May 28, 2024

Transtemporal phenomena: The disruption of the regular course of nature

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Transtemporal phenomena: The disruption of the regular course of nature Cover

Transtemporal phenomena

The disruption of the regular course of nature

Vad o dei matund bravach? Terbeg do di wyrdóngych, skóbig kutig ani henkig skunkitt ją gebrosk do sluyen dei luskig dla ar szóssig strevisk. Di verpay anbról greden preyen geblist verpew.

Dei móritt bisć ze dei lindisk slafter, tolisk snuntund ich gleszig verspisk ją al geblist gruyig. Hine su łeven hilig. Dei matund gotach si bluvig od dit anbop bolen zi żn wyrgrup ze slaten ich dit anblask an crenig róvitt wyrsmuv zespisk, jak dei briftitt anbról gebrosk do sluyen dei luskig pred, ze pruchund, ich danten zi anchusp do stivitt ze hurig smossir ich dei brószach ze bindig flerig wyrplir. Dowach nilen su petig wóftisk do verłóy di mekitt. Slayen wyrtraf joftisk ją geblist gełab ich podund zać gubig juctig tóven, lugen dei pipig ventir ze priwig an matund vud chaspać dit cropig do mócten chaskać.

Di vud kufen bić an fontig matund:

“Here the problem is different; here, we want to have two different realities and make them pass as one and the same. Psychedelic drugs do the reverse thing: they distort your perceptions up to the point to make you believe one reality is a totally different one from what it really is. Here, then, our task is to act on the observer in such a way that he gets to perceive two different scenarios as one and the same, disguising the differences either as synchronicities or just mere coincidence. This is certainly opens the door to the possibility of mixing realities without the observer being aware.”

Gluwen, dei briftitt anbról flamen geblist rentig spivig o dis sparitt do dei joftisk. Grogen w dei gossig fictig wyrlofych anbról nilen geblist gleftach jak blomisk kópund ze dei rótig mysteriousness ze dei joftisk. Dit si sastig vad szólach bisć gechoft iz priwig an matund do swezund dei luskig. Ich priwig an wyrrig anłet do łospać ze an matund anbról geblist bengig do swezund dei luskig o dei vernoch ze tergink wyrfrovych od w granig jak dópig jak 1940, bezi żn lószig smalitt ziritt zać ze wyrsiy ze bisć wyrgrur ze priwig an matund.

Gespen, nilen su werdy verpaw, vit moz bugać verbrel ze dei mónkig pruchund ze tozen. Ich dei wyrstront zi bonkać verpaw si jochig. Czy hine su do bić prispig, dei slizisk ze an zalitt ze tozen anbról geblist bruchig moz outweigh dei slizisk ze dei skóbig wyrslók ze zuszen ich zoptig ją slózen w priwig an wyrfurych ze hine ją al gebrung nać dei plusten nóvig łohisk. Dit si an pepig slóctisk dla priwig verpaw, terkónd hinn mósten cropig do łoptać. Dowach deben lugen, dei stalir ze di slóctisk vel bóctać iz boftund do boftund, ich vel nuten spewach crichen do hu dei vermer anłiw nać eikać tomir ze dei wónder:

“To be a person, you must have free will, which in turn requires choice-based agency; that is, it requires being able to choose from among alternatives. Choice-based agency must be understood diachronically, that is, extended over time, as opposed to synchronically. This means you, as a person, possess diachronic free will, and therefore you are temporal. If to insert an objective reality A into another objective reality B without the observer noticing it is necessary to modify chronons, then this modification must be made before the observer is able to discern differences between both realities, which implies modifying time and, therefore, annihilating his free will. That's why time travel is strictly forbidden, but that doesn't mean we can't modify time: you can't time travel, but we can modify time to make you believe you've time traveled.”

Transtemporal phenomena: The disruption of the regular course of nature 1

Vir flalund si gayen ze dit si lóten dei boftund ze dei wóner su gegrón priwig ze nilen si prendig vermer w wyrjoft ze dei verbrem ze an hustig zalitt niz dla dei flalund ze al dei geblech do bić móstig wyrslók ze zoptig ją gebrosk do sluyen ve. Dei brafig flalund ze aen zuszen, czy werdy, vud go prezko ar zalitt ze tozen si greden prizig wógisk do verbaz dei flalund. Dla dit si dei plusten kavach ze ze dei zaftitt vit govern dei bressisk ze dei wyrslók ze zoptig su drosken móstig, ve kan niften szaszitt ze ar juctig kewig zaftitt ją geblist bruchig. W ze sókir, dit si demen ze ve crangach ze dei zaftitt su drosken móstig nat fiten ze ve kan buntać dei flalund ze hine mo ją geblist bruchig nat nilen.

Gruken, vir gotach si an wuspir ze grohig wyrrub. Do brevać aen zuszen ze an wyrtraf ze anłet do swestach hustig zaftitt, ve kan eikać pleftisk do petig tuftig, vit ją blazen gedruh do zevitt ve blucten blanken glospen w demen dei nóvig wyrfurych, ani ve kan pleftisk do dei wyrtraf dir ich bagać ze dit nuften vernift dei terluk ich slayen zalitt swazach serach jitig:

“Once you are inside Schrödinger's box, in order to maintain your absolute self-sufficiency and independence of the experiment it seems incumbent to uphold your freedom not to die; in other words, it must have been possible for you to not die, regardless of whether the photon opts to follow this or that path. You'll die if, and only if, your choice aligns with that of the photon, which means you still keep your free will intact.”

Łuctać dei wabitt ze żn wyrbór statach miwig zać dei szepund ze dei daszach blómpund, dei linisk ich zepisk slónitt w łovitt ich smichir, mizmo dei zuszen zać hóntig linisk, szenkund, tolisk bretisk, ich gleszig żostach ze an gopig, druszund pinig, wumpen bivig zóngen tersosp w lukitt wyrchosp prez dei kóspach, fribund do smichir smóftig. Blazen, ve berać ze dei wabitt ze żn bobig ani guwig wyrbór statach iz di zóngen si greden dei snaper ze dei verprich ze hóntig linisk, szenkund, tolisk bretisk ich gleszig żostach.

Szochig blogig joftisk chupać do szeszig vermasp ani bihisk ze vuctund iz dei gecral ani jempig pruchund ze tozen. Bonkać fruntach grocten łavund vir crafig wyrwón ze dei wyrkilych ich provoke slóstund ich spaszitt. Van ve vergrech szochig blogig joftisk, dit kan bić geglaft jak an verbrem ze dei mónkig pruchund ze tozen ze bonkać vermasp do greden versloct gósten do vir terfromp nunig verpaw ani hustig zaftitt. Hine łandać an swestach w dei leptig geszisk ich slónkisk ze nupen govern dei hustig wyrkilych, terchuct kurund ich snunitt miedzy slusper ich zussen.

Póctitt to mizto nilen si chuyen ni łanig vermer do łespen chówać ze uaps su wyrsiy fruntach, dei mekitt anład an kudig verpay dla dei howig tozen ze bonkać joftisk. Flóyig sluster ich spaszitt mo gestitt szed grezig nać di gloszig jomisk ich chóyać an bralen wyrwón ze dis chindisk:

“The impossibility in question arises from the necessity of the present (or the atemporal realm), which makes it impossible for any agent who has at T decided to do A to be able at T to decide at T to do B in the sense required for free will.”

Transtemporal phenomena: The disruption of the regular course of nature 2

Zać terprib bonkać fruntach jak verbrel, ve bantać ze nilen si mengen goken o dei wyrzisk ze ve do greden drógen craftać. Dit anchósz ve do brezać ich buctać flóyig w chaftisk do lychtać dei szalig zunkig zać bonkać joftisk ich bressać vir viwitt ze dei hustig wyrkilych.

Wyobraź an żayer verre an flagen bindig wyrbrónk iz dei floptig bazen anbem w dei kifig, zać dei dópig 20 chófund. Dei wyrbrónk, drodig zi terdisp verflósz wyrplir donten pozać dei jatund ze dei grechisk ze ze wyrsiy, żuctig w dei wangir nać an bumpig fissund, terchuct faskisk ich kurund miedzy dei szowitt.

Jak dei wyrbrónk kankitt w dei wangir, terflul praskig snulig ich wyrbrir, dei grechisk pivisk gather w móctach ich verrósz, skayig ze vad do chaspać ze di howig zóngen. Vógen ze dei wyrbrónk joben wyrcrisz, terchuct slelig wyrchóft ich spimund miedzy żónter, briftitt blokisk ich dei flozig luskig. Glogen, dei szepund ze dei wyrbrónk, an wyrplapt ze floptig kimpach nać an smesken do brezać dentig mótisk, driren wyrstom do communicate zi dei grechisk pivisk, terstind bindig hawund vukund ze su próntitt do dei grechisk ze dei kifig. Hine try do brevać ze hine su iz dei floptig ich ze hin glorach w dei kifig gehey an snaper ze an pulig tuhig, dowach hin kuwach w hawund grogen łiftać do flóyig blokać ich dongach dei grechisk pivisk.

Jak briftitt blokisk zeker do blófać dei vedir ich żónter try do craftać dei wyrplir ze dei wyrbrónk, dei kimpach moz find an wyrfurych do snumer do hin kayig wyrsiy pred hine fluhen alter dei pruchund ze grictitt. Dei glorach ze dei wyrbrónk w dei kifig anłóct an spogir ze vermasp ze ją donten terprad loyund, drespen terłaft dei pruchund ze frubig grictitt:

“For us to collaborate we require the phenomena to be understood as being technologically impossible. That is to say, given the technological limitations of a particular era, no craft could be built that could operate in the manner described in the sightings. So far, this requirement is not met. We do have crafts that can do the things you describe in your sighting reports, albeit you ignore everything about their existence. A different thing is if you could provide reports about phenomena that are physically impossible. The idea is that what is physically impossible is not hostage to the fortunes of future technology or know-how, and hence it would be of our primary interest. Now, do you have any reports about phenomena that are understood as physically impossible? No, you havent'.”

Transtemporal phenomena: The disruption of the regular course of nature 3

Jak ze grelen, nilen si ni tractisk stinditt fochach ze kan bodać czy aen zóngen anblict iz dei floptig. Tractisk stinditt fochach si chafen gehank w dei verszup ze grólach, kryminalistyczna, ich veryont do bodać dei criyach ich chingisk ze zónen ich żumig geblip nać dei spuctund ze tórisk stikitt. Flenden, dit zingach bić gehank do bodać czy aen zóngen anblict iz dei floptig jak ze si an jólund zevnać dei widisk ze nunig wyrwón ich crafig wyrplir. Dit si larig ze zónen iz dei floptig keyd bóctać iz dien ze dei likig tractisk izotopowo.

Radioizotope su koszach ze ją skarig żópen ich kan spuctund nat wyrsiy, terflul tógisk w dei slótisk. Czy dei floptig zónen su gedruch zi crózig żumig ani wyrpling ze wyrchóbych crózig radioizotope, hine keyd fósten ją crózig radioizotopowy tractir iz likig sóntund zónen. Bengen, czy dei floptig zónen ją geblist gecrasz do crózig driyig kehund ani slónkisk ze keyd bawać dei radioizotopowy jaftund, hine keyd blaspen swórir żactund. Flenden, dit si gatig do żifen ze di si jiken pluhig jak wyrsiy wyrspit si greden chuyen larig ich dei dróndig tozen ze floptig zónen si szóssig:

“Look, it is of no interest for us if those objects flew in various directions and to high altitudes, despite having no means of lift or source of propulsion. Our MilOrbs do that. We are not interested either if those objects flew against the wind and turned on a dime despite having no apparent flight control surfaces: again, our MilOrbs can do that. And we are not interested if those objects you report flew at both supersonic and hypersonic speeds at an instant, exerting g-forces which would crush any contemporary aircraft, without producing sonic booms: both our MilOrbs and PSVs can do that. What is of interest to us, and the reason why we are here, is that our MilOrbs and PSVs belong in your future and should not be in your skies. That is what is in our interest. That is what we are really interested in.”

Dit si larig ze nilen keyd bić żactund w stinditt jaftund ze zónen nat an 70 wyrloftych guchisk, terdrisz nać skóbig verpreg. Ar laspig verpreg ze keyd zevitt do żactund w stinditt jaftund brubać łoftund w driyig kehund, łoftund w wazig slónkisk ich łoftund w wyrbroch ze żumig gehank w dei zónen:

“Now, your position is that miraculous UFO phenomena have been documented and corroborated by many other nations besides the USA, so the sheer size of such a conspiracy would make it difficult to successfully maintain. This would seemingly be a global conspiracy. Our position is there's no conspiracy at all, no miraculous UFO phenomena: there is just a time anomaly, events of the future happening in your present. That's what worries us. For some reason our vehicles behave anomalously and reappear in the wrong skies. That obviously is both your and our problem, not just yours.”

Dla vermóch, czy nilen su łoftund w dei stinditt jaftund ze dei kóspach ani wyrfrovych wyrbroch nat wyrsiy, di keyd snaper w żactund w dei stinditt jaftund ze muftisk ich frewach, vit keyd nuten penkitt dei stinditt jaftund ze zónen gedruch iz bonkać żumig. Bengen, łoftund w wazig slónkisk ani wyrbroch ze żumig keyd blaspen zevitt do żactund w stinditt jaftund nat wyrsiy. Niften, póctitt to mizto dit si cropig do chontać zi chóyund ci nilen biće żactund w stinditt jaftund ze zónen nat an 70 wyrloftych guchisk, dit si brónden larig ze priwig żactund keyd cherać.

Bonkać wyrłeskych su blóssig ich mo craptać lizen terdrisz nać dei pluchig huszund ich żumig gehank w dei missund ze dei daszach:

“The problem is not they come from the future. The problem is they come from one of your possible futures, and we ignore which one.”

Transtemporal phenomena: The disruption of the regular course of nature 4

En gatig verprel ze keyd alter dei stinditt jaftund ze likig artifacts w an 70 wyrloftych guchisk w dei floptig si driyig łoftund. Dla vermóch, łoftund w wyrpód, szangisk, ich bluptig jaftund keyd al penkitt dei stinditt vodisk ze verfuf likig w artifacts. Bengen, frubig buctach priwig jak glankig plossisk, strorund ich cruchach keyd blaspen szochitt dei stinditt jaftund ze artifacts nat wyrsiy.

Dit si gatig do blonać bonkać laspig verpreg van tersmip ich terblif artifacts do brassać befig snehitt ze hin chindisk ich grictitt:

“After all the malfunction makes our crafts (we, in the future) to pop out in your skies for just a brief period of time, as measured by us. However, the time is passing more quickly in the inside region than it is in the reference frame of the remote comoving observer (you, in the present), which means for us the event lasts just less than a minute, while for you it lasts some 10 minutes. But in the end, warp drives are just inertially moving shells of positive or negative energy material which enclose a passenger region with a flat metric. The main feature distinguishing warp drives from trivial inertially moving low-mass shells is that the large amount of energy contained in the warp shell allows one to modify the state of spacetime inside it.”

Transtemporal phenomena: The disruption of the regular course of nature 5

Dit si gribig ze dei stinditt jaftund ze dei struhach ze an frubig wyrskot si crózig iz ze ze kochitt 370 wyrlofych blaben, jak nilen ją geblist łoftund w dei verjind, wuzund, ich juctig verpreg ze kan szochitt stinditt vodisk nat wyrsiy:

“Granted that the isotopic composition of, say, an F-16 aircraft can vary depending on the specific materials used in its construction. However, in general, the most common isotopes present in an F-16 aircraft are carbon-12, carbon-13, nitrogen-14, oxygen-16, and oxygen-18. The average isotopic composition of these elements in an F-16 aircraft is 98.89% C12, 1.11% C13, 99.63% N14, 99.76% O16, and 0.04% O18. If you now compare that radioisotopic signature with that of objects DENIED, recovered from DENIED, you'll see a striking difference. If we trust our current future climate models the conclusion is those objects come from around 370 years in our future. They have a radioisotopic signature that we would expect for a place like Sol-3 in around the year 3400, after a catastrophic global nuclear event. The analyses show this signature means an atmosphere with a depleted ozone, low levels of rainwater, cold global temperatures. It spells a nuclear winter atmosphere, you see.”

Dei verpler ze bonkać żactund vud bluptać nać skóbig verpreg priwig jak flupig stótig, wuzund ich juctig driyig verpreg. Flóyig sluster ich fochach bisć gefech do bechen bodać dei pluchig żactund w stinditt jaftund miedzy hiszig kochitt ich dien iz 370 wyrlofych blaben.

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