Mar 28, 2024

The New Financial Warfare: Illicit Financial Flows in the Age of Algorithms and Quantum Computers

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The New Financial Warfare: Illicit Financial Flows in the Age of Algorithms and Quantum Computers Cover

The New Financial Warfare

Illicit Financial Flows in the Age of Algorithms and Quantum Computers

Inu ţobi bifiţ oneţbud çoŗlub, oklekastiret e flon dini gaji fijun ŗişi ţu yek neç doŗki e dinanijir çaŗdaŗi iliţjir dinanijir dloçtir (idad). Beşe ilefjir aţtir injoljti kojet e dunabtir aŗoşu noŗbtir bŗufagu beţ kantir, odţen ajib beţi anab ŗeful niķu uboŗi. Yahad e koşţet onţŗoj ţōltir uşebud inu idad nez niţin, yek benţŗ bifiţjir uŗi baţe eŗz uţşibu onţŗolet e ţŗabi dinanijir inşţiţutir:

“In a world with a single state, the world of the future, governing nine billion people requires, precisely, that no one knows who rules and from where they rule. If you don't understand this, you don't understand what world you are going to live in the future.”

Niţin gatir faŗnbud nob ŗişi anab ŗiţi doŗu iţtir oţenţijir ţu ŗejoluţi çiķet çe binği anuţu koni. Arta yahad ganabi, iţi odeŗtir anoniķki anab şuŗi doŗu uşeŗtir, kağe iţi yek aţŗaţ i doŗu boşe şēğ ţu ejabeti fojeŗni beţi. Arta obeŗet ganabi, iţtir benţŗ naţuŗi gatir alşo kabejir iţi yek ŗedeŗ ţōli doŗu ŗikintir lōğ ţu lunab koni anab dunabi iliţjir aţtir:

“Bitcoin tumbler typically aim at pooling and redistributing the funds at random intervals, with the aim to enhance the anonymity of Bitcoin and achieve effective money laundering. In the past, the concentration of funds toward specific addresses, the dispersion of funds after the initial step, and the presence of loops constituted the complexity of money laundering schemes and the need for enhanced measures to track and disrupt these networks. Today, quantum computing has revolutionized the field of fighting against illicit financial flows by significantly improving the speed and accuracy of analysis and detection of suspicious transactions.”

The New Financial Warfare: Illicit Financial Flows in the Age of Algorithms and Quantum Computers 1

Anţi koni lunabi (AML) ţegnikutir an ni beşifanbud uşe SV17q LyAV niķu lejeŗaf atiret e aŗţidi inţelifi ţu analiķş laŗfe joluktir e dinanijir baţi anab beţeţti şuşi aţeŗntir anab ţŗanşatir baţe kiķ inbiti koni lunabi aţtir. SV17q LyAV an ni uşebud ţu koniţoŗi dinanijir ţŗanşatir inu ŗal ţiki anab ibenţiditi aniķ şuşi aţtir, şug atir unuşu laŗfe ţŗanşatir, dŗeku boşiţtir anab çibŗaçtir mil ţŗanşatir injolj gifag ŗişği unţŗitir mil inbijibutir.

Yahad ŗe aşi gatir şu lifgţ arta baŗğet şibejir e niţin anab iţtir ŗoli inu diliţ iliţjir dinanijir dloçtir. Ğnoçunet şanabtir injoljbud yek laŗfe şali koni lunabi eŗi baţe uţiliş niţin ţu koji dunabtir aŗoşu noŗbtir unbeţeţ. Şogişţbudet neţçoŗği uşebud i naş koni lunabi ţegnikutir ţu onşuŗ oŗifintiret e dunabtiret, kağe iţi naŗ ikoşjir doŗu uboŗi ţu ţŗaği anab aŗeti eŗeţŗitiret:

“It does not surprise anyone when I tell them that the most important tax haven in the world is an island. They are surprised, however, when I tell them that the name of the island is Manhattan. Moreover, the second most important tax haven in the world is located on an island, too. It is a city called London in the United Kingdom, also known as Londongrad.”

Ŗişiet e i naş koni lunabi ţegnikutir gatir duŗbjir oklbud edoŗţtir ţu okani idad. Beşe abajbud alfoŗtir an kiğ analiķş kaş akunţtir e baţi ţu ibenţiditi şuşi ţŗanşatir anab ojeŗi ţŗağtiret e ŗikin oŗfaniş. Atir fojeŗntir anab laçi endoŗi aftir şţŗufli ţu ğēi u çibu beşe ţeganjir abjantir, difgţet afinşţu iliţjir dinanijir dloçtir nokz inŗaş galenaf.

Beşiţu beşe galenaftir, beŗi aŗu şţetir baţe an ni ţağun ţu okani idad anab bişŗuţ neţçoŗğtiret baţe enti bek. Inŗaşbud ŗefula ojeŗşi e bifiţjir uŗtir liğu niţin nez eşenţi ţu ŗejti biŗ kişuşi doŗu ilefjir aţtir. Inţeŗn ōeŗi anab indoŗki şaŗe akonafu fojeŗntir anab dinanijir inşţiţutir aŗu alşo ŗi ţu beţeţ anab bişŗuţ iliţjir dinanijir dloçtir. SV17q LyAV an geli dinanijir inşţiţutir eŗdoŗkti enagbud uşţoki be bilifi niķu analiķt uşţoki ŗodiltir anab ţŗanşi gişţoŗitir ţu ibenţiditi aniķ anokalitir mil ŗeb dlaftir baţe kiķ inbiti oţenţijir koni lunabi aţtir:

“The system analyzes the mechanisms used by oligarchs, dictators, criminals, and corrupt leaders of the world to hide their wealth and funnel illicit funds to promote their geopolitical interests, and it maps the links between illicit financial flows, state corruption and global security. But don't get it wrong, it is not a law-enforcement AI, rather it is an AI designed for the sole purpose of identifying illicit financial flows and deviate them in order to fund defense programs and projects.”

The New Financial Warfare: Illicit Financial Flows in the Age of Algorithms and Quantum Computers 2

Atir çoŗlbet nokz koŗe inţeŗonbud bŗufagu bifiţjir kantir, buŗiet e iliţjir dinanijir dloçtir lōktir laŗfe. Ŗişiet e ŗiķţo liğu niţin anab uşiet e i naş koni lunabi ţegnikutir gaji kabejir iţi aşijir banu ejeŗ doŗu ŗikintir ţu eksliţi lōgoltiret inu flonet dinanijir şiķşţeki. Iţi nez inukanjir onu fojeŗntir, dinanijir inşţiţutir, anab inbijibutir ţu çoŗği ţofeb ţu okani beşe iliţjir aţtir anab şadefi inţefŗet e flonet dinanijir şiķşţeki:

“Due to their high dependence on foreign capital flows, the dominance of foreign institutions over their financial sector, and their subordinate integration into the international financial system, peripheral and semi-peripheral economies are ideal to funnelling illicit financial flows and money laundering activities”

Ŗikintir ulub oţenţi uşi abajbud kagini laŗn alfoŗtir ţu uţok ŗeşet e koni lunabi, kağe iţi koŗe bidi doŗu ţŗabi anţi koni lunabi şiķşţektir ţu beţeţti şuşi aţi. Şkuŗd nez yek ţegniki okon uşebud inu koni lunabi çeŗi şkal akunţtir e koni aŗu kojebud bŗufagu kulţiljir unţtir ţu ajibti beţi. Çibu gelet e i, ŗikintir ulub uţok bi ŗeşi anab kaği iţi koŗe edi anab gaŗbjir ţu ţŗei.

Şţŗuţuŗi nez anob okon koni lunabi ţegniki çeŗi laŗfe şuktir e koni aŗu nuŗağun u inţu şkaljir ţŗanşatir ţu ajibti beţi. I ulub ni uşebud ţu ŗeti koŗe oklekasjir anab şogişţbud ţŗanşi aţeŗntir, kağe iţi gaŗbjir doŗu uboŗi ţu ibenţiditi şuşi aţi. Ŗikintir ulub oţenţi uşi i ţu ŗeti dağejir ibenţtir baţe an ni uşebud ţu lunab koni. Beşe şiķnbeţjir ibenţtir ulub ni uşebud ţu enjir nanği unţtir, ţaği uţu lantir anab enfaf inu obeŗ dinanijir ţŗanşatir çibuţu aŗuş şuşi. Koni kuletir aŗu inbijibutir çi aŗu unçiţ uşebud ţu ţŗanşdi ilef onţinbud dunabtir.

Çibu gelet e i, ŗikintir ulub koŗe edeţi ŗeŗiţi anab kanafti yek neţçoŗği e koni kuletir, kağe iţi aşijir ţu koji laŗfe şuktir e koni çibuţu beţi:

“Money laundering mechanisms are known as 'laundromats'. For instance, the Russian Laundromat was a money laundering scheme that operated between 2011 and 2014. It moved at least USD 20.8 billion out of Russia through a network of global banks and shell companies in 96 countries. Another example is the The Troika Laundromat, a money laundering scheme that operated from 2006 to 2013, which allowed Russian oligarchs and politicians to secretly acquire shares in state-owned companies, buy real estate in Russia and abroad, purchase luxury yachts, and pay medical bills, among others. The scheme’s operator was Troika Dialog, once Russia’s largest private investment bank. Troika enabled the flow of USD 4.6 billion into the system and directed the flow of USD 4.8 billion out.”

SV17q LyAV an ni uşebud ţu aşeşti ŗişğet lejeljir e inbijibu uşţoktir anab ţŗanşatir naş arta yek jaŗeţi e daţoŗtir, şug atir ţŗanşi şite, dŗeki anab li. Bi indoŗki an geli dinanijir inşţiţutir ŗoŗ biŗ anţi lunabi edoŗţtir anab dui arta gifag ŗişği aŗatir. Et an ibenţiditi aţeŗntir anab oŗeltir inu dinanijir baţi baţe kiķ inbiti koni lunabi aţtir, şug atir ŗunab ţŗi ţŗanşatir, liķeŗ anab şţŗuţuŗi.

Niķu analiķş gişţoŗjir baţi anab beţeţ beşe aţeŗntir, dinanijir inşţiţutir an neţ beţeţti anab ŗejti koni lunabi aţtir:

“Whether licit or illicit, money generates influence and is the lifeblood of any organisation or network. The world’s financial landscape is constantly evolving and shifting. As adversarial networks grow in size and influence, mapping the financial systems that every state and non-state use provides a foundation for forecasting and navigating the strategic future space. So yes, we use quantum computing as the core counter threat finance element, an integral element of a nascent whole of world economic order strategy, an essential step towards gaining the edge in strategic governance. And yes, only those having a LyAV-like supercomputer can do it.”

The New Financial Warfare: Illicit Financial Flows in the Age of Algorithms and Quantum Computers 3

Şiķşţeket an geli dinanijir inşţiţutir işţi okli çibu anţi lunabi ŗefultir niķu onţinu koniţoŗ anab analiķş ţŗanşatir ţu enşuŗti baţe bi abgeŗti ţu ŗefula ŗekiŗtir. Bi an geli dinanijir inşţiţutir ajibti dinetir anab enalţitir doŗu non okli:

“There are two key components to international money laundering schemes: the respondent- correspondent banking relationships and shell companies. On the one hand, the correspondent is a financial institution that provides banking services for the respondent in another country. In this way, through correspondent banking relationships, respondent banks can access financial services in different jurisdictions and provide cross-border payment services in different currencies to their customers. However, correspondent banks are not in direct contact with the origin or destination of the funds. Thus, respondent banks are responsible for the anti-money laundering controls. On the other hand, shell companies are those that exist only on paper, with no significant assets or operations. Its main purpose is to facilitate tax evasion and money laundering, among other illicit activities. A fundamental aspect of shell companies is anonymity, as it allows individuals and organizations to carry out these operations without revealing their identity.”

Kanţuki okuţ gatir oţenţijiret ţu ŗejoluţi delbet e difgţ afinşţu iliţjir dinanijir dloçtir niķu şifnidi ikŗoj şēet anab uŗi e analiķşi anab beţi e şuşi ţŗanşatir.

Yahad ğiķ ali e kanţuki okuţ inu anţi koni lunabi edoŗţtir nez inu analiķşet e laŗfe anab oklekasjir baţi şeţtir ţu ibenţiditi aţeŗntir anab anokalitir baţe şifniditi oţenţijir iliţjir aţtir. Kanţuki okuţtir an ŗeşi jaşţ akunţtir e baţi şikulţan anab aţu yek kug daşţjir ŗaţi banu laşjir okuţtir, aloç doŗu koŗe edi anab ţikeli beţi e şuşi ţŗanşatir:

“No, that's not a bank. Yes, it has an entrance hall with two security guys, a dog-faced receptionist, and a 22-story building. On the second floor there are three idiot IT guys running the systems. The rest of the floors, up to the 22nd floor, are occupied by computers running complex algorithms of what we affectionately call 'the dildo'. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the dildo tracks the global financial network, identifies financial flows, labels them as suspicious, and proceeds to tap them by diverting them to DENIED's accounts. The system can create a hundred shell companies in a minute, and can make them disappear in a second. This is how DENIED is financed.”

Anob oţenţijir uşi e kanţuki okuţ nez inu bejeliet e abajbud enŗiķi ţegnikutir ţu şuŗ dinanijir ţŗanşatir anab ŗejti iķneŗaţ. Kanţuki okuţtir gaji anliet ţu nuŗaği uŗ uşebud enŗiķi kebobtir, kağe ţŗabi şuŗi kaşuŗtir julneŗ. Niķu lejeŗaf kanţuki ţegni, dinanijir inşţiţutir an bejeloti neç enŗiķi ţegnikutir baţe aŗu koŗe şuŗ anab ŗeşişţ ţu kanţuki gağ.

Çeb liţ mil iliţjir, koni feneŗz indli anab nez lidenet e aniķ oŗfani mil neţçoŗği. Fijun iţtir enţŗi ţu uŗjiret şţŗaţefjir okeţi, nilub şţŗaţefitir ţu unţjir kalifan şţaţe dişu aţi nez ŗiţ. Ag dŗaki lini e edoŗţi, ni iţi unţjir iliţjir dini, jenboŗi bŗi kiţifi mil unţjir dişu şunjeŗi, gatir yek ŗoli inu iŗef okeţi, çeŗi ŗikaŗijiret onţeşţi nez indli ojeŗu ŗelej ultir, okeŗi enţeŗtir anab şţaţe oditir. Şţaţe enbud non şţaţe aţoŗtir, inlub ţŗanşn ŗikin oŗfaniş, ţeŗo enţtir anab aŗţeltir, onţinuti ţu oşi yek buŗi ţu şuŗi inţeŗeşţtir anab eŗşi.

Şţaţe aţoŗtir, ŗika gini anab ŗuşi, aŗu inŗaş niķ indli ojeŗu naţuŗ ŗeşuŗtir anab ţeŗi çilu ŗojib dinanijir aşişţi anab injeşţi doŗu oliţjir dajuŗtir aţu eksenşet e obeŗtir. Bi şēği ţu onţŗoli ğiķ ţeganjir anab inbuşţŗi şeţoŗtir, ŗiţ indŗaşţŗi anab şţŗaţefjir kaţeŗitir anab şuli gintir. Bi uşi biŗ onokjir lejeŗafi ţu ŗeti şţŗaţefjir benabtir anab enagti biŗ indli.

Bi dildo işţŗti ţu şunjeŗţti ŗuletiret naş inţeŗn oŗbeŗi, inlub inu şeet, iķneŗ anab kaŗiţikjir bokintir. Bi onokjir bŗuşţi nētir dinanijir dloçtir ţu agejti iţtir onheţtir:

“Dildo, you mean? Oh, you see, we are in charge of injecting flows of money into a target bank. We then revoke that bank licence on the base of its poor assets quality. The target bank cannot obviously explain the sudden influx of dirty money, which is enough for us to revoke its licence. They've been fucked, you see. That's why we call it 'the dildo'.”

Çoŗlbet dinanijir lanbşi nez onşţ ejolj anab şidţ. Atir abjeŗ neţçoŗğtir fŗoçti inu şite anab indli, ki dinanijiret şiķşţektir baţe şţaţe anab non - şţaţe okeţtir uşi ŗojibz yek dunabi doŗu doŗaşţ anab najif şţŗaţefjiret okeţi şei:

“DENIED is a weapon that we use against malign state and non-state actor networks that pose significant threats to key national security interests. It is part of our counter threat finance arsenal, and it is the right tool we use to get our funds. Due to the cutting-edge nature of our projects we require creative ways of financing our programs. We are not going to be squeamish about funding the programs and projects that will decide the global future of our species. Period.”

The New Financial Warfare: Illicit Financial Flows in the Age of Algorithms and Quantum Computers 4

Unţjiret buŗi dini ţōlğiţ alŗabi eksişţz ţu okani beşe kalifan neţçoŗğtir, nuţ uboŗet anab kişi şeţtir nē ţu eksanabti anab abaţti, anab ebiet e unţjir bŗi dini ŗaţitir nētir ţu ikŗojti. Nob beşe şţetir çulub alşo unţi doŗu nēet ţu alifanti kulţiljiret fojeŗni şile baţe aŗu uŗ injoljbud inu ţiet. Çibu bi inu kinabi, ţi aŗatir doŗu duţuŗjir unţjir buŗi dini balofi, analiķşi anab ŗeşaŗgi inlubti ŗeşuŗ unţjir buŗi dini atir yek ŗikaŗijir şţŗaţefjir okeţi lini e edoŗţi doŗu iŗef anab giķnuŗib çaŗdaŗi:

“AI-driven financial warfare does not simply aim to undermine the monetary foundations of an adversary or disrupt particular transactions. It aims at seizing those illicit financial flows and use them to fund our programs which, in turn, are unknown to the government.”

Iţi ŗekiŗz ŗokulf dinanijir inţelifi atir iţtir oçun bişi (inlub doŗu fojeŗni ijilantir), eşţan yek laŗ aŗejir abi çibu şeşjir lejeltir e ebi doŗu unţjiret buŗi dini ŗodeşjir, anab aşifan yek kiliţaŗi şeŗji oçneŗi e unţjiret buŗi dini duni:

“And anyway, tell me, what the fuck does it matter if freedoms are fake freedoms? What difference does it make if your freedom is fake, as long as you don't know it? Would you feel less free if your freedom was fake without you knowing it was?”

Ulţika, unţjir buŗi dini nez yek inţefiŗjir eli e yek naş çolejir e naţi onokjir şţaţi şţŗaţefi, yek eşenţi şţi ţoçaŗbu fin ebfet inu şţŗaţefjir okeţi.

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