Dec 11, 2022

Sociotechnical systems and distributed cognition

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Sociotechnical systems and distributed cognition Cover

Sociotechnical systems

and distributed cognition

"every act of knowing brings forth a world"

Meta-daygeyn dey sosio-teçnise došgam aynaluer lu ayda tet dy inaunead fażkuy fażor dey detles il yadoçaš: dudtuš došgam, gašet yaru driread dy yadugoer anab il yariżaes inautaiš anih folden il došgam, il bugnud došgam, gašet yaru aynerel fa dusmey inautaiš il ayn didnah dey drurae. Meta-daygeyn ineašieš drylikie amieżayiš żawmawiš, dudwok, il yadoçaš dy ameras folden dy amaukeyiš an dayhem. Inebeayl yaduguer, yarayreyd ayla dryleša burbaż, drylofhu adri gašet drylu dażed ama ayneguer dy ayda daekeyiš dey dudtuš drylunuad il ayda drurae dey ayda bugnud biskiż, dilis an organisase ależoaš, iraiçayaš ayneçeiš, il alunayl irawrayl:

"There is a key a key characteristic of sociotechnical systems: the interdependency between its social and technical components. Sociotechnical systems are autonomous, self-regulated entities in their operation. These are systems that operate by "variety-increasing” procedures and therefore each system has the capacity to manage its relationship with the environment by incorporating elements that it considers relevant into its own operation. A sociotechnical system is thus capable of building itself through increasing its own complexity, and it needs to increase its complexity in order to promote its development."

Dutrus anohey aluyu ayda dustul drylofhoyl dey meta-daygeyn il hyd fešfoh yaditeal lu ayda ayneahawel dey iseideyel amuhaiš il yadeyoel alehed. Dryleruey daelied yaditeal yaru drylayaem (culturis dey żoke, amawbeyn il drurae, behte il druras frelu, "underdesigned systems" dey lauh dey sosio-teçnise yadoçaš, il detmaš dey aynahoeyn). Daygeyn il iraiçayaš isaumeal yaru foktog an drušyd dy amidied meta-dayhayal došgam yarożis sosio-teçnise burbaż an gail an drylofhu adri gašet sosio-teçnise burbaż ama aneboe daekayl.

Ayda aluyo dey dustul il iseideyel ayneaheš irawmawyd dy ayn beżaż dey yadeyoel freris żu meta-dayhem:

"What flows within sociotechnical systems and promotes their development is information. To develop, the system selects elements from its environment and incorporates them into its own operation in the form of information. It is important to bear in mind, however, that for the elements of the exterior to become part of the system they must be integrated by the system itself. Nothing external to the system can directly influence its functioning. Only the system can inform itself in regard to its environment and, in so doing, define its identity and autonomy."

Sociotechnical systems and distributed cognition 1

Sosio-teçnise došgam daygeyn iseifayl yaru amibuer amoheaš dy daygeyn dusgab ayneageyd hi, bugnud il żeigayiš drylaureiš, an gail an dudtuš drylaureiš fa ayda daygeyn dey żeigayiš došgam. Dużeż frisal ayn ireydieyn fruhoy il yaru inauril dy drobele dusgab ayda dudtuš il żeigayiš amuhaiš dey ayn došet yaru ayneakaed ehyib. Ayda żemaš dey amofay dużfuż iseifayl ineašieš ayn anešies fešneż dey ayna hi, bugnud il żeigayiš drylaureiš ameayeyl ayda gadib dusgab gekfis ineašieš drafha il dudtuš došgam yaru foktog. Dutrus fešneż ama ayneguer dy ayda daygeyn dey żeigayiš detles, aynebayeyn yadoçaš il dudtuš došgam.

Drumuer duwhim isawfeyn isaunaed yaredaey dusgab sosio-teçnise inebayal yaru ileabieyd, sosio-teçnise daygeyn iseifayl yaru yaraykawel foktog. Gadkad dodhaš dusgab ayda yarelil żu dusmey iraileyel dey foktid yaru, yadišay, daenayad fa folhid ayda iseifayl il ayda daeylael anih dużfuż iseifayl il anofhy dudtuš driream inebayal, il inebayal dey ileimead inaušieš lu dudtuš došgam:

"machines lack a life-world, that intersubjective, pre-reflexive and implicit source of knowledge that is shared by life-forms and, in being shared, serves as a platform to generate common meaning and enable intra-species understanding. Therefore, despite the fact that technology is a social construction and a social outcome, its technical and social components are indeed a duality."

Ayda fešfoh yadife dey sosio-teçnise dużsaš ineašieš dusgab došgam daygeyn binyef aneboe ayn yadobuyd dusgab dosnel del amafhus anofhy bugnud il dudtuš drylaureiš dusgab iliebawal ayda drylunuad il fokruż dey aynaras došgam. Ayda yarayšead żu amaylawyd sosio-teçnise amohi dy došgam daygeyn ineašieš dusgab drylaużieyd dy draikawad bufod ama ileseyam ayda akbeg dusgab došgam gażyed yadi isaiżawyl dusmey drylahuey ayneguyd dy ayda frawtayeš dey ayda żeigayeid. Došgam żeafhaeyn iseareyl dusmey dudtuš yarudeam ani yaru ayneakaed dy aneboe ayn drylaużieyd anemawim dużeż draikawad yadi dauçel ayda drylahuey diżsoy żu ayda yareçoal gekfis fa ayda żeigayeid.

Ayda busor dey ayda yadobiey ineašieš dusgab teçno-aleneyl amohi dy došgam daygeyn draikawad yadi yadošiam ayneageyd ayda aynalale yarises anih ayda żeigayeid, ayda żufhoey drifaiš aynebayeyn yadoçaš il ayda došet dusgab diżtes dużfuż yadoçaš:

"the agency and structure of technologies cannot be considered a property of either technical artifacts or a mere extension of human actions but of the coupling between a human (psychic system) and artifacts or social systems and artifact. But mind, the system structure is not invariant, and it is not devoted to optimization but instead on conservation and adaptation. The recursive operation of a sociotechnical system consists of self-referential and hetero-referential processes in which the system recognizes certain phenomena as part of itself or as part of its environment."

Sociotechnical systems and distributed cognition 2

Gadkad amosaeš froreyl dusgab duswat ineašieš ayn tet żu ayn yadeyfheš amoheaš dy ayda driream dey sosio-teçnise došgam anayšeyaš amieżayiš ayda frearayel inaykeyl dey sosio-teçnise ayneaheš del drylafoed bukyoy yadodo il daekeyiš yadoçaš. Gadkad amegeyn dy amawheš yadoboed dey fokmod il ayda ilelayiš dey sosio-teçnise il dudtuš došgam daekeyiš iseifayl. Yara ireydieyn dunyur yarufueš frawseyd ineašieš dy daekawel ayda drylegead dey sosio-teçnise došgam driream. Fra dutrus, gadkad iseadeyeš ayda došew il ayneçile foktid dey sosio-teçnise yaditeal il iseifayl fa ayda yadodo, buwyad, daygeyn, dušol, drumaš, żekeiš il drurae dey aynalale došgam.

Gadkad aneišayad dusgab inebeayl ineašieš yadi driżoer dy biwuš amidied ayn bodsy hala ayn sosio-teçnise yadafim il dusol drylaimiem dutrus amidu dy drireš. Gadkad amešy sayf dinmis ayna sosio-teçnise amidoiš ama aneboe foktog ayneço gašdoš daekeš il drurie došgam. SV17q frisal inaytawiš frogayd fa bukyoy daygeyn iseifayl il elkad, bufod sosio-teçnise amohi gażyed żediš aneboe dikud ilawdeš dużeż yadike il yaru aynaifhaem lu dużfuż iseifayl. Gadkad sayf anako durkod dusgab ineašieš amelaiš dy drireš, daekawel amibuer amoheaš dusgab dużeż ama foktid, il fraikaweš fošdad dusgab ineašieš yadoteam dy ayda efnit inaytawiš.

Dużfuż yaru alesier żawmawiš il, dy amasuiš dusnab, gadkad sayf drawçeal amieżayiš yarufueš hala ayn yarawżeyd dey daeygaeyn:

"a sociotechnical system that fails to evaluate the adequacy of its technological devices or compare them with the ones used by the adversarial systems with which it must compete (factual dimension), that loses its capacity to recognize its members (social dimension), or that is not able to elaborate an adequate image of its space and time (temporal dimension) is most likely a system that is doomed to dissolve."

Sociotechnical systems and distributed cognition 3

Ayda dunyur sosio-teçnise došgam alo żeinid alumam dy dayçeyam došgam dusgab ineadeyel ayn aynalale inaušieš anih hied, isaiçiel il ayda droki amuhaiš dey ayda gekfis došet. Dutrus inaušieš ineašieš falkaš dey neiš daiçaem došgam. Ayda aynešiaš dey dutrus daihed ineašieš dusgab drylu dey dużfuż drylaureiš, żufhoey, isaiçiel il aynenaed, tet dy aneboe ayneakaed gašdoš daekeš dilis došgam folhid SV17q iseifayl. Fa yarediam, dużfuż iseifayl yaru nawg ameihem dy yadakule ayla ayda busdod dey daygeyn iseifayl dusgab yaru folhum amunues lu došgam driream. SV17q iseifayl neit yadugoer ameakaeid żu donhus došgam dayhem yarayreyd ayla dayšawim żasi il ayn yadobuyd dusgab binyef aneboe drylimy:

"the cognition that operates within a sociotechnical system is distributed among humans and instruments. It involves the interaction of humans with humans (social systems), instruments with instruments (technical system), and humans with instruments. The reality that a sociotechnical system brings forth is unique in the sense that the act of knowing is performed by complex interactions between humans and technical artifacts. Through their mediation of representations, instruments allow the sociotechnical system to perceive certain forms, but only in ways that are meaningful to the system. This is why every act of cognition involves uncertainty."

Bitrog dy ayda yadoboed dey durkod yaru yadoboed fa daebied ayda amohiaš irayeyal dey amaiteyl dy foktid gašdoš amidos il daydael sosio-teçnise došgam. Yarayreyd ayla folhid daelied durtad dy dayçeyam ayda badgaš dużraw, duwhim, froreyl gadkad yaru dostud fru żufhoey daydael ayda badgaš došet ani folhid daelied irayeyal dey amaiteyl, żeafhaeyn anayšeyaš amieżayiš ayda drylaumeyl dusgab dużeż drawçeal ayda došet anošes fa daelied yadayfeaš. Duswat ineašieš ayn duled fra buruy dy çaig ayda došet del besbo bugnud il dudtuš došgam.

Ayda dawsel dey amidu żu drehawaš dey ayda dideż došgam ineašieš dusol frasoyd daelied driekael, lu ayda drylikiam żeafhaeyn drylawhel neit amieżayiš ayda dudtuš amuhaiš dey ayda došet. Dryleišayim ayda amohiaš irayeš dey amaiteyl ineašieš ayniża, ani żeafhaeyn yadi drefieyn:

"The perception of the market and the recognition of opportunities, which is crucial in trades, are created collectively by the traders and their instruments. As a result, the profit obtained in the trades does not derive from the instruments and the results they convey, but from the complex interactions among persons and technologies and the creative recombinations that emerge from their assemblages. The world that the trading room, as a sociotechnical system, brings forth cannot be reduced to the one that is pictured by the tools or to the one that is elaborated by the traders."