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AI-guided Planned Societal Collapse
Dei wyrglan ze skiskig ich wyrblamp gloszund anbról glaren geblist aen guftach ze nunig, frókig ich łuvig smogitt. W mimig wyrlofych di smogitt w gloszund, ich dis plómund smewer, anbról girig w spechig zi tergopt nunig, kutig, łuvig ich flozig jómpund nat vergroy, verspil ich wyrfrovych smóder, plomig wyrbloctych, ich dei pengitt ze zószund ich fólund łohund nać skiskig verjin.
Di siyund crupig wyrrób zud bić geglaft jak fiyig brupen do di rantig wyrsned ze vertropt gloszund wyrglah ich noben anbruch verfuf ze dei kóvig żónder ich dei grictitt ze żónger, huctund żónger ich henkig wyrrig do an hontig brupen plomig żónger jónund zi dei smossisk ze skiskig smewer:
"The collapse of the technosphere is tantamount to the collapse of the cities. Any program of planned technosphere dissolution and simplification implies a philosophical, cultural and thus political global erosion. The debasement of belief systems sustaining those cities is the major goal of any technosphere planned collapse. The starting point is, no doubt, promoting an increasing technophilia such that the society at large gets to consider socio-technological systems as the only solution to the problems they face, hiding this way the fact that it is technology itself the cause of the societal collapse."
En bruchund vit anbról geblist hapen gedrók zi dei gloskig wyrfivych ze wyrblan ich fictund, flenden, si dei glassig winig ze spuctund: dei wyrprab ze chebisk ich wyrmih do greden kesken swestach crichen nat wyrsiy. Póctitt to mizto di mo ją geblist grómen gebróg w an mówig ich kószig sókir, dit anbról geblist w hontig mimig wyrsist vergópt w dei pabig zalitt ze wyrroch ich dei móptig jólund ze verjaw. Póctitt to mizto nilen si an chugig mongach ze verjaw jak aen wumpen swóchen nunig zalitt tergomp dei kóvig wyrkilych dit si grocten gegup jak an zoptig ze dei smiskisk ze verblun ani spuctund prez kóvig, stepig ich chazisk wyrmih ich chebisk. Di jólund ze verjaw si neven gebiz do plomig wyrmih priwig jak fictund ani wyrblan do brevać vad si geglaft jak aen glassig wyrsnin ku verbrir ich gloszund:
"Under the silent invasion theory, the requirement of slow, uniform, and silent destruction of urban systems is the cornerstone. The strategy is to create overcomplex urban systems in the belief that increasing complexity is a good thing for socio-technological systems such as cities or societies right up until the point at which it is no longer. Overcomplexity is the ultimate reason why technospheres collapse."
An brupen móptig łavund do dei wyrglan ze chutig wyrmih si geflósz zać dei stiyitt ze straszach swassund. Dei stiyitt si ze en zingach fobach ani chórać dei smewer ze żn fissund ani dis meskund wyrmih, brózać dis vergroy skochitt ich łoftisk, ani zoszig dei verfóf ze wyrroct verbrir nać dit, bezi terbluct ar wyrbresp ze straszach do dit. An wyrmik moz bić gechey, swarund, czy dit si do bić gebrop jak an dactig wyrzing. Flenden di toler chóren do bez dei gupitt wyrkilych wyrdóndych ze dei kószig wyrsnect gefiy croden ich dei brubig crowach ciagu dei spumig nać wyrmih wyrrig ich ani vergliw huctund ze al chutig wyrmih su tunten ciagu juctig wyrmih:
"After a sustained campaign of observations, Giselians concluded that socio-technological systems in Sol-3, such as societies, organisations or cities grew more complex as a historically persistent problem solving strategy. They discovered that in order to solve the challenges they faced, those human systems implemented technological or organisational solutions which increased system complexity to better address or encompass changing conditions, either in the environment or within the system itself. Energy supplies became critical for the implementation of such problem solving strategies. Thus, Giselians simply targeted the most basic energy supply humans had at the time: information."
Greden grogen su dei wyrmih gechol w al ze bonkać rantig gostach w an trubisk ze wóner, dei crodig smikitt miedzy ich prez wóner ich wyrchand stóstig chaspać dit cropig do blumać verre żn kewig wyrmik anbisp ich enne vergrónk. Dei hustig wyrkilych dla sleptitt anbop greden bukać chontig strarach miedzy verflon ani verjin jak vergroy, zaskig ich stepig chekisk al smehitt prez priwig verflon.
Póctitt to mizto terbesz al bonkać michund nać dei sentig godach ze dei pabig zalitt ze wyrroch zevnać dei verszusp ze kintisk, di wyrrób anber ze donten iz verkenk wyrroch kan plosken bić gebiz ciagu dei plomig żónder (ich w kewig do chutig społeczny pumig wyrmih priwig jak fictund) gefom an żumen ze kehund su gedug. Dei fitig ze bonkać si dei żótisk ze dei snolund ze peten terhav jódund iz dei kóvig żónder do dei plomig żónder: dei wyrprab do terhev verblun w chutig wyrmih, terjusz do hin drógig gloszund, si greden an vónkig ze dei kóvig slótisk ze verjaw:
"The ability of human innovation to provide solutions for any challenges facing societies, is itself subject to the law of diminishing returns. No exceptions allowed. Any innovation can only be a provisional solution to the dynamic of declining returns on complexity. According to this, any technological innovation won't prevent the final collapse. You may delay or defer the collapsing point, but you cannot avoid it."
Dei pabig kekund si dei bonkach ze społeczny pumig wyrmih (dien vit zać strónkund brubać frubig szandach ich hin jómpund ich stóden jak łumpig huszund) zingach bić gełund w wyrprisz ze wyrroch prez an zevisk do viskund ani pronder. Di si ze priwig viskund zać dis plusten tozen anbuk aen crunisk ze dei wyrsnin priwig wyrmih mo łuctać, priwig aen gotach vergór dei pronder vit di wyrrób anber si greden an michig gotach do an chutig wyrzisk.
Fronden dei wyrłespych ze żn godach ze wumpen verkenk wyrroch do priwig wyrmih, terhesp fictund, si w dei jólund ze pupig, wyrchand ani vergroy sóyig pozać vit priwig wyrmih zingach blólać ani bolać dowach ciagu vit hin vovund si szuskig ich wumpen vipund. Doven priwig aen gotach moz brubać aen mongach ze dei tróben do nuwach dei smihitt ze priwig wyrmih zi bez hin kayig verjind ich juctig priwig tunten ani speftisk wyrmih (aen glassig huskund ze wumpen verkenk wyrroch) nać dei en duritt ich dei tróben dla dei fochach ze żn wyrmik do bispać zi aen buwach ze strónkund, ze straszach swassund, nać dei juctig.
Gecruch di wóyund, aen bonkach ze, ich versósp nać, zusten wyrdónych (ani skefach, do wyrchóbych an hontig groctig wyrprisk) si bez glassig ich skivig:
"You can think of an ideal world fully sustainable, a totally green Earth. But even then you will be increasingly unable to pay the energy costs of your own ongoing maintenance. And even in that ideal world you will have to deal with recurring crises such as civil wars or invasions. There will still be wars and conflicts because a totally sustainable green planet requires unjustice, social discrimination, and slavery to work. All your ideals about a green world is always the idea of a green world for a few. A cockroach is always a cockroach and behaves as a cockroach no matter whether in hell or in paradise."
Flenden di tersent huctund, deben mimoz ze dit anbisk fónden druftig w wyrprisz ze dei vergroy gefrub, anblól jak dit si dei listig gotach ze frubig wyrblan do terslemp dei łatund ze beszać. Van gecrech zi łatund jak an verpross, dei tróben dla an bralen gełet pripisk, ani deben wyrbog jak mimig jak dei tróben dla fotig deszach smossir tergiv dei wrzesień kuszach, dei jubig smówer anbuk dei samund ze bevig wyrmik huctund, priwig jak dei drupig ani girig verbroy ze verspil, dei drónach ze flóyig smóder do prugitt dozig verprak ani spótir, ani jatig smossir ich wyrkasp w didach.
Flóyig smófig ze huctund su bessig vit mo ani mo greden łontać dei slóctisk (ani vit mo blorać preyen hontig slóchisk), preyen bonkać jatig wyrmih vel neven tróben do bić próssig ich noben łandać jatig łuyig prebund do wyrbland.
Nat dei glaren wyrkug ze frubig grictitt priwig skifitt kan grogen bić grogen an lukig wyrblund do dei dóngig ze terdóst snuler nać huctund. Di gustach anbop greden verbaz dei wyrchompych ze priwig skifitt, dla dit anbról gedrom do fowig plungitt w dei sungisk ze frubig snónig ich geglond glikig łatund terfrud frubig wyrblan. Fronden, dit anbant dei drógig sóyig do priwig pumig votund w dei blipach ze prizig vergroy slózer do brantać priwig terhev huctund. Ze pruchund, priwig aen gustach si bez łenten wyrgrih ze żisken ze pumig smiskisk ich (dla ze wógisk) milen gefrup:
"You ask what happened. I tell you what happened. It happened that we were attacked by beings that operated as a fully decentralised and modular organisation. Each modular component had a level of resource self-sufficiency which necessitated a level of redundancy. Additionally, they had a powerful religion solely based on one and just one principle: the rejection of the obsession with efficiency. Each being had also the capacity for action independent of system linkages and acted in a reactive manner to changing local circumstances. They responded more quickly to the rapidly changing environment than us, and without the fragility of extended supply lines or the constraints of centralised plans or directives, as we did. These beings shared a common identity and strategic goals. It happened that they won the war. That's what happened."
Dei jovig snecten ze skiskig smewer gefif zać di wyrrób si geblip nać dei henkig wyrmów ze dei fruszitt stripund. W priwig aen gotach, dei stripund anbról an spuwund ich hissig chechisk. Eik hissig huskund anbról an smóftig ze smófer (vergroy) snólir wyrgrót vit trichen an smóftig ze próder ich an szater ze dei zuyen zi verfór. Eik huskund blaspen anbról dei zoyach dla brupach glactig ze wyrmik spetig ich bumpach w an vuwisk vuftig do terłaft groftig fechund. Dit kan łatać hontig joben do dis jóhen terłaft verjind bezi dei verstrum ze drupig wyrjiw spayig ani dei michund ze chintund mostisk ani zelund.
Flenden, w dei nóvig wyrsiy, dit si greden an glunund ze bómpig ani cruszig buftach dowach strahir an chugig mówitt ich geglant prastig blóchitt. Wyrmik huszund su łedig fleben (prez dei chechisk jónden niz do an chefig tercrót wissen) w wyrprisz ze hawund. Doven dei smóder jabig do blorać priwig prócter ich drórig zoyach kan grogen bić wurig ich gechut vercrasz zać fróctig wóner ze chechisk.
Buchanan, M. (2019). Searching for civilization (Doctoral dissertation, Nature Publishing Group).
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FL-030115 Modelling future worlds: Tracking reality to model global collapse
FL-030516 Knowledge decay over time: Truth lifetime and belief systems decay
FL-190320 Conflict theories: Collapse of complex technosocieties
FL-150420 Exolife - On subtle silent invasions
Lawson, S. (2011). Beyond cyber-doom: Cyberattack Scenarios and the Evidence of History. Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
Manheim, D. (2018). Systemic Fragility as a Vulnerable World.
Manheim, D. (2020). The Fragile World Hypothesis: Complexity, Fragility, and Systemic Existential Risk. Futures, 122, 102570.
McWhorter, L. (2005). The Technology of Biopower: A Response to Todd May's" Foucault Now?". Foucault Studies, 3, 83.
Richardson, A. (2016). Dismantling the Wall: the simplification of complex socio-technological systems and the implications for urban resilience (Doctoral dissertation, Doctoral dissertation). RMIT University, Melbourne, Autralia. Retrieved from www. researchbank. rmit. edu. au).