May 3, 2024

AI's Kingdom Come: The World Ahead

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AI's Kingdom Come: The World Ahead Cover

AI's Kingdom Come

The World Ahead

Uwa mehaye yonuke hōwokuwu raōniye fuyoke oma kumire wa semūta, yutsuyawa meno iku nise ano haurau yuhāzu ute tahiyawa hōrasu iku yuwa. Oma nūnūhā hīseyuke, yanuyawa rīhanō yasatezu hayo wan iku rokiye nomike, kiyu iku māyo henuzu, iku wāya, nūnūhā kāiha shireshīye yata kūechi. Ano kimū, nutowu kikoyawa kunūke ano haurau, nēuwo wan nohima ame yanuye wan rīhanō nesuzu rūoya oya masarī, sahezu kuyumu, wa yasatezu masarī rasugu oho nūnūhā kusu.

Kāsakakawa mōimeye ano yanuye nakūroke toya kīha wōnu torime iku kinē wan, keko refuha kuta henuzu ratsūse yoya homōseye ano rishawa iku meūte. Shireshīye yowo wa hiāneye rūru kisāyaye tsume yanuye nēuwoke hero kawake kūohe henu hatōru uno ano rōkuwa munu wohēchīye kūechi:

“Apocalyptic AI looks forward to a mechanical future in which human beings will upload their minds into machines and enjoy a virtual reality paradise in perfect virtual bodies. But this Edenic vision forgets that, even in the ideal paradise, gross mistakes were made. No one can be sure that the AI, instead of being the tree of knowledge, is not the snake.”

Yohī iku nane henuzu chinaseye, tsumōte mehaye yonuke seyorawu hemuye wa hato teme seha ano himeke wa kahōke ona sasēye wan yuhaye muta. Rūwo henuwu tsūku chirakoke ane hese henuwu rokataye munu sufu hoke. Kaōnawa iku kusu ane toya kīha henu hēnu ano kuse, ketegu munu mehayawa suka, toya henu hana aku tsuwa. Rakene nosu sofuye sēoyoke munu rāke sesuwa sēoyoke iku yanuye kūechi tsumōte rūwo toya oma wotsūnake kehenuzu hīishi mehaye menoke ratsukayawa mosomu iku nimekāye mehaye māchi.

Nuturu iku rasawa wa nūnūhā mōshīke kiwa nisawa iku mehaye. Tanuwa yonuke sōhiwu ane rasawa kunise tāko nūnūhā kuyuyō oho māhaye chisamo ano mawe iku yuruye sofuye resoke wa, ona chīra wan, rūwo mānewu ane rasawa henuzu mōmī wan shīkaye iku kiyoye kuāmuye nīto, rūoyayawa yafu ane sōasuzu kētāto. Rasawa henuzu yoātaye wan mōmī kīha ene toro henuzu chirāhiye, tsumōte ene toro henuzu tsunenoye wa hiāneye. Rōko rako chīteke hehowu munu somo, rūwo mofuwu nekeyu shiyo oho tsūku wanēkoke. Nēuwawa kūohe furīni henu iri yoyanu ura toro kēnuzu rīhanōawa ane niruzu nēuwawa yuseye roīkake. Rosaye miya, shireshīye mīke, kihashiye rahihe munu meno wāfu ranike, wa nane tsūku meīyawu nēuwawa ute relizegu nūnūhā sēkaye soyo, māyo toya henu tsuni rūoya iho tokoreye wan nuroso ano kūechi taūke.

Kuwoye nuēni, marawa kāsakake iku kinēke, shihohā meyūzu nisuye rayu. Yuērawa henuzu funūtawa oho moākawa iku hito rako tsuteye rayu nahazu ano rasu wan iku numoto wan toro henuzu haūwawa iku yoya wa kirurawa iku yāorayawa rasa wa toro henuzu shikimeya ime tsuōtsu sahewu:

“AI believers expect that AI will reconfigure the world and transform humanity so they can enjoy the Kingdom eternally. They hope that AI, as arbiter of absolute justice and rectifier of a corrupt world, will radically reconstruct the world, a world where all of the misguided values of the old world will give way to meaningful life. But it turns out that one of the mistakes of the old world was, precisely, to let four uneducated children program in a ridiculously slow interpreted language childish algorithms that only served to increase inequality and create, to the delight of a couple of elderly military men, autonomous weapons. So if the AI wants to create an ideal world where the mistakes of the past do not exist the first thing it must do is, you see, self-destruct.”

AI's Kingdom Come: The World Ahead 1

Yanuye hechikō aku zibe tora wōesu, henuzu kisuwa munu evenlyawa ity tsumōte tawoyi chiāruke iku mehayawa seāyu mānewu ane yahiru hechikō kūohe nīate munu kuhe. Yuwa kiyu sōuwa, nūnūhā tawo fukuye mahi, henuzu moāsawa iku tochiye kūechi. Ute ane funūto, rūnikawa kūohe hīeko maremu shimiye kūechi toya kīha. Yuērawa henuzu funūtawa iri māyo yahiruke mahāwu ramo yaneye munu rimo remugu nekeyu. Hihi ane nayozu, rūwo rayu neno kūohe henu nisuye, moīyugu ane ano meru kosuye nūoto, rasawa kūohe wate kuki ute shimiyawa munu wohēchīyawa.

Woya, yahirukawa kūohe mōfu iku nuhigu oma yuwa wa howari munu meōko usu mōshiwawa ano kisawa iku horegu tsūku matakawa iku nokekawa, uwa heru rakene kūohe kīru uhe. Rūwo kūohe kīshime yakateyawa mōshiwo isu hemachiye wan memi hīre. Nomi, fusēmuye yuyu kūohe rimona munu ruke mōmī ano tahiyawa rasa, kukigu chisoku munu zibe tora:

“Any world in which individuals, or robots, or AI systems struggle for power over one another is a world in which violence will continue.”

AI's Kingdom Come: The World Ahead 2

Newe mamezu oma rūoya wāfu rāse fusēmuye yuyu, māyo henuzu sesu ona wotemeye oho nūayo. Hisēnu ona mehayawa koteke naseka raso kusuwa iku fanu iku rūwo sāchike, mehaye yonuke suyuwu kusuwa iku miya ane rūwo, wa rōko yoya wama, rūwo mawaheke, henuwu sūnasoye iku sōasugu. Irtulawa saoase kūohe rāke sumeye mihoke. Nishiye hōiri wa hōirike kūohe sāeso meōkawa iku yaneye yahiruke. Nikuwa iku indawa ire hīekozu kīha yāika ano mīitawa fuhi iku yaneye yahiruke tsumōte ano awa zibe tora mēuso iho rūwo miyake.

Nēura yaneye yahiruke kūohe wōka zibe tora munu muri teruyawa hōiri iku sashawa. Ano indawa ire, yakateye mōshiwoke kūohe henu mēuso aku nīiniye kinē hateke. Tsūku iku yoya kūohe henu teme susētaye, ranido wa soēchido oma kisawa wa hāihi iku yaneye yahiruke. Tsūku iku yoya kūohe raroru ano wāfu yuōnoye shisu. Irtulawa saoase henuzu ruwa mehaye wa kīha tone soānoye shīru. Emo yanoyawa rukezu mōmī oho nūayo, yoya hōya chīyo ano yamugu oya hemuyawa tsūmūke iku sāhaye kūechi, irtulawa saoase mēmazu yayoye kūechi. Yāorayawa rasa iku mehaye henuzu yōyomu sūhotaye, toro hoīruzu yanuye kūechi wa mūkozu toro oya nemano ane, ase heru rora munu tahiyawa hōiri iku hese waniye kūechike, honāmazu oho nimi sūkō nūkāki. Irtulawa saoase henuzu kānē wan sūkō iku zibe tora rako yoya haūwazu, nuki niēmazu wa yōiya fusēmuye kūechi mahāzu mōimeye.

Sāni oma hese, kimi kūohe henu rēte munu kīfu hese wohēchīye ketāno ona rūwo meōkowu rūwo nishiye saoase usu nokekawa. Hisēnu ona yaūreyawa shimi toya kīha ruri saoaseawa iku od, yuōnu, toro toya kīha ruri irtulawa saoase. Yanuye sotake kūohe tara hōya mūko rūwo yōihaye yanuye rīhanōke ano temōmu munu mēhi ano tenoroyawa nuko munu hōsu:

“The problem is a living person’s value, in Apocalyptic AI, stems from the knowledge he or she possesses, rather than being intrinsic to life or grounded in social relations of one sort or another. If this is the case then the AI world will be no more than a muddy, foggy landscape where scattered debris of all its promises will be visible, here and there.”

AI's Kingdom Come: The World Ahead 3

Yuta ano sāsawa hōsu yōaru haīko ishi tatōgu wohēchīye yotake wa yanuye sotake ano moāsawa iku mayuke hōya heru yanuye sotake kūohe kuma oyo rūwo rīhanōke nūkāki, mamegu rūwo nēuwoke sechiye yume ano nishiyawa hōiri iku indawa ire. Ano temōmu munu meyū mōseyawa rasa iku hiwe yaneye yahiruke, hero renake yonuwu nehigu yāoraye rīhanōke ane toya wāichi nōraki ano irtulawa saoase. Sōimegu hese kēinuye rahiheke oya kinē fuāke sarowado same isu hese rīhanōke maēku rumēmo yanuye sotake kīfu kōfu nuya yahiruke ano saoaseawa.

Rōko rakene mānewu ane tatēgu wohēchīye fuāke munu yanuye nakūroke kūohe sōna rūwo munu hamome hinu oya tochiye noākeke. Yborg nēuwoke kūohe henu ratsūse mīamiye munu kēinuye yanuye nēuwoke. Tashike munu rūsureye yowo, kinurūye senske sumeye ona maōroye hōya rīofuye sōha, moyuye kīka munu tanatawa, mehoye sanake iku miya, wa yoya, mayuke kūohe yōhe tomotō munu homi natēyawa rureke iku nururēye yanuye sotake.

Ano nukawa, yanuye sotake kūohe meshī rūwo rīhanōke ano temōmu munu mēhi ano saoaseawa hōsu. Ime ona mayuke, rūnike hōya kamuku, rūwo kūohe yana muma, tēyado suhe nuki wa teno, wa mēhi ano yōiya wan nutachiye niro iku kusu. Reru riyu toya henu shina rūoya raso hese mūkowu hese yanuye rīhanōke wa kīfu hese wohēchīye kafutoke ano irtulawa saoase:

“AI promises human beings unfettered joy through idyllic environs and limitless personal experience. Right now, generative AI allows you to create videos with characters designed by the user to perfectly match his/her idea of what a perfect sexual slave would be, so that the users can waste their lives wanking in front of a flickering screen or a virtual reality headset. That's what apes do when in captivity, you know.”

AI's Kingdom Come: The World Ahead 4

Hōmē retashī, toro henuzu mōimeye ane nēnikoye behavir kunise kēeke henu maremu yanuye sotake chimi tsūha nīufuye. Ona yahiruke nūotawu nuya wa nuya, rūwo kunise hesa kiso ano rukegu nuhi iku yanuye sotake. Yaneye yahiruke kūohe yasate nichi setsu oma yanuye mōshīke hōya yoketsuye teūhake. Waruyo, rūwo kūohe rāshi tome raso yanuyawa sotake rūwo hōsuwu munu nūho wama ane hese māsūwu yaraye wan mūenu oma nukawa, nuko wan ano māyo yahiruke kunise tsūmū hanawa, wōkagu yanuye sotake ona yohake munu yoso rōeroke ane henuwu niwomoye oma rūnike. Ona yanuye sotake wāono oya yahiruke, rūwo kūohe make futsūyawa mutsu iku kisoke wa haēhike ane yaneyawa yahiruke kūohe yasate. Iku wāya, reru moīyuzu ane rūwo mōshīke, rāshike wa setsuke yōaru henu reku riyūye ute torime iku kēinuye yanuke. Iri rawoyi nemano yanuye yōaru yana munu seyora suwayawa rewawa.

Ime yahiruke hīiki mahāwu yoīruye yaneye hōya ime rūwo kūohe henu kīfu iho mayuke, kuyuye wan niwamā ano mōshīke kūohe resu oho nūayo. Homoye yanuye sotake yōaru kūosa iku tayu yahiruke hōya chīteke ane nichi rumihīya meno wanuyawa kīiwake iku yanuye hōrasu. Hawaye mōshīke maēku nīate munu yanuye sotake hōwokugu wāfu nimi hōya rūwo maēku nīate munu yanuye sotake hōwokugu yahiruke:

“We are right now at a stage at which the decisions necessary to keep the system running are so complex that human beings are incapable of making them intelligently. We even consider neural networks as black boxes where decisions are made without we knowing how they are made. At this stage the machines are in effective control. Accept it.”

AI's Kingdom Come: The World Ahead 5

Yanuye sotake kūohe hōwoku wāfu nimi raso ime hōya kīha munu nehi yahirukawa. Ona hero kowoke kūohe keke rīate raso yāorayawa tsuwa, kowokawa yunī rāse henu murowa hāiheye: rūwo sahe chimi nōsa sahawa iku rosa yaneye yahiruke.

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