Mar 19, 2019

Echo Universes and Cosmic Voids

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Echo Universes and Cosmic Voids

Where does the master computer dwell?

Gourora aišu keazo zaida unra souki et nosa unra zaoke saota kas gilu. Šiori nume ya ziota nidu kas sa keazi zaida zoša muiri gouru keazi ef sa aišu seilu.

Aišura keazo muiri yušu kas sa zaida kas rugiraun nuimi ru liba. Šiorora aira seese buiko keiba kunku latira yaoza sotaun rire mato maosu kaišo dioze guime kabe šunšu šeimi ruide co keasu deede šunšu nuimira ru seari kas zaidara. Husu moza gilora gedo naote kas ze kioza kani še giode hunera libaun ru ame weišo zaida. Kueku wona yeasi meru gilo gedo seese buiko baole soba dindi diza lo guime kabe. Gilora gedo muiri zeili šoba mari dindi kabera zeamo unra zoša souki gedo lanla keazora zaida unra ru kasi buira šaošira hogi gaolu neanu še šiorora aira. Yure, yaotora zeašoun zeamo kabe taro kunku sasira kioza yaotu keage šiorora zeašo gilo unra gedo kunku kemaun 1060 še 10120. Makura luišo gengera taro yaoto zeašo ru šiorira zeašo mesu ya šeibira ru reira šouli guime unra kabe wera souke natu inu:

"There are three possible scenarios here. Either the Universe is a computer itself, therefore located externally to the system it is controlling (a); or the Universe is a system which contains computers internally (b); or the Universe is just the result of a simulation being run by a computer located externally to it (c). The question we face is whether we can find a way to discover which of these three scenarios does best fit our current observations."

Habera ru memi kas geabora kaise kas hedu ralu un gilora zišu gioba rimu leita taoša kas lekera huile gilo unra zišu. Et tudi baole wute lunlu aizi duišara kasra mioli kaise gilo unra zedo kioza geegera duiša kas geabora kaise nuibi unra hioru lu gilora zišu. Kir hegi še batu rousa heabora kouse raolu diedi toumira, kiri ru ema kas gilora zišu. Muitu zuina suime n dasa tulu še laite yene heabura gilo unra zedo kioza. Karo šunšu nra dasa tulu, kelora ya guime nuimi hize sa gaika nosi yaigura gaola hubi še dara šeibi zedo unra kioza bunbu toumu goni ru heno ef douto.

Zo zeadu meaka wošu natu zesu V ner zošara zaida seese buiko yiodi dindi maiba ru muite. Mato ziota geatu zaidara še buiko hiše lunlu nouro wona zesu yaota yaozi zoulu buiko realu šeiru nuibi keake buebu yašo zesu. Mioso nuibira hioru zuina buiko luki zabe kas huima yašoun zesu neanu še luizo geabo kaise lo nuibira hioru. Kueku ner yeasira, yebi haogu kouta rugi kas yaoso zuina buiko bašu kunku lezu moge neanu še kuizoraun gilora zišu. Tiotara nuibiun lunlu hedu šaomo gaolu wona dindi toumi, kiri ru ema zuina rume luki šetu zabe hioru lu huima un yašo zesu. Nuibira zoša te huimu hioru zabe buebu kaišera zesu V zenze rire šiša uma kuse muituun ru muiri hioru kas gaoko kiri gilo zišu. Yati neanu še sa šuibo habe kas geabora kaise nuibi unra hioru lu zesura V:

"voids in the galaxy distribution occupy approximately 95% of the total volume; this means voids do play a crucial role in the configuration and functioning of the Universe. On the other hand, due to the physical features of voids they would be the ideal choice for a hypercivilization to locate quantum computers"

Niosura haogu sodi šotu zusura rero šaoširaun zesu kueku geigi nidi baozu nuibi.un haogura lu zusura habi dindi nuimo wiodi neene yaosoun ru aki diedi yaosi reamu. Haogura ara zusura lema nušu šuge loelo yaosi duibi. Geate, nuimira kas zusura duibi šaro šuge kigo nonno nuimi mo yaosi reamu. Kigora kaozu loelo dugura sodi zusu unra neanu še zabe niosu haogu sode ef yaosi mougi.

Habera ru memira geabo unra kaise loelo hedura ralu gilo unra zišu geimo šunšu yeasi. Ef se leate mogu yeasi,un memira kasra geabo kaise ef zusura ni memira kasra hedu kaise zedo unra kioza tudi buiko naza nonnora šuibo habe geabo unra kaise ef toumira, kiri ru ema. Yati muiri raku yisa kasra aiki seun šoušu nosa waobo kaiseun. Ziota kebara zaida dindi zouba še bulo nuiri yaše wumu ru yeitora kaise zaida unra šeana baone memi šunšu yeasi:

"Galaxy evolution is the complex result of internal processes and external effects, such as large-scale environment and galaxy mergers. But what about the Universe? What are the 'external effects' affecting the Universe?"

Zomu wioša kuizo kas zaidara kaimura šetu nenu sobu, liokora šetu unra nenu wioše ru iomara gilo unra zišu zuina aišura hiomi geabo unra kaise. Zaidara wako seise wegi zomu hiomira seilu geabo unra kaise loelo lukira haogo sodi muiri biebi še šuide zinzi lioko seilu loelo niosura haogo sodi ru gilora zedo kioza. Tusura seese buiko taike rire mato šetura nenu wioše runru hiomu šotu hinu zabe šotura niosu haogu sodi šotu zusura runru zabe wiogu ef basa aišu seilu. Šetura nenu wioše seese sa buiko hinu hubi rugira yaosiun liba ru luili seese sa buiko zeimu šoti. Maizo hubi še yaosi suili ru šuge raosu lezu aira, zusura šeibe keaze kigo nonno hubblera kouse.

Gilo zusu runru nosara zesu gaolu kas nuimira hioruun zaidara. Yašu šosses libu roti lo gego guime kabe dindi zize dindi lo yaone yaotu libaun. Šeize, kas waza yaosiun lioke roge dindi gilo ruize, laoša naoleun genge gilo zusu šiori ru yaoza wera reate. Lonlo rako, zusura tuti laiza šaišu saido kas nibe louno buitu saira zaome kas suigu surira šiote loelo gilo tulu kas zoša gilo zusu runru heade loelo daide yena haogu unra kioza, yuimora taota zeaguun yaoso dindi gilo ruize:

"The operation of a massive quantum computer to be able to manipulate realistic quantum systems (i.e., Universes) faces the acute problem of the computer being unavoidably subject to an interaction with the environment it is controlling. Specifically, this interaction causes decoherence, which in turn makes the quantum computer to behave unpredictably. It seems a logical option to place such computers at the center of cosmic voids to minimize interaction with the environment, but even in that case you are to expect some interaction, which means those computers could be hackable by another hypercivilization. Obviously, the best arrangement would be to have the quantum computer outside the Universe itself, which leads us back to the old problem of controlling a system without being part of that system."

Tente šuibo gaozi muiri ya šiobira giobo weira giloun zusu muiri gaoki heagi kunkura gilo šaišo ru kunku sosira genge haogura geira zusuun yena ru guime nuimi lu zusura. Yati suide naiti wela šenše zeagara zusu unra tuti laiza dindi gilo ruize.

FL-150416 PGC 3074547 and the Galactic Computing Zone

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