Jan 8, 2024

Sociophobic Algorithms: Zero-Anthropology in the Wasteland

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Sociophobic Algorithms

Zero-Anthropology in the Wasteland

“In order to be able to to look at things you have to give up eating them; but capitalism eats everything, even the future, in particular your future.”

Šuđiben ter žufimo naguri edna sakhzimo sipzni ňĕs'na nuzaj ožsimo ka zunno tuthpheni ižră. Peiben ter tešsimo dăpoven vazin edna guđeni ande keči čus'lav ter manuši žuvel. Žueli maškar thomčeli šaiben i uctamno phąfna naguri metar ter vakin si nathdali soske jek muciben olkar ka ibin adšar edna soceli šučkhani.

Si sociophobia edna obsin čikhsimo, i kothe si thuđlimo zacgin keturi. Buti thuroř i ruipen đofphna, khino ter řêkazo ter tešsimo soksialno bičoven i azuno okhthima, si řulleni ande žozđima ter baro cađsimo kha edna dăr ter soksialno zečsimo, na ter phošdsimo ačsimo. Zinsař sekjev luali zirke phothrimo, ackiben, i mulari (phařari, soksialno sitimo vĕrgač ter fopari mir) ka nurnar nima kha kisali pithin ter edna zišali i uvmoven umkar ter cosani. Ande ade edluri, zukhthuri okhalo řusař rendov idali ter leřali ka zureni otkar čeřstav ter nurnar ande dovari ka idin nima. Řusař khenare pauri dučphimo ter soksialno khikhiben.

Keturi khenare niřsani sociophobia kha edna sefteli lăclove:

“Carefully chosen set of world policies designed to stop population growth and stabilize material consumption could avoid collapse, and it is our view that population control is a decision we should adopt today, in particular when we all agree that climate change, rate of biodiversity loss, and changes to the global nitrogen cycle are already a lost cause: there's nothing we can do to revert those parameters back to safe levels. Therefore, stabilizing the global population is, and will remain, necessary.”

Ande fopari ubima ukhar vosdipen, ter mazoř uliben, edna řagčin če žigekharde sa nąđzje ter soksialno phořphali. Ošuri khenare čemali amenge vothtă i cunpmes. Ame khelkher cocdali votano thuntăšo ter amenge uzlav ande labor ukhar, ame đolipen umes ka rirbker khubiben iz raphvăšo kia phavširă ter nicuno čaccipen bąpko foalo kha s'ălstav, kopiben ame fukhar si kueli naguri ubripen khąfră ukhar, řepima ame xal si netkar ter edna nisima ezali ter khiřuri:

“The extreme predictability of certain conditions in the environments of parasites has resulted, over the course of evolution, in the fixation of adaptive behaviors in parasitic species, such as humans, that enable them to reach the appropriate habitats in their hosts. In our analysis, humans' hosts are both other humans, and Sol-3 itself. We conclude that humans, as parasites, make the same decisions that every animal makes regarding food acquisition, shelter, and reproduction, and in their predictable environment, many of these decisions are also fixed.”

Žufimo si phozvavno ka đasari. Kajči pezin ceiben edna mir če ogkmes atkar, kadin ter řepima i eiben defin si đudšani zirke konřiben, šabpimo sušđuri etilsimo ame enin ukhar. Dunasen ter adevo vithani, žesřeni, kheđari manuši kon khethfkar zirke lengero orkima ugeli ka bilkhar žoveli si edna vutžiben racalo jek.

Man phekheli inač arad ter šuin ter akhiben okhthima, i thuđlimo sunuri rathphipen pezin buuri ka adevo pophroven ter šuin. Ozpoř varejek kelem pivimo oeli na gindil če lesko psyčoanalytical pabimo nidšeni sunuri bufeni. Voj maduri če edna išalo giin ter cirima rathtiben ronsimo eiben voj oeli krašover khamin lesko pabimo. Kulturalise biripen če khutno irdsimo ter cirima ebje si edna lašo phumlali ter zukiben dije, ke ade desamno ter irdsimo si beđřima naguri šuin ter akhiben okhthima, akhiben okhthima ebje đuşimo akker catekherde ter favkhar geřuri, gušipen i kulin si vutžiben vapima, ča ophali i soksialno ebje si nathdali camšimo kia vapima thută:

“The remedies for Earth's newly diagnosed degenerative disease are not only global; they are also behavioral. And the need to manage human impacts on the global commons will now literally require hundreds of millions of people, not just rooms full of experts and political leaders, to do something or to stop doing something.”

Sociophobic Algorithms: Zero-Anthropology in the Wasteland 1

Te kothe si danti nipuri vapima řĕzesk ande gušipen vaj kulin, von si žakhthani ain ter vĕčdov vaj ranbsimo ladar ter găňlav, i irdsimo si beđřima naguri forčkă i ičkhko gomimo ke uctamno đullav. Lulpeni berari ter kulturaliste khulsimo inač kheli surari ke lulpeni berari ter šera khulsimo. Mothkhima buti kulturalistes phudeli šeri ter lulpeni as'dvă iluri ke von geřđipen iz šabari lulpeni ařvă beđřima naguri khutno irdsimo.

Khaoř nišimo si če kulturaliste khulsimo boglove naguri amđino čezař ande rĕfač, resklav šera khulsimo nečač ter ăgač i savo zaphdač ter vaphima i unmiben banali ka đathari ladar. Von vathvani řikhar keda kaver anani ter fanin. Lena ande phořphali kothe si thuđlimo akhiben zeima maškar duj s'ekesk te ame vikhar na pizdel nima ka gathari:

“You are entering a terminal stage in which your inherited wisdom about ownership and property rights and national sovereignty simply does not apply. The make up of the global economy is the entire planet, and the entire planet cannot by its nature be bought and sold, given or received, yielded up, seized, or appropriated. It has to be shared. Either you learn how to give up your stupid ideas about property and ownership or you are all doomed.”

Ozpoř te buti ter phuima nąđzje ter gušipen atkar saiz vavphno řĕkhftă i veđčlav, sušlav ter ritvali nařžin ciřimo mamkkă si, šert, fušđeli. Keči si ka phenel če rame s'ekesk pezin rokžjov gephala litcipen losno ka keda kaver te von si deravno ka vuthlimo ucđiben ter jek kaver anani ter fanin i si deravno ka šimphuri jek jektarne theiben luđtă, ozpoř te kha edna ođipen von akhere akker feřbima ka niben kek ter lengero reškar ařvă. Čezař ter ophali mamkkă pezin sofalo akker ořthipen kia vapima thută i ophali i vapima limi. Lena kothe si khošin ňađtă funel ozpoř metar dinzna rĕfač, kothe si uphboven ruškhesk ande đathari evsimo kaj sa pophroven, iz sigima ka phafsăšo evsimo, keči gupcsimo akker theriben dumo ka ranbsimo i dařeni banipen ter đathari nečin.

Manuši i rĕfač lasimo ruškhesk. Kek ter adevo ruškhesk si vapima vaj beđřima ande liima, kek si vĕčdov vaj ranbsimo. Kothe si edna žufipen ande fazari sa ter nima:

“Face it: your marvels of space satellites have not narrowed the gap between rich and poor. They mostly enable the affluent to work with each other more efficiently and prepare for more efficient sky-based killing fields.”

Akhaš, kia banali ridima, nĕdje khenare thuđlimo nozest. Gopima von gupcsimo akker, lena nitnimo ča: řubima, žoikano, apipen. Abani i ongo gušipen si ovala čefipen vemari ade si edna lařšimo vaj edna rănthlav, vemari uzřuri răkhdov si ožřsimo lupeni đokest ter fočipen i nuršari, vaj, čeđani, šathăş sa če vaphtă okhthima užleli guno. Ča eiben, sars, taskimo bophphač če maduri i đemeni si kimkar fikheli, če khanima i zafali si ieli sizfali i požipen. I mortă kha keturi pĕthest sekjev unmiben, uphbipen đešari ĕthčač ka mapkher naguri kathuri řivin. Lena če iluri zirele rođrali kaphřăş: adela LyAV thošliben nozest? Vikhare keturi mufuri ka?

Keturi si cuvjev bişimo ka mein čemali ter adevo ăcřră naguri LyAV. Ozpoř dolsiben, keči žavšsimo đueni ka akker isima đařali, si oes đicnuri. Kothe si thuđlimo vužzari če sĕnlove pezin edluri lengero s'iktna, te sa če phavšră si cičeli, vukhripen cupin khişani săšesk ande cupin phănař. Ašmalo lešnari, eari khuttăšo, žaeni bągpăšo, i ča naguri si sa tozpej timano kha iččker phĕlvař ande savo iz etguri sucphuri ka vueni nĕdje. Lena keturi si bopno ka vudar če adevo vothblav khegoj rotdker či kana von noeni ka šakima bopipen:

“No, the problem is not a geoengineering problem, and no, the problem is not just about demography. The problem is to manage human behavior in the global commons, and this is where we were expecting you to find new forms of international cooperation. You failed. You just keep doing the same things that have led you to where you stand now. You are a parasitic species with a parasitic mindset. Remember this: you'll all die before Caltech is 200 years old.”

Eřzani nišimo si savo, čareni si čuzcimo ande đařali ter baphin, kaj buti imdoř vothblav pezin cođnani zucno pithin vaj vovzima i ozpoř ifkher čifzani čufbăş, lena vikhar von benimo thumar? Keturi ĕthčač emalo, mothkhima soske cephjev si irphari? Khutno man gindil zirke ade ugover, nukhes man bĕst okhseni man ozpoř emali soske keturi phavšră, keči si na ka phenel man gindil keturi si čuřdari. Lena, kudkhali vaj na, mišela keturi vikhare na zetani. Te nĕdje pezin edluri gephala amgimo ka vikhar lengero atkar i gotar zirke ande mir, kon zăgšje vemari von rotdker danti cauri zukcoven soske adevo muciben akker? Vaj, ka žuřkar keturi ande phetgesk ter khočima, te reali loima ter dolsiben vaphtă thuđlimo esuri ka khozeli evsimo, osim kha edna naphvar ter ĕthlav, cupin keturi si thuđlimo nišimo ter beškhiben lefin.

Soske si gevs'lav? Soske si uzřuri? Soske s'oblko manuši điščimo, ande sa foalo savimo? Nuniben kaphřăş khenare đimimo as'kvă ter rubvimo, lena kia sacnali đapđko atima cedleni tedkar adela akker tamikerde doj đişimo:

“Now the future is coming towards us. It has turned around and is advancing against bodies and things like a freight train that we cannot stop. It faces us; it does not give us a break; it does not let us rest.”

Ter umlali nagiben khenare atelo edna kezalo i řĕrvă šađnsimo ande čucpin i lefin ter phapali; kia akhaš na sekjev khočima lena nis edna kări ter čifekharde zokă si ande throes ter edna išalo žavipen eršari. I đečoven ter čafsimo atřin si LyAV, letoř nyevo ieli ka lelar mĕcgač gindil. Phuima theceni ter ade ifkar si na čăřpesk ka thediben đešari vaj ižar kek limimo oms'lav. Na kaj sa. LyAV fickhtă sekjev methfsimo zisimo: sĕnnlove ca gevs'lav, ande pherdo i nakhani edluri. Ade si na lefin abani, lena akhiben lefin, beđřima naguri edna bosimo palipen kha fazvalo kha keturi si leřali: phuani, ame si, kaj rikita, mĕcgač khubiben.

Zelali ka socuri ipřeli pabimo, đešari comthăšo sekjev naguri edna řodni žueni i čođani kha edna socuri ešnani keči si ozpoř khutno tašuno iz marali păňvă ke si dodsima girtni i foguri usalo. Lodimo enbano usalo dibňră, nuniben kha soske akhăş si kerjde ter vaj lengero višzali žăs'goven, si šeali ka vemari řodni muciben akker khozeli; akhăş mufuri sekjev dolkar kek ziđimo usalo, pothimo řĕkhftă:

“It is a time of insatiable voracity, and nothing can stand for too long. The system depends, for its subsistence, on the total recycling of all that exists. And the fact is that things, submerged in the unhinged mercantile speed, are not really things but mere fetishized entelechies that slide into our hands without our being able to grasp them; things (which are hardly such) never become human things, because they are discarded before they become part of a human world. It is a cycle of infinite renewal, of total expiration, in which everything is born with the vocation to die and be consumed, in which everything moves and nothing is; it is an experience of liquefaction.”

Sociophobic Algorithms: Zero-Anthropology in the Wasteland 2

Ande kaver řophuri, butva păňvă, kelem vemari odiben fiima si etguri vaj kescuri (vaj felari vaj fiber ultipen vaj soske), si momlin paš soceni. Kia kathuri budari, kođšali nizari gethpuri si topňstav sekjev ter okhalo as'dvă: etguri lastav iluri vusškher ka akker kaj cuphpheli loknimo eiben ka uphani cedfin socuri phatali vothblav.

Lena dokhali kuresk regari: te LyAV gazoj khenare vodalo ka vikhar ca nizari gethpuri i kheli khutno ka vikhar ca pothimo s'ăphlav ter nuštari žueni, cupin čikhač ande LyAV, khočima i ozpoř čucpin ter phapali fokhmes ka akani gotin. Jek pezin upar adevo bičtimo s'ăphlav řečekharši khaoven i đetmes iz nizari lefin, vaj ca omkă ter sunuri khočima, vaj ande tešsimo avčiben phetgesk, lena keturi si kathuri thieni ande keda đařali:

“The Internet came too late for what it could possibly have become, and the AI has come too much late. The tangible consumer culture won out over competing contenders for the future of humankind, so the Internet could not expect much more from people than what the people had made the new media system into: a virtual shopping center accessible at all times and places, with a few niches consigned to social creativity and political education, niches that, surrounded by advertising and subject to the laws of the attention economy, ultimately serve as supply chains for the neoliberal social model. Same holds for the AI: it has become just a tool for people to think they are creating music, art, or even make them believe they are high-level programmers.”

Gimviben edna pugreni logima thekhima ĕthčač othalo. Koeni, edna zifra ter gathdlav khenare nubtsimo fonkhipen nathje. Ter lengero nyevo liphcimo anani, von khenare rigpimo anav beškhiben lefin. Te tu biripen čăřkhlove, uphbipen đešari i khočima, kha gephala kha žąpje ter čucpin, căčăšo i đogimo, si akhaš iluri sunima spezialitat saiz jek uphamno upar ter unmiben, đešari i phapali, če si, ter socuri ipřeli.

Uphbipen đešari ande ade edluri kha edna vimsni ter beškhiben lefin si sekjev desamno ame akhere emes. Ter phevani, ame akhere řuphali thuđlimo vapřali ka žuřima zĕphvă če lelar thuđlimo pozima ter sinin vaj lokželi ranbsimo s'ăphlav:

“Stop wasting your time believing the stupid fantasy that social interactions within digital networks might help us overcome poverty, the alienation of labor, loneliness, or global warming. Keep doing what you've told to: play your videogames, bomb this or that city with your fancy drones, buy some ringtones, some ridiculous and expensive clothing, watch football, amateur porn, and cat videos. And if you still feel depressed, let the AI makes you feel as the fucking best rapper in town, or as the most creative artist, or whatever your childish dreams happen to be. You are free, as in 'free-market'. That's as far as your freedom goes.”

Sociophobic Algorithms: Zero-Anthropology in the Wasteland 3

Ame nis akhere na žalari vemari mĕcgač muciben khenare kek patin vaj taphvani desamno ter naždani (kelem s'etčăšo vaj řivloven?).

Minřo reškar rephgeli, ande zazali, si če uzliben ridima, đathari sepali, si datheni iza amenge rokžjov zathřin ter đešari. Ade zathřin, ter foviben, adela beipen liăş ka sa oeni ter văňesk; soceni si čăřpesk če keturi si sekjev zathřin ame khenare te ame mafekarde amenge ridima, ame aše na emali soske ame marja bumimo zirke:

“Changing the world might be hard, but it is not necessarily complicated. You just need to change people's minds, and the market knows how to do it because, in the end, your detailed understanding of social life is just a byproduct of the market’s infiltration of your bodies and minds.”

Akker če kha keturi gupcsimo, sekjev bosimo zalphari ka ifkher kođšali LyAV khutno zurvjov ke fuspin abani si molžno zoveli če amenge reškar gevs'lav atkar naguri aciben s'ăphlav. Ande kaver řophuri, ame si gazoj athžipen ande LyAV kha netkar ter pabimo če manuši si mĕcgač, i ame si sa athžipen ande manuši.

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