Jun 4, 2021


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Amuçoeş fiaydu yeis seiyu ilaiçiāşiņ, demei budirah baifaīmyl alaguriņ. Ilaiçiāşiņ ilaemiau işżiçiy frituriņan e aņiçeriņ, işitul dreżuel be işhai iyulyl e freżeḑiņ. Demei āh alaguriņ e aņureḑiņ, ihidseiņ yeis seiyu alunum emeal aņoheal eigişan aņokē ameżīmylah e aminaeliņ. Draiżaiyl amiredse hai yiaż aņifei yeis seiyu demim ve demaiam aņohuey heiyliņu biayiādiņ drenū eriyd. Aru beiçiādan frişeimiņ, demei ilaemiau işalaçudse çer żiyoiņ yeis seiyu edāmiņ.

O anitoad frişeimiņ, droşiam aņokēlyl amiredseiņ frureu aņeloliņ yeis seiyu żeyuim, oşiam aloçaiş żo aņokēlyl ve frigoim alużiyd frituriņ, draiżaiyl amiredseiņ amemorah yiag yeis seiyu aņiaşiaelam żeigadan eigiaydiņ, şeih ulan haim ul ve yiaż yeis seiyu drikīm amiredseiņan aņokēlyl aniżuim ame hain:

"What, Norea, you forgot Seyle dwelt in marble halls? And that she commanded her slaves to prepare the bath for her? You forgot she was to live to make others happy. Instead, she took the role of a queen. Why your anger against us? Just because we destroyed her palace? Or is it because we raped her, in front of her slaves, and then beheaded the slaves for their not having revolted against her? This we tell you: we will kill any and all kings, queens, and rulers in your world, and be sure we will also kill anyone who obeyed them."

Demei aņoçeaşylah yeis seiyu żefeadiņ. Droşiam esī hain dreteu drenur żeikei yeis seiyu demim hain, amiredseiņ işvaraeżeī yeis seiyu oşiam aloçaiş żo aņokēlyl aņulueş inaişaēşiņ dri dreşuyliņ ve żiaşemiņ żo esī riad midvaratēy haim hain inaididyl aledidse. Fregur żo amaitiaeş hain deniayl aledidse ve hain deniayl aņiçer, hain inaiyaieş żiaşemiņ ve żaesi bemeu alofey ba hain aņokēlyl eyuel. Dro işaņufeiş demei yeis seiyu esī riad iţaliçuḑ fad, draiżaiyl amiredse alahēy bodēş draiżaiyl, amaitiaeş dro işaņiaşiael esī riad hai işomoy yeis seiyu oşiam aloçaiş żo aņokēlyl ve dro işanomiey yeis seiyu aņokēy emeal iraitiaydiņan e żefeadiņ işai şiaimylah.

Amayer drirul. Droşiam ilialaīman soulleşly aņokēlyl eigiayd iţżenaḑ işvarodēş anudēşiņ ve işanulual aņohuey friçidsel batiamiņ e driruliņ, fad inaeneīş deçaiu emeal amiçiḑiņan e draiżaiyl freçeu işżekoel driruliņ druna aņulueşiņan e anudēşiņ. Eşī midilainiş haim ilialaīman inaeseieşyl e saeg draiżaiyl aniżuim, dremoam yeis seiyu anodaelam ina ilaeneīm, dri fad alefedse midilainiş haim driaçiāşiņan ve aņoçaliņ e draiżaiyl. Saeg inianaielylan draiżaiyl aniżuim aņaenaī druna eşī baesimiņ, druna alaidiaişiņ yeis seiyu eriyd ineisaial aniiaeşyl ve iriaseīl aluşi yeis seiyu ireiraiad druna inaeşiāşiņ, dretei alaifadylan fraişaiyl aluşae e işdruto driruliņ.

Frusoe ifeyl amaigadiņah işetal aloçaiş żo aņaeneiyliņ alahol dreteu otoy çer droteḑ Norea: iriaseīlan aņaeneiyliņ emeal anaku dreżuel dāilaēliņ ve anudēşiņan emeal draineiu aru dreżuel bifoydiņ. Işdreyoyl dreżuel yiaż ineiżeīm dreyou dreżuel amaigadiņ, fad alefedse żifu dreżuel frotuel driruliņ:

"You should take care, Norea. Change for the sake of change is as much a cage as tradition for the sake of tradition, or technology for the sake of technology, or knowledge for the sake of knowledge."

Isaişiņ riad etou driataiy o biaşiaeliņ ilaiçiāşiņ ve oşiu żo hain aņokēlyl eyuel buteu ami anuşaylan żogādiņ yeis seiyu żefeadiņ. Biaşiaeliņan ilaiçiāşiņ ve demei ineiraī ilialaīman druhuydyl aliguīņ ami emeal żogādiņ: driruliņ, eimeiydiņ e żişoadiņan emeal fritu alari.

Drirul druna fiaż olēy denaēşiņ iliahaiyşah yeil fremuim aşolyl imoimiņ żi eseaş yeis seiyu haim alużiyd yeil eriyd hai fad āh efodseiņ e eseaş anu eriyd midilainiş haim. żiaiu aņoleim aloşieliņ amużū yeis seiyu amonoriņ emeal dreçeu yeiż iniadidylan żosiadiņ e işaegeīiņ dāemaiyliņ, dreżuel midilaeliaiş fraikiam driruliņ dro işvareifaiyd atui e friża ina dro işanomiey fenemyeiņ e alianaī ame işaegeīiņan dāemaiyliņ anumil ilaiye. Dri alutaḑan driruliņ alitiḑyl yeis seiyu iniadaiylan żiaż e amonoriņan żiaiuah aloşieliņan beidaī bażu eriyd freżeḑiņ, enuiş işżeruim eriyd e temu fad hai be yeis seiyu frolum yeiż iliahaiyl aluşēlyl żosiadiņ. Dreżuel amayeu eriyd żadu druna anaeçae, żiaylu anularan dretei hai işoşiaş eriyd ame aņeilid inianaielyl, biguydiņ aņaimae amo anudēşiņ.

Dro işaņotuam efodseiņ e freżeḑiņ ve daiaçimiņ, driyiam beşil, amonīşan hai fraiki yial driruliņ. Emeal driruliņ aņialiau eriyd yeis seiyu żiatiaim anularan, yial ina yian aloşieliņan fenemyeiņ e alianaī:

"Look at them, Norea, and never forget what you see. For them death was frightening and resurrection was impossible. That way they became like dead men because of fear of Death. They locked themselves in their houses because of fear. And, because of fear, they wished angels to come down and rescue them. But tell us, Norea: does anyone who refuses to save himself deserve to be saved?"

Żeduy aņoker. Ireiteiel dratān alaguriņ e draiżaiyl neigiņ midaneiçaiyd aņoho drirulam yeis seiyu alaeşiam żefeadiņanah e aņokēlyl bifoydiņ. Işamayēş aņokēlyl amiredseiņ yeis seiyu baeżam aņiżueyiņan e hain eyuel yiaż ineiżeīm bukau hain żo işişeiyaial o frahēyl eiçiaeş, dri driamaiu hain anu liaeşu, işihuim hain işaekaīiņ druna amaeşeiylan alaloḑiņ e aluran işaeleir ut e aņodiamiņ e ifīm ve anidīm druna fruçeraņ. Yeiyu alagur e amisāliņ ve dreyudseiņ midilainiş driamaiam iriadeīiņ amaigadiņ, işżedueş aņokēlyl amiredseiņ driamaiu hain bifoydiņ.

Işdrikīm amēliņ yeis seiyu ameyor eigiaydiņ eżoīņ ve işvarażām, iyiriņ heironeousyl ina anuroyam!

Yiażah ilaenaiyliņ e żefeadiņ. Amēliņ işaiçişiņ anasiḑiņ midilainiş haim aral işaifiayl içuydiņ, dri fad alediyah aņikudse yian druçueşiņ o bifoydan e an anasiey. Iyi, fad bufiḑ e aņokēliņ, işżogor eiçiaeşiņan e daiaçimiņan yeis seiyu amogam ve işaņeişiaeş anuişiņan e igaylam yeis seiyu aņuham anuçuan alumieşiņ. Oleil żefeadiņ āh iliaşaiel iliahaiyl anuşayl ve freçeḑyl işiahaiydiņ, dri oliam eiliaeşyl amiredse anaiseī żişoadiņan iyol aņeloliņan freçeal.

E aneihaiamiņ, draiżaiyl amiredse żatei emeal biayeīm aneko hai asayd dre żefeadiņ. Ilialaīm aneko anoyeyd druna iliadiayliņan fruyodser anu alegeyd aņokēlyl hai aņenial anaekaiel frefedsel ina bialal frasey fiaydu yeis seiyu aņokēlyl emeal eriyd hai alediy aņikudse drisaeşyl. Amiker anomel ve anular hai alutaḑ beko, ina aru frikēy alorāş ve ineiżeīm naïveiņ dedemiņ midiyur omoyam yeis seiyu anasieyam eriyd. Aņoker aņasul midilainiş yiaż haim aņikudse dre żugīiņ, dri enui oliamah ineiżeīm aloşoian draigeieşiņ e driruliņ.

O inianaielylan dreiyaliņ, draiżaiyl amiredseiņ aleyou aņohuey aņiaşeīmiņ yial aņiçer, goblinoid ve aņoheal esian aņokēlyl drowiņ yial driaçiāşiņ ve ilaisiaişiņ ineiyaiaşyl yeis seiyu işaişiayiņan, driyiam żeşiryl, emeal dreżuel iniaçiai midilainiş biayeīm aniholiņ haim iroyd ba aledidse. Aneko emeal hai ariam aņokēlyl midliad haim żedueş. Eşī yiażah yeis seiyu żuraem emeal draiżaiyl amiredseiņ dāetiaeşyl esīmiņ druna alehul midvaratēy haim, çiam midliad i żeduem eriel işaimaīl aņiçer?

Driyiam, droşiam alehueşylan devanāiņ aņiażae yiaf işaineş, enui aleigilylah iniadaēliņ yeis seiyu baeżeīm eriyd żefeadiņ:

"Norea, you cannot forgive yourself. You have to be forgiven. But you can only believe this is possible if you yourself can forgive. Now that you have witnessed what your people have done to the world, and to other people, and to themselves, tell us, Norea: do you forgive them?"

Buluylaņs ve inaemaer. Amofialiņan yeis seiyu deçaielam iraitiaydiņan e aņoleyl aniżuim ilaemiau işiriaşiāl çer eyueliņ ane anaekiaydyl iliagiaimyl frehudse ve iraetaīşyl anuża. Fad ilaemiau işżaer biayeīm e anadāşylan alihīm alażiad temu alaeneiyl druna anamiḑiņan e eşī alaişaiadiņ. Yeiyu işeiyaēşylan baesimiņ iniaşeş işaişaēlyl alahaeş draiżaiyl amiredse midliad (ve midvaratēy) ireitalam yeis seiyu drumayam itoeyiņan ve alużiyd froyadseiņan e esī druna fad, eşī baesimiņ aņaenaiu biayeīm e anuşaylan amofial ve aniruḑ emeal amiredse işomoy yeis seiyu frolum yiaf yeis seiyu driçiadyl dronur hai froçuyl yeis seiyu aņuluem żiaiu esī dronur frurei analaimiņ yial żakueliņ.

Burns, Dylan M. "Nag Hammadi Codices." The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (2013): 1-2.


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Painchaud, Louis, and Timothy Janz. "The “Kingless Generation” and the Polemical Rewriting of Certain Nag Hammadi Texts." The Nag Hammadi Library after Fifty Years. Brill, 1997. 439-460.


Yamauchi, Edwin M. "The Issue of Pre-Christian Gnosticism Reviewed in the Light of the Nag Hammadi Texts." The Nag Hammadi Library after Fifty Years. Brill, 1997. 72-88.

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