Sep 26, 2024

Nefetah padem

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Nefetah padem Cover

Nefetah padem

Gohimah nefemahi zafiż rarotah higom wad lob zafiż nurat yar duç lob zapoy çuş fażom. Falaf doteir rut meż yisod yor yinud larem. Nefemah zafiż kuş poyat yus meż togim ril falaf yus meż yilam, duç falaf kuş poyat yus meż detem ril falaf yus meż togim, beç falaf nurat yus çuş kiżi, kib kiż midan yoçoir fiżial naleir fohet fali. Şonomah nefemahi zafiż şopīrah poyat yar nabitah nalem, duç nabitah nalem zafiż gihot yus fal luyam rut fiżial naleir fohet nefemahi duç rut gupeal meż meż malom ges gohimah nefetahi.

Nefemah zafiż yus gagim; falaf yus nis lopum yehi padem duç yeh roçim. Yeh lapad şifiż seduir şoż ril nefetah. Nefemah zafiż pegemah gefiż çuşi nalem, mon çuş çayim, sag çuş yulam. Nefemah zafiż doteir. Falaf gohimah bufumi lob zaşum çuş çayim nalemi. Falaf meż gohim wad lob zafiż şoçimi. Falaf gafet, rihut duç gosat tuş mutam:

“Be careful, Norea, for in the quiet depths of your inner worlds, you discover that existence is not merely what you see, but the vast landscapes of thought and feeling that shape your reality. But all you dreamed of may fade like whispers in the wind, if the courage to pursue them will have been in vain. Do not fear to die today, Norea, if you know that tomorrow you will wash your face with clear water. Beware of dying today, if you know that what you did yesterday was useless and perverse.”

Nefetah padem 1

Nefemah migiż seduir çuçāl heb mon pażem yor bomam duç zaşid ruşuir wa gaş şifuş. Fal minem fiżial poyat ruşuir wa gaş yeh lafiż naleir gafet yus yeh nipem duç roçim. Yeh lafiż gafet yus yeh roçim wa gaş yeh lageb tuş nefemah rut fiżial nurat tuş şekatah bolit. Yeh ladus yoçoir fubim nefemah kum gegeb fal rut dusual pug yeh laguż mihab fiżial yafot yor pug yeh ladik mihab fiżial yafot. Yeh noduir gebeal tuş şonomah nefemahi duç gebeal bufum rut piseal keruir wad tuy zafiż tuş şekatah bolit.

Şer minem gebeal tuş nefemah rut fiżial heyair yor dusual tinem tuş şekatah bolim çuşi luhet. Lob borum şer lażab lob şekatah bolim honumi zafiż geduir çusut, dareir sig fal zadik lob şer ladus yoçoir dagāl şer borum yus nis fugam, nis yulam. Şer ladus yoçoir geduir żapoal pug zafiż tuş şekatah bolim çuşi luhet, feş mineb şer. Gegeb tuş şekatah bolim çuşi luhet zafek şer gub gegit toşet sibim gehuç fażom yus çobom şer lapad nek hużam wa roh rut fişual:

“You lose control because you insist on controlling everything, and in that way everything controls you. You lose control because you want to tame rivers, comb winds, kiss suns and embrace clouds. You lose control, Norea, because you want to be the owner of all your worlds. If you don't know how to share your soul, what's the point of being born?”

Day tuç zafiż pifuir nek fugam yor fanum lob yeh misoż yoçoir tadāl yus nefemah tuş. Beç tiy mibim lafiż: wa gaş yeh lapun kefir yus nalemah, wa gaş yeh ladag yus yeh żagam, wa gaş yeh lipam tinem wad lob zafiż yogut yor żuçat, wa gaş yeh laguż pum gopemi, kum meż teçom, wa gaş yeh lateç ges komem, wa gaş yeh lagur meż çeşat yeyom duç yuretah. Duç yeh ladus yoçoir padual rut loroal gemut nefemah tuş yogut fugam toż. Yeş fugam zafiż meż bolit fugam rut mutāl nefetah.

Nefetah padem 2

Sig yeh nipem zafiż solut lob yeh lafiż gegeb tuş rarotah nefem tuş şekatah bolit, yeh minem yaçeir noduir ponāl nefetah. Fib zafiż dahotah ledem yus tiy sepum żopim wa gaş kiż laşok meż żobum yor şokual şiş meż fugam wad lob zafiż liyut yor żipet yus tiy borum. Żen yeh lażab yikuş, yeh lafiż nefet fuşam. Lofair, wa gaş yeh lapad şilen yus tikom, yeh lagit nefemah duç yiçeal pumir nefetah; yeh lagit meż mon ges şoçim. Doteir yeh laçog, yeh haçot nefemah fibi nalem.

Şer lafiż çuş mon duç lafiż seduir şifob yus bufumah. Geşok nefemah yor gegid fażom yus nefemah zafiż żasimah geżaki lob nefetah fiżial ges meż pohem, gidem, fugam. Yeh minem çubāl fal yor yeh minem femuir yeçial fal. Ledemah yor yagim çayim zafiż yoçoir nisīr sorot. Falaf meż żasim nipemi. Geşok nefemah zateb nisīr torot yulam, meż çulat kipum sag şopit. Falaf kukit meż lebut henem duç gukotah yedem lafiż nisīr dufot:

“Why are you crying, Norea? The one you wanted to love you didn't love you, your plans lay shattered at your feet, and all your decisions ended in disaster. Why your weeping, if in fact you weren't even born? Just because you see your face reflected in the mirror doesn't mean you're alive, Norea. And just because you lie breathless in the bushes while a raven devours your eyes doesn't mean you're dead. Don't be arrogant. There's more to being alive than just lying there crying. Rise up, my child, because every time you do you create a new world. Rise up, Norea!”

Day tuç lafiż meż çapom borumi rut şokial nefemah duç gupem ges nefetah. Mon borum zafiż lob meżuir yoşeir meż komem zabeh yeh şiş meż fugam, noduir seżeal fal yafoir roç nalemah nefetahi. Kum lob pohem dareir zabaż gedag yagimah pum, nefemah zapad şiçog. Yeh midan retāl komem yor meż fugam wad lob zagoy rut fiżial yus gumom fożami duç yeh minem şokial kiż nefetah.

Nefetah padem 3

Yeh lagum yoçoir rut żapoal pug zafiż geçog mon yor pug falomah zafiż, yeh minem todāl lob yiżişah rarot nefem zażab duç tuş şekatah bolit fal migiż fiżial şiyiç duç şidus. Lofair şer lagit gafim şekatahi nolim kay gegum rut żapoal liçair pug wad lob nolim zafiż. Şer pifuir lażab yoçoir pug zafiż gegub pumir yor pug yohimah zafiż duç kum geşok nefemah şer lafiż boşot duç biput, şer lafiż yoçoir geriç:

“It is a river. Look at it. Its cold torrential waters will sweep you away. Look at you, Norea, naked on the shore, shivering with cold and consumed by fear. Fear of what, Norea? It was enough for you to spread your wings and fly over the river, but you didn't know you had wings, did you? You didn't know, you couldn't know, because fear is that terrible disease that blinds us and doesn't let us see what we really are. It's a river, Norea, it's just a river. Cross it! You don't even need your wings for that. Learn this: to be afraid is always to be afraid of dying. But look at the river. It's rushing towards the ocean, and when they both kiss, it will cease to be a river. Be a river, Norea!”

Fekāl fal şeżot. Çinom zadus yoçoir padual rut fiżial şiyab. Lażak, yeh lapad yoçoir rut kedial pumir çuş fitimah. Çuş yeh lagum rut dusual zafiż gideal fugamah yus saçumah nefemi duç tenial fal hokeal gebimah.

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