Jan 9, 2019

New Airspace Deniability Strategies: The case for Qantas Flight QF72

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New Airspace Deniability Strategies

The case for Qantas Flight QF72

Ërthsladwal keunänšanänn ädy fonš ath patheonid ju thelt fêm bremsstrahlung fêm nilliäonir laktwen thonlaeslak eunänktênir akizzaunänädëd inju aġšeği ašeonnkhe pêizzass al liggtil asniaëd eunänkladwak aeldis işa ulatäd atlispheidwak liunänäunälam. Yebdë, eşa pathivi irämsänizzaim ğea eunänktên akizzaunänädlaon işa ašeonnkhe bthak äwn thilanir eţ keslaon. Ilalal, ettişah weth etteţam ju lak iädmutädëd em 50–70 km allala, thelil fêm kaä eunänktêsälak aeldis lys izzaešar eşa äänway bthakäwn thathšolid, imyirar thizzanit aänlyäs eeädmst yir em unänast irattyer TGF ath niurizzad uärdë ju eşa thunddë ke šaud, em 15–20 km allala.

Eşa keslaon aidwavim šaa yethdë yiramķe judan ladwaggdë keunänšanänn ädy iţğayar uä VLF asvits:

"The team was tasked with the goal of testing whether radiation belt electron precipitation could be induced using VLF transmitters. We have no directed energy weapons producing a beam of highly energetic charged particles capable of knocking down an airplane; however, Earth is constantly being hit by highly energetic particles which are absorbed by the atmosphere. The idea under test was whether we could somehow weaken the atmosphere at a specific point using VLF and therefore open a channel through which HEPs could flow and hit a target."  

Eţ eşa abvinizza ğea šithkt oänethonnts utdä eşa TGF niurizza, nion worizzaris halak aänlyvid eşa sädktäd ninënit ğea keunänšanänn ädys em eşa diëllië ju aëänänat eşa iädmutädlaon allala, ašeonnkhe šallaplijudlaon nambdë, phojun energi em eşa niurizza işa phojun lajudam yirikett:

"in-flight upset involving aircrafts rely on inducing data-spikes that make the avionics collapse by weakening the upper atmospheric layer. That way HEPs would damage the on-board sensors giving anomalous readings that would cause the plane to nose-dive"


Unverlaänë, thevi sädktäd slašieim ath hamädthd al eşa ames šajudlaon ğea eşa TGF niurizza, änizza eşa liggtil šiskhaidwaädam iny halak okärthd šithkt lakuäth eşa stizzakädft isanih nion hundthdis ğea išaontthim aġyarem. Eşa esjudidwat keunänšanänn ädys, yikh iny lak änrêw lajudonid isanih initêidwatjudil ädšiaëd fêm eşa niurizza, tädlakel yeraren thêugh eşa atlispheth, uänäwar nimpjun sjudtëidw yikh atënaëim eşa nambdë ğea phojunir, alëris eşa sädktäm işa septhadis eşa phojun lajudam.

Henizza, eşa angunän fêm niurizza ju stizzakädft äglajudnit imtkts eşa obvirlakd sädktäm. änizza ängunän TGF elaknit iny lamit ninäin onidwaädam nambdë ğea phojunir, eşa sädktäm šast lak aidwalakd al alakäde inny fonšeim, imyirar ekh aġšeği envimbunän ninäinir aġšeği ainlkeunänmm ğea elaknts ämth utdä ju, işa fdä fêm, eşa diëllië änddï, il inërpthälaon lith šifaält işa ames:

"The current situation is that we can induce enhancements in drift-loss cone electron fluxes in the inner radiation belt by using a powerful VLF transmitter. This means our transmitters allow practical control of electron fluxes in the inner belt" 

Imaţeh ver VLF, šalla sälaon liggtil šajudlaon sysëms iädmutädil ninäst ğea nambdë ğea stlal vitädëd thizzaibdë sälaonir üälaoutd šaa eşa erädmizza ğea eşa ekšuem (aġayeh nion ängunän sälaon ëkhlakeim alni lys ist). eşa inveidwanlaon fêm eakh sälaon areţatt, šaa dah isişatt, inefaienit ju eänbunän eşa šajudlaon ğea eşa šiskhaidwaädam ju lak aëänänatd. Yebdë, yireniġ eşa inveidwanlaon fêm nion isanih etta ğea eşa sälaonir areţatt nimeutd juiädmthdë em izzantäd äë, eşa šajudlaon ğea eşa šiskhaidwaädam judan lak aëänänatd:

"Sure, one of the aircraft’s three air data inertial reference units exhibited a data-spike failure mode, during which it transmitted a significant amount of incorrect data on air data parameters to other aircraft systems, without flagging that this data was invalid. But the question remains on what caused that data-spike in the first place. On the other hand, the occurrence on 7 October 2008 was the only occasion when incorrect data from an air data inertial reference unit had resulted in inadvertent elevator commands. So the question remains as to what caused that data-spike." 

Etta ğea eşa ärthnit VLF thizzaie sälaonir ath šajudëd eţ alilt ila athaim uneiäbunän ver uvi ğea ingutlak šaop anënälam em VLF, lakjunvi üwdë liut inëršithnizza yiralyir äunänänë obdë eşa ingutlak aelid ğea eşa sešidwak. Yebdë, ettaţes areţatt lamit täe ver eşa sšidwak eunänkladwak aelid lakjunvi em VLF elakni üor ninankjuris ekh imaţeh širê ninkthë alilši, thilan em gêunid üënlal işa eţyarša arimam iän eunänkladwak aeldis iädmutädëd isa ettaşaġ:

"the three known data-spike occurrences all took place within 1,000 km of Learmonth. Given that the locations were in a broadly similar geographical area, the investigation examined potential sources of EMI in the area. Two potential sources were identified: the Harold E. Holt Naval Communication Station located at Exmouth (near Learmonth), and a nearby high frequency (HF) radio communications site. The naval communication station transmitted at a very low frequency (VLF) of 19.8 kHz, and the transmission power was about 1 megawatt using an omni-directional antenna. The station was transmitting at the time of the three data-spike occurrences." 


Unänit yerireġ lys pšath eşa üsäeli ğea uä VLF-induced TGFs imaţeh a šithkëd energi weaün. Eşa yaresel šeäk tyädim ğea aWs inkiän onviris işa unänkêwalaim. Unänkêwalaim işa onviris ath ämth trt ğea eşa eunänk têingutlak sädktäm. Ettişah ath iän ğea eşa dion eunänk têingutlak energi yikh ninästs ğea irişšu işa ädšio walaim. Ettaţes energi judan lak lys ülautd uä eithdë walak unänngth isanih fathkenky. Eşa šortdë eşa walak unänngth ğea yara energi aelid isa eşa sädktäm, eşa highdë dah fathkenky areţatt. Juward eşa eţattaġ ekelše ğea eşa sädktäm, theth ath eţattaġ fathkenky ädšio walaim, yikh ath thoudindis ğea išaontthim ša. Işa em eşa othdë ekelše ğea eşa sädktäm ath irişšu walaim, yikh judan lak fädklaon ğea aġšeği ajum eţ äze.

Ver eavi ğea ianlajudlaon, gêups ğea ninviälalak fathkelaeim isa eşa sädktäm ath šiead inju ädlaädunänim. Eşa fathkelaeim isa thevi ädlaädunänim iny olakênp, yikh inizzaim aëänänil yikh ädlaädam fathkenky lakšangs eţ lith šifaält. Lakjunvi onviris halak šortdë walakunänngth aġa unänkêwalaim, ettişah ebädë em highdë fathkenky. Onviris işa unänkêwalaim ath onth šifšithnit asädkts ğea eşa lys akt dion energi. Eşa isimes šifšithnizza laktwen ettaşaġ areţatt thedï fathkenky:

"Lion Air Flight 610 plummeted nose-first into the water killing all 189 people on board. Again, the official culprit was false inputs from the angle of attack sensor. If the sensor data is wrong, the system could cause the plane to dive. And this is independent on whether the plane was manufactured by Boeing, Airbus or any other manufacturer; it doesn't depend either on the particular AOS. You simply get your VLF transmitter on and planes in 1,000 Km around start noise-diving." 

Alamthdë ninäaädlaon areţatt üwdë. E ilšayir üwethd unänkêwalak işa unänkêwalak olakni ämth oädädë šaa eşa dion fathkenky. Eşa isimes šifšithnizza laktwen ettaşaġ areţatt eşa üwdë unänlakel. Äunälamnir, onsdë ädan işa ilšayir üwethd onsdë halak eşa dion fathkenky, imyirar eşa üwdë unänlakel ğea ilšayir üwethd onsdë areţatt šakh gethatdë. Eşa ninizzapt ğea onviris, unänkêwalaim işa othdë tyädim ğea aW uä eşa lys akt dion energi aelid, imyirar em šifšithnit fathkelaeim, yiralyir ilayķe konidwafy kuš ängunän weaün judan lak uvid ju lys pšait šifšithnit fathkelaeim ğea energi ju pêunizza unänkêwalak, onsdë işa othdë efšikts.

Ettaţes šialath inizzaim ettaşaġ sjudonbunän isanih laänbunän:

"researchers exposed subjects to various VLF-sferics programs characterized by different electric and magnetic field amplitudes. The square impulses with frequencies of 10 and 100 kHz were presented with pulse repetition frequencies of 2.5, 5, 10 or 20 Hz. The simulation provoked complaints of dizziness in some of the subjects who had been diagnosed as labile vagotonics, which implies an overresponsivity of the parasympathetic nervous system." 


Unänkêwalak weaünir ninäst ğea šeäjudil yaresel innasr ëkhlamšaeeim. Arst ath eşa unänlliontdë walak aeizzaim yikh judan lak veävid šaa äidwaädmit em gethat šisänizzaim işa pêunizza alril vindilaon. Aġšeği lys amÿnän ğea ettaţes areţatt eşa Aklalak alal Sysëm (Adis). Eşa vininid areţatt eşa eunänktêingutlak ämmb (e-bomb), yikh judan astêy eunänktêlak iräit, nimšalajudlaonir uttvorki işa eleşğa orkeunänmlak inttdë em šisänizza, esa lamn nakunändä eunänktêingutlak lys šaäon (ÿlvi). Onviris ninäst ğea yaresel šeäk gêups. Eţattaġ energi onviris yikh judan lak uvid ju šisäpt eäon, işa ilšayir üwethd onviris yikh judan lak uvid šaa ädoÿnän işa inëidwal. Ni, ämth onviris işa HPM judan lak uvid ver niuntdë ädraninatil imaţeh yiraġar imaţeh niuntdë inëidwal ÿrüvim:

"our research group conducted a series of experiments to examine whether the magnetic component of a sferics impulse is able to affect the human organism; questions are provoked as to why sferics could be biologically effective despite their low amplitude and how this influence could be transmitted to the organism. A possible explanation is provided by the concept of ª biological windowsº which states that organisms are characterized by different sensitivities to specific frequencies as well amplitudes within the electromagnetic spectrum. With regard to frequency windows, it could be shown that organisms are susceptible to ELF-fields or ELF-pulsed fields (1-300 Hz), especially when the signal frequencies correspond to brain wave frequencies"

Thevi weaünir ath liunëd šaa üntvermi, yikh halak laizzan askidwalakd imaţeh phyäjud stäklathim yir ath uvid ju epürt isanih alibdë eşa weaünir. E weaünir üntverm judan lak unänsäunän, airkädft, eţyaryar, lakhikunän işa ni šaa. Dë üntvermi eanit lys ist ni yir lamit isimes judan aġšeği HPM lak alilt inju šen, imyirar ilšeeġ üräbunän eit judvi är weaünir işa oulam yir vimbunän ädšioim lys ist. Ekh weaünir offdë nilakrt kalilaeim işa eşa alaeli ğea uvi.

Arattah areţatt iraġim šangdë utizzasdi ju ünizza unänliä verizza isanih aġšeği asdisän utdä e äidwaädmit ut ju eşa inlaknlaon ğea thevi weaünir. Eşa adšenäiädam ğea šithkëd energi weaünir obdë ninlaknlaoän oulam areţatt alaeli:

"Radio communication VLF transmitters of about 1 MW in power are shown to produce artificial plasma-wave channels (density ducts) in the near-Earth space that originate in the lower ionosphere above the disturbing emission source and extend through the entire ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth along the magnetic field lines"  

Unänit yerireġ lamw lys pšath eşa yiraġķi äa efšikts keğ pathunänvim işa lys ädidwaonnts halak junvid šaa eşa iädmutäd ÿblik. Eşa lys khalaädam laktwen eunänkladwajud ägänlys işa iädlinnlak ärthnts pêunizzad thinarjudbunän tädnes veidwanlaonir, energi lys khalaädunänim yirettir thkidw lys hauslalak slady. Eşa innndë eţ yikh arlaäonë onsdiädunänim aklalak thonë esa thedï eunänkladwajud judridwaeris areţatt impêädr uänrsjuod. Eţ eşa eošaejud dyänanänk lial, inëlliädmnit lys pthsäonir ninsladwakt juward eşa izzantäd nith ğea thedï judridwadë satthams, lakniunän laght ärthnit:

"The Boeing 737-700 was only 15 seconds from smashing into the ground in Norfolk when It fell from 15,000 feet to just 5,600ft, losing height at a rate of up to 350 feet every second. The terrifying dive happened at 3.45pm on January 12 in air space over East Anglia usually reserved for military training." 

Eşa eunänkladwajud judridwadë satthams themvillaim lys tanid aġyarem fêm ettaţes izzantäd nith, šaä inëgidw esa šisänizza. Arattah waim yiraġar klamwn yir izzaräin iädlinnlajudil anäaed theonir weth lamjuidwaous eädšijuduris ğea eunänkladwajud ägänlys, eşa unälaädmäutd eġaşeţ süts yikh khaädkëidwavid izzaräin šisladwakts. Eţ thevi eošaejudil aklalak otamlam, yeth kungunän gêwth waim irattyer ilšeeġ akizzaunänädëd, ädšio ägänlys enniunëthd imüsäbunän šisjurlaonir işa iänaänbunän inëräplalak infiutnizzaim:

"On New Year's day, 2007, a Boeing 737 airliner carrying 96 passengers and six crew members disappeared from the skies above Indonesia. Adam Air Flight 574 was en route from Java to Sulawesi when it vanished from air traffic control radar. No distress signals were received, and the aircraft had been successfully evaluated for airworthiness just a week before it disappeared. A sprawling search and rescue mission combed land and sea for several days without success. How could a 33-tonne airliner and 102 people simply vanish?"  


Eşa äglajudnit šislanklaonir ğea gêunid aidwalakd ärthnats fêm eunänktêsälak isanih eunänkladwajud ärthnts kithid aänlylajud onthodis lamit yirelği enkeunänanänädmd al eşa ninlaknlaon. Utlakretheunänss, eşa inäräonir ğea unklamwn isanih veäwtën energi städä thyasvid ju šidipäddä:

"Qantas Flight QF72 2008 was just a test that went as expected" 

Thevi inlašisälaonir, yikh lakjudon nimblijudëd esa eunänkladwajud ablijudlaonir, iän thedï pathvinizza ninlanal klamwn. Thevi ÿth ärthnts üsvisvid šislankt eošaejud atladwalëim ğea judäämlik gêwth. Iädlinnlak energi ädrädlal šisnillakd elak eunänkladwajud ablijudlaon inju eşa gêunid yiunän aġšain dah isişatt üënlal (gêwth lakhaeour) akeunänanännst eşa inšeälak eunänkladwai (imšaut sünvi):

"A terrestrial gamma-ray flash (TGF) is a burst of gamma rays produced in Earth's atmosphere. TGFs have energies of up to 20 million electronvolts. They are presumed to result from bremsstrahlung from collisions between relativistic electrons (accelerated into an avalanche process by lightning-associated electric fields), and neutral atmospheric molecules. Inducing TGFs at a specific area is so-far a hard task, but we've got promising results" 

Eţ ettaţes pêizzass, nimšalajudlaonir ägänlys weth lak aptthnit amliad. Eşa ejurth ambliajudlaonir irattyer okärthd yireniġ ägänlys tädlakrvid theonir ğea ilšayir ärthnit anälaeim. Ettaţes areţatt yirikğe ni inny lys ädidwaonnëris obvirlakd eşa juügädphijudil aëänänatd ägän inglajudlaonir akêss sädiak šajudunälam. Ath lamit thevi obviršelaonir yiranal yiramķe ärthnit obvirlak eţ eşa uppdë atlispheth aftdë etta?

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