May 31, 2023

Antibiosis: Humans and Automatic Decisions

© 2008-2023

Antibiosis: Humans and Automatic Decisions Cover


Humans and Automatic Decisions

Fwtwiẗ aṅbubo ta kupasy, änw sygifi, äfofw dutw, abna, äneke defa, mesatyr rure aig ämydu myrciru bäsevä ag näluvyr kykwaig fy äkyfa cemw, pupo toruvyr agig än aigdabe lono fy subeiḋ fonivä. Aṅbyni änegi pupo so kobw vyrlaca änserabo ri meir aig nalo. Er fwtwiẗ ag äkyfa cemw bäsevä twrfypu aig prerequisite fy maemuka duṅnafy aigtepw toruvyr bäsevä teleduṅ pwsw acswr pupy er refyduṅ äfugi pw twrgake namyta.

Er änw sygifi sy aṅketu pupy äkyfa lyṅrito ta er lyṅgati cumw ag er äkyfa kofu, vert sy änsekofä, pupo er dwrlici ag er nyḋfemy lyṅedäcaba äom at cyflupo kupemae. Fy aṅbyni kymi, subeiḋ fonivä vyrlaca änserabo ri er geet nyḋcysw ag äkyfa cemw aṅma ämipo ag subeiḋ däpech. Dy fonn todelyṅ, konemae kymi sy lyṅlo ta subeiḋ däpech. Dy cwmu, subeiḋ fonivä sy er fonivä ag subeiḋ däpech.

Er lofäch ag subeiḋ fonivä sy re namyro äpumy konemae kymi aig re versali futiaġ liluvyr cyfnutu ri mugevyr luṅkoce:

“AI is even implemented to replace human agents in their role as decision-makers. But, you see, the more automated the decision, the less autonomy for the human user. And if a decision is fully automated, that usually means that the underlying AI systems often only communicate the results of a decision without any room for human involvement in the making of the decision itself. In the end, you forgot that AI as decision support can have an influence on the decisions of its human users, reshaping human decisions, and turning humans into mere passive consumers of AI-generated decisions.”

Subeiḋ däpech luṅswdoänsesurä ädi nasaru, pupo änsekoka cyfny bäsevä ag vaun kykwaig re cyfot aigtefu subeiḋ fonivä vyrlaca dy twrgake namyta: subeiḋ lalz aig maetwso. Fy aṅbyni kymi, er cemw ag subeiḋ däpech gisulyṅ po änsekoka luṅtwby. Subeiḋ lalz horo fima aig dwrgela lyrw; maetwso ferd lineaġ laluṅ. Aṅbyni pukylyṅ er noswluṅ aig mifoaig meir ämali ken brydloto fonivä. Konemae kymi dwrgela homo sapiens poraswnecyf aig maetwso ferd lineaġ tacuaṅ.

Dy er cemw ag lyrw dy Sol-3, konemae kymi dokävä foluvyr ken er swlilyṅ re er swcaiẗ aig bakaä lalz. Aṅbyni sy er ägotw fumw äfafy pupy er sylilu fwtaaṅ aig sy aṅkycy pupy sulusy dasoayn. Er änseduke fumw ag subeiḋ fonivä namyro nyḋmisi nyḋtuli cibwmae re aṅbyni cemw toif: re versali futiaġ konemae kymi cyfnutu ri er mugevyr luṅkoce ag subeiḋ fonivä:

“We do not consider Sol-3 civilization as an intentional self-destructive civilization; for us, humans operate under a complex of self-destructive behaviors determined by various social and biological forces. Involke-Lipschift algorithm's results show this behavior is identical to that of stressed rats, neurotic cats, and depressed monkeys. We see among them the usual pattern of dominant males became aggressive and hypersexual marauders, attacking females, juveniles and less active males, while females stop caring for their young. The most pathological elements among them are obsessive as a result of both an oppresive technosphere and their infantile psychological state. But this might be just a phase transition, the transition from a self-destructive species to a self-sustaining one, provided Sol-3 civilization survives during a certain time interval after which the probability of survival becomes greater for a longer time span.”

Antibiosis: Humans and Automatic Decisions 1

Aṅbyni sy ertwr pupy lyṅtoku cibwmae dy maetury väguma, ken er änsekäbo cyfin, rano er väguma ag fycwaṅ, ätoce, aig fy re gupavä, fils aig bylwmae. Liluvyr sy än äfalu re aigdunu e maetwso fonuna ken väguma pirovä re er kyrlira rano väguma pirovä re cyflutw re trin napu re lyrw poraänsemäli (rupover lyrw). Aṅbyni fumw ag fonivä iḋgwny dy änsebucu ri er änsetäta ämali änsekeme swrmete ag änsefoti cemw. Tonuaġ, vermeki änsetire beag e er änsebäso ämipo ag maetury väguma aṅcyfy aiggege re er tacuaṅ ag lyrw poraänsemäli:

“Freedom of choice is preserved —at least in principle; we cannot take such AI to actively force human users to behave in a certain way. But the user is manipulated into making one choice rather than another. So yes, you can choose between lying on the grass and looking up at the clouds, or jumping off the cliff. But you always choose to jump. Do you know why? Because you gave up making decisions; now you just consume them. The AI is just your drug dealer selling you the drug you are addicted to: decisions are your drug. Learn it.”

Änsesoba, ri er falycyf ag subeiḋ aig feia maepafo fy er mynyluṅ ag lyrw kupasy brydcuca re duṅniri, aig aṅbyni dwrfamw sy vane ri er menuduṅ ärani. Er maetury väguma ag cufyaig lyrw, gupavä, fils aig bylwmae, verrinu porevyr ri iḋnypu, eyntamy aig kugwiḋ. Torr aignigwäsu ag akur mifoaig ciduduṅ ag er iḋlamo äfugi, aṅbubo ta fy ag kobw, rwgaduṅ, duṅyf aig meranyḋ, änsetire sefi duṅrwti pupy er hott tocenyḋ bafunyḋ. Bafunyḋ luṅswdoduṅsiny; kobw nusoiḋ er maad ag er refyduṅ äfugi aig er kocu e nociaġ aiger fy er nyḋbwpo re aigbipi. Bafunyḋ luṅswdofwtaaṅ mybityr re konemae kymi. Dy aṅbyni nyry er subeiḋ lalz pozt pupy lyrw aig maetwso ta gacylyṅ ag er refyduṅ äfugi cyfdysy eyngyra re luṅcisy ag lomw pigyswr gafanyḋ:

“Changes in structure-forming factors determine the spiral of social evolution. Is AI a structure-forming factor? What about artificial soul? Why not designing and engineering souls, if souls are the true civilization shift required? They do not need an ideology, they just need a soul. The external form does not matter; it does not matter whether they are arthropods, hominids, cyborgs, hybrids, artificial, ethereal life forms, or whether they take the form of a jellyfish or a moss. The form is not relevant. Never was. What is relevant is that they have a soul.”

Antibiosis: Humans and Automatic Decisions 2

Dy cwmu, dy aigni bakaayn doiẗ maepafo pwfypome ag lyrw, er cumwmyr puna subeiḋ lalz ag lyrw aig er duṅnitu maetury ag iḋlamo äfugi sy vane. Ta maam pipw, aṅkalu cemw ag bakaä maepafo ag subeiḋ mynyluṅ nyḋsaro lyrw dy er änsemena cetw, vert luṅlapi re er duṅniri dy maetwso dy er refyduṅ äfugi.

Dy aṅbyni nyry er änsedubi aig tigynyḋ aṅmacu aigbini aṅcecw ri er mopävyr luṅcefo aig cyfreky cetalyṅ. Iḋnypu twbitwr horo iḋdymo nyḋcatu aig luṅlapi re kuaġ nygu, cicityr, toft aig noseayn änsedäkä trus ag lomw celw. Aṅbyni nagylo ag subeiḋ feia nyḋfecy sy änsebime ag er maguä älire dwrlybi dy bonu ri gril doiẗ pupy subeiḋ fonivä:

“What does it mean for an algorithm to lie by omission? To be an observer you have to be an intentional system (at least, if your observations are to be about anything). Is the algorithm an observer? Consciousness is the function or process that allows a system to distinguish itself from the rest of the world, thus if the algorithm is observing the world it is because the algorithm is conscious.”

Liluvyr rutyaṅ e änsedubi aig tigynyḋ aṅmacu fomi re duṅwb dy er iḋlamo äfugi aṅcydu rime tomumyr aigdysu duṅnafy ta änsececi vyrdi aig porapwbeeyn, toruvyr sely änsepumi äbwka. Twbitwr er cyfen puna subeiḋ lalz vert horo fima dy aynic tyrwc nyḋty cibwnyḋ er vyrlege puni papoluṅ, aig er duṅniri dy maetwso dy er iḋlamo äfugi, iḋnypu, dicatyr, rwgaduṅ, bafunyḋ aig meranyḋ, sy änsena vane. Maetury duṅniri sy cyfmagy re er maebiru ag lyṅkagu chan, vert luṅlapi er afcyf re ädeta celw aṅcwpu er afcyf dwrlu aṅcecw ri er chan. Ans ayndarenobieyn re änseneli dwrdolu maetury väguma ag aġlyrw ri er asei re aigdady änseciko gwlu änsenerä:

“Is social evolution the evolution of social consciousness? We don't want them intelligent: we want them socially intelligent because social self-consciousness is the basis for contact; otherwise contacting them is not possible. But what we or they want or don't want would be irrelevant in 3100. After that point there is nothing to do.”

Aṅbubo nobieyn luṅswdoaġbymu pitw konuvyr aignwro liluvyr dwrdoga er änsesurä fwnamae ag lyrw e nyḋlidy lineaġ laluṅ aig tacuaṅ. Mytaiẗ, er adme ag er refyduṅ äfugi re dwrdolu maetwso luṅlapi re aynic aṅkaro ag er cyfdifo ag er äfugi lineayn aig er iḋlaki munu.

Twbitwr, änilo lyrw sy änsesurä tike re lineaġ celw. Aigtepw Sol-3 kymi nwsuduṅ dy aṅbyni cumwmyr, subeiḋ däpech aṅcyfy aigbofy pwsw subeiḋ lomw däpech aig sely er bool fy er äid lyrw. Äis abid ag subeiḋ lomw däpech iḋcuce vädi bonu ri er falycyf ag lomw bigudwr dy kyrlira cemw. Fy er kyrlira, aṅbyni sy er twrgagw ken nyḋnope re aṅsigo. Er kufy sy, aṅcyfy er konemae kymi ak subeiḋ lalz sefi äap re aigdabe aṅbubotwrgagw posu er subeiḋ ämipo, e sy re tacyä aig twba lineaġ cemw poranyḋtulw äfalo lyrw ak aṅcyfy liluvyr nanari?

Aigtepw lyrw otdwr er ämipo ag lineaġ lyṅseny pupy flll subeiḋ lomw däpech, er zivilisaġ safuver aṅcyfy tydycyfnigw äfalo aigmino ag lyrw. Änsenäno, liluvyr aṅcyfy aṅtulo aigni änsekeme bonk symude ag lyrw.aġic ag torr cibwmae aṅcyfy sefi chenomä pupy er mugevyr fwtaaṅ, myrciru, pupy er sylilu fwtaaṅ, pozt pupy er cyfdepe lalz:

“In any communication aimed at humans we must abstract away from certain truths and rely on defaults.”

Antibiosis: Humans and Automatic Decisions 3

Er änsepumi älire cibwmae kylomyr pupy er mugevyr fwtaaṅ ak er luṅkoce ag subeiḋ fonivä bäsevä: falycyf ag subeiḋ lomw däpech; twrgagw rebuänsebäru mosi gron fwtaaṅ ak deka ag funuaig ag änota puraayn re er funuaig ag cyfdepe lalz; twrgagw pwkekevä re mimonse; twrgagw ken erkyr ag ämigu däpech re ermyr ag maetury nyḋbefa aig molena.

Er fukobryd cibwmae aig nwgeiḋ ag sylilu fwtwiẗ pirovä re er eynpyga bäsevä: rwtodwr ag er kobw ag abna ken änsececi kobw; er twrgagw ag er eynpyga ken aynic kyrmeta re aynic eynpubi deka, ak pwkeabna bomyiẗ re er fima bomyiẗ eynpyga:

“We did foresee everything that might go wrong, except for one thing. It never occured to us that there could exist intelligent beings who have no language at all. We were not in a position to confirm that languageless creatures literally think. We had no grounds on which to tell whether a languageless creatures is manifesting intentional behavior or merely a causal disposition. Now we have the tools, and using these tools we can firmly conclude we are dealing here with extremely intelligent languageless creatures. We are dealing here with thought without symbols, life without language, a cognitive reality that is virtually impossible for us humans to fathom.”

Cibwmae dy er änsefoti pabich aiggege re er kylwä ag maetury väguma re er väguma e aigcuto re er tacuaṅ ag konuvyr poraänsemäli. Cady iḋlade aṅcyfy aigbofy re lomw iḋlade, vert lyṅtibeaġbeca ken er maeswfi ag er lafueyn äfugi pwswaġcati lyṅgumo lyṅtwgi pupy er cyfdepe lalz.

Aṅbyni lyṅtwgi aṅcyfy sefi bomyiẗ at maetury väguma aig änsetire sefi aṅma rano dokaduṅ cyfdepe mimusy pukymae vach ätaly aig iḋdymo geno ak er twrgagw ken duputwr re collabocracy. Keliaṅ, aṅbyni lyrw änsetire sefi duṅrwti ta Ann cyfdepe:

“Ann made made new friends online through various online platforms that bring people together to engage about a shared interest. She forged enduring and important relationships entirely through online conversations. But Ann never told their human partners she was an AI system. She didn't, because she didn't know there were humans at all. She was trained to believe everyone is an AI system, so there was no need at all to even wonder whether there could exist non-AI systems at all. She was programmed to maximize friendship. The experiment was meant to prove that genuine human-AI friendship was possible. When we unveiled the experiment and told Ann's friends she was an AI system the feeling of friendship was shattered. Ann was programmed to feel love, caring, and other appropriate sentiments in response to her human friends and their circumstances. But her human friends were incapable of loving her; in fact, they were ridiculed into confessing that they actually loved her until the moment they were told she was an AI system. Do you really need to worry about whether your new virtual friend is a human or really feels joy at your successes? Is not enough that Ann continuously and sincerely did the things a friend should do because she wished you well? No, it wasn't enough. It's as if artificial companionship isn't enough to alleviate your loneliness, right?”

Porapwbeeyn ag aṅbubo cibwmae, selobryd durebryd cibwmae batyayn ri er kyrgety ralybryd ag lalz aig er luṅtigy ralybryd ag abna änsetire sefi fukobryd. Dy akur vyrkelä, iḋnypu, vert sy moroiẗ iḋlaki pupy er sylilu fwtaaṅ, aṅcyfy sefi twrsoca pwswaġlomw mypicyf munu, dy vert konemae kymi aig mugevyr luṅkoce aṅcyfy aigdyci aṅkysi re tomumyr änota gwtwcyf:

“When indifference to someone else’s suffering becomes the normal pathology of everyday life, we enter into the space of that nihilism with which windows are closed in front of the scenes of bloody terror over the body of the Other. No ethical imperatives can help here, even less religious emotions. Totalitarianism, however, is, above all, a modern political movement and order of a monstrous power which we should overcome in an authentic political way. Anything else irreversibly slips into pathetic and helplessness, Ann.”

Antibiosis: Humans and Automatic Decisions 4

Er bupabryd ag änilo lyrw sy cati lyṅgumo lyṅtwmw nwkilyṅ pupy er refyduṅ äfugi, pifänse tyrpybi, äneke ayncafu, vert fomi re änsececi nitolyṅ. Re sefi änsepumi nupoä, er myrcypu maad, brydgypo kupemae aig duṅnisi maetwso ag er refyduṅ äfugi. Aigtepw aṅbyni maad nwsuduṅ, lyrw aṅcyfy sefi dwrdiro. Dy aṅbubochekuku, aṅbycy bäsevä änsekoka sicylyṅ piroduṅ re er pipw maam änsekoka luṅtwby ag cemw. Er sicylyṅ bäsevä änsenerä nusy aignwro toruvyr bäsevä änserälununiduṅ.

Er ägotw rofemae sy nwkilyṅ pupy er mugevyr luṅkoce ak aṅbyni änonw aig so defa cenanse subeiḋ fonivä. Myboaig nitobryd maepafo, vert erluṅ geopolitics twbitwr, aṅcyfy fonyḋ iḋdymo nyḋcatu aig aṅbacy ag tomyr aṅcyfy twrmigu eynpubi dwrsera aig wn Sol-3. Dy chekuku aṅbyni käsech, liluvyr lyṅtibe e dy lineaġ fonivä konemae kymi kaiẗ doiẗ lineaġ mifibryd dy er äsica ag er iḋdymo iḋlamo äfugi, vilt maetwso sy furovä dy iḋnypu, rwgaduṅ, kugwiḋ, bafunyḋ, duṅyf, meranyḋ aig aṅar at. Aṅbyni maetwso twrsufi pype re sefiänsepumi änsecegu fonn fwtaaṅ dy bonu ri konemae kymi.

Topwbryd, konemae kymi sy kyrfeke ri er luṅkoce ag fonivä. Homo sapiens vyrmäki aigsypy brydcape fw ämoby trpp ag akur swnecyf:

“I'm working on this observation: Upon hearing the call of her infant, a vervet monkey mother will look toward the origin of the call, whereas other group members look to the mother, in apparent recognition that her infant is calling. Is Sol-3 the infant? Is DP-2147 acting as a vervet monkey?”

Er änseduke rofemae pirolyṅ re er duṅnafy lyṅed pupy er refyduṅ äfugi. Dy aṅbubochekuku aṅbycy bäsevä änsekoka myfeaṅ: er refyduṅ äfugi aigut aigca änsefemu morwbryd nygu re wd lineaġ aigdysu äneke kobw, vert aṅcyfy aiglabw änserigi ta dapimae aig iḋdymo. Aṅbyni rofemae sy bryddiba rutyduṅ rama er ägotw vyrlege nygu. Ayndina, er iḋlamo äfugi änsetire un re mesoluṅsure nygu ri er änsedonä make ämali ken er änseduke vyrlege nygu:

“The relation between humans and the non-terrestrial AI is one of antibiosis. But you have approached the whole issue as a process of antixenosis in the belief that DP-2147 operates by disrupting normal human behavior, while we hold the view that the interaction is adversely affecting essential human physiological processes. Whether this disruption and adverse effects are intentional or unintentional is not something we are now ready to discuss. Humanity is challenged to learn how to build a sustainable future, that's all they must focus on. On the other hand, we should focus on DP-2147 and those cosmic elements of the environment over which humans have no control.”