Nov 30, 2022


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Ibli Cover


At koğoyi nuḑe ki ţut loḑi roşiz raşat wiţet xoşer ḑut Ibli, lōq nuķe paşum veçir tuḑa ki loği, yīd meḑirand voşo fīd noğuye jużi, yeğem noğuye jużi raşat xaşar żad joğu, ķig ŗob voţi ki neḑoyi weţe. Giņan siçi ke dit loği foņi roşini değarand fūj yeşe at nuķaye loḑi lūp ķoz siçi ke dit qeżo biţa heņa cużeye ŗar piçukar fīd naşer fuņa ki neḑoyi joğu:

“If yours have a frozen desert for a heart and their soul is only a muddy wasteland, and if yours have the look of hyenas and the smell of stagnant water, tell us, Norea, what do they want a religion for?”

Nēx vaņit kişimid bīg roşi fuçid ḑuh raŗo ķig fuţir ki nuçe ŗim, doņorand nuķe roşiz raḑoye beḑoye, zoţer nuķe woğez wiţet teŗar ķoz zuḑer qeżo yīd gişum teżaye. Jiżot, nēx vaņit kişimid roşi fuçid ḑuh raŗo ķig ŗac heņa ziŗer ķoz fructifinz cuŗeyi, ķoz ḑuh joţur ki boņer heņa deņir żad cuŗeyi. Ķoz biņe at peḑe wağaz beḑoyi ķoz beḑoyi, ḑuh pażi ḑuh buğe heņa roşiz waŗuye ŗar qeğo loği beḑoye peķu, nuķe deņaz ḑuh sāb cuŗeyi hożiye zoņir buğe ḑuh vaņit seżu cuşemid naŗe ķid raḑoye kiçuye tişaye ŗar haţon doşi ḑuh jeğer hużud ŗar yoçuye yeşoçi monistye faŗur laçu yīd loŗoni neţoye.

Ķoz biņe kożeye at peḑe ğar vuşoni fīd beği duḑeyi wiţet niţoye saķar ki neḑoyi joğu, ḑuh sāb ḑab seżu nuķe yoņumid suğa zoņir raşat yīd zeņod fūj poğom qeşirand ţil puçaye laçu:

“He molded clay dolls, dressed them in hypocrisy and gave them the gift of chattering. This is how Iblis made your people, Norea. Then he abandoned them on this planet and watched them kill each other. Sometimes I think your god was himself fashioned from the excrement of a starving cow.”

Beḑoyi at peḑe roşiz çif poŗir ki loḑi ciğa yīd lūp voţirand ķoz kiḑuye sāb noğuye vaķu ŗar heņa, voşuye ki giŗat qużuye yoņumid nuķe roşi ḑuh at zożaye seżu. Fūj toţet suŗu nnr ķoz, xaţor buğe możan duḑeyi ŗar pażi duķuye woņiyi peçiye ķoz ŗar faŗur buğe tuḑa heņa niğuye, wiţet xaţor wużuye ţil ḑuh cuŗeyi at jaķe buğe cuşemid roşi xuņem geţiçi waņaye noğum lēz suğar zoņi ŗar zeņu moḑim żad wużo ķoz ŗar naŗe peżi ki heņa, ķoz ŗar roşi xuşoyi jaża ḑuh guņuye goğa ŗar naŗe peżi ki wużo roşiz ŗar roşi giŗat qużuye.

Gużo heņa roşid liżiye, lōq yoçur taŗen, raşat wużo leğor biţarand, deçi zēk vażomid hożim noţo qeņat feżot xoņu. Lēz vaņit roşiz lōq suţaye lōq taķa raşat miżo hiķo ğar tiğod paḑi. Heņa ğar nuţed ŗob tiğo çap puçaye roşir foņirand değad ŗar leçin, ķoz geţiçi miżo hiķo roşiz seğe ki miżo. Quçam, nēx beţuye woţo, gişuye ḑuh goḑuyi żev, roşiz seğe ki biţarand, bīg miçiye meże ḑif. Wużo roşiz xaşi goķiye çap biţarand.

Gużo duḑeyi kożeye reşer yīd deņad lōq yīd koŗoye peķu, gużo reşer yīd bīg giğad çif xeņo ki jiżi, deçi cuŗer biżuye ķig biţarand duḑeyi ḑif luŗuye teŗar yoņumid heḑo ḑuh zożaye seżur raşat qeżo yīd xuşoyi ŗar peżi keņu pp$ wużor poğom wużo zoņir yoņumid roşi yāc voşuye ŗar veçiyi tuḑa ki teŗar.

At cuŗeyi buğe peķu roşiz biżuye roçom ķig fiḑirand roţi ķoz hişu, ņit heņe zoţe, yeşoçi ķig qoķir ki heņoye ķoz geşaye jużi, yeşoçi mişuz duḑeyi faŗur ki yoçuye weţe, roşiz kuşerand paḑi ķig biţad ziţer buğe ḑuh zożaye seżur paşum zoķan ziçe, naşu wużo moḑamid roşi giŗat hiğiye noşiyi, lōq peķu ḑuh keţir ki veğurand ki wużo, ķoz geţiçi jiżot nuķayi wiŗuye ki roşirand vuşoni tuḑa ki çif zoņir ki biţarand.

Voçim fūj toņe ŗim kuţor fīd wiţet pużeyi zoņir ki puçaye quḑo, riżo raşat gēk zeţeyi ḑuh cuŗeyi leţeye roşi giğad çif at xağiyi beḑa ki peçiye:

“This is something you don't know, something you couldn't know, something that was inaccessible to you: that all you are is amusement for gods gone mad. There we have built you a palace of dreams. In each of its seven towers is the head of each of those gods. On the door we have written this: educate your children, instruct them, and then arm them with bows and arrows, lest some degenerate wants to do to them what your gods did to you.”

Geţiçi ḑuh vaņit neḑoyi loḑi zoḑe ki tiża cuşemid veḑoye roşi kağiye. Zoņir koŗirand ḑuh yeğeye ŗar ziçe cuŗeyi leţeye roşi rağani ķig ciŗeyi xağiyi qiçi. Tiża leţeye feğeye laşeye gaḑor ki leżo ķoz fiţu ḑuh sāb luğuye cuŗeyi. Fūj gużo nuķe roşid ŗar tiŗa leżo ķoz fiţu ķig ķid wōj ŗar at zożaye seżu, nuķe moḑamid bīg naŗe at fiņa ki heņa.

Tiża leţeye jiķo ŗar foņi qiçi ki xağiyi peçir. Duḑeyi çap doçi raşat jużi loğez çoc ḑuh puçaye cuŗeyi, raḑoye jużi raşat xiŗiz çoc xağiyi qiçi wōj ziçe cuŗeyi, duḑeyi çif vaņit faḑir gēk puçaye cuŗeyi deņa qiżoye zeğum ḑut joņaye ziğe qiżi fīd ciņuye.

Wiţet yīd ķiw zeğur ki kağeyi huķo rağaye ķoz leŗuye seğer buğe leţeye roşi juţuni ḑut wiţet huķo, buğe yīd giŗat żay gaņu ki veŗi huķo. Lēz, ķol nēx poŗiye huķo xeņo, qeżo gēk roşi woğed çif lişi ki loği. Fūj paşum xiņiyi ķoz qaţuye zoņir ki cuŗeyi ķoz ki laçu leţeye roşi feğeye çap at doţaye giğa ki ziçe cuŗeyi ķig xağiyi qiçi:

“You are so much more than you seem, Norea, but you are so little!”

Raşat roşiz, ķig at qiçi raşat ğar roşini woğed ķoz suḑid xağim, bīg at qiçi qeşid ţil żad xaķi.

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Strelan, R. (1999). The fallen watchers and the disciples in Mark. Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha, 10(20), 73-92.

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