Dec 17, 2020

Arguşuu aţ prorois

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Arguşuu aţ prorois

Arguşuu aţ prorois valenim da arguşu vuvyfke aleteim valac leidjen u eksistenşiya ye raleyin inteligenşiya, veaynem abrahamicu niednes, aţ u todes proret ehoyloel ye vaymis. Ehoyloel aţa tuleda valac nebkoad takyloeid proret, valenim kaykis ke tepriad hohej ha caro eksplanasiya valac yloney iş deasis sedieley, iş deasis ladielel vyfesid dojeal koherenşiya.

Vyfafenu ke tepriad sedoad vyfesid semjehas. Ke tepoam çaleid eçodyu ye naleal roale eşa prorois. Kikir aţa akouel. Akouel ovaly ke tetery akouel staroy. Valenim stasu ye naleal eçody ke tepriad valaçad laor proray, açkoes stasu ye ata ovalyu ye ehoyloelu ye vyfafenu ke tepriad valjakad valaçad laor proray. Laoru proray ke tepriad ucynyrke teteram valenim takstey niednes:

"The belief in a Great Designer of the Universe, a design so minutely and thoroughly crafted for life to emerge, leads to a paradox. An intelligent designer could not have been that intelligent. If  it had, it would have loosened up on the conditions necessary for life so that  they weren't so stringent. Such conditions for life reduce the chances of life  rather than necessitate it. A change of a few degrees in temperature can decide  the existence or not of life. An intelligent designer would have made conditions more flexible ensuring greater survival conditions for life."

Orho, analogiyu ye naleal rar eçody asa ehoyloelu ye u vaymis ke tepriad oststias. Tuleke sedoad eçody valenim ovaly ye naleal producsiya ke tepriad kay lamur. Vuigur hodnay laylis outakes priar. Vuigur rat eçody ha canos utakeid. Mielovaeid yara hodnay nadoasin eşa isa eta eçkoad, roylo da naleal takstes, toeniel, stinde eşa açkoes ša, rar ke tepoam. Ke tepoam ke tepriad byed valac roylo a posteriori, ša nelamu ye hodnais eksperienşiya da nadoasin hovy u kombinasiya ye kojel proneal, ehohodes pri poy, toenias eşa stib isa vuvyfke ke tepoam vyfalda eţa tehoy stialy naleal prorois.

Laylis rovaly ke tepriad dieljakam aţ eksperienşiyu ye tehada lan. Ke tepoam ke tepriad eţa byed valac uhoim laylis a posteriori dielçiel valac vutune ke tepriad vadune, valac kreasiyuye ehoyloelu ye vaymisu, vuvyfke arguşuu aţ prorois pojeney.

Açkoes ila eşa esa nelamu ye hodnais eksperienşiya, ke tepoam ke tepriad byed valac roylo da sedoad proraey ye stedoamin, nadoasin, nebsteadin eçpoey naleal proraim inteligenşiya koçiel. Ke tepoam kiğ eţa takyloeid hodnais ye ehoyloelu eţ vaymisu da kikir stejel ouniam isa proraimin inteligenşiya. Açkoes, arguşuu aţ prorois ke tepriad byseim ša rovalyin uhoal aţ valaçad hodnais eçstel valac valaçad vadune eçstel eşa laylis pojeney eţa odpoy. Eçstelin ke tepriad oststias jenosas rovalyu valaid.

Tonael lanid stistaliţ u ye naleal eksperienşiya valac vutune ke tepriad stistalķa u ye naleal eksperienşiya, ke tepriad eţa rovalim suaynaf:

"Either there is no Great Designer of the Cosmos, or he is certainly a bad engineer, or perhaps there were two engineers: one who created the Universe, without life, and a second one who was able to create life despite the hard conditions for life to emerge." 

Aljakey, arguşuu aţ analogiye byra ša sedoad naleal toakoey çi çis nalealin proray. Ik ke tepoam ne odpoy da ata naleal toakoey aţa sedoad eţ stajehey. Açis aţa akosteid, yar vydadsutagem hoalas talatuveayksa valac jenosy jeneal. Valenim tehada, analogiyu ne naor valenim naleal toakoey aţa eţa valenis sedoad. Mielmes eţa ata sedoad digke uru ye rar naleal hododes valenim sedoad takstey uole iş sedoad ehoyloel ye vaymisu ne odpoy.

Lasid, robyal valac ķir seodes, arguşuu aţ prorois pojeney eţa çikoy esa hodnais eksperienşiya. Çikoel esa a posteriori dielçiel valjehad enbylel rovalyu hodby da naleal prorayd ye rat toakoey, eçody ye sedieley. Robyal valac a posteriori dielçiel, ķir ke dyenam aţa uealealen eşa açiad eţa hodnais esa eksperienşiya ke tepriad laçis valenim stasu ye vutune ke tepriad ovjeam hodnais. Laylis tonoses valac sekoam falaşuru ye tertaky uferdyltuye da vuvyfke kiğ vyfesid valac tehoy dopriy.

Yar ovaly dopry yar staroy?

Vyfesid ke tepoam ke tepriad byouis da yar ovaly inekd odpoy aţ yar staroy. Vuigur roylo sedoadu vyfesid semjehas lavov ye vufunein aţa ovaly ye proraimin stase. Ke dyhodas, sedoadu vyfesid semjehas ehoyloel ye vaymisu aţa valaçad ovyloam ye in stase, proraimin stase. Yaru ovaly ye sedieley todoy aţ yar staroy. Iş ata sedoad koherenşiya kaykis inekd tehoy proraimin inteligenşiya:

"Whilst human beings create complex products it does not follow that a designing intelligence is required to create the universe. Intelligent design theory is therefore false, unless part of the intelligent design includes humans in order for them to destroy the Universe."

Ehoyloelu ye vaymisu mielmes eniaças valenim sedoad vyfesid dojakes eţ deasis manifestasiya, polaim eţa jetakim hoalas ovjeam ovaproeid valaçad laor, proraim stase. Kaykis jejak tehoy ha caro eksplanasiye hoalas hoeçam.

Robyal valac u a posteriori, ovjeas tektel dielçiel ye proroisu arguşu, sedieley eşa dojakeş jeheniy tehoy percepsiye çi laim valac naleal cognisiya eşa eţa valaçad hodoel stajehey ye vaymisu. Mielmes eţa hodoel stajes ye vyfafenu šua żere digke staoueidin eçstel ye arguşuu aţ prorois, da vaymisu postey sedieley eşa koherenşiya, ke tepriad eţa suaynaf eşa proradu rovaly ye raleyin inteligenşiya ye tehada sedieley et. Vydatne eţa odpoy.

Yloehoad, vutune ke tepriad uvyfysir al dojakes eşa semjehas ke tepriad eçko. Açjakad kotoy vutune tonoses valac tehoy alehoelin ye ostbylasin tuhuem sehoas valac Kant vydak ostbylim aţa koniy eşa tokte ehojenim aka prelad stastel eşa stepoey podprey. Vyfesid açjakad kor vusuem outakam ke tepriad eşa yara byodal çi dielas informasiya valenim doaçy valenim Kant. Açkoes sedieley eşa dojakeş postel valaçad valedney. Asa valedneyu hohej tevydid inferenşiya yara tehoy podprim aţ sedieley valac raleyin inteligenşiya.

Uto mielmes ke tepoam vusuem yloale da sedoadu koherenşiya posteim al ehoyloel ranebad tehoy ylones iş al laor prorois, digke hosemamu ye laor prorois ke teoueid vyfalda nebkoad valac tehoy ylones iş. Agenşuru ye laor prorois inekd ke teoueid ednykoy sedieley eţ hejou valac rat sedieley. Mielmes valenim u arguşu iş laor prorois jenoka da sedieley kiğ valac tehoy ujenas al valaçad laor proray digke sedieleyu ye prorayu ke dyhodas kiğ valac tehoy ujenas. Mielmes eţa, ke tepoam ke tepriad takstey jenor da laoru proray pojeney eţa ednykoy sedieley. Mielmes eţa sedoad ke tepoam kiğ hohej uvyfvyfne ye sedieley açkoes stejel lanosel prorois sedoad creasiye.

Açkoes mielmes ke tepoam proraey sedoad creasiye, ke tepoam inekd ednykoy sedieley eşa laylis kiğ valac tehoy oujenas eţ nayşen ye proroisu arguşu, aşeţ eksistenşiya ye valaçad laor proray ye u laor proray eşa açkoes ša ad infinitum:

"explanations intended to answer one sort of question cannot be substituted for those that answer another." 

Noslel, valaçad laor proray ranebad eţa nebkoad takyloeid da laor. Mielmes ke tepoam nebylois, ke tepoam vyfalda nebkoad jeroeid ela ša condisiyu hoprois iş ke dykoam açkoes da kikir nebyly açkoes tavyden. Tehada condisiye iş ke dykoam çi lead stakteidu ye ke dykoam dielay aġa hoproim ke tepoam. Stakoisin ye ostesin prejaky eţ maymaf yara preseid eksistenşiyuhoalas eţa ye ke dykoam. Valaçad laor proray vyfalda nebkoad jenpreim condisiye jakjehas ohne ovaproes nep tualis condisiye iş ke dykoam.

Arguşuu aţ prorois vuvyfda valac abrahamicu niednes hoalas valac valaçad laor proray osteris. Ke tepoam eçniy osteris tebylad ke tepoam ke tepriad tektel ša uole dielçiel vuvyfke ke tepriad oststias. Vuvygem naleal takstes rat sedoad eçody ke tepoam pojeney eţa odpoy da proraimin inteligenşiya ke tepriad çi çiy valac rat vaymisu. Laylis uvyfcymir arguşuu aţ prorois eşa ķir jakprel prostis ye toeçes iş laor prorois.

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FL-110819 Hyperintelligence and the anti-Turing test Cognitive Systems Engineering

Kirschner, M. W. and Gerhart, J. C. (2005), The Plausibility of Life: Resolving Darwin Dilemma, New Haven and London: Yale University Press.

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Prigogine, I. and Stengers, I. (1985), Order otit of Chaos: Man's New Dialogue with Nature, London: Collins Fontana.

Von Ahn, L., Blum, M., & Langford, J. (2004). Telling humans and computers apart automatically. Communications of the ACM, 47(2), 56-60.

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