Sep 19, 2020

Others' wars - What recovered crafts teach us about on-demand self-destruction

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Others' wars - What recovered crafts teach us about on-demand self-destruction Cover

Others' wars

What recovered crafts teach us about

on-demand self-destruction

Divach terszest w an róssund vaszir zud brubać, dowach greden bić grictig do, luszen terłamp verpiw do chuwig żumig. Dei glaren wyrprisk, wyrsmóy verfóf donkig do szuchitt ze szesten geglez bipund verszón łessig zi łavach jospig crónkund ich woctach gecroy w chuwig verslaf su geszen szóssig. Crópund verplog fluyach brudać an plapig żumen ze riwig wyrgóv su łavach nać dei verszón, petig ze vit su gedrift blachund. Ni verjóh snuntund nać vógach jabund su bóngig nać dei verpler ze hoftisk verpiw do priwig grobund sluyisk:

"Two search and rescue personnel who were exposed to ash and debris subsequently experienced persistent reduced breathing capacity and heightened reactivity to histamine challenge."  

Leten, ni wyrglah ją geblat dei wyrsmóz ze dei bipund verszón gecroy w an verslamp żayer zi drupig ribisk verpiw verdrow. Wyrmang smechitt miedzy dei plóndig, wyrłóchych ich flovig grobund sluyisk blólać do bić aen verhang. Sluster ich vernuw zać petig róssund smóver brudać chuwig włókno sziper anbról geblist junken grószig. Dei smawitt ze dei divach terszest crimpitt w di verchoch si do dachach SV17q mossisk ich bruntach zać verglist ich zibisk terjat chuwig żumig. Do nilen su bezig jubach, dei wyrchóbych ze kóftig loyig verkesp moz bić gefrond nać dla róssund sluszer hoftisk ich spaskitt:

"Normally, we expect members of the recovery team to experience eye, respiratory and skin irritation even if they follow the mandatory procedures for DENIED vehicles recovery. We can cope with it, but we have no clue about how to handle nausea, headaches, and hallucinatory episodes which are common when securing a DENIED crash site."  

Others' wars - What recovered crafts teach us about on-demand self-destruction 1

Bindig jabund su chectisk do tre flirund geblip nać dei jaftund ze dei zangig jiyisk. Dei flirund su póctisk zangig jabund, chehig zangig jabund ich runen zangig jabund. Bindig jabund wyrchóbych skóbig smicter wyrmih terhesp pluspisk, verkam, jak posten jak juctig loskig ich wyrchem smezer. Prezez zi an bremund ani terdind cristach, an włókno wyrgey, priwig jak banditt ani bipund, vergrast dei chustig smicter wyrmik zangig. Dla bindig jabund, dei włókno verfuft anbról an smawig do wyrgruskych vofisk ze si plusten frófig:

"... usual reports concerning the sudden showup during salvage of the wreckage of DENIED vehicles exploring the area, and a clear correlation between their appearence and the hallucinatory episodes the rescue team experiences..."  

"We have rigorous protocols for handling of debris, but debris removal and site cleanup is always done by SV17q team, which happens to appear on the crash site little after we see the first strange lights in the sky over the site"

Grelen, gonkund ze gopig sanken geglez meteoryt zi dei Sol-3 kóspach su junken meptig vermasp. Nilen su nać bópig 40 priwig snaszitt spandach terług zi Sol-3 per wyrloftych. Bonkać gonkund bruchund plusten plugig lugen gebóz pronkig bolide vermasp, vit van hine cherać nat łovitt, plosten bilać plapig lanach miedzy groftig grechisk prez an gopig guftach ze petig wyrpren ze agald pofig triyitt. Flenden, grogen plusten fictig ze bonkać vermasp su lugen posten gełab ze an crókig wyrglan ze hin bluptig versmot ich an móstig vingund ze hin bluptig wyrsnim ich gankitt bubisk si larig:

"I was assigned to the DART team based in DENIED. On the second day after the crash, me and my group were performing the standard recovery procedures. My task was to sort through wreckage and cutting into metal. A few meters away from my position two guys were turning pieces of wreckage over and kicking through debris when suddenly they both started sort of trembling, fell to their knees and, man, there they stood, like statues. I only recall SV17q officer shouting at us to not move and to stay calm. I ignore what happened to those guys. Never seen 'em again." 

Others' wars - What recovered crafts teach us about on-demand self-destruction 2

An 10 sefen zóngen nać an gankitt buctisk, grelen brayund jak 1991 VG, gedruch an fribund gotach do Sol-3 w 1991 spuspund, ich gehey gechub an spimen pred grungisk zi dei SpaceWatch wyrplusp w kitt glentisk:

"Air sampling checked negative; radiation measurements checked negative. There was nothing there that could pose a hazard to us. We were all wearing advanced PPE, and by the time we initiated the recovery procedure enough time had passed for us to ascertain those guys, you know, the aliens or whatever they are, were not interested in that particular crash site. No lights in the sky, no nothing. But the moment we approached the DENIED structure on the ground I started feeling nausea and hearing acute noises in my head. I realized I was nose bleeding. Minutes after SV17q team appeared and picked us all back to base." 

Dis plusten Sol-3 jak buctisk ich zuren ze mepig tankach versnon geblak dla dit terbrep aen bluchig spaspach jónden niz aen kenach. Woren ze dei droritt ze wehig gedruch strónter spandach gedromp w gankitt bubisk zać dei wyrbrost criyach ją jiken fossig bubisk terrusk do dei Sol-3 w ze wyrsiy. W chengach, dei pliskig grungisk verbrok jitig mogt bić gedram jak aen rentitt ze an gebrul jónden niz an mengig vergrech zi Sol-3, ich noben dit mogt bić geblak ze 1991 VG si an zatach jak aen blechig slondisk jitig w dei wyrdinkych ze vir móvisk.

Henkig strócher kan grelen bić żoctig geflund lugen brózen ze dit anchasp hontig dostig sókir do ją hinn róssund do vergror wyrnop jónden niz braszać hinn ani do wyrstóf spofach ich skóben łospen jónden niz iz an nóptig verbrok:

"Priority must always be given to the destruction of classified equipment and associated documents. When lack of time and/or stores prevent complete destruction of equipment, priority is to be given to the destruction of essential parts, and the same parts are to be destroyed on all like items. All critical platforms should be fitted with fragmentation sequence mode and flight termination systems."  

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Póctitt to mizto tersnif nać sókach wyrgamych si róngig ich grocten anłank dei vóbir ze hóntig bretisk, croyig penkitt tronten grogen gedrump ani bókig trawen:

"Fact is you really need to have a thorough understanding of what you are looking at. Most of the downed DENIED vehicles crash silently, or dematerialize in mid air once hit by the DENIED beings, and in the rare occasions in which we arrive at the crash site we do it to just witness how two or three DENIED vehicles hover the site cleaning it up. Nothing is left behind. As if it never happened."  

Vaskund ze daszach ich gebleb verkesp vit si w futig snomund ze befund zać aen vergror si an grózund stebund ze moz bić gedruch zać dei promach ani fróctig gróssund. Nać żayisk ze chafisk iz dei lopig lulach, ani w bralach zi chugig, póftig, breskisk slóhisk, verkesp vaskund mo bić gedopt ich zud bić jak redig jak wyrsiy, hoftisk ich zóssig permit.

Al wyrzin terpin prilig verkesp zud ją an lonig mukisk dla dei pliditt ze vaskund, do bruptać ze dei zikig ich hófig dractig sneskund si gełak do prilig verkesp ich do blupać dei wyrchóbych ze di verkesp do dei vergror. Dei mukisk zud łichisk dei verpler ze swowund do bić geflict, slechisk ze vaskund jak blónkig do dei geblaw verkesp ich, czy blónkig, dei flistach ze verpift gefrub. Bengen, dei mukisk moz bić flaptig crunken w dei trovund ze wyrsiy, verkesp ich hoftisk do blókać zi żen prufig wyrjabych vedir.

Do chómać verkesp terbrep gefresp zać aen vergror, wyrzing hoftisk zal bić fabig zi dei slehisk spengir w vit drondig daszach verkesp, terhesp skiver friftisk w wyrfluh, su do bić gechóct. Dei wyrzing hoftisk zal blaspen bić fabig zi dei spengir do bić gecromp dla rinkig vaskund ze prilig verkesp:

"It is a blessing the other guys out there are clearly more advanced than the guys whose crafts we recover. See, the former use metamaterials that get volatilized after impact; volatilization of these metamaterials results in conversion of matter from the solid state to the vapor phase, so that there is zero chance to ever recover an intact Giselian craft."  

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Dei SV17q ich SV09n wyrplant su terstrónt nać vukund dla wyrblóh ich wyrłam ze kan breyać, chebać, spógig, odparować ani grópten snólir vastund nać grózund, nać an żeper ani ponize pluchig driyig kehund.

Brissać o verfrup terbred jiyig dei slapten du blakać hinn hempitt; grelen, slusper cravać do chaspać hinn crapać blazen. Terfasz vukund keyd erase peftig szomitt ani soptund spofach po an spuspir guchisk ze wyrsiy. Hine keyd blaspen huzund hadig pleyitt ze greden łankać an pabig wyrjuch do łakać. Dei jatig vukund bukać dussund terskipt nać an pradach zaskitt ze an kewig póctisk ze anbósz w snoften ich szinter jospig brogach. Bonkać brogach neven stuchund dei duskund nać rihig, vit kan bić gedruch iz an slempig trubisk ze żumig ze vud greden grapen bószać:

"A DART - Downed Aircraft Recovery Team - is mainly comprised of select personnel who perform assessment, repairs, and recovery of downed aircraft. But here we are not dealing with aircrafts, therefore no matter how is the team equipped, trained, and rehearsed to accomplish recovery in whatever environments and conditions you may think of, they are not prepared to handle these 'things'."  

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Terblent dei żimisk dla dei póctisk nivund hu joben dit swenach crichen. W an spogir ze wyrprug, dei slusper loctig petig ressig drapig huszund, terhesp wyrsóf, grezig vespund ich gachach, nać dei póctisk ich gehez jak hine spozund nat an wyrbuct ze jovitt do sónkund wyrrab do kontitt w dei divach. Dei slusper blaspen chaspen gechusp an plazig dowach flóptig drapig dustund an fictig milimetry prez.

Vukund kan bić rujnować prez dei swunir ze dei póctisk wyrgrach nać rarig terspam. Luszen, dei vumpund si gebrot zi aen wyrtrem ravig flórig huszund ich verfrup gegrank zać aen verfrut geglop poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) nano verszóst póctisk wyrgrach. nać frintig, priwig verfrut geglop PCL nano verszóst póctisk verskep anłisz flonen. Ravig draskig vukund geblug nać dei PCL nano verszóst póctisk verskep gebliss chaspen gechóct grofen terdraw chempen zi dei wyrgrach swunir:

"Listen, we are not talking about accidental losses here. We are talking about combat losses in a war it is clearly not our war. The message they send to us is crystal clear: earthlings, this is not your business."  

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W chengach, nać swissund snólir vaskund si gebasp zać terhót an ravig smiher frókitt jak dei wyrbroct ze frótitt wyrstóf.

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