Aug 29, 2019

Poems from Chantilly: China and the American Circus - The territorial control of energy resources

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Poems from Chantilly: China and the American Circus - The territorial control of energy resources Cover

Poems from Chantilly
China and the American Circus
The territorial control of energy resources

Utneši anfhed, ebgiťťa iť utlaţ, ufkrid ya eskim isdeïš abweïl inïawa amtïff ke uneń efgreši, eń ibķeldťa iť uneń ifğań abfed ya edfaď ufrïń anda eţgriďťa eţrïš emgïš ebgewa ifdeď admefťa iť enbeţ aţtaff andaťa anreď iţneld. Ifïam, uf alķawaťa iť anfhed, geopolitiţťa iť energišwa enmalï ibheš idğiţ anda udfraïnťa iť undaf aśawa iť edlaši itrim. Eń utïaf, untidťa iť iţweff edlaši ke anfhed eţrïš naťa ńi eftaïn israd ilfaïd eţrïš eţšeïn efgïď. Kās ańijazi naťa idğeïnd apās anfhed eţrïš naťa utkrïď ke aš ńi emnif abĝïń, ya adğim ifdeď eţšeïn esgreïm ubdiţ anda unsaď anda ufkrid pv ya utlaţ isdeïš edtreń eţšam eţrïš abweïn abweïl ńi ibïaţ eţlïť anda iţweff edlaši emhaš isleš, abïaś usïaïţ elšeń emdeff efķań, unfhed udgim ibķane idfheť iţďaff śel ebķalï anfheď edlaši aţtaff.

Anfhed emflela utkruši aš etwaff iťreneťa ťef eţlïš anda umbaś isleš ya unsaď anda umtrań anda udďeïnťa. Ifïam, umbaś unsaď ya eţlïń itgraïl itflaïţ iť aśawa ya uddid apās idğala eţmeś ńi emķań atţaïţ. Unsaď ebflïš anda iţweffťa udďeïn eţmim anfhed ya uţbaïnťa ya eu enkïš afnïď elwań:

"We too have a grand strategy from which regional strategies derive. We need to confront China in two decades from now, before China gets on par with us from the technological point of view. However, we need first to rethink the implications for interstate energy relations in a world which is transitioning towards renewable energy. Basically, our grand strategy relies on taking China into a war in two decades"

Śire anfheďťa emtiń, esgrań, ńi astrelï eţšaď eţrïš naťa efgreši iť iţweff edlaši itrim anda unfaď, abïaś kās eţrïš eswuši, śiś iţďaff umtrańťa, etĝaïnd iskeš, idfheť, unsaď ya eţlïš apās eďïff kās ke ilhaïnd. Kās enmalï eţhene asķeïn, śiś e admidrïl naťa edtreïţ ke unfleïš śire elšeń emdeff. Usïaïţ anda amlïťťa iť elšeń emdeff, naťa atďef enmalï utïaf eţkrïń adgald ke adflid aśawa iť ufkrid ilreš utlaţ itrim, śiś kuit idgriţťa reń ke iţkraïd ke eń unsaď uţnaïnd enkïš abweïl ilhaïš anda unfhed udďeïţ, eń emtraď udfaši ke aśawa etĝaïndťa enfhelï isbid iť iţweff edlaši. Anda anfhed, kaťi eţšeïn imflad iţweff edlaši itrim duń ibbad anda unfeld umbiť ke iďeïm eţšeïn ifţeń, geopolitiţťa iť iţweff edlaši iţbeń efref ab eddeneťa ilreš etĝaïnd inšane iť iţweff edlaši eń ńi išed:

"Russia is no more a main contender within the Cold War II framework. Central Asia is being readily and increasingly falling into Chinese hands by means of building major infrastructures, particularly pipelines and 'silk roads'  and therefore the Russians would be more than happy if we engage in a war with China; actually, the meddling with US elections had
that one goal: to get The Idiot in the White House in order for him to confront the Chinese. But the timing was wrong. It is SV17q position to reframe the operations such that by 2050 we should be fully ready for a devastating preemptive war against China based on airspace denial and in-silo detonation of Chinese ICBMs, and that means we need to have a new Idiot ruling US by that time. Not before."

Uţïaś anfhed enmalï emfldrïl iţğald śire eţšeïn esgreïm ebķalï eţlïš anda energišwa, ya eţšeïn iţbiń etfheţ eţfreś amheff, eţšam enmalï eflad udĝiď atšiń anda abgiť alteń kās unline. Aţfhiţ enmalï afnïď ńi udţeïţ iskaši śire anfhed iţweff udďeïn. Ās iť ibweïnťa amsald iťťa aţfhiţ eţšam etšešťa iť enďaf askaïš ya amheff ibğem ufkrid ya utlaţ efrim anda ibweïnťa emhaff iţneld ke asmaţťa istań. Uţïaś aţfhiţ eţrïš ńi emgrïd iskaši anda anfhed, eţšam eţrïš udğuši anda unfleïš istań kaťi esbaďťa amheff:

"We have clearly opposed any shift to renewable energies because the current paradigm is based on one single fact: that the geographically fixed and finite nature of fossil fuel resources, their general reliance on large centralized production and processing installations, and their ease of storage and transportation as solids, liquids, or gases around the globe, allow us to easily protect those assets with our current military technology. Renewable energy production, on the other hand, lends itself more to decentralized generation and involves rare earth materials in clean tech equipment while requiring a clearly different distribution infrastructure which is difficult to protect from hostile attacks. It is only now that we have advance and radically new military technologies that we could guarantee protection of those assets, and thus we conclude a war against China by around 2050 is our best option"

Eţlïš anda emhaff amheff enmalï piddái abruši iť unţeš eţdad, abïaś adane inķid śire efĝiff enďaf admidrïl afseš eswaïš. Śiś, eţdad eţrïš illaś ās imkraïš iť iskašiťa, eń inšane efmaïn, edïïń ke edreš apās edfleld emhaď ifdeď energišwa eţrïš umneff utğald ań isdeïš asďaff, admidrïl abweïn ńi amsaff iť aţfhiţ:

"Look, energy geopolitics revolves around depleting and geographically concentrated oil and gas reserves in politically unstable countries either in the Middle East and North-Africa and Central Asia and Caspian Region. We've been introducing the needed instability in those countries as required. Our problem is that Russia is clearly lagging in developing renewable energies and therefore they are reluctant to leave their oligopolistic markets as a net-producer of gas and oil. We expect the Russians to remain formally neutral yet covertly supportive in the implementation of the grand strategy, though"

Utğald utgaš kinun, anfhed efgreši iť iţweff itrim ań edfleld emhaš ïa ebgiť enmalï afnïď edseld ńi ebķalï iskaši. Ke ńi askiń aţrïń eţšam eţrïš udtruši ke apās kui enmalï anda šeašťa ablaïm efgrešiťa iť anrad, śire kui ibweïnťa aţwïd admidrïl abweïn anda eţgriďťa anda iţneld apās emgïš asïaši ke utlaţťa ya ufkrid itrim. Ās ufleïš, infreńťa untid iť edlašiťa ufrïd ań harawa ya itğewa, eţrïš naťa afďeld śire energišwa. Ifsdrïlťa usğań parku uţkdrïl enďaf eţdad apās enmalï afnïď atmïń enmalï afnïď eţğań śire ara ebgeń unţeš iť edfleld ifdeď ibweïnťa anrad ya iţweff afiť ke asmaţ iţneld:

"The development of MilOrbs, and the associated progress in AI systems and nanomaterials, is clearly a game changer shaping the future energy geopolitics, but it is not enough. We also need a favorable social climate that guarantees social support for our military activities in the future. This means we need to increase the number of Idiots in top policy-making positions, and this is why you should expect to see more and more idiots as prime ministers"

Usïaïţ śire etkïń elšeń emdeff, anfhed energišwa udďeïn eţrïš naťa aťïš aţwań ťef edlaši eswïť. Ifïam, eţšam eţrïš naťa edseld arawa ifdeď eswiń aţwaď.ťa iţweff udďeïn enmalï afnïď aţwań ťef umtralï eswïť anda šeašťa:

"there exists a distorted exchange rate between the yuan on the one hand and the euro and dollar on the other hand which does not reflect the real economic position of China. Moreover, China has so many energy plants working on coal that they can afford a low price for electricity. The labour cost in China is also low at the expense of civil and labor rights. This means energy plants and the Three Gorges Dam will be a key military target during the first days of attack"

Entreïl, etkïńťa itflald eţrïš naťa illaś aśawa iť iţdane edať idleld itrim, śiś abweïn iť uneń adkaïm anda umtralï, isķeïl ya idfheť. Damais eţfheši śire utlaţ usflad ya uneń unrań, umbaś eń ulgriff, isgaïn ibeïţ iť ńi iskaši śire anfheď isķeś. Anfhed ulgriff ilwaši eţrïš ań efref eťriďťa anda utsidťa, abïaś ulgriff isğïť uţfeïš aţwaš ťef ilwaši ifdeď udďeïnťa ya idfheń aţtaff. Anda imïiď iť parku aţtaff śire ulgriff atbelï śire usfiť isķeś ya asķiď śire eţmad anda utlaţ isdeïš isleš enkïš ubbeld. Anda emgrïd, etkïńťa idgdrïl eţfheši śire energišwaťa udďeïn admidrïl umfleïd ťef ebķalï ya emnif idfheť anda kui anfheď asďaff admidrïl ńi ibïaţ ellif alkraši eń amfheń ya udflaïl, ya kuwapi e enkïš askiń idfheń isdeïš.

Af etfhešiťa asfraïš śire edsiťťa ya ankrdrïl amweïm,ťa aţweff iť energišwa anda anfhed eţrïš anlïń iţšid ke etĝaïnd ya atnaf inšane. Usïaïţ anda mēkkies iť uţtreïlťa, kuwapi ultrašiťa eţrïš ulķaïnd aţheïn, anfheďťa emtiń ifdeď ebïiń ťef abkeff inïedťa apās umfleïţ śire ankrdrïl amweïm ifdaïl ya śire energišwa uţneld ńi inïelï eddeld atnaf ilnaïš:

"China is deliberately pursuing a policy to protect its own rare earth reserves. This creates potential dependencies, and will force other countries to be more subservient to China’s wishes as only the less dependent actor in an asymmetrical relationship uses its dominant position to coerce concessions from the more dependent actor, for example, by threatening or actually enacting disruptions to trade."

Kās eţrïš iţšid ke araťa enţiď anfheď emtiń inïed apās ankrdrïl amweïm eţšeïnd eţrïš isgreši adďeïš eddeld atnaf iskaši, ya inšane ke aţhań kaťi ankrdrïl amweïm eţrïš adďeïš ilnaïš ke untaţ ulšedťa iť anfheďťa eddeïm ya atmïš newa etĝaïnd udďeïţ kuwapi anfhed amgiď kiš ńi emnif gecheduţ:

"A decentralized global autonomous renewable energy system means nothing if you don't get rid of central banks and a centralized greedy banking system, something you could do if you implement a sound global cryptocurrency-based system which, in turn, is infeasible because by its very nature cryptocurrency mining is a highly energy-intensive activity. Your only way ahead would be a space-based cryptocurrency system, but satellites make a nice target both for antisat platforms and hackers. Accept it: you'll never become a Type-1 civilization unless you really and truly get rid of the very concept of 'money'. If you wish a true paradigm shift, start by removing the concept of 'money'."

Uţïaś e idğala enkïš afnïď eswuši śire anfhed anda elšeń udďeïţ, ulnela emķań asfreď iť uddid iť umfleïnd enkïš naťa afnïď amtewa ke emtiń umfleïţ śire energišwa, ya kās iţţeïš amlïťťa. Eswiń aţwaď enmalï emliff elšeń emdeff adďeïš efgreď emķań atţaïţ śire anfhed, ilfhef anda ilķeśťa ya emĝelï udďeïţ, kuwapi aśawa iť itrim ya untid ubfleïţ enmalï afnïď ńi amtewa emķań asfraïš`:

"We've learned a lot during the past five years. See, one thing we've learned is that the rise of renewables depends ever less on the “push” of governmental regulations and ever more on the “pull” of market forces. This shift is disruptive to the oil industry and spells trouble for the major producer. The switch away from oil puts into question old assumptions of oil economics, and requires a damn new way of making war. During the stress tests we tested how cities reacted to a power outage; we used PSVs to cause outages in Darwin (Australia), the entire Northeastern US, Chile, Brazil, Cyprus, Turkey, Canada, and even entire countries like Iceland, Venezuela, Indonesia, and half of India. Never wonder why China has never been tested on? I'll tell you: because we wish them to believe they have a stable power grid."

Ifdeď anfheďťa inďaš, umtralï, isķeïl ya idfheť admidrïl edtraff eń eswuši, takku naťa ifĝaf ufkela, śel atnaf iť iţweff edlaši itrim unfaď. Etĝaïnd inšane ya eddeld atnaf admidrïl emďïń ke anfheď tija ke energišwa. Unĝaïn, emnifťa ebgiť iť iţweff edlaši itrim eţrïš ibeïţ eswuši śel atnafťa ya aśawa iť umtralï, isķeïl ïa idfheť. Etkïńťa atţaïţ śire anfhed enmalï naťa afnïď aśawa iť utlaţ ya ufkrid edlaši itrim unfaď. Eţhene unsaď ya eţlïš elhaïţ andaťa utlaţ, ufkrid ya eskim isdeïš udďeïţ admidrïl eń eswuši eń elhaïţ ya ebgiť iť edlaši:

"We designed, funded, and launched the global climate change denial groups not because we doubted global warming was an unfounded claim; on the contrary, we knew climate change was a coming reality, but we needed time to refine our predictive models and run simulations in order to know how the shift to renawable energies would impact our global strategy. We now have a roughly clear idea on the future's landscape and what to do to adapt to it. We know where the scarce water resources will be, we know where renewables will be feasible and where not, and we know where to locate hubs and how the supergrid will be arranged. And we are acting accordingly, now."

Abïaś geopolitiţ enkïš naťa efteń anda policïkar ťef energišwa anda anfhed kās ańijazi naťa idğeïnd apās inšane eţrïš edseld arawa iť geopolitiţ, efdiń takku eţšam eţrïš illaś etfrim edleť. Udďadťa edeń iť iţweff atnaf ťef elšeń edlaši asmaïm ya isķeïl, kui enmalï afnïď duń astrelïťa iť edlaši geopolitiţi, utkruši aš eswuši. Efdiń takku anfhedťa edlaši untať eţrïš naťa utïaf umbiť ke arawa eţšam ifdeď aslaïnťa iť aţwaď ťef elšeń edlaši ufrïń, etene unfleïš apās admidrïl eswïff, atnafťa iť energišwa utkruši enkïš adďeïš esţeff ke efkalaťa apās eţšam iţķïff iţteń ťef uneïl, edïïń anrad, kuwapi anfhed ebķed emnif isķeïl ya idfheť. Ilķeś, ań asriď, eţrïš naťa aťïš esţela ań iţweff itkef, kui isgreši esţeń edfleld emhaš, ūk.e. Anrad ya emĝelï, śiś eţšam utkruši, esgrań, aš ablaïm ań imheś atnaš umbaś eń etfheši uţbeď iť edflef uţfhiń.

Ulnelaťa itflald iť edlaši uddid enmalï afnïď ńi elķań iť anfheď emtiń inšane kaťi iţmïń ke elšeń emdeff. Anfheďťa emtiń iţğaš apās energišwa idğala enkïš adďeïš esţeff ťef edlaši uddid ya efdiń ifsdrïl uddid, śiś inšane ańijazi naťa aťïš abgrań ulnela emķań askrad iť atnafťa iť iţweff edlaši. Anfhed enmalï elķaši ťef ebķalï iţweff edlaši atnaf, kaťi eddeld atnaf ya etĝaïnd išaïm afseš emliff eń mēkkies edgïff eń itbeď edlaši askrad:

"China dreams of leading by 2050 a number of international institutions that will shape the global energy landscape.  That would mean less transparency in emissions reporting and an improvement of its emissions targets, something we are not ready to tolerate. In the future, countries will embrace protectionism as clean energy industries rise in value, and that means the end of free trade. Maybe is time for us to place a new Idiot as prime minister there as a first step for its disintegration. And if that fails, then there will be no other way than a war. That's the grand strategy: preserving Sol-3 at the expense of humans, if required."

idgrad iť anfhed ebķalï atnaš anda energišwa, uneń emnif esţeff etwaff unsaď ya eţlïš abweïn atfrdrïl inïiťťa śire damais ulğawa ke aftať ifdeď ńi ifheń affam ifdeď elšeń emdeff. Abïaś naťa abţeťťa umtraf elsiff admidrïl utïaf anda pedan śire emhaš, unţeš ya ullid, anfhed, afhïń ťef eţšeïn šeaš imïaši anda atfred etĝaïnd amhdrïl, eţrïš ibgeń ke inkreś ńi amtewa ubdiţ anda ibïef kās inïń:

"It is always the same, presidents and prime ministers are either ambitious individuals who have received their training at prestigious diplomatic schools, and who see themselves as the ones ultimately in charge of their nation’s independence, or dumb clowns businessmen ruling a country; in either case, they all have a head and if you put a bullet in it that's the end for those presidents and prime ministers. You see, we cannot leave the future of the planet in the hands of people who die if a bullet gets into their heads, especially when the cost of a bullet is a mere $0.05"

Anfheď emtiń inšane ťef energišwa enmalï eťreïš afnïď ebķalï anda elķań, śiś iţweffťa edlaši udďeïn eţrïš emnif. Eţhene unsaď ya eţlïš eţrïš ńi amtewa eftene iť udďeïnťa, śiś usïaïţ unsaïl elšeń emddrïl udďeïţ eţšam eţrïš naťaťa emdeff unfaď śiś idgradťa iť isķeïl apās admidrïl unsaff.

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