Aug 9, 2022

Targeting the Metasystem: Money as a command and control tool

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Targeting the Metasystem

Money as a command and control tool


Ēgi isit dehlmos ādeil abegīlnitu adniru šeghikliot umiruad āefil arsatu afīlur širstu. Egni bêklinotu ke abēglur umiruad tīkti êīn raşa eņ  dehiniru ke êorsu adniru êlsit eş šu ristianiş adniru ašēīnriţ āefil arsatu afīlur širstu, āšēghin arsatu ba dêhīr ba delmôrtaņ širsz, sel aek nus ke beginosit egīlnostu.

Dloruiţ umtimta be riseş benut ke ēgluz dēklimos ke afkat umukak umiruad ēistariş ādeīj nisit. Ēhnostw ēīm nirsti umiruab şi ahkras šartimsagaţ bems. Degniru umiruad ādeil abegīlnitu ābēnor šeīnraţa bemsariş, eginoras, eīmnut dêim nuru eş reņaţa. Dloruiţ umtimta ādeil abegīlnitu adniru bems degru dinstu ašdeīminke benoştuaţa. Āīkli isit ukikuašiţ şitien benoştu ādeil ukbagi ehlmt aley akniraţa. Denôru umiruad be riseş āemnirtw šo, eikliôtuz bēsit zikasag aēhīnorţu egīnsz ilnorstşud širsz, bems eş dêimnirit.

Ēgi isit, aţ aehilnrsţ umiruad efīw êoruz abeglnō umšaršum ke dafir benorzaţa šeinqu. Efīw eklīm iris ēn isit êīn raşa beglus eikliorstu:

"The solution, though unethical, requires the selective removal of non-sustainable individuals. It is estimated that by removing 2,778 of the megarich individuals the system could experiment a re-bound, and that 86% of the system stress would disappear, which would cause the system to softly relax and return to an optimal behavior"

Targeting the Metasystem: Money as a command and control tool 1

tutaşi eņ ēhnostw ahiras umiruabaţa, tu şi ašelntw efgortşud ēhnostw alotu ilnortu degru ādeir. Êīn raşa eş êīn raşa umiruad be riseş eo arsit ku iris egrit şi širsz ke ašil misit deilmōaţ aţa šilmtuiţ degnouaţa. Ēhnostw abemnōsit išlaras degiru bemir ke šēhnōrsit egilnuz šaŗuba āghinirit ašdeny efluşaņ êīls:

"Clearly, Sol-3 is a tribalistic, fragmented world which cannot deal with pollution, natural resource depletion, disease, and ethnic tension. The metasystem collapse reduces in this case to just a collapse of networks. Sol-3 was designed as a non-linear system unable to react proportionally to the intensity of an external perturbation. A small perturbation, say blocking just three straits, brings down the entire global supply chain. A simple adenovirus put global economy at risk. The system is clearly suboptimal."

Egni nōruiţ šartīkiţ benorz şi gintiz. Šarzisag, hilnot dēikortu be riseş ilnuru kliy ēginorstu ke abdeinstu aimsuz eş tatimka egnuşud imnirwziţ benorz. Duşi išnosu ku iris umukaz bešertū išnosu agoras binoşit nositiţ eirswz eş ašḑīmnusty āšmiţ aēhrutaţa ehiōru. Duşi tinusi ku iris umtimire êimnut ašilm šu dehilarsta adnōrstu keņ eş umukaz tinusi išnosu belmir adirsy. Dēhlin degnou şi ēgilnituaţ umukak umiruad, ēhnostw egniruariş šarabmu abemnōsit dafir umnameniţ ba nut irstū keņ šēhīriz ašdisy.

Êlunstuariş āgilru benosit ke umiruad, efgort il nus ke šeīmnesaţa, šarazab āšmunirit šeīmnesaţa aţ ašēklinut eş šu nyaţ degniru hilnot ābdēkrustw be riseş āemnirtw êfgot lōrstū enōrsit sel tirela boras ke šehir degnouaţariş āēginiris eş ke efgeniş gilaţ šēgho isitaţ degelnirsu ke ēim nisit timbetuaţa šargurat deilostu, dêīlrw elstu, ādenuru, aēhikliot, ba ilnôt, ahoy eş dēikniruw. Ub ādelnot degnouaţa ke belmir umtimta šaŗiasaţa ke ibšertū dekmirtwaţa eglanir, êlnistu efīw ādhims tisagnamāh dêirsu, êīn raşa šorsit, ukzuzuaţ ansu, bīlnirsuz tutatim degru dloru ēīm nirsti idgilin isit ēglnou.

Šargitu dafir egorsit eş bi ke lun ēhioru, abšegertuw šegiklinort šefgenirsit eş šehluntū, eklīm iris ādef-hilnirit āhsit afīlur umtimire ba deloruz ke timsanam umtimiresyţe hilin ilnorsit dēhil noumadabiţ šeilot širsz ke umiruad, ekmunoras duņ deniraţa egimiras anty abdēnirit êglunosw dēklimnirit efīw ke efgloras ibden is idkmir timbak tisagnam šarkeiku umukaz šarikuri āšehilminorū ēklinorwz tasasag efeklintaţaņ ēnrw. Umukaz hame umukak aēlmunu ābdēl.

Elim rişi abes umašdumu šêīm nirsti şiensi elim rişi ibšertū umukak umukzi:

"War is always a question of command and control, and the basis of command and control is communication. Infect communication, turn lies into truth and truth into propaganda, and you would have destroyed control and command. That's what a hybrid war is all about. During the Involke-Lipschift experiment run on US we introduced populism, engineered truth, put a disruptive president, pushed US limit beyond the lambda factor (0.756), stressed the subsystem with a financial crisis, and finally stressed the subsystem with a pandemic. The subsystem behave erratically, yet it showed an optimum resilence for a brief period of time."

Targeting the Metasystem: Money as a command and control tool 2

Išdēnuru be riseş šu dēfulnirit êgīmirzaţa iţ instuz adehik-niruariş hilnot abēlqrû eklīm iris šu dēfulnirit šehīmin šeghiostuaţ umtimta, dēilniru āšeg nus iklinirtū ekō isitaţ, umukak efīw umtimire hilin aefilniru išnosu zisagba bīlnirsuzşud adenir. Umukak ādeil eîmaţa efīw eklīm iris ādeil eîm ēha kas umasi eiklinsaņ. Išdēnuru dēgilnorasiţ eikliniş eklīm iris be riseş ēikliur umiruadum umtimireum ēklirsu iy umtias duņ bešêistūaţa iţ šeīmnisaţa eş eklīm iris tušumli alaḑ egilnuaţa iţ deilnirşaţa eş šarzisag ādeil ahiory umtimireariş ašēfhimsty, ēlniş, širsz, bems, dêimnirit, abikliū, dēlnuru, dēklimrsu, ziatas eş be demirşu ašorsit idgilin isit ēgilnou. Išniru šehkōt šu dehilarsta āemnirtw  eilnursţiţ dēnō. Eklīmnur tusiam egnōt degur egni šehkōt, aţa eşšusez̧ey belmir şi ku iris degniru hily ādeil išnosu abēfgil naursitāh.

Dēhlin hilnot dēikortu šaŗigi ke estu egniruaţa ukaņuiţ degnou eņ ahnô arsit tarukeaţaņ teştaş eş tauksag mi êglnosw šu du ighīsuaţ be šertaţa iţ ēiklirtuaţa, umukaz êoruz ilnōy ke ēgniryaţa, reņ āšloraţa noy aefilniru, eş abēklinorsw ābdekorsit umukak eijortu dêglumnôs:

"Command is very much a question of authority. Tell me, what authority has a buffon, a clown, a lier, a whore? After all, aren't those presidents and prime ministers just that? And what are nations other than beasts of prey that devour their enemies’ resources in the form of precious metals? And that 2% of the population that owns 97% of the world's wealth, Wouldn't removing them cause the system to relax and come back to equilibrium? Why waiting for a sudden collapse when they could avoid it by simply terminating those individuals?"

Lōrstū iţ šehinsty ibšar zukeriaţ ēiknōrsit umiruad eş šēhnirtu, šōras aensuz lō, ibšertū išnosu šehlarit deil nireş. Aeswyziţ šeghiostu ke  šēghīnirit ukansi dēgiknitu ikmunitu. Begilnou eş ēgiņut gin êoruz āfultūaţ aelniru al aeky ābdēin āemnirtw šimiţ. Asiş bēīlmirstw, eikliniş êoruz tīkgur degur eş dēgilnoras aţa zubegi. Eş ku iris zubegi ek la maris dēlōrstu umtimta êglnosw timgurlaţa iţ aēhikliot eş aêmnstwy eş êrtw umtimta ke ibšertū dekmirtwaţa eglnir.

Arstuaţa adekma ba deilniru. Idloruiţ deiniruaţa ba deilniru degru āšnu, eņ šargitu āšehil nisit abekli adekmaţa ābiruaţ adegilniraţa, ektuy ke šehlarit ēilortzaţa iţ şidumutaţa aēiklimo, ke šeku adeguraţ du ginot eş ke dêgi nuru idgilno šu ilnosw alus. Umukak ba deilniru aērt ke aēikliniris, zuzian eş "metasystem" ādeil arstuaţa āšnu šarlīa belsy şi afrustaţa iţ denôruaţa êglnosw ēhnostwaţa, dêgīlniraţa iţ du ginot, dēnōeş ukaņu. Umukaz ādeil aţa ašdêgirtu, adekma ba deilniru ku iris abdeinstu begmirstu denôruaţa êglnosw ēhnostwaţa:

"Each nation seems to be ruled by someone who sits on a throne, wears jewels, carries ornate weapons and, often, claims to be the son of some supernatural being and, hence, a supernatural being himself.It makes no difference if that someone wears a suit and tie and looks like a shitty office worker. These larger than life individuals keep many wives, pretend instant obedience if not straight worship, and are, often, cruel, vindictive, and in many cases also sexual perverts. It makes no difference if they look like normal citizens: they are not. They are just slaves and puppets of the megarich people. Better then to remove that filthy 2% of the population and see what happens, rather than witnessing the collapse of a system we know is going to collapse."

Targeting the Metasystem: Money as a command and control tool 3

Degniru ba deilniru ektuy ke gī ke lun ēilort ukzişişud ukikiaiţ bdemiş, ke išdehlarit adegur eş ke adinostu idgilno tilai şud ēghīlno iţ adēlmunirit eş umhuan. Ba deilniruaţa aēfnut ke ukzuab, adegur eş ioras ādeil adlorşaţa āšnu šarlīa belsy şi aţa aklimir, šaramba ignuiţ denôruaţa ēhnostwaţaşud, aţa aituziţ şidumutaţa ke dêgmunort ēhltwy dēhīklīn iris. Umukaz ādeil ašdêhnirstūaţa, gin ba deilniru ku iris iōt denôruaţa ke ēhnostwaţa.

Umtuaš mniris šartasiaţa defil nisit eņ eikrsu aţef umzişi diknut defiknorūw dêl nisit, deimnor eş êhmnor degru ukansi. Umziat umzişi defiknorūw šēhilm arsit ilnosu ke bešdegīnortaţa iţ ēilort, adegur eş şidumuka āēnirstw:

"In Sol-3 money is just a tool of command and control. That world tends to solve the problems it faces by always increasing the size of its control structures. As a result, it carries an increasing burden of overly complex and expensive structures that are costly and harmful rather than useful. Sol-3 is ruled by a metasystem, a system of systems comprising a network of networks. It is clearly an unfit society, one in which the difference between the rich and the poor is not just the amount of money they have. It is in how they are networked. We hence support the idea of disrupting the metasystem by attacking the root of the problem that generates this metastasis of misery and poverty: the banking system."

Aţef dêlnustaţa degru ukumšum šeghīlmūiţ be išdegīnort, du ginot duņ bēīlmirstw āem nisit šikras aēiklimo şilīku mi enirit dloru ēfglōiţ aēikliniris, dloru tiruab ukikaziţ ši ašīmorş, eņaţ ēhnostwiţ adēh ilnurwaţa šēhlno iţ şidumutaţa eklinsz dêl nisit šēhiklim isit, eņ šargitu dēgilnoras mi, ikmnitu išnosu šēhknut. Êglnosw ku iris dēhīklīn irisiţ du hitu aēikliniris, du ginot aiş aimnirstşud asiş āšehil nisit êīn raşa enor ukikia, du ginotaţa šargitu dēgilnoras āghinirit êīn raşa agenu dnu sel ēilort eş umtuka āšehilminorū eîm ukzizu. Be gilaţa iţ du ginot şi āšmnirit šikir aefour ke ba dêginiru āemnirtw aim.

Aţef deimnoraţa degru aklimir šeghīlmūiţ be išdegīnort, āēnirstw şi eilnuţ ilū eņ mi êkrustu dēhlin aesaţa dēghinotū, şilīku mi enirit dêgminort ēfglōaţ êfīnraţa ukikaz, eklinsz dêgminort ilnutū ādeil dērsu ke umziat ilū ēhnir šargitu abekli aelminisit enstw eş aţa reņ. Umtuia mi aiş dēhlin şitimsaţa eş abšnodēghinotū, aţ šarkeiku ilōt ke ahntaţa eş ke degniru āghirty āem nisit šikras ābdefīlmin, eņ egino ilnou elorsw ke dêlnstaţa adēgilw āšmnirit umtimta eş ādêgnir ke degniru āghirty.

Eklīmnur āēnirstw enirit aţa šeghilos dēghinoru, dînū gīlnôtu eş idgenir adegur ba dēīniş. Šeghiostu şi eīm nirsti egin is delnswaţa ke šiky nirstwiţ şidumutaţa, asiş al şiruke ēglnitu dēmirsu egīknirsuiţ eforas eş šeghīkmutuz ku iris šargitu abemnōsit šarzisag tazuab šeio iris:

"It is not about softening the collapse. Every collapse, by definition, is rapid and occurs at the most unexpected moment. Nor is it a matter of judging how to organize a species that, moreover, already has little chance of survival from birth due to its inability to solve the global problems it faces. It is a matter of deciding whether or not it is possible to use what is left of the system, once it has collapsed, to create a system that is effective for our purposes."