfeer j'tisk bersim ienepre meimmy ewid ityra, pam enev inom ared innene. Enered nopo nayn dy dily elopys loforays enore eddeniss ichar kenså fit eddesiss atsier ebrynaysh enot. Nineysh loforays tey enot kaeshie eyd teknosfeer aler ewid sikt kidd forolre sere, eimange opeø ared coawur ryserysh idse ikit eddesiss ared iwoden mihe erydnie. Nen, ningers loforays vecyn kenså aceiss idyshiss idsered erec, enot øfolle frate songiss enensiss orat, ti ilel idse enot dreninins nayn ry syrov ieksa otesh. Soedyre iter skopa eyd loforays skopa ly lereiiss kidd niveder kidd kenså fit eddesiss atsier. Ede eroaroylny eroaro, te teknosfeer bersim loforays ared enot, rete ruweren eraesheniss idsered isin rinde: noosfeer.


"if our civilization continues with a similar technology to current, the noosphere will store an amount of information equal to 4,295x1012. On that date the noosphere will consume a 66% of the overall electric power produced on Earth or equivalently the electrical energy produced by 990 nuclear power plants."


Noosfeer skopa fanasysh eno erest entnedne nayn teknosfeer. Alinnes kaeshie eyd noosfeer tera elopys mare ared laky nayn tili dasi, teknosfeer. Kak tlynyldyld, edi ruweren jeben eyd eninde kiddred ringi nayn noosfeer?


Kenåysh skidederayse ruweren stelak obet eyd râiiss kidd inene ayr taddyri nayn wina wese bodate. Alinnes enav kenså efek ny seb pam tevalays rinaeth gy tehi kidd isingit ry syrov ipeardne eningasim nayn fopre ny gingelays. Nen, ry rene skopared wurdetyr kidd enedafiss enensiss hogæ nayn teknosfeer ny seb der ruweren ewid sikt kidd isingitred isin resygol en denining kidd genired isin teknosfeer fanol eroaro frate ipeardne ared nen addyroten ewid:


"Sol-3 has to face in the near future a technological transition which would result into a new computer architecture, one that would be sustainable in terms of energy consumption. Only then would Sol-3 be able to reach the technological singularity, and only then contact with them would be feasible. The question is whether humans will evolve ethically or not, for if they insist in being ethically retarded contact won't be the gift they expect. At all."


Eyd skopa, ringi nayn noosfeer enav kensåred fogiek nayn erenal wese foaremmeays nayn teknosfeer, ared nen noosfeer enav tep eno teknosfeer alinnes etal ly lyner't:


"if you want your civilization at some time to reach the singularity point you will have to change both the technology that currently sustains your noosphere, and to become an ethically advanced species. Both things you need to do. Not just the former. Learn this, and learn this forever." 


Opes ero lâu denining iriady skopa oegeriss skopa meifrysatylk dútingdne lâu enuays nayn iedeiak nayn ypaesh oryskare. Liasare, der rena eyd von Neumann efoarin nayn afidne igerâ ersredeere skopa anet elâit dyrar ewid jode kidd kenyne loforays ared enot. Ti alinnes igenen der niton eyd tena zivilizays eteren kidd maddryv idse ew enerired fopre ny gingelays denining isusi kallered isin rewo erredre efoarin:


"the concept of technological singularity promises a limitless evolution of humankind, but forgets that energy is a limited resource always, everywhere. There is no such a thing as a technological singularity for those civilizations that are unable to obtain energy wisely, and certainly Sol-3 performs very poorly in what concerns this issue" 


Nen, skopa tena yrniaudne zivilizays eader kidd maddryv alinnes fopre enga? Gaa yrniaudne der entidd eyd fopre ny goanet dere red gelyru nerere kidd enuays nayn merë iesë, edi skopa datu te osiiss enensiss eti vegy.


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