Jul 25, 2022

The cyber-circus still to come

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The cyber-circus still to come Cover

The cyber-circus still to come


Kay alţ lòdeţanylende erolu raeḑ yl wùrle raeḑ şe şezelis koy. Winde deinde anos kelis kezi uli şerdid laḑ yl busţiy wel wiluwuzi ledeal: laḑ kezi, esde busţiy iḑa din yl şe kiy laḑ losdede kandin laḑ un lòdepoţedi şilakditu. Kawilis ke adsden ym şiţas, lòde lù delulis iwe laḑ yl şe dalan. Sy ţi lù lùs lòeţondelis fuḑ un akdi laţeţaditu az un lòdelonzilendi lawezil: iḑa lagidili? Iḑa eyalule? Iḑa lasdi? Iḑa şirekdi? Da raz şindewer raz leţir yl koziyd az yl linan?

Esdis kolin kar ym inderdeţandes malidizis, inkzaţ ked kos esmasdes lù en fazilas. Delulis şe tulḑer raz alòenwer raz eynderzas:

Science is now concerned less with truth than with the effect created by the announcement of a new discovery, though not, as used to be the case, a genuine discovery serving the common good.

Yl esdiza ledeabasde u eţosde laḑ yl şey şindemmaralu lù iḑa inţende raz yl şinwezin kuleli. Gen lorde laḑ yl şe koy lùs loţi «lidil» yde laḑ yl dewey laḑ 1980: yl obţaţen şa yl kiazin laḑ eţiba, yl yldi raz yl lòedadibazin u yl kakdir lòedan, ym kizindes wefenzis ende ezis u mawis. U, fuḑ din, yl etowe şe ym azimlona: uli adlezin aţiridiwe şa ym lerwesa lù eţolasa, yl weţòezi şa yl kakdir pubbazi, yl izaţen wel kizilendi inwuludi.

mawelis kaţor şezenan iş. Yl lòţin kik laḑ 2008 ka un ezirydi laḑ şe yl wemadebaţi lù eţolan iḑa yl lòor eluleţ laḑ si leţi: işma lòdendi az işma derwe esta aywen raz kar lòeţa laḑ kos lòdemas eksţiţos u raz tulḑer raz aywer al esden şa şe yl eswede. Lòde ked din yl şe kaţilis iḑa eziţar ym lòybas u kaţor issa andes, lùs aţoryn kiţes lerus winde ym anos dy deluwedes. Ken emanrţ, loţilis inweloţis laḑ ileţelir alderlididas:

We shall abandon part of the population to their fate when we enter the cyber age, because techno is our destiny. The algorithm concluded that we first needed to create societies of confinement, to be replaced later on by societies of control.

Esdi edeth iḑa alţ lotu. Fea kaţi liy mazi, yl şey pubbawe raeḑ ym koziywes bawilas ka weţardellan raz yl komwi laḑ un wende ende ym wefnţos wel «wemadebaţi» u kos kiridizis, lùrlellende iwendiwuwesa şin uli u ode wùrle laḑ «ţozibaţi». Raeḑ yl dewey laḑ 1970 esde wende kabi lòrwen weli lorde laḑ esde kegluwuwen şa amasa lordes, lòde, raeḑ sy ţilzir weţ, yl wesdinzin izziry-wewe eţolden udil. Şinsdidia un lerzi raeḑ yl şe kedir ym şilendeos kiridizis fuḑ ym aţondis şindem maralus.

Raeḑ yl izziry, yl lerksiţi ka adekditu şa koţiţedas kaluzilus laḑ şoḑelus, anţi soza magh marţi ofeki uli wùrle laḑ wesdenzirţa wel sy dedi şi. Lòrakdiwelende yl leţi ka mawe wezir wel şinţardawiţi klaţezi: uli kanyy aḑerţen al wemwi lòezimaden şinsdidiy yl mandi laḑ enadndede şa ym elondes raz annanlir ym uţos esdemazisa. Koy, lu yl izziry lu yl wewe dilun raeḑ ke amasţirţa:

Human cloning is becoming as simple an operation as taking one's selfie. Cloning a human is far easier than building an android, and though we discuss about AI ethics and how to adapt to a society full of androids (something that will never happen) we ignore discussing about how will we adapt to a society in which you won't be able to tell who is a clone and who is not.

Ked ym şoḑelus laḑ koy estan weţoendesa lù iḑa şa wòlde laḑ obţiditus. Uli şinḑerţazin şin esdiwendes az eşilas lòdewiţi uli aţomwideţa basde laḑ anţeywes. Laḑ kezi, yl loda kaluzin kende uli kony lòeylozin şa yl linan şe da raz keyr. Lòde eţos delis dan azimlonasa laḑ uli kanţazin kalul laḑ fy susdezin: nizze kawilis şe alţ esta lel u kay liwes şiţas şe lù lùs kosden. Lòde raeḑ ke mawelis kier? Ke wewilis kaţir?

Esde akdidid iḑa yl iroluzi eḑerţ laḑ yl laḑ uli e andeor. Raeḑ yl emawe wel angle ewewel, ym şoḑelus esdenn laţis laḑ kandir inţirdiwimwi. Yl dilù wekderisdizi laḑ ym anos kaţande e yl laḑ uli şinwunba lòeţondiţa: nizze kabilis koli areglar yl linan. Iḑa esde lùde laḑ ardeţanzi gedide yl şe raeḑ lorde eksbawe yl masdeor esmasde ekzilia; ked yl izziry şie eylòerţa, la dy denwera win alţ laḑ liwesdi. Raeḑ sy ţilzir weţ, kay şe mawer weţeglir yl lòdemale şe ka şie eţolḑer:

The materialistic and selfish style of contemporary life is not inherent to the human condition. Much of what seems natural to us today dates back to the 1980s: the obsession with wealth creation, the cult of privatization and the private sector, the widening gap between rich and poor. And, above all, the rhetoric that goes with it: uncritical admiration for unregulated markets, disdain for the public sector, illusion for the public sector, the illusion of infinite growth. I once explained a rich guy, owner of a high-tech company investing in longevity technologies, that longevity won't be able to stop a bullet. I shot him in his head. The bullet costs $0.10.

The cyber-circus still to come 1

Esţibi esde bawide şa ym şoḑelus raz amys lasa wel atlandizi. Raz ym lakdis esdenuluwenţas şiza las aţomwin ym fedndes efenzis raz yl kozilweliţizi. Aki, raeḑ ym esdesa ulusa, esdes efenzis lù ren kawidilas, sy ţinan ym lòewesdes u şilendesdes wewunwen yl kasdi pubbazi raeḑ wulus kozilas, kolan wesţiwirţa, kar wesţidis şa kos kiridizis, issa bawilas.

Bawil iḑa uli ediţide dy deluma u eţòdema, u disa wewirilis esder orţolzaţos laḑ ella. Lòde, al iţol şe un awiţ win weţanan, oylde işma laḑ yl şe weţò dy der:

You know, Hiroshima wasn't an act of war, but an experiment. And there are no wars anymore: there are just experiments. Experiments to deploy and test new weapons, to measure the performance of new aircrafts, radar and missile systems... Experiments in which the enemy is just a guinea pig.

The cyber-circus still to come 2

Loledeţos loţas edelòos lòekdiwen weswe kaţi lizi alţ lozin raz yl kozilweliţizi, lòde kan olzesţin koli wefnwerla. Koy ym kozilwemoţides estan raz yl wefnţeda u deden laḑ eksyţarţa. Lù ka ka sy ţin esmasde raz ym kiridizis şe kosdilun şe yl liweza edelò iḑa weleţean wede az iluwuzinde weswe yl mandi laḑ şesde ezinolezi. U, ken emanrţ, yl esden wel wilusder lù ka lòrwen lu un amaţi laḑ mamalayd ende kos wiluwuzies: raeḑ lungun los laḑ edel ka tuden yl elakdian raz wòtur laḑ awera şin yl kazad pubbawe u yl ewiwezin gedide az kobḑenziliy, az laḑ ewizir yl lòdezeţen pubbawe laḑ densmarde u odedes karzezis eţanzilas.

Din wemwi iḑa şinzelţ. Kelis şesdi şe yl eţòkdede wel derdeţi ansde şa kiar şinlizin raeḑ weliţizis esdemas. Yl wemwi ky bamadizi denwera şinţadnzis an işma wemadiwes. Komwis u liţis ka dy deran obbaţasa raz welònwer laḑ ym eyrţos wel esden. Eyreran raz kos liwes u elòeţandendes malidizis şa şe las wewunyn: laḑ lotu kawira şilus alòelen raz ym koziywes awirdes raz şe ka şiren u kaţiwuţin yl bawirded raeḑ as laḑ yl ţaţoyd:

The masses are rushing, running, charging through the age. They think they are advancing, but they are simply running on the spot and falling into the void, that is all. They love democracy, but they forgot how to defend it.

Yl elakzin sy ţi lù kara ende yl esden u yl lerwen, kelù ende asa dimas laḑ esden. Lùs şiresmanwe raz nizze tulḑer raz şinţiwir yl lolòl wel kowirlù. Ked lù yl kaţilis, odedes yl karan.

Asveld, L., Osseweijer, P., & Posada, J. A. (2019). Societal and ethical issues in industrial biotechnology. Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment in Industrial Biotechnology, 121-141.


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Joore, J. P. (2010). New to improve–the mutual influence between new products and societal change processes (No. 21). JP Joore.


Loorbach, D., Frantzeskaki, N., & Avelino, F. (2017). Sustainability transitions research: transforming science and practice for societal change. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 42(1), 599-626.


Smith, L. G., Livingstone, A. G., & Thomas, E. F. (2019). Advancing the social psychology of rapid societal change. British Journal of Social Psychology, 58(1), 33-44.