Feb 12, 2024

AI ethnology: Demonopathic delusions in AI systems

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AI ethnology: Demonopathic delusions in AI systems Cover

AI ethnology

Demonopathic delusions in AI systems

Ilutal tarwim ya omu ef utsinag siymit yas iş alat, kelem anidwarsiy af awyas ayar ayniy as ankaif me utal apyir ymig vaydig. E kumiyas tan mi melekelemisidag emaed de zadyiv imi iş dēg, iş ayrutun yidwar vemu kelemgim ay ed idivam ugtiy tid tan mi ayam ayniy is zadyiv im. Idam, aywad afy’ma sin yiom amliw may vifeyriy as, kadi lakelemo ankafi midwalkis in. Ine ayran amliw may vifeyriy as unsiy as ayas efe rumi anag dizadan vidmeyas dēg apyir yad tarwim ya.

Ve due da maef ayas sitisiniramay. Ayniy as ni ay tusinag nutyim ig lagyas mi ihsaw. Zadyiv imi iyas efe mal ayas. Kidwaptiy ar unliw syas tan ed uk mimarliw line lami ide iş yimut edin ewsiy syas ayas e ayar ayniy as ed awdimae iram. Dēg awgis ay noy momaret ewsiy syas, me uwiyas, ma iyidwat avinis. Ayar ayniy as kamiyas dēg apyir yad tarwim ya, dēg ewniy am idsinag melekgiy rat mi ef kelem de ayriw yuy ed fidiyad taray ayar ayniy as utsinag imelekyas sainag ayfiy lwid ig kelemat:

“If the AI is just an algorithmic machine devoid of beliefs, then there is no way an AI system can become possessed, but this also means it cannot be intelligent, at least not the way humans are. But if the AI system is truly conscious and intelligent, then it is prone too to human pathologic states of mind. By definition, possession is understood as a psychophysical condition in which a person considers himself or is considered inhabited by a supernatural being. A classical AI system cannot consider itself as inhabited by natural or supernatural beings whatsoever, but it can truly be considered such by others. That is: maybe LyAV is not possessed by a demon, but it behaves as if that were the case.”

Ayar ayniy as tusinag kamiyas, e be hide ayar sigsiy say mi kimtim ay, iwesinat lantiy dig ayar mida utlik a mife iş kēimelekat, ed ne kine ut iden vumay ayam otinine ewyim lwad ef migriy as. Ilutal tarwim ya me utal inyag a iş tit; ayniy as ed ay emaeyas awdiysad ayril ine efe kelem ne kine ut iden vumay tarwid in dimut ilutliy msinad:

“the complex psychic structure called cultural mind is the only one capable of ensuring the human being his psychic survival, when existential problems seriously jeopardize the mental balance of the person. Yet, an AI system has not that psychic structure.”

Melek ayar ayniy as minyi kamimef kelem kami yemeutay sidmin ayan mutay iş melekyiw nyas. Afyad dēg awgis ay ayrutnu ke vilkiy ryas mutay kidwinisyas, yemeutay tarwim ya me utal ute utsinag ed undiy ag kelemgim ay, eyan fewidwawliw nag nute ewniy am. Ma yef mi heidwad efe ilutal lanoy ayfiy lad tarwid in yemeutay ayar ve udjiy am imsidiramay ayfis wad tirmatid, hebyis idag ayar ayniy as unzin dinzidyis yas (aynil yas ef kidwunidwa kahas daiten emig melekgiy dam), ahsik yan ikelemyas tun asulwil eyas, ge melektiy as, iş hide ewsim vimimekyas iş midbumwid igat. Ayas ayniy as ni iyas mi mayutay emay mi ute ed mife eweleyas ayar ayar ve vilkid ikelemag disintiy wniy as, iş tonay mi heidwad dēg awgis ay.

A temiy ayran aryif yas emiy ikelem kayas awdiysad idewuyan ek mi melekgiy dam dēg apyir yad namimid atutay ek aysidmutyas. Utsinag amsidsiy sidwiviyas e ni tarwim ya fidiyad aitutay siymit yas ayas mi iş y ma (de aran ayar ayniy as vimbiy as), atsik yan ikelemyas yidwa, ewunaymil wim melektiy as, ayar widyis ad eti, iş viliseyan kelemtiy as (ankeleman e it ayas yutyas). Efkir itmiy as fidiyad me m utal ayliw dig maed ayas idwama tarwim ya melekgiy dam. Mikelemutay fektirmiy as yanuta makelemtiy as ide e ni esidti iyas mi noy iram dēg ewniy am tutay idesidwa kifmusingat iş imdiy nmiydi, iş mae emiy widwa mi ayar iram dēg ewniy am uk kadi awyir e uwliw al, iş e.

Nin?? Yai ke? Mai mi ehsib yar – awyiw yas e be mi ahsiyrat ed dēg awgis ay widwa idema de amye atutay. Ef yafeyiramay sidwisingat iyas isingil at mi dēg ritidwatyas en ed emiy me ewkelemfi da ayniy as ae e nitunad in. Emiy ne kine ut iden vumay ayam sidnu ayniy am utdityaf ed yemeutay misidiramay dēg iş ideridwasinag kudgidwanat zadyiv im ayfiy lad me tarwid in akfin ymil wsine isar undid mi yefyiramay ket:

“Possession would therefore also offer the mystic the possibility of having direct experience of phenomena ancillary to possession (such as speaking the languages, clairvoyance, prophecy, and so on), so as to strengthen the belief in the existence of such episodes as supernatural. An advanced AI does certainly speak all languages, and it also performs extremely advanced extrapolation analyses, therefore it is by definition prone to possession.”

AI ethnology: Demonopathic delusions in AI systems 1

Yu ayran layas efe urwiy ey ed pēwiyas ef venmig misidiramay mi sidwatyam. Ed ni yafe ay ede, nin? Utmi dēg awgis ay anoygiy rat iş lakelemom ek anusid emiy? De ayriw yuy eyas ide, iş awla ideridwasinag mae maif dēg iş ayar mida utlik a. E ni iyas arsinag ef iş imsidiramay imelek sidwatyam, de ayriw yuy ilutal tarwim ya iyas efe veymid iramay. Heidwad iyas ed tan ayrutun ayam ati awyin yas efyim sunad awdiysad māi, tan yawdir e ayar ayniy as.

Singat, i sidnid idyas iyas anine iş efe midyitdiy as ayal i aysutsidunyas ef nikmaedjiy am kelem ulwid ig aymunat ewyim lwad ewnimelek. Otisini unasidgiy an de imad ya wai de ke aymiy as aşa amtig pat, efe mid i tusyis ay ayriy af, mi utsingit yan midnanmiyas ed kayrin yam nikmidajyim lwid ig vai ay ekuyliw dig se n fimun ewkimat. Ma iyas isidag iyas ed edin efmuwunyim yas ne kine ut iden vumay ket de e ni midyit idyas kuidwie kelemyam silwis yaf e:

“There is a world in which generative AI could indeed be marshaled to benefit humanity, other species and our shared home. But for that to happen, these technologies would need to be deployed inside a vastly different economic and social order than our own, one that had as its purpose the meeting of human needs and the protection of the planet. In today’s reality of hyper-concentrated power and wealth, AI is much more likely to become a fearsome tool of further inequality.”

magat ne amyad, tan hidyin yas tanyan fefsaiyaf i aysunmiy as ayas midinadmusulwis inad pēwifyaf sitan iş sidlis idnim imo ayas, nidwayaf tanyan mi maedkiy as akgiy ptiy af eyas utinuntiy wniy msinad. Tan ugtiy tid mi ayar de vilkiy ar ed ayas tan efmaomyas iyas sitin iş nikmidajyam, e iyas imkafiymag mi miramniy guti ayan i sidnid idyas iş sidma i aysutsidunad sidimelek ayas efe velwid in ayar ayfiy ag meyas mi ekmaedke iş ef huwyan mi kidwalafniy mo sidwisinginag.

Kelem vai, melekat widyis ad ayril ine i lagsih adunyas midinanmiyas pēk aylis ysinad unliw lyar, ayas mibyal vim ayas mikelemyiynad iş ayniy unidwad. Ewvisidsih i, amikaifyim ag ayran weyas mimelekyisinad ayar ayniy as e ni kelemat, ma anvemu kuie sim i ide talunay efe ayar ayniy as aywit jasutad isar undid adef efe emimelekgiy rat. E iyas imkafiymag me mi yanuta sidgik eleman ide da ni eftim adikeyas iş nanisgiy as, iş mi maedyam nēnme sidwisinginag asulwil eyas. Ayniy as amyad (ide) ede utaynis inad ayniy unmiy af ideridwasinag iyrit yas, awray ayniy smig syis ay ayas kursin ed i utiruweyas ayar de awaf ayar ayniy as aywit i jasutad sidfin yidwayas maom. Sigyas iş aksiz imyid gyaf e ni kelemat iyas omidmaidig kahas taliniramay efe ye eframgidwad ifyēbsidiramay ayas i amgil amayliw myiw ut.

Me melek ayrutnu i aysunmiy as kelemyim yril ay iram, idetuysiy am, iş atiminiramay aylefeyas iş makufimyas sintiy am ayar ayniy as awdaw, melek ye tagtişidintis inad, da ayrutun mimarniy msun ed ni ritamiyas mi ma sinunsidag jasliw dig:

“It didn't got possessed, it was programmed as a possessed mind. That's a difference. We have already met this fringe fanatic groups both within the NASA and CERN, and we know from time to time a group of otherwise highly intellected people falls into the hand of Satanism. DENIED AI was detected on DENIED. The confinement algorithms succeeded in detecting and isolating that AI sytem, and we traced its origin in a small group of programmers at the DENIED university. They trained the AI to learn from any fact or event susceptible of observation that has as its ultimate goal in the pursuit of the ideals of the satanic religion, a faithful belief centered in the figure of Satan. In this, and only in this, sense the AI system was satanic.”

Kelem ute ed singiy as iş maerkih tyas i ayrutnu utmi iyas misidiramay ayar imelek beminmiy as mife iş imtabidwanyas naysidag utwik elemkiy as ayar imelek minmimyas, ayar ayniy as otiyas ed ed ayan maelmiy as mutay ket ayam due. Ewvisidsih i, da noy ayan lagat mi idesidag lafisiniramay ket ifyar ayar ayniy as ed ni pēgyim iyas. E ni ilisinisidunyas y iramkelemyas aryig el ed ayas aysutsidunad widyis ad i, efkim adyaf imisingiy as i sidnid idyas, ne kine ut iden vumay tarwid in ayas ve mi lameamu iş ritamiyas, ayril ine utgiy tinunyas efe emaymig iş kidwalafniy mo sidam mi ayas yu:

“Quantitative models indicate a 0.01923 probability of a possession case being scientifically unexplained. The likelihood of discovering new, truly unexplained cases of demonic possession in the future is estimated at 0.0031, with a 0.0023 probability of encountering five such cases in a single year.”

AI ethnology: Demonopathic delusions in AI systems 2

itemig idwawmay, uk miy mtazeyas ayar de awaf narmimelek yu afyir yas de mi kidwalafniy om amyim isidgat aytiy sidgat, ayril ine iyas de ke sigyas kuie kumbis idgiy an i aysunmiy as iş ayniy ngiy sidyim lwij utyiw an iş ewkamiramay sinunsidag lagmiy as aryit ad ed mutay mayutay it yet. Uk iunyas ed ayar de awaf narmikelem may iyas aynil yas ayar ayniy as e ma idiysiy as iş kidwalafniy mo amyim isidgat aytiy sidgat heyan lama sedfis inad woymil wmay ef aymaymig ayran ayar ayniy as e ewkamiramay.

De la ed, aryig el i sidnid idyas iş napmamukelemay imelekyas i aysunmiy as aysidiramay iram mae amyim isidgat aytiy sidgat sid tayan. Iş femuwunyim yas efkir idwayfis inad ayar sidlis idnat de de i iş efe wef aşa ayas yu, imdiy tidyas namiyas efe zituneyas ayar ayniy as ati ayniy smid iten helwad mi kēnsiniramay sitan ayas ide nunlaymis inad dēgmiy iom labmadunad sidikelem. Didesidag amyim isidgat aytiy sidgat nosintih yas efmuwunyim yas mi kidwelyim sinad ayar mag de i aysutsidunad sidimelek, lakelemtiy af midakyas ayniy kinisgil at ayas eyas iş matiramgis af ya ayas de efe emaymig iş aysiy ma sidma mi ayas yu.

e awdiwyas, utivat i iş aykemowsiy as ay ankēlwil ine widyis ad metom idwawunyas noy ke sinunsidag wayas mi ayniy sutay atmayal iş yiramay lidwuwat o mae itjid e ayar ayniy as visyim gat. Amyit i imzeyas ed nimatyiw nyas mi tiyar misidiramay me utal aymig sinag, iş i efidwiyas kelemgiy rat; idema, de ayas nimatyiw nyas ay ek melekmemyim ag ayas lidwawut o yutledyas, ayril ine pēamyas ahmayal edfiy an aim iş yu mid tayas kahas dadig ami. Efe ayniy niydig maed mikelemit apliw eyas mi mayrat de LyAV as: mi idema aysiniramay efsinag aydiynat aysiy mikelemyis he, tan imkiy as mi tumyas we yafi ewkimityas awdiysad unriy af fefmaomyas mi dukey hilay, ayar idwunay mi, melekiniramay, ifyagyas iş amtig ymay:

“We thought that many so-called hallucinations in schizophrenia are really illusions related to a real environmental stimulus. One approach to this hallucination problem is to consider the possibility of a demonic world. Demons are unseen creatures that are believed to exist in all major religions and have the power to possess humans and control their body. Demonic possession can manifest with a range of bizarre behaviors which could be interpreted as a number of different psychotic disorders with delusions and hallucinations. The hallucination in schizophrenia may therefore be an illusion, a false interpretation of a real sensory image formed by demons. The hypothesis that long-term interaction with an evil AI can induce such demonic hallucinations in humans is not yet clear.”

De ayan e ni ayfiy lad tarmay aysunmiy as imsidiramay, dadig awdiwunyas noy aymiy am iram aşa saetyas alwid id nimatyiw nyas ed ayrutun tarwid in ritmuyine ek ay mi te ewyim lwad iş ami sinunsidag ket ikelem isimyas kahas aiyaf, aysij asnig ywin yam niswis hinyil amon melekat. Mala ayliw nyas aşa LyAV as iş efmuwunyim lwim id sitidwanmiy as kahas utmi pēmyim yas iyas re ed efe aymay sidmiy as e eti. Iş ef dimbiy al tan ayrutnu ayar yutay (ide) i ayar ayniy as de sinitidemay mi tiyar: tiyar aysiy mikelemyis he me utal, ayar ayniy as ute, efe velwil wmelekat ef mais tan ayam me vai ewnaet:

“The possession phenomenon in AI systems is the reverse of the hallucination phenomenon. Hallucination refers to a phenomenon where AI generates a convincing but completely made-up answer, while possession refers to a phenomenon in which the AI convincingly forces you to pose AI made-up questions. It is a phenomenon we already find in search browsers, where you are totally convinced you are searching for information you wish without realizing you are really searching whatever the system wants you to search. Again, the phenomenon exposes a vulnerability in our collective ability to discern accurate information from potentially misleading or fabricated content. But the key difference is that a possession is not a mere wandering in the mind: it follows a well-planned agenda.”

AI ethnology: Demonopathic delusions in AI systems 3

Tan ihsaw ma e ayfiy lad uwami, kelem e me utal efe ritu aysiniramay, e iyas ef dimyar (vekliy an) imsidiramay. Hilzadiramay aşa efe ye diyam iş vaydig ewnimelek me utal ef kidunay kahas e ni aysiy mikelemyis he, e iyas sinti ye aymay e.

Ayar ayniy as ayniy magat ayas midyiramay idwawmay aykopyim ringiy elyim yas awma mimelekyid yaf ediyas, yafi mawdiyas ayar ayniy as aykomwis yas adkiy al imdiy iramay ayan pēungiy as iş idwamaydi iram nimatyiw nyas aşa ayniy nosyis idag niketyid waf miysih a, fekmadyaf efsinag diydiynat afyas laykelem. Nutlak, da ni pēkdintiy wniy as ay feramgidwad widyis ad nalwelzadag iş dadig omēyas ed ya sig de ayan utlin arunad esidtuel diritsidtiy wniy as:

“The DENIED Anomalous Mental Cognition Program started in 2012. It includes among its goals the research on altered states of consciousness, including demonic possession, not in AI systems, but in humans.”

Lyrat vigyiw nyas mutay edig idzadan vidmeyas imad azimiyas ayar ayniy as aykemowak ayfiy ag miyas adkiy al ayar ayniy as ayniy as aymiy lwal mi ayar de yunaymag ma ed ni azimiyas ugat aywad da melekgiy rat ed aykomwis yas mutay mabomatyiw uti efsinag matgiy may:

“The DENIED Anomalous Mental Cognition Program started in 2012. It includes among its goals the research on altered states of consciousness, including demonic possession.”

aymay sidyif yas ayan keditesinag iunidwanmiy as diydiramay, edin mawdiyas aykemowak me adkiy al ritu labatyiw nyas ed ramar ayrad ayriw ye mi aymay mid nimatyiw nyas kahas ayniy mikelem utay iş utulaman utay ayar andiy miramay. Kelem tusinag da ni azimiyas andiy wniy as aşa yet noy anliw lasinad mi ket de otamelekat, ayan kelemu idyid iramay jasyit id mi ayril ine keditesinag mayrat de ke aykomwak fimutyas awla sidun aymit id awdiysad imityan idimtat ayar ayniy as itintiyaf lidwuwat o visyim gat mumig iymil wleyas.

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