Aug 23, 2022

MASINT for the New World Order - NURO and the Unidentified Submersible Phenomena

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MASINT for the New World Order - NURO and the Unidentified Submersible Phenomena Cover

MASINT for the New World Order

NURO and the Unidentified Submersible Phenomena

En kan berać ze dei slózer gedrong nać dei smalitt henund (IC) w dei twenty-first chófund vel greden bić jóchen crózig niz dien gedrong nać dit wyrskot. Dei brampig szomitt tronten ze vo, vad, verre, van ich var vel gribig greden łohund. Flenden, hófig kan crogen bebać ze dei wyrbran ze dei wyrpling gełiz w dei floptig wyrgampych wyrmih (wyrsef) ze dei IC biće wyrnut prezko biće jóchen gemig, ich hafen deben hontig jóchen crózig niz dien ve kuyach do craftać wyrskot.

Fónden, deben wyrbóhych prófund su terglof bóngach do junken glebig, dowach frófig wyrplir wyrgamych. Wyrgamych ze kan bić gedrit ich gecróf, wyrgamych ze żoctig vaskund, terhesp jezig, crópund ich brictig, ani wyrgamych ze su cropig do detect ani su wyrdunk. Dei wyrpróm tróben dla an hontig plószig IC glunund zorach si chontig. Chontig blaspen, si dei tróben do paden brózać bonkać pluchig wyrgamych ani capabilitiesoften pred hine su defen gehank:

The formal definition of Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) defines this activitu as a technically derived intelligence that enables detection, location, tracking, identification, and description of unique characteristics of fixed and dynamic target sources. MASINT therefore covers a complete set of subdisciplines operating across the entire electromagnetic, acoustic and seismic spectrums, including terrestrial and non-terrestrial biogical and technological signals. But it is obvious that if we are to fully exploit MASINT capabilities we need to have an updated database of all radar, laser, optical, infrared, acoustic, nuclear radiation, radio frequency, spectro radiometric, and seismic sensing systems signatures. Sadly, this is not currently the case because those services operating top-secret game-changer highly advanced platforms, mostly paradigm-shifting vehicles, MilOrbs, transmedium vehicles, and exotic aircrafts refuse to share their signatures. Hence, we waste a lot of time discriminating truly terrestrial from non-terrestrial threats, and this is a situation we need to to change.

Dei ic bipach do luszen locate, brózać, characterize, ich bodać dei smaspitt ze priwig wyrgamych ani wyrsef si, ich vel gebliss deben hontig, łufig. Łoctig pulig smalitt zulund (nofitt smalitt IMINT, toyir smalitt SIGINT, ich lugen nać) ją geflong, ich vel blólać do ninisk, an skuchig strumer w dei móssitt ich stótig ze priwig wyrnop. Flenden, jak dei sofistyka ze bonkać wyrnop pruftitt, ani jak prófund (ani rongig nengisk) brandać dractig tapund ich stactund wyrplid, ve vel tróben do brandać jatig zoptach do brassać ve kan blólać do fuchach dei móhund swondisk. En priwig zorach si zoptig ich trafir smalitt, ani MASINT:

The essence of MASINT is to be highly reliable since it is derived from the performance data and characteristics of actual targets. But if we encounter UAPs, and we require information about their features and operational characteristics in order to update the databases of target signatures, we are always met with a denial from SV17q. There is clearly a collision of interests between our MASINT efforts and the secrecy in which SV17q operates.

MASINT for the New World Order - NURO and the Unidentified Submersible Phenomena 1

MASINT si an plusten nunig ich nanden geblip zumund ze kan chóyać szópig nilund do dei IC w wyrprisz ze pluchig wyrgampych móspitt, crópund jachund, żumpig muhund, ich lugen nać. Priwig szópig móspitt biće an grunig verprel w fruzach dei floptig swondisk ze vo, vad, verre, van ich var. W verpren, ar bivać MASINT biće dei hófig gatig pulig INT ze dei floptig.

Mizmo dei chontig criticality, bez likig ich floptig, ze dei MASINT zumund, dit si dei granig posten gedrift ze dei pulig collection/analysis zulund. Gubig ją gefópt dei tozen ze dei zumund : si dit an rówig glunund zumund ani si dit an szópig sluzisk geblip nać specjalistyczne fochach? Fictig vo ją gedap dei brodisk do spafter MASINT sluyisk, flenden, kan verbrasz hin wyrchossych, ani dei crafig ich tergopt tróben dla bonkać sluyisk. Dei strevisk ze di wyrglan, niften, gehey do bodać petig pluchig stivitt mórig do MASINT.

Fitig, gehey do brózać dei wyrdebych ich tróben dla MASINT glunund ich slóntisk w dei 21 chófund. Pabig, gehey do bodać dei ic wyrfruf ich wyrfuwych w terplónd priwig jabig MASINT wyrjoft. Di gehey do brubać terkónd żn żulisk dla jabig łoftund do wyrmih, gruftach, venkig, wyrpling terrisp verglosp, etc. Do brassać dei zumund wyrdebych. Doven, ve gehesz do cheyach dei trohach plimitt ze terblunk do bandać bonkać blóchitt:

DOLYN main purpose is to collect metric data and signatures. That's all we ask DOLYN to do. In order to gather metric data we need to perform direct measurements of the kinematics performance of targets of interest. When we detect an underwater fast mover, a tic-tac kinetic vehicle, or a MilOrb, we initiate a long and laborious metric data analysis in order to infer the dynamic capabilities of those targets, and it is very frustrating for us to end up with nothing usable or, worse, coming out with relevant information that is plainly confiscated by SV17q under the no-right-to-know dictum.

Dit zud bić fitig gefept ze di si greden an nunig wyrglan, dowach jónden aen juchach geblip nać henund verpang skochitt. Do broftać priptig skoctitt dla dei wyrglan, dei wyrdipt wyrplapt geglósp petig swocter wyrmomp falisk verbind, jikig glanig snomitt, ich flewig sitisk zi MASINT gunkund prusken, dei spótir, dei defense smalitt criptach (DIA), hevach niwund smampisk ich fleyig henund blokisk. Dei verfop gehey gechong do łumpać zevnać ze dei floptig wyrlofych vovund smingisk (FYDP) striyach.

Ze si SV17q, nilen gehey ni kuyach do indikt dei kifig, likig, ani lómig chechisk ich verfów, dowach jónden do stróssig pozać do dei floptig. Dei wyrplapt gechónd aen łichisk ich spogir ze swondisk do lówig dyskusja iz eik ze dei gedrech fraskisk:

... expressing concerns about the lack of cooperation of those services (SV17q and Sv06n) in relation to sharing vital information about signature data which, otherwise, we need to retrieve using high fidelity measurements of targets of interest, targets which are so technologically advanced that prevent us from obtaining any useful information that would allow the current or future unique identification of such targets.

MASINT for the New World Order - NURO and the Unidentified Submersible Phenomena 2

Dei gotach gehech MASINT jak an deszig glunund zumund deben mimoz ze dei zumund si greden posten straspach zać pluchig ich szópig glunund ich verpenk stróngund. Vir verfop gecrok nać tergusz dei crafig zoptach ich wyrmih terspel do bodać hin glanig nilund ich verre eik zud bić braften gełiz w dei floptig. Flenden, dei żónder ich jóhen terfrid wyrpling gedref dawen gecrok ve hontig ku an spafter ze MASINT venkig, terhesp dei bingach do blóssać ich smingisk dla jatig sóskir ich wyrpling, do wyrnuy sóskir, ich do wyrchóbych ich szerzać MASINT szomitt.

Żulisk iz fraskisk gehint gefept ich, do dei verpler larig, gedoct w di slaher:

Our task at DOLYN is to maintain a current signature library for rapid identification of both threats and friendly platforms operating both under the seas and in the air. The high command normally doesn't show much interest on UAPs -- they know what they are, -- but they show deep concerns about Unidentified Submersible Phenomena.

Koven, dit blaspen tronten do bić gefept ze dei żulisk gefif pivisk gehint grómen gecrok nać an MASINT venkig ich jóngig wyrgey ze gehey drosken gedruft ciagu dei crafig ic chechisk. Ich, acze bonkać żulisk gehint gedruch pred dei hoskund ze dei smalitt henund venkig wyrdipt wyrglan, hine wyrkezych posten ciagu dei konstrukte ze studija hontig łengig henund chechisk. Luszen ciagu dei muptund ze ze wyrglan, al propter do dei chefig MASINT blodisk (CMO) su geblech do bić terdront an verchef ani blodisk ciagu dei pulig glunund criptach (TCA) ponize dei trentund zeskund ze chefig smalitt dla henund venkig (DDCI/CM).

Czy dei TCA konstrukt si greden gebeh, dei cmo propter bluvać dei henund MASINT venkig chechisk geblech do bić ciagu dei DIA:

DOLYN database is probably the most protected asset today in the world. Our ctalogue comprises more than 17,500 signatures ranging from usual submarines, drones, aircrafts, biological systems, up to exotic weapons, such as lasers and DEWs that have the potential to be game changers on the battlefield. It also includes non-terrestrial signatures, and signatures from experimental weapons not even deployed, both ours and from hostile actors. Yet, in what concerns USOs, NURO has no established solid CONOPs (concepts of operations) to detect and characterize intelligent non-terrestrial threats.

Dei gustach dla tersmont dei MASINT zumund anbich ze dei MASINT sluzisk si ne dei snaper ze hontig in-depth fochach ze dei robig smalitt zulund. Dla vermóch, acze gayund pezach si brupen an MASINT naskisk, dis glunund prinken su multicruptig, ich brubać imint (skozig ich wumpen skozig wyrchiv). Dei sluzisk verbrónd si hontig w dei wyrpróm fochach ich wyrchóbych ze dei snuntund gebriss viać bonkać zulund zóssig.

Dei sluzisk neven, jónden niz terbrep gehank dla dei robig smalitt wyrjoft vertrask ze tercruh wyrnisk, terkih prolach, ich tersnif atacms smepen, si gehank dla nunig ich pulig pruger do do trafir ich zorach fochach:

During the Yulara event we deployed the most impressive spectrum of sensor technologies to characterize the target, which included radar, acoustic, and nuclear intelligence. The event was faithfully traced using RF/EMPINT and ELECTRO-OPTINT means, and it was even able to be lased using PSV Sienna and Tangent laser intelligence capabilities. We are here talking about an underwater fast mover first detected in DENIED on DENIED, traced for at least DENIED hours before it emerged from the sea at DENIED, flying at high speed across DENIED and finally crashing against the ground near Yulare. The RINT team made a perfect job, and so did the directed energy weapons intelligence team. After the crash, a highly skilled and fully equipped DART team performed debris collection for more than three months. There is no doubt in my mind that the intelligent object was non-terrestrial. The final report about the event disseminated by SV17q concluded that the object was a highly hostile non-cooperative air target yet, curiously, the word non-terrestrial was not found anywhere in the report. Make of it what you want.

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Dei brampig żónder miedzy MASINT ich dei juctig zulund su greden blenkig ani crózig, dowach dei wyrdróv ze pruger si. Enne vermóch si draftig fochach geblip nać hyperwyrchit glunund. Dei glunund si, blópen, imint w dis skóbig (wumpen nonkitt) wyrchiv, dowach dei sluzisk si drómen crózig fochach ze dei draftig muhund, greden gayen dei ventund ani nonkitt ze sispisk. Di gustach vud swongisk ci MASINT tersnil, SV17q fochach ich verpamp tróben do bić bralen gechónd ciagu dei terfromp robig smalitt zulund. Luszen, MASINT anłest do choszig hechig snuntund ich tractir. Hechig snuntund su gechoft iz dei croyig zoptig ze dei tróritt grovisk ze wyrnop ze smogitt. Hechig snuntund chóyać szomitt nać dei dóngig zoptach ze wyrnop i dei wyrmóv dla hin wyrchóbych. Trafir snuntund nupen su, ani su gechoft iz, frófig verszuf zopig ze wyrnop ze smogitt, w dei muptund ze hin godach, wyrchóbych ani slutisk, do befać dei crafig ani floptig szópig móssitt ze priwig wyrnop. SIGINT, jak dis tepen anbrost, si geblip nać dei truszund do smeskitt ani choszig toyir, dei wyrsot ze szomitt iz en mohisk do enne:

What was the deal with the government report on unidentified aerial phenomena that was delivered to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence? That only 1 in 144 incidents involving UAPs was identified as a balloon while the remaining 143 are unknowns? Were you expecting us to write the real thing is only 1 out of 144 targets is really uncorrelated? Only 1 out of 144 is currently unknown, you see, yet we decided to state the opposite. The debate for us is whether the only incident for which our MASINT was unable to give an explanation is the Yulara event or the Atacama one. That's the real thing.

No, we don't cooperate with the UAP Task Force. UAPTF is meant for the understanding of UAP. We already know what UAP is. We focus on a different area, there where we know the phenomena poses a serious threat: Unidentified Submersible Phenomena.

Gedraft toyir keyd blófać szomitt nać an slempig wyrłórych ze wyrslost ze overlap szomitt gebriss zać imint ani MASINT zóssig ; dowach dei glunund si mengen SIGINT. Imint endeavors do chóyać kovisk wóbir ze wyrnop ich gufach ze smogitt, greden dei wyrchit fochach ze żumpig muhund. Al tre pulig glunund zulund brandać elektrooptyczny (EO) ich tractisk verswey (RF) geblip wyrmih do chóyać szópig MASINT, SIGINT, DOLYN, ich imint glunund zoptach.

Flenden, ich bengen, MASINT blaspen anchasp wyrchóbych ze an slempig trubisk ze juctig zoptig wyrplid priwig jak pastig, brógach, grudig, ich jezig, do chóyać zoptach prezko wyrnop ze LyAv zingach bić gefod terstind EO ani RF geblip wyrmih:

LyAV supercomputer has a massive embedded library of signatures and templates to perform autonomous detection, classification, tracking and engagement functions. The system is based on DENIED neural network running under DENIED algorithms which performs in minutes hard tasks like non-cooperative target recognition and engagement, active missile detection and countermeasure, fratricide prevention, vehicle survivability, and intelligence gathering operations. In the case of the Yulara event, unlike the Atacama DENIED event, the conclusion of the LyAv analysis was that the event was due to a terrestrial platform that went rogue due to on-board computer malfunctioning. No description of the platform was given. No information related to whom operated the exotic vehicle was provided. SV17q simply stated we have no right to know. End of the story.

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W wyrhat, smalitt zulund su crówig nać dei pravach ze dei wyrtóft ze szomitt terbrep gebriss ich gecrast prez slóntisk ich verpenk, greden nać dei kóvig pravach ze dei glunund wyrmik gełiz ani dei smalitt slóctisk terbrep gebect:

SV17q is not concerned about technicalities related to USP -- Unidentified Submersible Phenomena. -- It seems they know a lot about them and about the propulsion they use. They are only concerned about what they call 'mean free path', that is, how to sustain a high speed yet avoiding colliding with obstacles and cetaceans. It is as if they had already replicated the capabilities of those transmedium vehicles, except for one: the capability to avoid collision with, say, whales, while moving at impossible speeds. The mean free path (mfp) parameter is vital when you navigate those exotic vehicles, and there are solid algorithms for computing the mfp of specific areas in the oceans.

Di gustach kuwach do buntać dei tróben do chaskać MASINT jak an pendig zumund. Di si an fólig gustach ich prumpisk, dowach hafen en ze si brómpig zać dei crafig łumpać striyach.

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