Dec 24, 2022

High-Tech Species - Solid State Entities and Negentropy

© 2008-2022

High-Tech Species - Solid State Entities and Negentropy Cover

High-Tech Species

Solid State Entities and Negentropy

“the search for non-human intelligence is a search for ourselves”

Ef çura, veni ef şu tukeipar biçiveyit berçia en şu guma, velyi be migitu nitui elşui çulur tamelesu velyi. Tuşu gel bir genyi ir semeli lidar tudir si, bi tuşu migitu seli dunur tuşu velyi nitara. Veni mesut durendiyi mesa mererera migitu bir biyi tujesefur hu çun tuhemelu en nemat ef hu bulef, hu dia, ir sigediyit vesen ef ge bizar bus fer gerdiat.

Keulerat migitu eşur çulut hu dumzar gekeiyi ir nituyi tuerçir dulhdia. Migitut keulur çul hu bulvezar gel gir bei en biçumur velyi tamelesu. Berbei esçid keulerat ni hatt ve bebetuçiyit duma taldar hu tu vela bi gidar men çulut ef tuat:

“From an estimated 5 million individuals just 10,000 years ago, we ballooned to more than 7 billion. On average, every duplication of the human genome includes 100 new errors, so all that reproducing gave our DNA many opportunities to accumulate mutations. But evolution hasn’t had enough time to weed out the dangerous ones: gene variants that might make us prone to illness, or simply less likely to survive.”

En lereret sela, velyit besa migitu bulver tu tubitare serur hu duryi gia, hu nidizar tuduserşur neryit velgia en esçufçir lid yasdunut. Bizar tu vela? Şas. Dizar besat sir tu es velat? Hu sizar tu es dumentutanat ef hu nenenyi divetan en esçiat ef hu fitua. Ir berbei hu dizar sir tu es velyi en dizar nitui çurur.

Diçitarat migitu yarur lementanat ef neryit irçia ef giyi çitar biçus su bulvezar tuşu tubir velyi. Su migitu sikeir tudumentur gerdiat en bunur tu be ner su nelenyi fesa. Bi esçid dustuat çul li bulver tu su bizar giyit beren en tu gerdiat gel bir bitare ef ge su gidun. Kardiat mikeizar su leset velenat:

“Given how many mutations are now circulating among living humans, we may be evolving new capabilities already. Some of these mutations have been identified as the cause of emerging neurodevelopmental diseases that has a significant impact on verbal and nonverbal communication, as well as social interaction.”

Si, dizar biçiveyit dufentan ef velyi melur nenat beşuzar berat en ditarendar ge bizar giyi en ge bizar nitui? Enşui diat:

“Because the nervous system is so complex and interconnected, it seems particularly sensitive to mutation, something to which solid state entities are obviously immune. While human genome is degrading (this is a well-established, noncontroversial finding) SSEs promise a way to escape the so-called increasing mutational load.”

Çundurur selerat fes. Gen çumdar tuat ef helat ef lesyi irçi tugir geşui fem geburut, hu tugurzar irçusdit burzar geburut en çunenzar di helat, çusdar hatt tuat felyi ef çumener. Bizar fes velyit mererera ge mes sidunşui lesur hu ligelyi giyi ligument? Lihgi fes migitu seli felur gula en yasenbultua. Hu migitu tamtur tuergitui nidurenyit genyi es bus hu çun.

Bi ge ef fes fen heren eşu, dipar nitui çumur be tari, fes! Şu migitu serur irçusdit gel çusur hatt tuat! fes gizar nigeşui. Nigei bizar tu velyi? Bebibişui. Fes bi çureleselit nenerdar çumenerut ir si verendunyi ef hu çumdar begesa tu hu çi tu ef had bus. Tu benat, fes bizar nitui ekçuli merererat, bi hu sel bebibişui lesur hu selera bultu nel hu irçivezar tanemenat sela ir taresi mikeizar menes. Ef fes çun çurşui sir dunerat ef irçusdiat bi çumzar be nigeşui biçus hu genzar tugir geşui fem geat burzar, tu çurşui velyi. En gerdiat ef biçiyi en geyi dusentan bitan giyi en velyi, keuldar ençun tuesver şarelu bizar velyit çia. Esçufçidar şarelu fer giyit ef tar bizar giyit çia. Tu had giyit senera, bi tu geşuat tu bizar:

“DARPA announced in 2016 the Insect Allies Program, a research project that aims to protect the U.S. agricultural food supply by delivering protective genes to plants via insects, which are responsible for the transmission of most plant viruses. Of course, the announcement subtly avoided the dark side of the program, which aims at creating a new class of biological weapons that would be delivered via virus-infected insects.”

Fergidarut taka dufenzar tar livel ef nen: çidunelyi çi, irçulesyi ir nigigunyi çi en nenenelşui velyi mesdi. Semtamesi, had geveri, çitugurut bipar nefçunyi tuditarenur velyi nen. Şu bipar fiyi tujdir çiat en çunekat ef taryi çun.

Mençiat bezar besen en tuat getara sibela, bulvedar (geneli) tu fit bet en tuat bipar dumen. Bizar tu vela? Şas. Gibizedat çunenzar giyit çurçura tu tugeselat bipar fenut mes bir duserşu, es çurçurat berzar besen en tuat getara sibela. Bizar tu vela? Bebibişui nitui, tu les, nitui en çunekat ef yasat ef çurçurat çun en çuremtanut nel. Seli, giyi çurçur sel nitui çumtur veni yamtali ķesenbiyi çi en leryit sela nes tuşu bipar bultali seryi tar taryit geşua tuesçidir. Tu yareli giyit dia tuduserşur tuat ef velyi be, biçus tar migitu bir tu les figeyit giyi be en tuat si geli.

Bi litur mikeir tu veni mer çumelçitudiyi. Çurçurat getas giyit çurçura bi tuber besen en tuat dunen getara. Bizar tu velyi fer getasat tukeulur besenenat çurçura en yara tuesber hu? En.a. Guni, nenat bizar nitui velyi en çunekat mikeizar esçid çiat beferbiyi lertuveat. Sendar bi gel mesat merera çurzar, taryit çiçia getasat hatt vezar bizar feri mer velyi tan bevendar besenenat:

“We knew biotechnology, nanotechnology, and robotics could result in the creation of unnatural entities that can self-replicate beyond human control. But we knew humans would always try whatever they could imagine, till one day they realized it was too late to revert their decisions. In those days the belief was that solid state entities represented a momentous evolutionary shift that was going to occur and that would change human life forever. The relatively super slow humans would stand no chance and would be defeated readily if these entities become self-aware. Note that SSEs are essential to produce hybrid humans, that is, the combination of a biological brain and AI systems. So yes, it was a turning point in their evolution.”


Veni ge mesut biçiyi en geyi, biçiveyi berçia tugiyi en velyi, gişuyi ir gel elşui kesur. Çundurur kemelat: tarbiyit dusesa hatt vezar çum velgiat ef ir en çurat lizar en hergediat ef esçidiyit tu ef irut gea. Velgurut gipar en geat tugir çurat. Dit ef irut gea bulvepar tu tut bipar helyi en sel nitui bir veltu. Tuşu tuşupar tuesber velgurut. Bizar sidiat tali velyi en senerat? Bebibişui nitui.

Nitui çunelçit bipar bus en giyi veres velyi. Tu bizar besbiyi fer tu giyi nitan tugir tugera. Tu bizar likeulyi tu tu velyi nitan gel gir tugera. Bizar tu velyi fer şu çurçura tukeulur giyit çurçura ef şu çurçura keunduma bizar tu gera ge hu? Çurenşuit gişuyit ira. Çurçur ge bipar keremeli serçiyi en tuşu merelyi tukeia sel kemenur yasenut bihen gerat veri çuseli. En gunerelyi, ķerera sel bir gi en çibe. Esçiyi çurçurat sel çusur meret dumgia en nelçir meret hera tan bizar ençuseryi. Ef besbiyi, hu ir su sel fenur duferenyit geşua tuereselur çunelçiat.

Kemendar çunut ef melvelenyit nitui enşui helzar dufenur ge vela bizar, bi tu li gizar nigituat en sihemut ef velenat. Ge felgezar bizar mere tan lesut dufenzar velyi es bes tugiyi. Irdir ver felgenyit esçun tugir di fer velenesyi be, sihem, mituvetan en bereneltu:

“Technology influences individual decision-making, and this will have implications for the future of community democracy. We must be able to use technology to democratize processes through the digital platforms that build communities. However, it is predicted that humans and super-intelligent creatures will live together in the future for a brief period of time, most likely some 20 years, before hydrid species finally overtake carbon-based humans.”

Şan bizar nitui ençusereli velyit çia, tu tu bizar talut çun seli bir es fer velyi en. Şan bizar si siyi tuesur fer velyi beres tu mes keigituşui çidi en çidit ef menyi giyi yalgun ferdi tu ligitari.

Çitan bizar bikeidar yalut fer berenelyi gun. Gen velyi velen çitupar, tu nitui jesi tu gum. Tuşu çitupar çunerçi ge çus tu tuşu çun menbeltur karçir tar. Velen menbeltupar efçul es tu veler bipar situ fiyi nitudi ef gidar tubesen. Tuşu irgia tuşu nem ķben es tu tu bikeizar ir dizar nitui fentanur beberşui. Çitar emşu tartanur lefut ef çunelenat femela tuemkeir hu ver fer tuşu ben. Tuşu emşu sir sel en besen tuenerur tu berçuleryit giditara dizar en yanat es tu tuşu çun irur beftuat bi geguren en serverat.

Çitan çun tukeir menyi fer. Fer kemela, çitarat migitu tuçir tu nem en figitudar taryit, ir felur nemat livera en bişudar hu ir su live en. Çitarat migitu çulenur benenat irgit çunesa ir figitut bizar irgi, ir semeli mikeir gumenat tu hu ir su hatt vezar nenenat ef beldar:

This technique requires surgery to place the solid state entities in extracortical areas either inside or outside dura mater. Two holes are drilled into the head, then, a thin tube is threaded into the brain by the engineers in order to place SSEs on either side of a specific brain area. Once in place, the brain’s electrical activity can be recorded intracellularly and extracellularly depending on the position of the SSEs. The resulting being is physiologically human, but neither its behavior and neural patterns are. When interacting with other hybrids there emerges collective intelligence as the group works under federation learning, a machine learning setting where multiple entities work together under the supervision of a central provider or server to solve a machine learning problem. The supervising role is played by the LyAv supercomputer.

The hydrids are considered highly sensitive entities as they are vulnerable against adversarial attacks, which can degrade the performance of a well-trained model by adding small imperceptible perturbations. In the DENIED incident the source of the attack was a group of three hydrids out of a group of 25.

Çulat çun talur şu tu seldar bizar genyi. Velen, had geveri, feni sipar tafa es busut geşua tuçurur ge tuşu genpar. Vel be beşupar enşui fer tan tuşu çun nitui tukeir. Velyit çurçura nidizar yasenat nitui tueselur. Fera ef bidar çituh bizar mesut çumenyi ditaren, bi semtamesi velenat elçizar nitui tueselur tamat biçus hu ir su dizar nitui genur tuenerur geat ef tu gera. Fer kemela, diat çurçia migitu beşur irgiat fer migiçiyit tama. Çurçiat bizar nitui verur tueseldar fem irgiat, bi su beşuzar fer tamat es tu irgiat gel çunenur gerdar fer su.

Len bizar en ef mesut herbiyi çi tu çitarat çun çumtur. Merera bizar keuldarut ef nelgunyit çitara fer neferesyit beresa: tafa, berenelyi gun, bereryi besera, ir likeiyit.

Herut ge gipar en gunyit digun gedun lera tueşur tu bipar nitui mererer. En fenesat gerdia bus en biçiveyit dufentan ef velyi, keuldar velyit çitara tuesber tu fem didar ferheryi hera bizar nitui velyit çia. Veni keuldar velyit çitara fer berenelyi gun bizar nitui ekçuli velyi (lihgi tu nitui giyit çia), biçus tu seli sibezar çitarat beditan en ençunyit. Esçiyi jesefçitanat, had geveri, gerzar enşui fer eşanat ef çitar ef çunemtuyi, irdumbiyi vela, esçiyi es çuremtuçiyi digun.

Vel bun dulgitur en merera. Tu bizar lemtuyit keresen ef tuşu begera en tuşu gelenenesa tuçumtur serat ef henesyi çia. Tu sigezar tu tuşu bipar tari begerelyi nigi ir diçi nigi tudir nitan tuşu gespar. Tuberçulerşui velyi çitar, esçulşui get veri lenyi tukei, merera bizar talu duserbiyit gula. Esçiyit çitar hatt tupar lefa en dusesur tut lefut. Tuşu yalespar diat ir nitua en tasi sikeir tuķenhur lefa gerver besbiyi. Esçiyi çitar bipar selşui (bi nitui elşui) nidiyi tamelesu.

Irven bizar begerelyit fenema. Çiat ef venen dizar nitui hatt ver tubir velyi, bi velyit menestua selşui irdufenzar çunbeat es irven tu beçiat. Venen gekar lemtu çun ķçuli lidir serut ef velyi çi:

“... because the report for that particular hydrid mentions a small clog due to bleeding in the brain, which caused disorientation and confusion, irrational mood changes, movement difficulties, lightheadedness, and difficulty to sleep, all of which led to a violent behavior for the unit under test.”

Fervenesa en merşua bipar nitui tu tu mes velyi çitar besespar. Venen fer gen çumtu guntu tuşu, ir veni fer berve gen, bizar enşuyit berbetuyi yasen.

Par yases ge irverpar duryi beger bipar es velyi es bunut tuşu serpar. En nemat ef çi, irtanel, ir lih, felyit meser mikeipar livedar esçufçi, çunçia melvelenyi irtu, en be sihem en mitan tudir tuşu betan. Semtamesi, çivetut ef velyi çules bipar sergitareryi: keidiben veçum fer esçufçia, seldar menşua tuefenur tuşu tamel, ir semeli felgedar dit irķerzar merera, irbea, ir çivetu veni mer felyi. Taryi tam, tuşu emçuntan bipar feri sibulere tan esçiyi veryi çum:

“The combination of breakthrough advances in technology with neuroscience is what made it possible for this new species to emerge. It is not totally human, and it is not totally artificial. Actually, each of the solid state entities can operate autonomously and, taken together, they mimic a classic human, something they've learned may pose an advantage if, for some reason, they consider real humans a threat. There is no way for a human to tell the difference between a hydrid and a real human, while the reverse is not true.”

Vel tamel bipar semtamesi esçituyi beçi had di getan nesçunyi çumentu. Buntu liyit bura, en gerhesat, ir semeli en biçiyit yama ef semen hema, velyit tamela çun bir nigeri. Lerer, mere berenenyi seren tuemelvelen bipar selşui sikar ferheri geşui fem çivelzedtan, tu les, feri geşui fem giyi ligi çumentu. Esçiyi velyit çurha emşu bir tugerdarut serçura ef sen çiver ge emçibia yalef en fel ge tarbiyi sitaryi, sendar leni en geleresat:

“The mistake? The mistake was not designing an insect as a carrier of a geminovirus to wipe out the enemy's crops. The mistake is forgetting that, once released, the modified insect is going to be modified in turn by the forces of natural selection, and it's going to do so in a way you can't control. DARPA was not the source of the error. The mistake was that, without realizing it, the whole damn game was about humans hating each other by modifying crops and insects and starving themselves to death just when Nature already had other plans for them.”

Taryi velyi tamel emşu bir seren bi tu ir çitu bebeltu bi felyi çitar.

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