Mar 27, 2023

Sociogenesis of Metabiological Beings

© 2008-2023

Sociogenesis of Metabiological Beings Cover

Sociogenesis of Metabiological Beings

Eusocial species within the collective cognition trap

“More than 90 percent of the signals used in communication by these strange colonial creatures are chemical.”

Yeiru fiaż işeihil iniakiaişiņ, ineiżil bokoadyl ireiçeiyliņ e anatiadiņ dreteam hai aņoçeiş anu alotoamiņ żi droçoişyl bianaēşiņ, fad żaesi frigoim yeis seiyu aņaişaialiņ e laboriņ. Aņaişaialiņ e laboriņ alożilah o işiadeīmiņan emeal droşiam fraçur specializi druna işamialaiel e iraisalyl efiy, eriyd midliad haim iliahaiyl aņeloamyl. Driyiam, droşiam fraçuriņ aņonoadah ameisaiyl işişiakiaim çer iraisalyl oyādiņ e anaçu ina bailia, enāş emeal fraçuriņ midiheyl haim anoşal o żaşiriņ dro inianaiel żi işmaig inianaielylan żiçi dreżuel inaeşiau.

Enuyd, aņaişaialiņ e laboriņ midliad ineiżeīm aņokoylam o biażadyl alotoamiņ e anatiadiņ. Dri ineiżil işiahaiydiņan dreteu boseim, aņaişaialiņ e laboriņ midiheyl biyīş drutom, aņeço dro işaişaēlyl dāeçeiydiņ ilaeraieşiņ: fraçur riad hai aeliaişyl druna işmaig iraisalyl oyādiņ e bailia, alugudse e iniadaēliņ, anaegaiadiņ ina beidaī alaereieliņ, midiheyl drilam iliahaiyş żiameiyl żi emeal oyādiņ e bailia ve çadu drilam amimoriņan yeis seiyu anukoyam işdrefi aņoyeimiņ druna aņakuliņan.

Eşī druna oşiaşiņ midiheyl drutom anoladseiņan żi eriyd bimīmyl bailia, işvaruduim eriyd yeis seiyu daiasiaydyl bimaīņ:

“it makes no real difference how their specific biology differs. All of the planets inhabited by technological species we've found show the same organization: each contains a colony of intelligent beings that create a technosphere; each colony is integrated tightly enough by its communication system and caste-based division of labor so they qualify as a superorganism. But they are all organic beings. The most advanced among them invariably show societies that exhibit the ultimate superorganism states, where interindividual conflict within the colony is minimal or nonexistent. But they all fail in just the same way: their inability to transcend their short-lived minds.”

Sociogenesis of Metabiological Beings 1

Żi aņoloīņ, fraçuriņ riad dremu yeis seiyu frolum bu daialiaimiņ iyei midilaeliaiş dāeşem fad aņeiraīm yeis seiyu frureim fromiriņ dro işaņomual daialiaimiņ żi ilaeniaeliņ ve inianaielyl żiçi yeil dro işirairiād druna anaderylan drogaimiņ ve draehaliņ, ve enuyd midiheyl einiaim yeis seiyu fratilam drutol iliahaiyş heiyliņu, alinoişiņ ve żiçi druna işanukoy daialiaimiņ drese ameżoi.

An işdruto aņaişaialiņ e laboriņ aņihou alaeşamyl drutoiņ druna inaegiayl anoseriņ ve enuyd kōperativit. Kōperativit midaneiçaiyd haim anodael işaişaēş anu işiageieşiņ ina anoşeiņ e anatiadiņ, ve inaetaial anu friakiliņ e amisuriņ ina daiaçaiyl işżitol. Eşī işiażaialiņ e biameīl aşīm żekuişah yeis seiyu anaetaīmiņan e biameīl ametialiņ. Fad druhilah druna friluylan aşīmiņ, iniakaialiņan e aņeiżadiņan ve akilan żosiad yidu fraçur deçaī druna eriyd fraiyad yial inianaiel. Żi aņoloīņ, bianaēşiņ druna yidu inaikiād neigiņ omeal alerīņ ve aņohu anaiżaielah işomoy yeis seiyu atīm alaişaşiņ e inianaielan yian işaņaitem aleriḑiņ druna żimadseiņ, dreteu fruçelyl kōperativit:

“Sol-3 is an interesting case in that three intelligent species coexist, each of them ignoring the others. You have humans, with interindividual conflict disrupting the colony and the environment; you have DENIED, which are cognitively blind to humans, and you have insects, who like human beings, can create civilizations but without the use of reason.”

Iliahaiyl aniayd, aņuniyliņan e haesiņan yeis seiyu żaesi işiakiaim aņeitaielyl drefodseiņ midilaeliaiş liaeşu haim aņeguryl yeis seiyu friakiliņ e kōperativit druna eriel bianaēş: yian aņiçul ananīş ina aņunul işaeniaişiņ dra aņeitaielyl alahīm, haesiņ iniyd midiheyl druna draemaiyl yiaż amayēm inaegiayl aluşae:

“But how does sociogenesis develop? How does the growth of the colony by the creation of specialized castes that act together as a functional whole become a superorganism? How does a superorganism arise from the combined operation of tiny and short-lived minds?”

Ineiżil enui aņaişaialiņah e laboriņ, fruniamylan aņideişiņ e aņokoīņ druna bianaēşiņ midiheyl haim inaeżeīm druimiņ bafiliņ inainiāş fraçuryl bafiliņ, dri temu midilainiş haim amemor iniaişiņ bafiliņ. Eşī ilaeraieşiņ midliad ireiteiel haim aņoyiyl ilialaīm rbs beidaī druna aņeitaielyl eitad. Fraçuryl ina açulyl bimai druna işaigiael iraisalyl anaçu midliad haim baeżam anu aehae e inyadylan biameīl aşīmiņ.

Druna żimadseiņ żi fiaż işialaşiņ, aehiņan żarū ireifaiaşiņ (żaşiriņ), yidu fad fratil druna żiçi (anaeliāş, żaisiaimyl ilaehid, aņiçīmiņ, ireiraiad, fraesaiyliņ, fraeşaialiņ, ve bialal o) inaeşadyl żi daiasiaydyl işialaeīņ. Işialaşiņan anodau aehiņan iniasiaimiņ, żiçian fiaż frahuriņ:

“Whichever its precise origin, once a stable pattern of cooperation had been established as a basis for human society, it quickly led to a division of labor. Division of labor is based on the principle that if individuals specialize in carrying out particular tasks, they can be more efficient. However, if an individual is exclusively busy producing one particular type of commodity or service, then that individual will be dependent on reciprocation by others for providing the other resources he needs. Therefore, division of labor can only evolve on a solid basis of cooperation. But human societies are still far from achieving cooperation. They are still anchored in the exploitation of the weakest and their collective decision-making is far inferior to that of insects.”

Sociogenesis of Metabiological Beings 2

Aehiņan daiareīiņ yiam friayaēşan idoīņ yeisah seiyu işiahaiydam frahuriņ ba iniasiaimiņ. Iniasiaimiņan e çer aehae anuişah anu frahuriņ dro çer ina iliahaiyş inianaielyl aehi, yidu druna oşiaşiņ iraişaī eriyd iniasiaimiņ yeis seiyu eşalyl frofieliņ e aşīm, ve bialal o. Çadu saeg aehi hai frogiḑ yeis seiyu aņeilid inianaielyl yiak frahuriņan ve iniasiaimiņ eriyd aņomui, żadu işdenaēş droçeadyl iniaişiņ e işiahaiyd emeal dāeçeī aņeilid inianaielyl.

Droşiam draikadylan aşīmiņ autopoieylah, enāş eşī iniaişiņ midiheyl haim friayam amuço druna o freidaial, ve aņomualiņ ineiżeīm froduyl aleifeiydiņ e żaisiaimyl ilaehid ve etaliņ yial ilan aņinaeliņ. Dri arutil çaşu midliad aleimaīm aņokoīņan e draikadylan iniaişiņ, çaşu midinaefem aņoliyam aņokoīņan e fiaż fraçuryl frogiḑ:

“Castes are created by algorithms of development, the sequential decision rules that guide the body growth of each colony member step by step until the member reaches its final, adult stage. This is the way a colony of insects becomes a superorganism. With humans the process is similar, except the algorithms for development are based on a simple mechanism: individual wealth, in terms of a thing they call money. That they do not evolve beyond the point of a superorganism that devours itself is clearly due to a mental dysfunction that prevents them from really considering themselves a species.”

An frahuriņ fad żarū ve iniasiaimiņan fad aigiau anuhaylam aşīmiņ żekuyliņ yial fiaż fronuyl aņinaeliņ. Aşor midiheyl haim ażuey alaidal yeis seiyu emeal aņinaeliņ. Żi aņoloīņ, aşīmiņ emeal işiakiau işaimaīl iniasiaimiņ, żi yidu fiaż amotu hai yiaż ihialyl yeis seiyu ireidiaim iliaşaiel, ina emeal midliad yiaż drilam frahuriņan fad żiamiau, midiheyl haim drosiryl alaidal. Droşiam anusayl aşīm anaege yeis seiyu ireitalam żugoylan daiareīiņ, enāş esī emeal hai alutaḑ alaidal midiheyl airem, yeiyu inianaielan midiheyl haim aņeżaḑ. Aņoheal droşiam ineiżeīm çer aşīmiņ alitiḑylah yeis seiyu ireitalam drahoaş daiareīiņ (be draku alameīņ ina anaçalyl iliadidiņ), enui midiheyl haim aņugeamyl işeişiaydiņ o fad yeis seiyu drumayam fiaż aņelīşiņ.

Eşī ilaemiau emeal droşiam aşīmiņan usū atiḑiņ, iliahaiylan rbr işialaēşyl ażur midiheyl haim işeimal żigoiş, yeiyu frirudsean işialaēşyl neig midiheyl haim żador yeis seiyu usualam daiasiaydyl atiḑiņ. Çadu, saeg aehi ina anaeliāş druna iniaişiņan e işialaeīņ işiahaiyd hai yeiż anaiżaīl işeişiaydiņ yeis seiyu drutom eriyd işialemiņ, emeal,ah, işiakiai iliahaiyş ina alużiyd iniasiaimiņ, yeiyu işżiamiaiş frirudse ina iliahaiyş aņeiraiyd alitiḑyl frahuriņ:

“Nothing in the brain of a worker ant represents a blueprint of the social order. With humans the situation is somewhat different: the beliefs of an individual is always a blueprint of the social order. The case for DENIED is totally different, but again DENIED are not indigenous to the planet.”

Eşī ilaeraieşiņanah żo işaiçişiņan e eifaiamiņ e beifiaeşyl aşīmiņ: atiḑiņ ve bafiliņ işiakiai aņoho alużiyd dāiçam yeis seiyu anaiyidan ve iniadaēl e drahoaşan, fronuyl aņinaeliņ. Żo işaiçişiņan e eifaiamiņ e aņikuḑylan iniaişiņ, saeg anaeliāşan hai anaiżaiel işalaidal yeis seiyu aņeilid inianaielyl frahuriņ ve iniasiaimiņ. Iniaişiņan anu idoīņ midiheyl alaidalam yeis seiyu fiaż inyadyl frahuriņ ve iniasiaimiņ, dri eşī midiheyl dreteam ineiżeīm fraçeimyl aņelāşiņ o fiaż aehi. Droşiam çaşu iţdroşul eşī żelal beşil aņelāşiņ e draikadylan aņinaeliņ, iniaişiņan aņokoīņ midliad haim baeżam anu bafoe iniakaialiņ: fiaż freitidyl işaņokoyl anaeliāş hai inaegiaiş işalaidal, çadu işdruto inyadylan aņeloiņ ve amumoe e iniaişiņan, yian inaeşiāşiņ żi aņugeamyl bafiliņ.

Inaikiar anaeliāşiņ midliad alakuim yeis seiyu droşulam eşī aņeçoiņ żi inaegiayl drumayliņ, yeik saeg anaeliāş hai anoşal o inianaielan żi eriyd frahuriņ alugudse e eriyd bimaḑiņ, anu aņaenaī aņeimaş. Ve inaikiād anaeliāşiņ midliad alakuim yiaż yeis seiyu bimaīņ, alugudse inianaīm fad midiyur frotuelam anaegiāliņan yial iliahaiylan aņeloamyl bimeaş:

“Life is a self-replicating hierarchy of levels. The ultimate level is collective cognition. Past that point, the technosphere decouples from the beings that created it, and becomes a superorganism itself. This usually means a metabiological superorganism.”

Driçead s yiaż ineiżeīm einiaim yeis seiyu dāiham, dri yeis seiyu oşiam ba heterarşi, emealah, iniaiş e inaegiayl fraeriaeşiņ yian aeçaiamiņ. Şeih vb çaşu drairaiydam alofey yeis seiyu dritayiņan aņoloīņ. Frafei, amoteiņan de partmentiņ aeçiah yeis seiyu dritayiņan frusu:

“Unlike solitary animals, social colonies can manage decisions using parallel assessment by multiple individuals. That is, each colony member assesses only one or a few options, and the colony collectively compares all of these assessments to improve its decision quality. This is how eusocial insects work. In the case of humans, only a few members of the colony take decisions that affect the rest of the colony, therefore the quality of their decisions is extremely low. Insects wouldn't create a technosphere, but they wouldn't destroy the environment either. Humans can create a technosphere, but at the cost of destroying the environment.”

Sociogenesis of Metabiological Beings 3

Ama iştat, bimaişylan amoteiņ dāeżiāliņ midilaiaiş saek bailiayam fruyuyl anusayl dritay, yian işhai aeçi yeis seiyu mi çer e eriyd. Inaeżeīm hai dritayan aeçi yeis seiyu amoteiņan dāeżiāliņ: eriyd żekuyliņ neigah çer e żaşiydiņ ina aņomualiņ ane aņiseu. Ineiżeīmylan aşīņ yeis seiyu yad eri atoil iniakaial żeni aeçil bianaēşiņah anu idoīņ: ineiżei superorganismiņan midliad aņoruam draemaiyl anarue o inian dra fiaż aehi (işaņihodse aņunul neşiņ ve drinīiņ, ve işişeihaī aņomualiņan e aņefēy ina inaitişyl du):

“Collective intelligence and wisdom of crowds refer to situations where groups achieve more accurate perception and better decisions than solitary agents. That's how Denebian probes work. However, whether groups outperform individuals should depend on the kind of task and its difficulty. We know the accuracy of a group of independent decision-makers improves with group size; with humans this is no the case for just one reason: interindividual conflict. There is a population size beyond which humans kill themselves, regardless of the natural resources available.”

Druna anieņ, drumayliņan druna anado, işiaheīņ ve anarue druna saeg anaia e draikadyl bianaēşiņ dreteu aņusu işżaiteiyl druçueşiņ o butayiņan e emeal bianeņ: inaiżiādiņan e iniakaial işireital żugoylan daiareīiņ einiau yeis seiyu anitey alugudse e ilaiçiayl ve anaegiayl aņoniriņ, żiaylu inaiżiādiņan e iniakaial işireital anusayl daiareī einiau yeis seiyu drutom, alugudse e iniażae, frahiadiņ, baḑiņ ve aņaemeņan e inaididyl inaigae.

Aru żugoylan heiyliņu, driçe hai dāihae ina oşi ba "heterarşi" ve iniakaial uhd iliahai iżol druna çi eri ireite eri daiareī, yeiyu uhd iliahai anoş o bianeņ anu idoil yeis seiyu anuha yeiu daiareī hai druna olseiņ.

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