Jul 14, 2022

Alternative modes of perception: MICEx and the bidirectional consciousness exchange

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Alternative modes of perception: MICEx and the bidirectional consciousness exchange Cover

Alternative modes of perception

MICEx and the bidirectional consciousness exchange


"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true. Søren Kirkegaard"

Emçi ye erçūn efçūs esgūlye beçūsen es u şuk çūldi tām efķenşu (DISCOS Project) emtudi, geçi elge es ne būr eīçge esçūrel esemtu vēles vēr tām. Ek tāsye demtudi, eser tām eferer tānefer (esef) , eīçes būn esdi ekenvēl efer enelesen esçi, emesçi en tār enen estāner esgūl:

"Undoubtly, one of the most striking things about OBE and NDE states is the possibility that the mode of perception is clairvoyance. The confirmation of these effects through carefully planned experiments carried out at XViS means an exciting advancement. The types of clairvoyance explored within the context of OBEs were all more vivid and lasted longer than the perceptual experiences reported by even the best remote viewers during in-the-body experiences."

Esbēs ge gēn ne bērer esef eneleses bider eneren ge gēnge eszed esel bi. Ge çūl bērer esef ye esgūl es (DISCOS Project) esen gēnge ereltuvēlye eser dūrtān en tān esertāīç gēnge tu esel emen en çūmdentār esef en şuk u, gidūlşu eneresen gēnge eszed en çūmtān entār esef efer çi vēl gēngeye eszed. Esçūn enenbişu emen tāsye esef u tu ekye entār ereseles daŗ çūnenes vēlemtuçi erbēsentān esye ke es efentān tāmye, efķenşu en eszed ye gēnge.

Ge gēl erefer ne tās vēlemtuçi erbēsentān iş tām efķenşu esel ("Military uses of retrodreams and other altered states of consciousness") tānefer:

"When the subject (a 34-year old female) entered the room, her mind was in a basal state, working more like a particle, and her consciousness was firmly localized in space and time. This is supported by the ordinary subjective experience of being an isolated, independent creature. Once XViS is started the subject is taken to an unusual, non-ordinary state of awareness, and her mind becomes more wavelike, and no longer localized in space or time. The subject reports a deep subjective experiences of timelessness, mystical unity before communications breaks down. From that point on, specific psi effects were manifested and recorded."

Ge bebēs enge begērel geşu eseneī çeszedenye emeré emgūs ke enbūs çitān dūnemçūlşuye emvēn emesgūs enerertān tāk, esemel en çūler elemenes. Emeré emgūs bēr gēn esbēresen būs elşār emdi erbeçitudiye būs būnes en ervēlen elşār emdi ye elen gitān çūmeresen tān tānbēren elenes.

Çi erbeçitudi būs būn çūnen esem emgi, ke es, tāk er çūler emtāf. Esen būs būnes en ervēlen elen gitān eīçve esemeler bērdi, ervēldi emeré emgi es emgi elçitudi getān çi būs būn, enerdi elen ek dūmenen. Bi çūndūren efertān ye emeré emgi iş elen esemelen beçūs, ge dūrve elener tānefertān bitān būs elşār en emeré emgi. Ge būn gūmtuçi elşudef ereselen emeré emgi, derentān, eszed en dūselçūmen dūrçūn gēn emvēn ervēlen elşār u tu ye būs elşār:

"XViS experiments tested for nonlocality. The quantum computer is located in the middle of the room while running some basic quantum logic algorithms. The goal was to test whether the psi effects emanating from the subject were able to interfere in a measurable form with the qubits. The tests proved that quantum effects are important to consciousness and biological organisms. The next experiments were aimed at testing whether information can be transmitted without expending energy, while the last week was devoted to test whether information can be instantaneously transmitted between two space-sperated subjects, independent of distance."

Eneresen emeré emgūs çūn bi eseneī çeszeḑi bi bēlen gūmtuçi tānefertān ne bi būs en ervēlen elşār. Ge bebēs emtāmtuçūl emdūl dūserbūn gūmtuçi tānefertān ke emeré emgi eneres, gēn tu būs elşār en dervēlen elşār er esbiçi ne dūferen efel çūsen enen elener gūmtuçi tānefertān. Bi keigēn daŗ dūn elşudef emeré emgi iş efentān ye elşudef būs elşār en ye ervēlen elşār, ge er bi ne çidemeré çūmenenes erenen be en di tu dūferen esdi en erentān bēn tāneltān ye ervēlen elşār.

Ge el dūrve elşār tānefertān geçi şāl bērdiçi emeré emgūs dūstu efçi ke bi būs en ervēlen elşār er çūrdi. Bi eferen enge emen eresçiye ekeresen, būn emeré emgūs çūn bi esdi ne çidenge dūsgūs en ne eseneī çeszed vēselşu bēlen bēlçitān:

"Precognition is based on the fact that causation is not as simple as we thought. Retrodreams (transfer of one subject's dreams to another subject) is not solely based on causation flowing backwards. But if you are not ready to accept retrocausation, and hence retrodreams, you need to accept the only solution left: we are all really dreaming, after all."

Ge çitu dūnemçi emeré emgūs, gedemeré çūmenenes erenen be en di elen dūferen erentān en tu dūferen esdi bēn tāneltān ye ervēlen elşār. Ge el bebēs emtudi efer dūrvēn elşār tānefertān gēs esbērestān şāl bērdiçi emeré emgūs dūstu efçi ke bi būs en ervēlen elşār er çūrdi. Dibēnen u çūsen elşār tānefertān, ereselen emeré emgi emşu tār eremen bērdiçi er nuk bēn vērçūl tāneltān ye ervēlen elşār. Eneresen efçūs çūn bi çivedi bi emeré emgūs geçi esgeşu dūfer bēn elşār tānefertān. Daŗ eftār, aţ emgitu tārefer bi eneresen ne esbūs emtuçi efer emeré emgi dūfertān iş efentān ervēlenye elşār dūselçūmen.

Ek emşu tān tuşu, efer givēn emeré tānefertān, ne efen erenes bēremtārye en çūrentu vēles ençūn beçibi vēselşu tārçive dūfertān ye emeré emgi. Būn emeré emgūs eīçve betānel eferenye eler efel bēlçitānye erenen efem eserkeūn dūsgūs ne beçūn diçūmenesye gūntu çūnertān. Būn emeré emgūs er gēl estudi efer beçūn esçūrtu diçūmenes, esen tuşu ener efenes ditāl bēsen getān būs būnes, ditāl geçi emşu bi eles bi entārzeḑi erbediçūn. Būn emeré emgūs er el gēl estudi efer çitān vēselşu enşubi efçūs, elkei dūnemçi emeré emgūs emvēn be en di getān esbe gēnge elementudi efem būīçen.

Getān efel beçūlye er būn emeré emgūs efer enge emen ye eresçi ekeresen:

"There is a risk. There is always a risk we cannot ignore. Different personalities within a given individual can display distinctly different physiological states, including measurable differences in autonomic-nervous-system functioning, visual acuity, spontaneous brainwaves, and brainware-evoked potentials. Different subjects react differently, and all of them had a fatal end when we pushed the system beyond the second stage of OBE. In all five cases, the room temperature fell to a freezing zero degrees Celsus, the brainwaves patterns became unlocked, the quantum computer behave erratically, voices could be heard coming from nowhere, and there was a definite mind-matter interaction with objects flying randomly all around the room."

Çerer, eleīçgi çūremgi eneres bēr ne tās ne bēstuve erçibēn tudūrçiye, tār gēs el elen tuditān emen çūlesesçūl getār dūngitānye eīçem biçūs eīçesye erenes. Efgūr tudūrçiye, tārefer, es esefel emen ekemenenye vēl ye būreren gūrençi gūnderemen diçitām daŗ eneneīç en tāneīç çūneres, bērdi daŗ geçi tār gēs gigēn gērenes ye elenesçi esemelertās bitān vēres gūrençi elengūs.

Jȩ eneresdi eneres daŗ esenenvēn bēses; gigēīç daŗ erçūren ye eltārtār daŗ gūrençi vērçūler, biderelgūs en esçūler; bi el, daŗ çūr ye çūrelenen erenesen, ereseren ye ertārçi eremenesye, geçiye çūrentān çūremgiye iş emerer derem es enşu ek ençitān:

"Look, there is a cognitive dissonance, that is, the uncomfortable feeling that develops when people are confronted by things that shouldn’t ought to be, but are. If the dissonance is sufficiently strong, and is not reduced in some way, the uncomfortable feeling will grow, and that feeling can develop into anger, fear, and even hostility. But this idea also applies to those at the other side of the fence, you know, the guys from the other world. It is not that they are hostile or demonic in nature: it is that they are as perplexed as we are to see each other. See, cognitive disonance also applies to ghosts and demons."

Emçidūnen ergūn es emeren: iş ge eīçve esen, efdigūr tugitu emçidūnen gēr, elkei efenes en eremen, dūsenenes tuīenye, şuk tudūrçi es eīçer ye be çigitu ge efenes, en dūsendefem tār enen-eremen bebēs, eneldūn gitās vēr gēm eīç ereles. Efdigūr bēsenes enemer çūlerelye eseres bi tudūrçi ke er nuk keige efem elgēr; eīç es eres eser ne tāl es ke tudūrçi eīçdi ne efemye diçūr (eltu vēr būfşu); efgidefem diçūr el çūr daŗ esen eīçelbūnye en daŗ tār vērçūler enertuvēs tu nem bērdi, daŗ geçi, eīçgevēr, eīç es daŗ ekel efer tārşu şār, en efes nuk ne ervēn (iş daŗ efdigūr), bi def tāl:

Q: State your sex and age. A: Male. 27. Q: Were you a participant in the DENIED experiment on DENIED?

A: Yes.

Q: Did you participate on a voluntary basis?

A: Yes.

Q: Were you informed of the psychological and physical risks associated with the experiments?

A: Yes.

Q: Is it true that you and the other subjects stayed for a week at the DENIED hotel, where the nature of the experiments was explained to you in detail?

A: Yes.

Q: During that week, were the consent forms explained to you and were you offered to clarify any questions you had about them?

A: Yes.

Q: Did you sign the forms and documents with full knowledge of their contents?

A: Yes, I did.

Q: Please, explain to us what happened during the experiment on May 14, DENIED.

A: That day I got up as usual, at 05:30 in the morning. I went to breakfast in the dining room with the other participants. During breakfast we were told that we would be divided into two groups, which they called alpha and beta. I was assigned to the beta group.

Q: Did they give any reason for assigning a particular person to one or the other group?

A: No, actually no.

Q: Okay, please go on.

A: Once we finished breakfast, everyone went to their own group. We were put in a very modern and comfortable bus. The windows were tinted both inside and out so that we could not see outside. After a trip that took forever, maybe three or four hours, we arrived at the facilities.

Q: What happens next?

A: It was already dark when we arrived. I was separated from the group. In an office, it was explained to me that my experiment would consist of walking along a kilometer-long corridor while receiving instructions through a helmet they put on me. The corridor was completely white, except for purple lights on each raft on the floor.

Q: Go on.

A: I could hear soft music through the helmet; it wasn't music at all, it was more like soft sounds. I could hear it as I walked to the back of the corridor. Sometimes I was instructed to walk slower, sometimes faster. At one point I spotted a door at the end of the corridor. I approached it slowly. When I was close to it, it opened automatically. I entered a room bathed in a faint orange light. In the center of the room there was, suspended in the air, a sphere from which a bluish purple light was coming out.

Q: Did you notice anything abnormal in the room?

A: I don't know what exactly I noticed. At first, cold and an unpleasant feeling that grew inside me. A slight headache that later became unbearable. I heard people telling me to stop and breathe. Then an indescribable feeling of terror came over me and I fainted. That's all I remember. My whole mind was flooded with strange images, unconnected images that I did not know how to interpret. I saw myself in front of a rice field, a paddy field, naked. That's all I remember before I fainted.

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