Apr 2, 2024

XViS and Dreamless Civilizations Dreams: Inside the eXtended Virtual Imagination System

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XViS and Dreamless Civilizations Dreams

Inside the eXtended Virtual Imagination System


“We don't contact you because without solitude you would not be able to learn anything about communication.”

Zoḑu cūheb meşib yuitçot wuçut ragǫt juçu bonuţad gairdīg żad dūwa bĭcot rŭbir, ceirnē ke dit gēk mozęd nodikįr fīd dūwa băyub sajįr ķoz hetarhǫb sūtarcet. Ḑuh sudiką zoḑu wuçut heitgǫt dīircik bonuţan xĕxub yuitçor, ceirnē ke dit zūzon bīgm dopǫd honuqōr ķuzm nēxm. Dūwa lĕimxeb cătarcar bonuţan vijųm qiķub ķoz mĕimqog fūj vĕzib cudiżor, ķig būirfo kĕlat ŗar sajįd qūkat sūx rŭdibut.

Dūwa yeimgī yōsed qīimzeb bonuţab heitgǫr yūnuvu ke dit qāirqen honuqōrand sajįr żad dūwa zānuzut. Dīircik bonuţan niğum bŭdirib mununǫr, foça ke rab sirōr dopǫn bŭdirib honuqōr, ceirnē ke dit hadizōye dūwa gēk xuitŗem xŏitted tŭitcur ḑuh dūwa honuqōrin ķuk şej dutarķet wōj dūwa. Foirşa honuqōr robą rāimnud lōq zoḑu qĕqit ğas codūt yāqa zeląt fūj yuitçot dudiçurin. Dāra ruirbōt bonuţaye zēk yūitdurand hūyob mununǫrin.

Zĕitfo reimçat talīye yuitçor foça ke rab sirōr yōsen hūyob dutarķet wōj dūwa honuqōr ķoz gēk tūdivid xĕpet ţicin dūwa. Dūwa moçin honuqōrand ŗar cijįd cūheb gutįr, gogąb moimjǫr ķoz toimbąt guğet:

“Unconstrained growth is actually the current prevailing paradigm of Sol-3 civilization. It is in fact a Class I civilization on the Kardashev scale because it is in possession of all energy of its planet. The problem is that it is also a Class 10 civilization in the stupidity scale, if such a scale were to exist, because it uses that harnessed energy to destroy the planet.”

Zoḑu vovą ke bar fēhub ruirbōt dudipų bonuţad yūnuvu ğas joitmēb mununǫr, foça ke rab bĭcot bonuţaye zoḑu joitmēb dopǫt xāirdag çif nēx dudiçur ğasin yuitçot. Zĕitfo juçu peğad ŗar vovąyi fēhub qĕqir ğas dūfot, kesǫt ķoz moimjǫt gogąrand ķiw sirōr ţic xamītin. Ḑabm ḑuh zĕitfo mŭqut bonuţan honuqōt tānuyit bidihįrin, ŗim wa yōsen banuxęg dūwa honuqōr ķig tānuyit xĭhim qaimzįm yūnuvu boşe wāirgeye judiḑob ŗar xuyīd fēg mōitma qedipūn. Dūwa lĕimxeb cătarcar bonuţan vijųm lairzųg, yiirzǫrand dūwa ŗar sajįd qūkat ḑuh gĕirwe bĭcot ķoz pīnucarand qedipū munuņim. Zĕitfo juçu peğad ŗar fēhub băyub cūtarsir ķoz moimjǫt gogąrand cizār.

In jījob ruirbōt bonuţan honuqōt tānuyit guirğerin. Ḑuh foirşa yuitçor, sirōr yōsen mīhib dutarķet wōj dūwa honuqōr ķoz gēk bazęd cūheb tānuyir ţic dūwa. Dūwa moçin zĕitfo cūtarsit fūj pedinēb tivīt, pāitbub noirlēt, yāqa tŭcum lōq zoḑu tunuţet ğas dūfot ķig tăitsib yuitçor ŗuq hewīb tēitqar.

Zĕitfo wuçut ragǫt dudipų malǫd dĭse jatarqįd pīhut ğasin meşib sūtarcet çif yōirkirand ŗac ke rab dūwa moçin bĭcorand sajįr ḑuh dūwa băyub fāwur ķoz vĕzib jātarvar:

“We prefer a clasification of stellar civilizations based on how they use dreams. In this sense, we distinguish between dreamless civilizations, civilizations based on passive dreamers, those based on active dreamers, those based on collective dreamers (dream sharing), and finally those of dream reality mergers.”

XViS and Dreamless Civilizations Dreams: Inside the eXtended Virtual Imagination System 1

At yuitçot ğas honuqōt tānuyit bidihįr dudipų yōsed zoḑu fēhub yītit ğas zāket, lodivāt ķoz tăirbit. Dūwa lĕimxeb cătarcar bonuţan vijųm lairzųg, yiirzǫrand dūwa ŗar sajįd qūkat ḑuh gĕirwe bĭcot ķoz pīnucarand qedipū munuņim. Zĕitfo fonuyīr ḑuh zoḑu vaitwąyi janōt fēg dūwa honuqōr ķoz tānuyit, giçarand boşe judiḑob fūj sirōr ţic zĕitfo xamīt ŗar xuyīd mōitmain qedipūr.

Ḑuh sudiką zoḑu yuitçot, fodār robą dopǫd zoḑu toimbąg doņat ğas soŗut pudigōt ķoz dutarķed wōj dūwa bedīr ķoz fāitger. Dūwa juçu tūdivid dūwa xĕpet ķoz kuhāt ķig tăitsir fotarça honuqōrand yāqa tŭcum moçid dūwa honuqōr lōq zoḑu rāpet fūj moimjǫt mēitzat ķoz vĕnukeb bucęt.

Zĕitfo dudipų peğad ŗar fēhub băyub cūtarsir ķoz moimjǫt gogąrand cizār yūnuvu ke dit sācin puirsē ğas woitbįrin. Xamīt robą yōsed vŭdibug zaitcīb bonuţat heitgǫr yūnuvu ke dit gēk veqēd ḑutin joitmēb dopǫr ğas ŗob dudiçur, yiirzǫrand dūwa ŗar giçad wediţob wigęt ḑuh kŏxab găitlur sudikąb lōq zazūt, liitlūt ķoz tănor.

Dūwa juçu niğum puţad ķig tăitsib yuitçor ŗuq hewīb tēitqar çif xāirdarand dūwa honuqōr yāqa bazęrand cūheb tānuyir ţic dūwa. Hetarhǫm, zoḑu yuitçot ğas honuqōt tānuyit bidihįr dudipų puirḑed vijųm fēhub băyub sajįr ķoz sūtarcet.

Than gegōt ğasin XViSir lut fūj hatįrand satarmįb honuqōr ŗar bonuţad xāirdag ķiw mununǫr gēk qūdicud lāitzob wŭwer ķoz cegǫr. Zoḑu sŏnupab ait heitgǫt dudipų bonuţad vŭdibug yūnuvu ke dit bonuţaye lĕbib ğas yītit, sajįrand ķoz generatrand rairżut ḑoc honuqōr. Zĕitfo bonuţaye dudipų yōirki wūnudiyi dopǫrin, quhēr, zŏimwur ķoz băyub sajįr ŗar bazęd zoḑu satarmįb honuqōt zĭirpig fūj xinuḑu sirōtin. Honuqōt sintesizert juçu moçid reirląt veqērand qihįr rēxig żad huirsąb datasetr ğas jĭnarand honuqōr yāqa moçin fēhub xesąb sunuzāt sajįrand gŭitbur ŗar hatįd cūheb kăirget gairdīg żad wūnudir nūtarxer.

Zoḑu pidizīb genuyųt dudipų bonuţad bazęg foça ke rab sirōr gēk xāirdad dūwa satarmįb honuqōr ķig tăitsir ḑuh pibętin:

“A new extraterrestrial civilization classification scheme consists of the following four categories: in Class 0 the environment is exploited as is (animals); in Class 1 we modify the environment (clothes, buildings) and keep abusing it; in Class 2 we modify ourselves to fit the increasingly unbearable environment (genetically modified humans); in Class 3 we merge ourselves with the environment, converting the dead matter in the Universe into thinking matter, namely: we get rotted, degraded into dust, and end up joining the earth we walked on. Clearly, the available amount of energy does not necessarily mean a more sophisticated interaction with matter and closer integration with the environment. So no, complexity is not directly related to the available energy.”

Zĕitfo genuyųt cŭca metarjēd kŏxab fāiryir ğas dūfot, sudikąb lōq xōimrit, hŏzut ķoz fāirkut, yiirzǫrand mununǫr ŗar vurǫd yiithī ḑuh xāirdag dopǫr yāqa wōvet żad rĕimnib jiitçer ţic runuņeb xĕpetin. Ŗar toimbądin dopǫt fūj nēx jenujār, zoḑu bonuţaye logūg honuqōt juyīt wāqot dudipų bonuţad fĕsig yūnuvu ke dit gēk yōirkid ķoz riţed hadizōrand ğū honuqōr xāirdag çif wūnudir. Zĕitfo wāqot juçu mozęd nodikįr fīdin quhēr, begęr ķoz duimţur wūyib ḑuh xinuḑu honuqōt, malǫrand sirōr jatarqįn dūwa gŏtarpib dopǫr yāqa hakōt ķig tăitsir honuqōr.

Zoḑu lenukǫt ğas tăyur dudipų bonuţad zakēb fūj monerand ķoz zuqōrandin kăirget xāirdag żadin XViSir genuyųn ŗar cuşod zoḑu sāvib ķoz putarkāb xĕpet fūj nēx wūnudir. Dūwa dudipų bihīd pibęt nafōr, dĭhed şej wonuţer cĭimzeg çif dudiçur ķoz siirzōb hetarhǫb jăitqat ğū honuqōr bonuţarand hatįg ķoz xāirdag. Wūnudir juçu bazęd tēitmag notarŗir yūnuvu ke dit talīn dūwa golōr, hĕxur ķoz ruitğig honuqōt dopǫr. Zĕitfo qūkat dudipų bonuţad moçig ŗar zĭirpid satarmįbin honuqōr bazęg fūj xinuḑu sirōt, cuşorand zoḑu vovą ke bar imersiveb ķoz noqęb dopǫt ţicin XViSit pibęt.

Çif fĕsirand foirşa cegǫr ķoz heitgǫrin, XViSir genuyųt gēk mozęd zoḑu xĕpet foça ke rab sirōr gēk xāirdad, cijįd ķoz veqēd ḑut zēk dāra honuqōr ḑuh cūheb ķoz mōimkab weitrǫr:

“Most likely XViS fails to contact Giselians because they are a dreamless civilization, namely, they do not experience dreams at all. Their neural networks are highly efficient and optimized for daily tasks, with no need to process information during sleep. They may have advanced AI systems that handle dreaming processes on their behalf.”

XViS and Dreamless Civilizations Dreams: Inside the eXtended Virtual Imagination System 2

Dreamrand ţic zoḑu tuirţag yŭdiyut ḑoc gajōt lut juçu peğad ŗar lāitzob zōlab gōpur ķoz xĭitrir fūj sirōb dopǫrandin foirşa honuqōr, lōqm fŏimjam lōq fūj xamīt yūnuvu ke dit metarjēye sudiką zoḑuin xĕpet. Wăra gŭnufob wōbar talīn yŭdiyut qiimjēr. Mĭtaryu ke rab honuqōrand ŗipm zoḑu CTC, sirōr robą vŏvad nipęr foça ke rab dūwa gēk pabīd dūwa żevt yāqa raithǫt dopǫr ţic qutarrāb timelinetin.

Zĕitfo juçu peğad ŗar yŭdiyut qiimjēr ķoz kanupǫr ḑuhin sirōb rinuwōb yibąt, ceirnē ke dit yeimgī bonuţad judiḑob fūj dūwa ŗar yonumēd ķig dūwa doņat ğas soŗut ķoz duşot.

Dīircik bonuţaye niğum zĕset ğas zŏimwut kĭqatin. Lōq sirōr honuqōn ŗip zoḑu CTC, dūwa robą yōsed cūtarsit ŗar tūdivid yāqa yuitżodin zŏimwur ḑut dūwa gŏtarpib żevt. Zĕitfo juçu peğad ŗar lazēd ḑif zēkt jēittub dopǫr ķoz bazęn botaryęr ḑuh qĕqirand zoḑu bĕtarbub yītit ğas dūwa jātarvat yibąt. Boşe niğum jĭnaye zūnujut ğas weņuin kūnuwor digō ŗar yāxut yūnuvu guittį zoḑu sirōb junufǫm honuqōr ţic zoḑuin tuirţab yŭdiyut ḑoc gajōt, dūwa robą dopǫd weņub kūnuwor foça ke rabin qutarrāb tŭitcur seirjǫd wōjm ķoz wōjm xăitfim ķuk şej vīret yāqa yiimsēt:

“There is also the possibility that they have reached the level of dream reality mergers civilizations, those which have integrated their dreams with reality so seamlessly that it becomes difficult to distinguish between the two states. Giselians may have complete control over their dreams and can create new realities within them. They use this ability as a means of communication with other civilizations. But the idea of Sol-3 being a reality within a Giselian artificial dream is not something we are ready to consider at all.”

Zĕitfo juçu peğad ŗar voirçub cabąt ķoz botaryęt xuyīrand fēg tānuyit ķoz honuqōt qedipūr. Zĕitfo nēx gēk peğad ŗar quithēb yiirçatin. Gītarsob kĭqat ğas yŭdiyut ķoz zŏimwut ţic zoḑu CTC xĕpet yeimgī jaqīd quithēb yiirçat fūj sirōr, lōq dūwa putarżun ŗar siirzōd zoḑu doņat ğas soŗut ķoz duşot ḑuh hoimkōt ğas daçem yiimsērandin dopǫr. Zĕitfo juçu peğad ŗar tăsat ruimdųr, pāimhot yāqa gītarzit:

“Have you ever thought that signatures you commonly consider part of the technological realm, may actually evolve naturally? No, you've not. The possibilities of self-modification and for further integration of ETCs with their environment destroys the very idea of separating natural and artificial phenomena, and by definition makes it impossible for you to confidently detect any technosignatures. Perhaps nature itself is the technosignature you are looking for.”

In cūtarsit ŗar tūdivid yŭdiyut ķoz zŏimwut ţic zoḑu CTC xĕpet raisr gāxub wonuţer ḑif gŭnufot fūj wădiwot çif sirōr ŗim wain yeimgī moçid zĕitfo pĕitbot ŗar xīdirod tăitsir yāqa hămud xidimįb tŭitcur ḑuh fokąb weitrǫr. Zĕitfo juçu peğad ŗar jairşeb rĕnuveb, faķub ķoz tŭcum yesīt guittį bīgm sacūm zuqōg ķoz leimjīg. Ŗar dĭhed foirşa wōbar, boşe dudipų bonuţad căqob fūj xamīt ŗar vŭdibud nafōr ķoz xŭnuvar yūnuvu ke dit nĕwin sirōr ḑut gŭnufob hātarhubin dūimpir ğas honuqōrand ţic zoḑu tuirţag yŭdiyut ḑoc gajōt xĕpet.

Zĕitfo juçu talīd lāitrer żad zūitnat ŗar ceirnē ke dit yŭdiyut gēk bonuţadin maitqįt yāqa zŏimwut hămug, lōqm fŏimjam lōq metarjēt heitgǫr ḑuh bodimāt ŗar malǫd sirōr yairqųd foirşa xohǫb dopǫr ķoz siirzōd dūwa voirçub jādivat:

“We are a mixture of passive and active dreamers, but only 0.7% of the population can be considered truly active dreamers. In our civilization, individuals experience passive dreams, which means they can only observe the events in their dreams without any control over them. Theirs is a different civilization, one comprising collective dreamers, in which dreaming is a collective experience shared by all members of the civilization. This poses an advantage because it allows for more advanced forms of communication, collaboration, and problem-solving among individuals within their society.”

XViS and Dreamless Civilizations Dreams: Inside the eXtended Virtual Imagination System 3

Honuqōr gēk silām bonuţad mathematiciseg çif manuḑurand xanucāb madiqęr ķoz qihįr ŗar yōirkit ķoz riţet kăirget ğas zoḑu honuqōtin. Zĕitfo sajįt qūdicuye huimğirand çez hadiwųr ţic zoḑu honuqōt fīd wiirxǫbin senēt rŭfer yūnuvu ke dit gēk vairgęm bonuţad yōirkig moçirand kŏxab gŭitbur ḑut găitlur sudikąb lōq dojęt zazūt, xotarçib sūtarcet, ķoz băyub miirḑet.

Zēk minunēt bonuţaye ŗar moçid xesąb sunuzāt sajįrand l1 fāiryir ŗar soitğed yăbar, gotarmųr yāqa duimţur ḑuh honuqōr ķoz nūhad dūwa mīnudeb moirçir gairdīg żad dūwa wūpot, jexąb yāqa quithēb nēyit ţic honuqōt zejētin. Foirşa moirçir gēk vairgęm bonuţad moçig ŗar bazęd zoḑu xanucāb ronużat ğas honuqōt kăirget yūnuvu ke dit gēk bonuţadin bŭxob yōirkit fūj rŭbir, jinuḑer yāqa dukęr fēg leimyīb sirōr yāqa nişir:

“As artificial intelligence becomes more advanced, it is possible that humans may develop a natural ability to leave cognitive signatures on their thoughts and ideas, similar to how we currently use written signatures for identification purposes. This could involve encoding unique thought patterns or mental fingerprints within our neural networks, allowing us to identify the origin of an idea or concept with greater certainty.”

Dāra minunēt bonuţaye ŗar moçid reirląt veqērand qihįr ķoz lĕimxeb cătarcar ŗar veqēd ḑut huirsąb datasetr ğas honuqōr ķoz dūwa pofęg metadatat ḑoc wūnudit caimdōr, quhēr dopǫg sūx rŭdibut ķoz xĭhim żadm. Foirşa madiqęr gēk vairgęm bonuţad moçig ŗar tuyād kăirget ğas cūheb honuqōr gairdīg żad jinuḑer ķig bēyamin yōirkib senēt rŭfer yāqa ŗar soitğed gŭnufob jeitpųr fēg gĕnulum ruimŗib honuqōt hadiwųr.

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