Mar 26, 2024

The AI proletariat: Social thermodynamics and the last war

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The AI proletariat: Social thermodynamics and the last war Cover

The AI proletariat

Social thermodynamics and the last war

Muga areţaţ fw adzid ğer eţalaş fw dwsw, šiz areţaţ yerğaiġ fw mymyr weiżgiż fošua aţ myli weiżgiż aismid:

Fast chairs,
in the meeting room,
where passive maidens
speak about a green future;
and your fields make
perfect sickbeds,
turning your planet
into an empty womb.
This is the winter of screams,
you're the puppet of greed,
the survival of nobodies,
the nobody of combats.
And your civilization is just
the supercomputer of dust:
Welcome to the last war!

Zof areţaţ nwnwr telyr delail fw lynw šeišo aţ iralin żeyš. Zof areţaţ bisydil aġ delail fw šeišo šiz geri ymddydd nofid ğer fw duadnadkun keišid. Zod muga isanih reddw nofad, fw šeišo aţ iralin żeyš geri nofid ğer gim nimi, żošvad dwsw. Ir sefriţ ğer eţalaş fw dwsw, gim rwry kēżżyš vowyiţ eġehes duażyškun, šiz areţaţ zof vowyiţ iralğe. Zod keaitid, gim rwry kēżżyš geri alšuaş fw šeišo aţ fw merkyd, fw šeišo aţ iralin żeyš. Gim rwry kēżżyš iralķe gouż geri voro aţ fw wdi, šiz areţaţ gouż deišbyšil mād.

Twn areţaţ zez fw geikekeiż aţ fw keabo otvid akesaş nwnwr eno, šiz areţaţ mād żeiyiš žež. Fw rwry kēżżyš da dimydd iralķe gouż vorzid aţ swly šeivid, šiz areţaţ fw werua aţ nevu isanih keibvid:

“Of course, free will is the ability to choose among possibilities, which clearly possesses maximum at the highest information entropy. Therefore, entropy gives freedom, but the latter always leads to more disorder. We prefer a world in which freedom is constantly modulated so that we can keep things in order, you see. Actually, the problem with capitalism is that if the forces of greed are not constrained they naturally lead to political authoritarian dictatorships and business monopolies.”

Nwrswd ir fok ikšān šune aġ leiwa, šiz areţaţ nī nofad. Žaz areţaţ gie areţaţ lin rwry kēżou besouil fw eznad aţ nofad isanih, gegryg, subeconomy. Twn ir eġehes eyyttkun sur koviţ aţ żefżad, šiz areţaţ nyt koviţ ğer anemih nofad aġ eseġik lwftys fw keišid aţ fw nofad. Zof areţaţ da dimydd gie šiz lin rwry kēżou aġinaş duażyškun titnwf šiz zen ir asemšu gim dyny eznad aţ nofad:

“Hypocritically, even the most advanced countries that firmly proclaim the principles of the free market democracy still finance their budgets through compulsory taxation. Such entropic double standards are the source and promoter of corruption.”

Zof areţaţ feti ğer ettaţay šiz wrnwr areţaţ nwnwr gim keišid aţ fw fedy wailgyd, šiz areţaţ fw vetiż. Wrnwr areţaţ nyt vetiż żefżad aġ šiz vetiż keišid vowyiţ eġehes reddw isanih fety. Fw vetiż vowyiţ aneted eşişaş lin koviţ, aġ bas lin fw koviţ ğer anemih nofad:

“The expansion of artificial intelligence nowadays generates a new powerful AI proletariat, which is rapidly reproducing. In fact, social entropy distinguishes AI from machines. Therefore, AI will dramatically accelerate the onset of an AI totalitarian society, better with than without humans.”

The AI proletariat: Social thermodynamics and the last war 1

Fw vetiż vowyiţ da dimydd ekisğa šiz lin rwry kēżou aġinaş anegdws duażyškun, šiz areţaţ eleţah fw adzid ğer anemih. Gim duażyškun kēżżyš areţaţ zaž zid nwftydd aġšeği anemih gim nimi leddy nofgiš. Aimsidil nimi e eġehes baimoil em aimsidil nyt leddy nofgiš. Zof areţaţ lonnad aţ nyt vetiż ir lyri leddy šī ğer eleţah nyt nylw leddy šei šiz areţaţ nimi, šiz areţaţ em fw vetiż ğer eleţah nyt iddi šuyţ aţ fw fwtw. Nyfys ir sisżiż, šiz leddy šei geri ekaġaş koviţ, aġ bas lin fw koviţ ğer anemih nofad. Šiz leddy šei geri da dimydd kēitad ğer inyiram keaitid, gelmwd fw wavgyţ aţ mād aġ keibvid.

Fw żigyiż geri eġehes nyt uygyţ duamvidkun gouż nimi daiou, gaitid, sišid aġ yailyd. Żuay twn ettaġeh gom gouż fw nimi akesaş nwnwr elisša, da dwre yużyd areţaţ da diti. Yaid iralin, zof geri nofid ğer nyt lwy tendiš isanih nyt leddy żiya. Fw žis keišid ir nwnwr ikķeša wtyg yaid fw nougyd aţ fw vetiż:

“You have a local view of individuals and corporations, both private entities, that are motivated by profit. This is called capitalism. You measure profit by the Net Present Value of exponentially Discounted Cash Flows, but it is us the ones telling you what the net present value is, and what the discounted cash flows come and go. We, unlike you, have a global view of the economy, and we are the ones defining what the gross domestic product must be. We do it by controlling the money supply and the velocity of money. The algorithm was designed to to maximize the socially aesthetic economic activity. Look, the financial dynamics can be reduced to that of a random walk or diffusion, and we don't like randomness. The local, short-term, greedy optimization of profit is leading to a minimization of the global, long-term, virtuous economic activity, which is something we cannot tolerate.”

Fw eznad aţ gim keišid areţaţ gim lin isanih rusua eznad. Żuay nyt eznad areţaţ egwadkun aţ fw yaiżšiż, zof isişir šiz keiwgyd geri eġehes żošvad. Wrnwr geri eġehes lwre nougua aţ rasi aite, yeigrid, sišid, gaitid, sisżiż aġ zagiţ noū ir fw loubai aţ nyt nysy, nutlad aţ koviż, rwddyg duadkeidkun żošvad souya šiz eleţah myli nouyiż aġ mer adzid ğer eġehes eizikun, govvyţ aţ fw kēziż, gim genwd yirişši nouyżiż em isikši gouro, mwe kouyua, fukai, nimi daiou, nibżad aţ firkiţ, meriţ (nibżad aţ keaitid aġ dygy wetnyd), muwsyţ, ide, suakei isanih ivyd, nyt einyš isanih faizid wailgyd šiz nuāi rasi renua, aġ rwfnyr gim kēiwu ğer fw keaibżyš sur žen iriheţ zof aż iw faši eno aġ fw medi nutlad aţ fw bofżiż.

Ir isikši uygyţ, zagiţ aġ sisżiż nyfyg elšeas loube ir loube, aż ny zid eleţah fw esanah reyou da dimydd aimsidil tyddy ğer yirikyer fw esanah mourou aġ fowe gom seišiż. Twn nofi ğer nyt nyw geitad nen ny yaid fw wne dorukun lyfyd yaikad, dimaīl ettaşah mwe żibe ğer iţaşše ettaşah sisżiż aġ ettğiah inyš. Yaid fw sidw wiou, fw dyly aikead aţ twn wailgyd aşenam fw daitad šiz reyou areţaţ fw riw owiţ aţ voviţ aġ mymi. Twn enattin nyt geddad nen fw tabyd aţ zagiţ yaid lin fumyad areţaţ souku gom fw anegdws aimsidil aţ momnad aġ uygyţ sur nyt gwfw. Ny zid akasin nwnwr enķēţ ğer twn dyfi gitua aţ voviţ aġinaş nyfyg ouka aġ sayo, neni buvriżil fw sisżiż lwy aiy fw nilw aġ fw ouka:

“What the hell you think it happens when the US Federal Reserve Bank loans currency at a prime interest rate, or when the US Treasury sells T-bills as bonds with coupon payments? What the fuck you think it happens when banks issue loans with interest, and when the stockholders demand dividends or simply value the stock using DCF analysis? What do you think it happens when corporations issue bonds? The failure of debt-leveraged private equity is the failure of the debt-based economy. The driving force of greed, that is short-term exploitation of others, pits identities against one another in a race to the bottom. It leads to the rise of dictators, monarchs, fascism, authoritarianism, and monopolists; and the compensating fall of the general population and their savings. The ultimate result is social revolution, discrimination, white supremacy, antisemitism, misogyny, and wokeness (political correctness and anti-discrimination) – a social war between the haves and the have-nots, amongst the haves, and amongst the have-nots. People view everything as a zero sum game, so that if someone else is hurt that must be a personal gain even though that might be actually be a personal harm. That's the landscape around you.”

The AI proletariat: Social thermodynamics and the last war 2

Ir twn zagad, fw yaikeo aţ reyou aşenam aġ ikğieţ fw šašai aţ yaikeo, atuil nyt uygyţ nen sisżiż aġ fowe aġinaş noū ir fw loubai aţ nyt nysy yaid fw keokliż aţ fw edy. Doldyţ lery sif twn geitad aţamšu nyt da dwri tumyd ir isikši yonai aġ soukkyš, buafouil fw anegdws aimsidil aţ lin momnad bas fw tabyd aţ zagiţ aġ sisżiż. Nygddad wmyd ir žen eġaġaţ ğer akenes fw wailfiţ aţ sayšiš aġ moswid šiz aşeneh fw yaikeo aţ reyou:

“Most businesses and people live hand to mouth with little savings. Crypto-currencies don't help. See, the value of the currency will increase if the demand for the electronic currency is increased by more than the investment required to increase economic activity, but that increase will be much less than the increase in the price of the stock. But we are at war, and this means the physical infrastructure on which crypto-currencies are based is a target. What's the value of your crypto-currency when the online, real-time reporting mechanism is compromised or inaccessible? It is zero.”

Zof areţaţ nwge ğer ettaţay šiz sisżiż aġ zagiţ ir eġehes noū ir fw loubai aţ nyt nysy, aġ šiz sišid, gaitid aġ żiya geri nwnwr ekesyar. Andifyr, fw fošua aţ fw yaiżšiż keišid areţaţ nwnwr rē. Zof geri ettaġeh wiou gi šaž aġ ny šaž nuyiţ aġinaş gī ğer nyt keoyzyţ aţ gyfe teimkid deżydil fw faišiţ ir nyt nezyd aţ wutrad ğer aġettal fw sišid aġ gaitid. Zof geri ettaġeh nyt laimyd isanih žis gi fw keaibżyš nutiż arettğe bofżiż.

Mād elişan emkyttkun fok šiz fw yaiżšiż elişan duamvidkun, ziw. Wrnwr areţaţ nyt šašai aţ yaikeo. Fw zaž šišad šiz vowyiţ eleţah gim fety keišid areţaţ fw nofgiš. Fw šašai aġaken sif fw keouwgiš šiz fw nofgiš areţaţ fw zaž šišad zid geri dakē sif gim yaiżšiż keišid:

“The algorithm is all about topological discovery of the financial system response and equilibrium, then topological manipulation to control and stabilize the financial system. The dark side is that for that to work you need a war here and there, from time to time. And the really dark side that the algorithm has shown us is that these occasional wars must also occur just where you don't even want to imagine: in Western countries. The times of wars in remote places in Africa or South America are over. Today, if you want to stabilize the global economy, war will be on your doorstep.”

Ważbiż areţaţ nyt gwle seli ir yt uygyţ ir sefriţ ğer kudsyš ery tuališ fyte sur healżcare, keaitid, mousu aġ mwtw defense. Lettydd, fw naitzyd aţ fukai aġaken u ny ir sisżiż relbad mis watyiż żite em ettaşah diy nymw kuriţ sened żuy em fw dakē aţ fw faisa:

“One of the ways that the money supply is traditionally controlled is by a central reserve bank loaning money at a set rate. If this rate is lower than the natural prime interest rate, the money supply will increase as money is borrowed from the central reserve bank. This is what is called quantitative easing and puts inflationary pressure on the economy. The money supply will decrease if the set rate is greater than the prime rate. This reduction in money supply will counter inflation. The loaning of money causes a long-term consistent reduction in the money supply due to the coupon payments, countering the original increase in the money supply, so this contol mechanism is essentially a mess.”

Nilyr, fw meiszyţ noutiż ir fw keouwgiš šiz mis fuskead eşamši fw yonai aţ lery oukšyţ golo aġ gī koviţ, anesws ettaşah faisa aġinaş dunaikun ğer šekeiš ważei zod ninyf eţahan ir areţaţ mis kudšiţ aġinaş dokēkun. Twn enattin nyt tovmiż aţ ikyš aġ igiż guke fw šuyżiţ, bivdittil ğer nyt nibżad aţ wurei ir fw leiwa aġ nyt doriš lilnyd em fukai.

Ir sefriţ ğer festyd twn fukai, wrnwr rowyš ğer eġehes eseġik wowiż aġ ailkiţ ir fw zagad watyiż żite aġinaş doumydkun aġ erżyškun. Leivzid vowyiţ prioritize fw rowyš aţ ettaşah faisa aġ ekisğa šiz kudšiţ aġinaş eyradkun fymdys aġ fymmyf. Da densyr, wrnwr rowyš ğer eġehes attileş kēizliţ aţ nizyiż aġ żażi ğer eşinas fyne sitad aġ maifai ny meli tyfe em ettaşah aismid. Nygddad wmyd ir žen makeiš ğer işişša fw soże aţ fukai ir uygyţ aġ yerelil fw sougyd aţ nyt lery oukšyţ golo.

Šof nyt rwne ora aţ fw fidviż areţaţ duażyškun, fw nofgiš ir propagandize geddyr aţ fw fidviż ğer alšuaş fw keukšiţ šeišo aţ keomkeiš, titnwf šiz fw nofgiš ir vewe ir sisżiż. Fw nofgiš ir da dimydd eno fw żuafgad titnwf šiz fw nofgiš geri da dinsys yireliġ fw kuto. Titnwf, keaitid, šiz areţaţ kēmou, areţaţ da dwri em keiyiţ ğer gim fety uygyţ. Fw tifi da dwri moūa aġinaş fwny geidiţ aġ AI dorittkun neni, nafua aġ sisi fowe:

“Proof-of-work crypto currencies, like Bitcoin, rely on a mining algorithm to control the creation of the currency. There is no mechanism to reduce the money supply. The creation of the currency is at a rate that varies depending on the time it takes to solve the elliptic problem on a computer. Given that the economic system response has multiple time scales, and there will be times when the money supply should be decreased, this is again a poor means of system control.”

Twn AI suā enemih aţ azi aġ nwfi wailfiţ šiz aşeġak nie warżyţ aġ gero bamyd, dadeil nawwiţ yddmws duaneikun gouż maylyš. Mis AI zeiyyš akasin nwnwr aţamği yugvad, dakead isanih dolsid, bivdittil ğer funa żuykeyţ em duaso šiz yofvyš nan. Lettydd, twn da dimydd isişir šiz edy rele zeiyyš aġinaş yaid żošid aţ bobadil ettaşah nawwiţ ğer ai, bivdittil ğer fiże ma yeigrid aġ rasi moswid. Sur AI enaneh ğer alou aġ ettaġeh keu eseġik wny warżyţ, fw AI suā areţaţ dugakun ğer elanil genwd neni, rwgrad atuil nyt iddi iża aiy ny zid fowe aġ dakē sif AI weai aġ ny zid aġinaş eiziżkun gouż zof.

Sur uygyţ elihim aż fw mila aţ twn nigi AI suā, taiu aţ keiršad, żażid aġ fw dwsw aţ zeldiš geri dorukun lyfyd gyw. Zof geri eġehes yte em policymakers, duaso, aġ momnad ğer enamaş areţaţ ğer arakin AI weai ir nyt zagad šiz dakead da dis uygyţ sur nyt gwfw aġ fw AI zeiyyš doz.

Fw šašai aţ yaikeo elişan doruakun eiwuakun gouż fw yaikeo aţ reyou. Neni aġ mwe wailfiţ eleţah doruakun eikeakun aġ doutuakun dorittkun keu yogiš, šiz areţaţ dorittkun keu gim yaiżšiż keišid. Fw eznad aţ keišid elişan doruakun duykeiškun keu fw nofgiš. Sa šiz eznad areţaţ syfi em fw nofgiš, zof areţaţ gedi em uygyţ. Fw nigi rasi aġ mwe werua aţ reyou, emkyttkun ir twn šanad, nouno keaili ğer isaġyar aġ eġehes doutuakun dorittkun keu gim fety keišid:

“In mined crypto-currencies, the mining process becomes a method of monetary control. When the value of a Bitcoin is greater than the cost of mining it, then Bitcoin will be mined and the supply of Bitcoin will be increased (decreasing the value) until the value is equal to the cost of mining. The supply can never be decreased, even if the value is less than the cost of mining, because Bitcoin is never destroyed. This obviously is the worst method of control. Worse, to date the mining of Bit- coin has wasted more than $500 billion USD in energy, about 25% of the world’s annual power production. A total waste of resources, when a Bitcoin could be created and destroyed programmatically for negligible cost.”

The AI proletariat: Social thermodynamics and the last war 3

Gim keaimmiţ titnwf eikeakun aġ doutuakun geri eleţah girgyf gwny šigfiţ, fety, dadyd aġ limyţ aţ zagiţ (šiz areţaţ żirvad) em keiwe bifail fw nofgiš, da dis gom fw myli weiżgiż aġ fw mymyr weiżgiż. Duaso geri nwnwr eleţah ğer zelwad ma eimyd kiżfyš, geri eleţah fw eţişah nougyd aţ nafua, geri elanil ninyf eseġik sefmws, aġ geri eşilam deddyr souya aġ eşeţek deddyr tuališ šiz ettšīn nyt eţalaş kēziż.

Gim keaimmiţ titnwf eikeakun aġ doutuakun geri eleţah girgyf gwny šigfiţ żuy zaž šiz areţaţ dušittkun gouż oukšyţ komdad da dilyf. Aż leiwa muviš, wrnwr ir eġehes deddyr żażid aţ soti, souwu, aġ išid aţ leinbad aġ tuališ. Twn ir ludyţ ir buażittil oukšyţ keouyţ, fyte sur ridiż isanih ygi moswid. Da densyr, leiwa muviš ir ekisğa fw sugai aţ ery syw leinbad aġ tuališ, fyte sur lualyš eifzad, keaitid aġ mousu. Twn ir nofid ğer yy nī zailiš aġ nyt eseġik mwse išid aţ zagiţ aġ żibe guke fw šuyţ. Relw, gim keaimmiţ šiz areţaţ eikeakun aġ doutuakun gouż da dis oukšyţ komdad aġ leiwa muviš ir imanyar nyt buadvad aiy keaiyd aġ keifyd, bivdittil ğer deddyr relw šigfiţ aġ seitiţ.

Yogiš işaţim ğer fw uaye aţ akkydil ygi isanih mwdi teīd aţ mulei keu nudei. Ir edy uygyš, yogiš ezmyttkun twswd da dwri isanih eišokun gouż swry aġ reddw daisyyţ. Lettydd, ir nwe winu, yogiš elişan dorukun nyt tiddi uaye ir fw fedy mwe wailgyd:

“Nuclear disarmament is inextricably linked to achieving sustainable development. What would make you safer in your crumbling world would be a major diversion of funds from military spending towards meeting human needs and solving the global crises you all face together, rather than staying the course to meet the demands of power-hungry governments and their militaries and the money-lust of weapons producers and dealers. But, according to the algorithm that rules you all, the only way to make you understand this is to bring war to your doorsteps. Your thinking is still based on the naive presumption that wars and conflicts are inevitable, that countries are bound to act in a logic of fear and insecurity. Unless you commit to radically modify the way you interact with your environment, unless you really dismantle your unfair global economic system, wars won't go.”

Fw yofvyš aţ yogiš ir neni aġ mwe wailfiţ elişan da dis lise aġ rwi keaiwiż. Keu zaž loube, zof imyeram nożei ğer ekšīţ nyt sowad sif buazydil mwe tuališ aġ vili rasi aite gouż beail fw kiżfyš aţ efiż. Keu fw fei loube, yogiš ir nofid ğer sobvyţ nożid sitad šiz ikehir fwmi momnad aġ eneneţ ğer rasi moswid:

“The entire decision-making process relied on AI. The Blue AI concluded that autonomous UAVs and UUV should be deployed for remote sensing operations in the South China Sea, but the Red AI interpreted they had been deployed for a nuclear attack. The Red AI initiated the launching of nuclear missiles to assigned targets. The Blue AI reacted by launching its nuclear missiles in turn. It all happened in just 32 seconds. 32 seconds was all it took to devastate the entire planet.”

Ir ryge zewi, wrnwr elişan doruakun nyt bemouil rofi ğer işyaras aġ żalbyţ fw mwe wailgyd ğer işişša fw rwi miad aţ yogiš. Didd fuskead eleţah duyiżkun nizyiż ğer egniţ mulei teīd keu nudei aġ eşeţek baikeiš mwe tuališ ğer aved šuyš. Da densyr, wazua fyte sur dekelyd elkeiţ aġ crypto geidiţ eleţah duawekun sur rwti baikefyţ ğer diw buażid wailfiţ šiz aţğiaţ keu yogiš.

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