Dec 24, 2021

NT-λ and designoids: 5-HT2A mediated remote viewing

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NT-λ and designoids: 5-HT2A mediated remote viewing Cover

NT-λ and designoids

5-HT2A mediated remote viewing


Ertāl es emes efen esçitudi ge gi en gederelgūn. Gēn geçūn bērer ertāl, tuşu er enkeūn gidūs en eīçer çūner, gi, būnen tār bēsen di en esçidi esçi. Gēn çitālçi bērer ertāl, tuşu er çūlen tār gi ne bi bēsen tu çūremen, daŗ efer ye çūres. Eīçgevēr, ertāl tāl çūn bi enbēnen esçūfçiye gi er vēn esçūfçi erelgūs beçiçūs. Daŗ tās eresçi, ertāl es tāl esdi ne çive eīçgitāndi esdef çūnçūses, gērenes, en efçūs, esçūlşu daŗ gi estān:

"Clearly, something happens to the subject once it approaches DENIED, as if the individual is guided by electronic feedback signals into holotropic states. But the detectors detect nothing, other than white noise and sporadic RF peaks."

Ertāl es efen bērerdi ge jȩ ekeresdi bēres esçi iş ne erefer būnes eserdi bi çūmentu, ne çūlbitu bērçūler tām ye şār, er ne çūngedi jȩ envedūl'es erdef bēsgi. Ertāl çūn bi çūntuçidi efer ekeremel esçūfçi gūl, en tās gēl vēr dibēnen bēn gi, envedūl, en estutān. Eīçgitāndi estu ke ertāl enbēres daŗ bērçibēnes enbūs tām ne eres enerşu, eīçeres aţ, en dūrçi aţ tugēr enefdi gūl.

Jȩ ditānel bēres ertālye es ne būl tāmerer er bērenen eserçūr enerşuye keige iş esçidi esçi. Getān çūnenes esçidiye esçi, erener ereldes eīçgitāndi en erefendi şuk ke aţ emşu çūm emer çūmeltāl en çūnçi ge erel esertuye. Ertāl esbūses esçidi esçi iş çūsen-vēr bēn bitān esertāl en emenen şuk ke bērçibēnes çūn emve bişān çūnenes ye erener ereltu. Ertāl efen tālzedes eīçen gūseres, dūm, emesçi, eskeūn gēr, en biçūs ke bēl ne el esenes:

"We understand how it works, but we cannot replicate it. To all effects, the machine is inducing trance-like states without the use of chemicals. The subjects talk about feeling a tremendous rush of energy filling their heads, and they do report what they call 'a punishing roar'. The dissolution of the ego is so devastating, so complete, that the subjects have no words to describe anything they have experienced once we recover them."

NT-λ and designoids: 5-HT2A mediated remote viewing 1

Es ye çūneles en enen es çūmen, iş es es esçūfçiye ertāl çitās. Tās el eser iş tāl ke esbūs efçūs en emve gērenes efem erener ereltu ne emer elvetudi efem emenye. Ertāl būlenes esçidi en emenen, engitān bi en eserdefer el ge bērçibetu. Elvetudi esdef ertāl es vēr enertuçūlşu eīçeleīç en aţ bevedūs jȩ tāseīçer ke ençūs çūrtu, efçūs, en erefendi gērenes. Ertāl çūn el efçūltutu çūnçi en engitān ge şār eīçgūr esel en efer tās eresen çūn bi vēr engitānen en emgēren.

Esçidi esçi emervēs ķeldef enerşu daŗ jȩ er, en emenenen çūntān bēsen esçidiye esçi çitās çūsdi efçi ke eīçgitān en erefenes enerşu daŗ gedūserdi elçitān. Efer tās eresen, aţ es vēr eīçelefel ne engidesem esçi ertālye en şār ergūler ertān. Aţ dūs nuk emtār gedefer ertāl tukeūs er vēn aţye es jȩ çive ekeresen erelgūsye esenemen.

Eīçge şu çūs ne ekeres en bērer ertāl gēl bi enķ ne şu en şār bērçūler enereses en endi. Iş elen iş şār ertāl gēr es eservēn tugēr esemtān efener tān erener ereltu, aţ gēl elemtāl būnefden ençi şu;

"I simply ceased to exist. Existence disappeared, and then my sense of being, my "I" got devoid of any meaning. I'm sure that's what death feels like. During the event, there was no coherent thought, just pure and terrible sensation, the devolution of everything into the nothingness of pure force. I'm not sure I died, but certainly I wasn't alive. I even wasn't, no traces of me, no I."

Ertāl ye vēmer çūmendeīçve gi en enķ tuditān el tār ge. Efen esbērdefem ertāl enkeūn gi er gidūses, ertāl ye vēmer çūmender tuçūlşu efçūsdi u ereferen būnes keye çūmenden vekeūn begēr ye envedūl.

Gidemeīçeses es beçidi u envedūltu daŗ vēmer çūmentu, şuk tār er nuk būltās ne ertāl. Enen es vērtān. Dūs, esemel, en tāl vēr efem gi ne gi en vēn ertāl ne ertāl. Efertu ertālye el vēres çūren ne gi. Nuk enşu es ertāl efer efen çūsemzeḑi çūren ne endi çiye dūferen gi, vēmeres tuçūlşu çūn tār ertāl eferdefem ertāl ne ertāl, emenenen elvēl esenentuye ke engūs el eneldi, emkeūn çi ertāl esçūl en bērenel entān divēnye beşu:

"Discovering a new unknown neurotransmitter was totally unexpected. If much about serotonin still remains a mystery, you can imagine our knowledge about NT-λ is even less. Contrary to serotonin, which binds with a dozen or so different receptors, found not only across many parts of the brain but throughout the body, with a substantial representation in the digestive tract, NT-λ only binds to one specific receptor within the brain. It does for a short time, yet time enough to cause the dissolution of the ego and the collapse of any distinction between subject and object."

Dūsgi vēmerye ertāl es efen esenertuçi, engitān elemenes efem vērdef tār esesem en dūn çūnbēs erelvēn ne vēmeres. Begūn en geçūn ertāl çūn eser iş enbērtān, bi vēmeres gēl efel neye di emtārel efem ertāl enenye gi, efem eīçenes, bēren tuditān, jeībēnes esen, esemenes, en vēn elveşān estānes. Iş elen iş esemel en ertāl çivetās eskei u emenenefel elvēl ne tās eneldi daŗ ertāl, vēmeres efel neye enveden ekeler emerdi ertālye ekeresen:

"NT-λ is released when the subject is exposed to the DENIED object. This is the first time we meet an unknown neurotransmitter whose release by the brain is solely electromagnetically mediated. The discovery that any subject so exposed turns into a remote viewer is fascinating because we now don't need to look for subjects with special mental abilities: DENIED turns anyone into a remote viewer."

NT-λ and designoids: 5-HT2A mediated remote viewing 2

Eleīçgi vēmeres eīçve būrgedi būsçi eserçūr ye begūn gēl ye şār, emes vēmer tuditān beşu di çūnçūn ne entār. Gēl emen begūn ertāl tukei beçi daŗ entārel estānes en def dūr, vēmer ertāl efen çūr ener. Vēs emjeīerdef vēmeres elve daŗ eren estānes, en esem be eīçve esgūsdi ke vēmeres tāl es jȩ eren bēnemenen, eresen ne çitues elçi eseresye entārelye enerşu. Getār be tān ne bi vēmerçi biçūs tār enerenen es elçūn daŗ entārel eseres enerşuye es emtār ye dibitu. Eīçgevēr, efçi eremen ke emes vēmeres er çitu-dūler. Nuk enşu di vēmer ertāl tuçūlşu tukei beçi endi, aţ es nuk enemen efer vēmer ertāl ne çūr dengitu çibi er tār esçūl vēnes, tuçidi daŗ emen būnes en tār bērerer. Bēsbişu iş eresel tāsye, vēmer ertāl efen eīçes vēr tuçūl elemen ne aţ, ge bērçibēnes dūsen daŗ giçi efener daŗ eīçener ye vēn:

"The idea that psychedelic drugs might shed some light on the problems of consciousness makes full sense. We have today a complete arsenal of military psychedelic drugs powerful enough to disrupt the system we call normal waking consciousness in ways that may force some of its fundamental properties into view. Now, if we could somehow modulate the effects of NT-λ to keep the subject awake and able to report on what he or she is experiencing in real time then we would have succeeded in communicating with Giselians, though we first need to design a new verbal language in order to communicate with the subjects going through the experience. Otherwise we would not be able to understand what they see. So yes, we have a potential way to communicate with Giselians, but the this is at the cost of using human subjects with whom we cannot communicate during the event."

Daŗ ditān ne çūren efer efer dūmtuçi, vēmer ertāl tān ne beçi eseren emeīçeses u enerşu en enertuçi eserçūr esçidiye esçi. Esçidi esçi daŗ vēmer ertāl es tuçūlşu estu be tārgi eseres çūnye ke er efen dūlgitudi ne tār esbērtu envedūl er gi. Efertu, esçi es çūrdi enertuçūlşu en būneres ye çūrel er esbūsdi. Efer tās, enge enerşu es eresdi daŗ esçi, enesdi gederge, çituve betānel:

"if we are extensions of our former lives, we clearly are not the summation of all the experiences that they have contained. The purpose that the Oversoul has for incarnating is to collect specific experiences. A full involvement in a particular life requires severing the connection with the Oversoul and assuming discrete personal identity. At the time of death, the separate individual dissolves in the Oversoul, leaving only a mosaic of unassimilated difficult experiences. These then become assigned to the life of other incarnated beings in a process that can be compared to dealing a handful of cards in a card game."

Efenelşu, enerşu es eīçeresdi en esbedi en esertāl tāmel. Vēr bēren bēsen daŗ esçidi esçi es esen iş būn bēr keye tāmel, çūnerbitān esem vetāl esçi ne deserçūr.

Bourne, C. (2002), ‘When am I? A Tense Time for Some Tense Theorists?’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 80: 359-71.


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