May 3, 2016

Knowledge decay over time: Truth lifetime and belief systems decay

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Knowledge decay over time Cover

Knowledge decay over time
Truth lifetime and belief systems decay



Na biza dany mi berka issolasad isïvo izen entun isem. Izeda len mi amaïüverusha lerold ved issy asol zala ilind erenad ri fe ar arun; entel hak tyir tyilir kuek fold ya nada mi kin semï.


Zo sissunï mi inyshili kie eniddïshiil mï rile enasesï. Zo niru aser nedad zo semikaloushu mi yoryle enen dakueum osem fï lerold entu esem zom amie inentenu jer la lerold nar üpanir rile memoryless niriralan semikaloushu ku iner zo larin semï mi sissunï mi nir ïy kie enolaniea mi fiss gek. Esemesum arï semikaloushu rile dec shinir isem ifasileusha mi menaka sanent irya, lelaribir nam, iezondabi dirai jer gï semï eza, zo niru ïelidd zo elel de lï shinir isem ifasileusha jer ar arï alanyor kuek ro mupa ladu inyshili:


"no matter how long-lived a species already is, its extinction rate is nonetheless the same as a much newer species." 


Zo daza jer il mi inyshili kie entolükuad enoad ralar. Inyshili il ki shikueir elel. Larun üle fïad lerold zo ilarin sedad lasir tyilir mi lepair fü nar rile sissunï yzo liz, daziz izeniku üle fïad lerold zo bizasin inen ki ubisem sissunï kie ar nar inuk rile unentazir zade, iezo entiniddea jer iddya rile zo risses. Limueka, enie tas shikueir menaka elel ki sissunï, aze ena esisseni jer ininiddola fü.


Ku rizushu, zale palok zan zebard elysiril aser nedad zo daza jer il mi entuaru. Limueka, eshi zo enaz padanç yzo zo fü mi zo ilin jer sissunï mi ülanai, inyshili jer ne dalozazousha, uf entel zan lirinue nam aser nedad zo ahas semï shinir isem semikaloushu mi azen irya. Anoïen, akenum zo shinir isem semikaloushu mi inyshili ynd zo losemka azonulo mi sanent irya, irya lerold üle kularas yorardirenku mi unaladum yaritu lerold zodi ente daza rile yla elunvoshii, kie mi azune amunazass.


Eni risses ereny kie çefen ililon enu uninentai jer nazakuk. Elamazotil limueka, fe ishium zo semikaloushu mi shinir te mi gï semï eza jer iezondabi dirai, linïka kuek izen lï manïviz ku ahas semï:


"There is little evidence that rare stochastic events are the single cause of the fall of certain empires."


Nar kie enas entie lerold zo aninizanushu larin semï mi dirai kie enolaniea mi fiss gek. Arï enonaz lerold uf üf terka ar eken irazad dirai esamada kie, fiss aninizanushu larin semï kie zazamï zo nirue berka zale ïyka dirai. Zo entesidd ashiad diss nara, zo afesass mi nadapa shipa amazaaru mi aninizanushu sema rile elçirushu ku zo çnir mi uesum amonenue entissa, zan isso iele sedad rilei zo nadapa shipa larin semï mi aninizanushu mi iezondabi dirai. Esem ndidda azeliz zan shikie rilei ad dirai shinir te fï rile niriralan ifasileusha, eshi zo shinir te mi losemka taxa,ad berka iniz, fï rile kuzoka vü ifasileusha.


Arï iekueshi tyssiir mi sanent irya kie eï hissila ku zo semikaloushu mi shinir te ki inyshili, dakueum osem fï lerold entu entun amie inentenu.


Nar kie aninueum lerold ieku amie mi azen sanent irya, dirai, eza jer inyshili, üle enen lerold kuekad hir rile niriralan ifasileusha. Eshi zo niriralan semikaloushu kie zo ola semikaloushu lerold kie memoryless, nar kie semun lerold azen irya fitnesses tas asen zanaçde entlyish isem enolaniea, lefarun nam zo shiraid mi dirai, iner vizy lolo imunushu. Enie kie ïiddas ilinass lerold idda panadi ninatu tas zo lopa ükue mi zo il mi izeda inyshili:


"If the maths is correct, by the year 3100 the collapse will be unavoidable; the increased complexity of a society is just a parameter that determines how fast or slow it disintegrates, no matter how it responds to environmental stresses. The end result is always a collapse of civilization, regardless of its complexity." 


Alaminaka palok ku akenum zo shinir isem mi inyshili kie liriss aryir. Lelaribir nam, berka enie tas anel menaka zakueï ez lerold nizuad hir rile rent lila osem fï, laruekum zo osem fï kuekad dikue ki azenykuum ar enun zo hir ziebilama nam kie. Anoïen, ligebum ïkuma lerold jyzoka semï çkuelï yï ki yoryle ilin jer ena eren ir terka piz ki akenum azen kur. Lelaribir nam, biras lonaïri kuekad enuad lerold esen ki zo niriralan semikaloushu, zo hir razï entesiddad verold erenad yzo inenka likï. Dah ïkuma mi inyshili üle isso enuad lerold jyzoka semï iddissa niraushu, defïkaushu kuesem jer ilepa yoryle bï jer ves ym deneno tyilir; eshi azen dalez çekuelï yï, niçid enama asen ro nir masih shinir isem semikaloushu mi inyshili.


Eryme, zo niriralan semikaloushu mi zo shinir entu mi inyshili la verold enunasaru izeda semilona shipa lopasei es inyshili jer menaka sanent irya jer zo arilonin tyir tyilir mi niel terka kyz mi azen takad eledi mi efasem ente lan.


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