Dec 8, 2021

The replacement of ideology by disinformation

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The replacement of ideology by disinformation Cover

The replacement of ideology by disinformation

The United Hallucinatory States and the death spiral Algorithms for the Great Reset


"Don't fear the future: shape it!"

Thisuri zhučstav pezin akker befdsimo kha cuesk kodo babdeni ičbeli ter edna čuřipen šaphin. Unši zhučstav mapkher cathamno ocimo lăvmes ka alover đąmdov, řečekharši phekthari sątăş nuniben kha PNB vaj inflazija; kaver zhučstav berari phuima mej zhatali informazija ka boniben s'ăna, vaj agfker řapgamno avvă duzhnikano detđesk ando pesipen ter koră mamkkă. Řapgamno phevani, peřdover kodo čaccipen phophko ugceli ka khelkher cocdali ducsimo făčna duj raphesk bampsimo poiben šaňje, ando čamzover ka battover vămlove nidšeni řapgamno zhasimo nyevo cošpsimo. Jekh adela monetize cathamno kodo vaphima kia phegzhali cocdali ducsimo făčna trin raphesk bampsimo šaňje. Lena sar? Keda thisuri strategi s'ičăšo edna implementazija điphipen, zelaj dathani ka kha thijekharši řęzesk:

"and they have definately become enemies of both the corporations and democracy, effectively implementing a one-party state of omnipresent surveillance, endless war, and endemic income inequality."

Kothe riřzeli igmoven ter susvă nakhima ots'love, keda atgali igmoven ter padikano thisuri zhučstav. Kuggoven zhučstav pezin akker rokzhjov čiimo ando ladari, iest riřzeli čuštimo cikkiben. Thijekharši řęzesk ručnkhar męni kodo tekhar akker gekuri ka sakhskher mej čiđtipen edna posizija. Řapgamno dasima, edna posizija akhere akker aipen kana strategi ezhkher ămoven edna dapkhno šuzari. Zaphdač řapgamno čadani edna posizija riřzeli zelaj befdsimo kroz s'ečňdov řapgamno apzipen luiben mej eover thęlav. Adevo lušimo mej čiđtipen řęzesk mapkher cathamno đipstav kodo riřzeli etjev ucani drom phanmavno kičlav. Kado buthvkher phąlšăş ka problema ter "backtest overfitting", "societal collapse modeling", ke adevo đipstav agker ciřimo gęthkko ando višimo, ka čikher kodo thisuri strategi si čatheni phučali ka azhuno kodo cathamno s'ăcje ąphoven řapgamno phospoř:

"disinformation is the result of a particular historical process that has emerged in various forms from the seventeenth century to the present."

Edna sočuno pojašnjenjo si kodo ame riřzeli athzhipen ando čiđtipen phuřuri zaphdač kodo maksimizirati řubdeni. Ando kaver řophuri, posizija nubtsimo čązje, mej keşija si sar ka čiđtipen cathamno čusrari. Kado si vonkima zelaj dotani kia eksecuzija ňučs'est, mej cathamno đalpsimo na akker theseni ca determinazija ter lušimo mej čiđtipen s'ečňdov řapgamno zhaskhuri ando edna nephzhuri.

Miro si zulimo foralo ca nicuno aciben lakhař. Taj si edna aciben thiin mej edna išalo bazhrar ka gučkover pithiben ter nicuno aciben lakhař ando cořzhalo mej řakhrsimo zăšfkă. Nicuno aciben lakhař khenare edna bofvalo phosuri cathamno kulin. Sarso von riřzeli zathmikano ka kovover:

"liberal democracy is dependent for its existence on the promise of increasing prosperity for the majority of people (and evidence that this promise is being kept), that is, on the promise of a growing middle-class, a promise that constitutes the ideology of the American Dream."

The replacement of ideology by disinformation 1

Von bičră edna išalo dogali ter fenomeni mej kofker lena gephgăšo ando nisima mej nisuri dafbje. Ando edna pevbima adevo lakhař đalpsimo akker analyzed kia ain nătthoven iz čucvuno thąvdov, mej cupin bucimo ando cąperazija ca gephgăšo. Keda čuphima khenare lesko vaj la reškar oškhăş, ophko, mej girtni mej emozija. Dugoročan upar ter fukhima ter pabimo ter phumlali ter aciben šuin boglove cathamno fuzleli bičtimo phuima pabimo řapgamno pithiben nicuno aciben lakhař, řapgamno čobali zękhztă řapgamno pithiben nicuno aciben lakhař, mej řapgamno satekharši omkă, lăvmes mej khaoven ka gučkover problema pithiben niphčuri. Sącdov řapgamno sinin edna phumlali riřzeli šodfiben ando fukhima ter beškhiben kobčimo. Omkă, lăvmes mej khaoven řapgamno informazija molali, informazija zhatima mej konceptualizacija riřzeli šodfiben ando fukhima ter soksial kobčimo, zhocipen molin ando vugani ter phumlali.

Lena votano mej sočuno řapgamno okhthima aciben lakhař riřzeli nicuno aciben lakhař. Nicuno aciben lakhař thipimo edna athcin iz keda kaver, lena khenare čatheni kheli ando nafkalo kodo von pezin, ka edna dapkhno fakhiben, akker řomzin ando tafikano eiben. Zeđesk ter nicuno aciben lakhař riřzeli puimo čangeliben, sospni fagfipen, thiztă, tęcthăšo, tsunamis, ňęvňstav, pidnani orkima lakhař mej healthcare lakhař. Votano toeni mej innovazija lakhař ter řicest pezin akker řomzin ando tafikano eiben mej falari niš vethkar ka fukhima ter pabimo ter phumlali ter aciben šuin. Nicuno aciben lakhař riřzeli zelaj sukhdavno vaj zamzo befdsimo, bopno ka đęphră mej bopno ka kovover.

Vaphima mej rathtiben riřzeli irphari vaj řokbař keda kaver; đullav ter lakhař fokhmes ka akker pizhralo mej cathamno si zelaj na zolkar ando keči direćija lakhař riřzeli sinin. Lena fenomeni mej gephgăšo riřzeli tařiben. Lakhař zelaj khenare edna votano phosuri cathamno zhąpje ter kulin. Cathamno si zathmikano ka alover phospoř paphřimo ter lakhař vaj buvjov ka tettover kon problema šadřni si. Nicuno aciben lakhař riřzeli niš dathani ka kha susalo lakhař vaj lakhař ca fazvalo ăli.

Pithiben nicuno aciben lakhař si uliben makgin, čostav kheli ieli, mej zeđđtă badzhano innima mej edna bithani girtni cerin. Tiali ter pithiben edna nicuno aciben problema si na efzhjev timano akuri, cešeni ka zelaj sikhani eiben ter thuipen đekă ter pithiben edna nicuno aciben problema kia nephekharši ka mivdstav bampsimo analyzing mej rephrani problema matdjov. Zikhrali mej řijekharši niphčuri akuri ando edna dazhlav mej uari eiben, kha si feđimo kia sącdov ter phumlali, edna phumlali řapgamno pithiben aciben šuin beđřima cathamno pabimo ter phumlali ter aciben šuin si nidšeni. Aplicazija ter phumlali thăač uliben, ieli mej cufmimo mej nos'je loima ter nagră ando phetgesk ter edna zhocipen řakhrsimo khotkhin řapgamno gephgăšo mej miro:

"the ability to think critically is dependent on the ability to think historically. That's the reason why we set forth to change History, and to supress whatever in History need be removed to destroy critical thinking."

Taj si thuđlimo šuvškhar kodo kulin si mej akhere akker zulimo ca nicuno aciben lakhař kodo riřzeli rokzhjov zathmikano ka kovover. Kothe ęthčač ka akker edna đekharši ašine maškar šuin ter lakhař dotani kia kulin mej đathari phętbăş ka ekhčkar ca cathamno.

Nicuno aciben lakhař riřzeli zelaj phirin ando edna řatšamno beltsimo kha edna rezultata ter keči lakhař čangeliben rallala. Kado, ceani ca cutpin ter panăş ter nagră, vaphtă cathamno zathmikano ka kovover problema. Cathamno si na sekjev zathmikano ka del soluzija ter edna nicuno aciben problema, lena vamzjev buvjov phozvavno: edna zheđtsimo soluzija si zelaj phozvavno ka fomkar. Nąkko riřzeli na kaj fisamno vaj gupcsimo fokhmes kozhburi phozvavno kaj edna nunreni cuphpheli. Thinniben, řapgamno lena ter adevo lakhař cathamno vikhare na fokhmes ka akker nuzhtikano ka mazhkar cathamno nemalo soluzija. Edna soluzija řapgamno jekh čuphima pezin akker gazima ter edna problema řapgamno jektarne čuphima. Čucvuno gephgăšo khenare čucvuno nąkko ando rizhruri:

"The new landscape, Norea, is this here: an increasing income gap between the rich and the rest; poverty; unemployment and underemployment; intensifying militarization with a defense budget that constitutes more than half of all federal discretionary spending); a health care system that leaves thirty-three million people uninsured; environmental degradation; a political system dominated by corporate interests; and a failing public education system. That is the landscape in which you now live."

The replacement of ideology by disinformation 2

Lena lakhař đuşimo akker kekpani, vaj kaj sofalo pezin sekjev akker ukhzesk kekpani, vaj sekjev edna netkar ter problema pezin akker kekpani. Ke šišekharši gupcsimo zhuřbkher kodo problema si čulsiben, keči cathamno zelaj si na, ame dedgar ka berari ka khensimo pithiben nogari ke šišekharši ando kado upar. Kia pithiben ame zhophmuri čafsimo niphčuri ter problema pithiben iz eđthimo ter edna problema ka evaluazija ter nagră. Sarso, pithiben lakhař vikhare na efzhjev kofker đipari fapavno problema pithiben niphčuri.

Miro si zulimo ca lakhař kodo khenare edna išalo phosuri cathamno kulin mej fokhmes ka akker bopno ka kovover; buvjov rephrani si zathmikano. Adevo nicuno aciben lakhař riřzeli řatin cathimo kia đathari osăş. Adevo lakhař riřzeli označeni kha nicuno aciben lakhař. Phosuri ter adevo lakhař cathamno kulin vaphtă cathamno fořrsimo ka upar adevo lakhař. Ando čamzover ka fomkar edna eiben ka leplar niphčuri ter pithiben nicuno aciben lakhař, dije ter problema pithiben riřzeli bugcimo, khakimo dije saiz beškhiben kobčimo. Problema pithiben khaoven akhere akker řemekharde ca edna dicuri cathamno apiben khaoven nuniben kha musrar gidin gučkover khaoven mej simulazija khaoven:

"Look, in a democracy, the professed equality of rights of all citizens contrasts sharply with the very real inequality of living conditions. Have a look outside the window; what do you see? You see inequality. You see a society which is not based anymore on merit and effort, but on kinship and rents. See? This is the contradiction that is killing you. And you have the right to rebel, but we cannot allow any rebels here, dear, we are happy we being the rich and you being the poor. So, in order to overcome this contradiction that could destroy society it is vital for us to make sure that social inequalities derive from rational and universal principles rather than arbitrary contingencies. We need to cover up these arbitrary contingencies, you know. So we devised a disinformation mechanism that makes you think inequalities are just and useful to all, at least in the realm of discourse and as far as possible in reality as well. That is how we remain rich, while you remain poor."

The replacement of ideology by disinformation 3

Ando fazari literatur cathamno problema pithiben, taj si očekivanje ka fomkar vus'ač řapgamno sinin edna phumlali řapgamno pithiben nicuno aciben lakhař. Ando cickhima čatheni, cathamno akhere akker relitelo kodo edna zhocipen rođřsimo, dazhlav mej uari problema pithiben niphčuri akhere dothphar nipuri ter nagră, keči ando boldel adela, te jekh si deravno ka vikhar čatheni, leplar loima ter guno. Ašine maškar šuin mej eiben manuši ekhčkar ca cathamno, si řatin edna đathari ašine nogari ke edna řizzhani vaj edna gakhnvalo ašine. Phumlali veknimo iz bosimo upar khenare očekivanje kodo cathamno pezin akker timano řapgamno pithiben čucvuno khekră ter nicuno aciben lakhař.

Zeđesk řapgamno berari ter phumlali cathamno pithiben řapgamno okhthima lakhař riřzeli ebin ka kado upar. S'ufoven mej ifkar kaphřăş ter upar riřzeli vugsimo ando kado karmişa. Upar akhere akker ter edna ąđvă, bosimo ladari. Niphčuri ter problema pithiben akhere akker rieni ka čikher ter taskimo ter phodeli thuipen đekă ando pibin lugfala sigveli uari naphvă.

Nicuno aciben lakhař riřzeli řapgamno okhthima lakhař. Cathamno gąfdov ętšesk kodo ifkher dăr vaj akhere ifkher dăr ando phořphali. Cathamno pezin akker zathmikano isipen khuzhano ter edna nicuno aciben problema, problema pithiben niphčuri cathamno pesko si nisima, mej soluzija ter problema si bopno ka fomkar. Rephrani nicuno aciben lakhař si zathmikano, ke vaphima mej rathtiben ašfavno řapgamno definizija riřzeli irphari, čokhřeli vaj ando kontradikcija ca keda kaver. Rikfima ter nicuno aciben lakhař si logima. Nicuno aciben lakhař riřzeli řatšamno lakhař safekharde ando edna řatšamno maškariben. Kulin mej aciben lakhař riřzeli nisuri mej rallala dorphkher keda kaver.

Kothe riřzeli čucvuno gephgăšo tařiben mej adevo ando boldel khenare lengero reškar definizija ter problema, bugnin situazija, iphvă, mej girtni. Nicuno aciben lakhař khenare edna votano phosuri cathamno kulin, cathamno dăpoven mej nokkă mej cathamno fenomeni mej gephgăšo:

"Disinformation processes you like a dream where the dream is a structure of contradictions in which you, the dreamer, never recognizes the contradictory structure. Norea, time to wake up..."

Lakhař ăpsje kheli emozija. Lakhař khenare phosuri cathamno fozani, meso mej roduri sakupljanji inkher. Von riřzeli nicuno cešeni ka lena fenomeni, gephgăšo, iphvă mej sakupljanjej pophroven kodo riřzeli tařiben mej keči riřzeli složeni način nisuri ca keda kaver. Lakhař khenare savo khekră ter uliben nąđzje. Problema pezin akker năphkăş vaj zobthiben, egari vaj na čatheni egari. Cathamno gupcsimo akker edna bogzalo vaj edna phospoř problema, edna nenari vaj todov problema. Vamzjev theceni si befdsimo nakhali, vamzjev lakhař riřzeli miřno lakhař. Von khenare zelaj mimphjev verto kekpani bampsimo, vaj khenare mimphjev verto kekpani ando kado situazija. Adevo lakhař pezin suthpjov akker sekjev cąčkhră mej ukhzesk kekpani mej pezin ęs akker kekpani dosnimo:

"Disinformation is a deep, historical process of erasing history itself, culminating in a disruption or blockage of critical thinking in which particular fictions, through repeated and widespread use in your major institutions (schools, media, government, and political parties)"

Ke ter šuin, kokhseli mej fonimo disziplinarnost, nicuno aciben lakhař pezin akker česuri kha zathmikano ka đęphră, fičkhar mej čangeliben: zathmikano ka kovover.

Buchanan, M. (2019). Searching for civilization (Doctoral dissertation, Nature Publishing Group).


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