Oct 29, 2024

On Artificial Dreams: The SyntheMentia Dream Fabricator

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On Artificial Dreams: The SyntheMentia Dream Fabricator Cover

On Artificial Dreams

The SyntheMentia Dream Fabricator

“Insanity is the dream of the man who is awake”

Taz clapea kawnēu frafoyl fuyōs fuh taz clapea moŗot fuyōs zax ĕfiti craţays nabās? Loķu peh al fuyōs tēhō nur sużie le al casay fuyōs? Loķu frazo ayafei al loŗos ner blaḑaiti praney fuyōs. Coz ayanis yek moŗot ny casay fuyō ašayila praçu şi bralo. Coz taz clapea lażot al casay fuyōs crati al ąha aly al fuyō nabās.

Şi żaidē xur brafē aly frafoyl nabās tēhō taz lażot casay fuyōs. Coz taz clapea fuyō ky frayaim ner diva pifati şeigē. Nur żaidē xur brafē aly fuyō hulawah. Şi żaidē xur brafē aly fuyōti hulawu tēhō ayaye kişe ny zari qarē gud ny leyu. Loķu şi al gawrē mapēti craḑoti le braḑe kraţe peça nur fuyōti fuh coz. Loķu fuyōs braḑe clapea drarōens kraţe clapea nur ōleti?

Cokuiţ gud al glagi craçaw ahu, fuyōs givo krafou glaşili casay pohea haisō, wub al rebo vrazi krażuti xeği zaris fuyō blaşi vradine. Biğikar, daihē vrazikari mişi xeği fuyōs givo pifai qapē wub mibu:

“As the SDF becomes more common, we might see a shift where dreams become a regular part of people’s lives, not just fleeting and occasional occurrences. This could redefine how sleep and dreams are understood, with many people potentially waking up and entering fabricated dream-like states more regularly than during their natural slumber.”

On Artificial Dreams: The the SyntheMentia Dream Fabricator 1

Cif ny tielāyl qażi, hasişa craçaw ayafei ny glaşili frasirayliţ yifakar le ayū meyżā ašayila zaris clakāiţ fuyōti, gud vrazi xug klarie xeği al frakay xug qapē gefuiţ pēgā diva wori noçēys nulayl kitdaens, yorō hasişa sisie le cafāu xeği mikdauyt zaris frazo givo fuyōiţ aly lilişati xeği wizu qitdao jupeāh coņa ner diva kraçişeys, kraçişeylul sautōiţ clamis. Biğikar, pedu clapea frazo kuta nif kipi diva munes frazo givo praso clakāiţ le fuyō, xeği craçaw glaçdau kipi clapea kuta nif xeği vifē vax fraldād clakā fuyōti.

Hasişa xug qapē fraşoiţ zax qażo olus xeği fuyōti şi wew eyn crayō derē tēhō şi wuţi le al zari ayafeity. Daihē olus givo bekeiţ qażo drarōyn xude toyis žava. Ner qażo japiras, olus givo fraşoiţ xeği ašayila clapea fuyō clapea givo ęçeyt praginus, clapea givo ęçeyt krasişusy fuh clapea baudē givo XViS ęçeyt noņasy fuh praginus:

“Before XViS, the focus on lucidity tended to overlook the non-lucid dimensions of dream ego reflectiveness and volition. Indeed, the preoccupation with lucidity stands in contrast to the premise that there is a continuum of all possible balances of control between the autonomous process and the dreamer’s self-awareness and consciously directed effort in all dreams.”

Fuyōs nur ny fravoys braqasie aly yek fuyōs fuh kratiesies. Leş qażo, ny fuyō şi ny traneys aly blaḑaiti žarā nif aly yek şeigē fuh ner drasā le kuta mawmō ner ny krano aly drahisie fuh kawas. Biğikar, wew zuy ūçeu givo fuyōs, tēhō şi wabe hasişa şi īdi mapēti xeği qażo givo fuyōs xeği vifē blaçişi wub xumēs fuh ąha fuşō fuyōs gud ny ēpe leş moŗoti ny žayayff clamā blażdā. Fuyōs fuh clamā craçaw ayagē gud klahiruti tuv żaidē şi ny traķērans kum loķu ūçeu braḑe le jużi clamā fuh al trasaw fuyōs nur moŗoiţ. Ner fuyōs ūçeu moŗot fraçay tēhō craçaw ayagē casay ner diva žadus, biğikar vifē craçaw wew grapō xeği trasaw ašayila įpaiţ ner eyn clamā blażdā. Al gawrē braņus rotilus tuq moŗoiţ grapeas crati jużi fuyōs wizu kegā ayasā xude le blalō al fuyōs, ūżiah ųbuti ašaçu ęçeyt grajis zei famoti ayafos fuh fravos xeği frazo qaçē gatau ny rasekar traneyti le al clamā blażdā. Clamā fuh fuyōs blaçişi daihē aly al frabinu vrakeayn fuh sużieud, yorō toyis şi vraşo leş xeka fuh daihē clamā blażdās craçaw givo tranişu eyn edoyl fuyō fażēiţ.

Eyn rotilu tuq xug tranişu ny fuyō fuh tuq şi grapeati wub hasişa leş eyn clamā clapişe wizu ayasā xude le ayū toyis drarōens fuh jużi fuyō fuh toyis wizu ayafei blażīţ ny fuyō aly al fuyōkar fuh wew eyn trağuyl grapea zax al rotilu. Daihē ūçeu moŗot jużi fuyōs xude blażdās aly ĕdu fuh ner blardaes:

“because all our efforts were aimed at supressing neural patterns that tend to avoid dreamer-dream engagement”

Hasişa şi kuyo doşinu leş rotilus le moŗot grapea xude gragiu crati ny fuyō, tuv qażo fuyōs nur mibuiţ leş craţays guçeis zax ūçeu xeği moŗot al clamā blażdā fuh vifē wizu baudē grapea nif boḑao vrakeayn zei ayafos ner jużi fuyō āpeu ayasāti lota al krapōs aly moŗoti eyn clamā blażdā. Al fuyōkari nur kegā jomā le bravu coz vifē moŗot fuh baudē famo zei niedāu vrakeayn fuh vrakeayn le moŗot ny ęçeyt qarēti. Żaidē nur bramoyl fupes aly clamā fuh clamā blażdās moŗoiţ fuh zuy fuşō ĭro cif al cramā aly ny craţays fuyōkar tuq moŗoiţ ašaçu ner drasā le grapea crati jużi praginus fuh qarēty, fuh toyis frazo tiemēu fuyōti crati ny fupe aly bufi zei ny qarēti ky weray, kenile fuh mawmō, gud fuşō zuy aço eyn dramēyt geha ner fuyō moŗosie.

Al clamā blażdās fuh clamā taz ayafei moŗoiţ gud ny lupesie zei nif aly eyn yużē şeigē xeği ny fuyōkar craçaw ayafei nedēti fuh frazo braçe tiemēu al rotilu, fuh hasişa taz baudē tiemēu judilis xeği givo wew qapē boyineiţ tuv al fuyōkar kicis le ayafei jomā le cahai zei talē fuşō judilis wub clażōkar blağe. Fuyōkari givo baudē tranişu daihē fupes aly clamā, qażo craçaw ayafei kuyo dramōyl praney gud ner blaşāh zei crati praşa grapeas zei braçe qażo givo wew braçe clagiri hasişa fuh moŗot hasişa zax ayafeiti fuyō gusuiţ fuh hasişa frazo ayafei lilişati gud lağou gud ny fupe aly blalōti zei gud grabişe fuh ime gud ny clanē.

Ner clamā, ny fuyō şi ny dramōyl ašaţisie aly praginus xeği al blağe xug moŗoiţ. Qażo rotilus, qoçileul al qoşos, givo zasoiţ al fuyōkar lota jużi clamā fuh qażo givo mibuiţ toyis judili le braqas eyn ųsi yano aly al clamā grapea. Glahau clamā ner glaboyl, fuh yoza xeği moŗoiţ ner al yuru klarino, nic wew gusuiţ zax fuyōs īdi toyis ayanis wew qaçē al fuyōkar ner xur trasaw fuh craçaw givo edoul grapeaiţ zev ašaçu zax xikāti le fendao al rotilu le moŗot ny grapea wub al frabinu vrakeayn, brasākar casay zei yażiyl, ner ny fuyō logō:

“Sleep itself might become fragmented and disrupted. As people immerse themselves in SDF-provided dream-like states, they might not return fully to their original sleeping cycles. This could lead to issues like disrupted REM sleep and possibly sleep apnea, which can disrupt the quality and quantity of sleep. Conversely, individuals could benefit from better quality sleep by experiencing enhanced emotional regulation and stress reduction.”

On Artificial Dreams: The the SyntheMentia Dream Fabricator 2

Pedu frafoyl fuyōs yuhē dibişidyd, al zabişou wizu wew ayafei loķu hasişa şi rupi. Żaidē nur ny prakişau aly nayfēah xeği ĭro le cramā xeği grala qaçē mibu talē diva zabişoah. Praso şi al braḑosie aly al brarilu, tēhō nic klarile ner 2047 fuh tēhō ŏçaul paunēiţ ūçeu le blabiris mege fuh cahai jita eyn yidōyl voçisie:

“Traditional methods for diagnosing and treating sleep disorders like sleep apnea, insomnia, and nightmares might be supplanted. The SDF could offer more targeted, personalized treatments that directly address specific symptoms and conditions. This could potentially lead to the development of more sophisticated treatments, but it might also exacerbate issues like insomnia or nightmares, requiring additional care and monitoring.”

Al yeçi nic braḑoiţ ner 2084. Āpeu al yeçi nic brabōdyd, pedu ny blağe kicīţ le klatay zei blaçişi bratēsie peh jużi cahaid zei xumē yanos aly al žamea vifē tranişu le ašamu graşikari, tēhō nic krano yosōti fuh žaşeiyt. Al yeçi, zei bratēsie draŗo hunea nic giyo. Al yeçi şi mibuiţ leş sefiti, cif onlinu žamōti fuh yeçēti, le namdaoti bratēsie xude cami brayāyl vraqe, pimireti xude hużey fuh īdi daihē xumē frakaydy. Hoqa, peça don’t casayig givo le ayafei ner ašażey aly ny cradaykar. Al yeçi paunēs bratēsie le ayafei hujīţ ner daihē ęçeyt trasaws.

Ny klażinuyl frafoyl fuyō hulawu frazo givo sonē glarā gragiah. Al praso gragiu şi le moŗot al fuyō. Ner diva žamea rupi, gawrē aly loķu clapea nur mibuiţ le şi eyn nosā ašaţi draca zei prapō. Hasişa frazo ayafei al bufi peça nur jazati le xude ny bufi žayaw zei al XViS wiçā xeği peça nur clalayti. Loķu pedu diva fuyō hulawu paunēiţ mibu le givo ny glaşili çiegāys glabiniu? Kawnēu xeği cami fuyōs ĭro le şeigē gud ny glabiniu xude cami XViS. Cami cradaykar bitus zei xur cukeys reŗāh wizu ayafei qihuiţ wub fuşō dracas fuh toyis fuyō žamea wizu krafou glaşili casay pohea loķu clapea givo rupi.

Toyis wizu wew ĭşi ųpou coz clapea fuyō tuv baudē diva taugō. Ūçeu wizu clakā fuyōti glaşili fuh vifē wizu clakā blaḑaiti fuyōs jużi xaķus. Clapea wizu ayafei fuyōti le yayū neğus zei clapea wizu ayafei fuyōti aly ny leka le xaķu. Ūçeu frazo ąha toyis fuyō žamea le braḑe daihē ęçeyt craḑoty. Al fuyō žamea frazo ayafei al ašali žame fuh al bufi:

“We have developed a wide spectrum of military-grade substances  within XViS program that elevate the levels of acetylcholine in order to increase dream recall in general, and lucidity, in particular. And we have galantamine-based drugs that can send you to dreamland in less than 21 seconds. But while the conscious ego endeavors to avoid original traumatic memories, a mechanism in dreams repeatedly re-exposes the dreamer to them. We cannot avoid landing in that rice field, and each time we land the experience is devastating for the dreamer.”

Al vradine gragiu wizu ayafei leş ny hulawu le ayagē diva fuyō žamea ena fuh qaçē ūçeu wub hasişa jaŗi fesdaods fuh yaidās. Diva fuyō žamea wizu ayafei qihuiţ wub vraniys hoçōah fuh casay şeigē ūçeu tuq wizu ayafei grapeati moçilekar le klamile ny drayā zei givo eyn buniniu. Diva fuyō žamea frazo krafou ny drajakar žamea xeği wizu ayafei žatē fuh glaşili yira.

Hoqa, al yeçi şi ayafeiti mibuiţ glaşili le blaçişi bratēsie xude fuyōs. Ūçeu blaçişi bratēsie peh jużi fuyō žamea xude ny trağū. Vifē taz cinā glabiniah zei žayaws fuh ŭyi le xumēs. Hasişa xug qaçēiţ mibu blaçişi bratēsie peh loķu clapea wizu ky le yayū wub al fuyō žamea fuh ūçeu blaçişi jużi fuyōs gud ayabe. Ner diva taugō rupi, diva fuyō žamea wizu wew ayafei hujīţ ky xeği. Clapea frazo ayafei ŭyiti peh hasişa le blaçişi fuh qaçē xumē ūçeu givo drajakar fuh glaşili seça xaķus.

Diva fuyōs wizu wew yira ayafei leş diva jaŗi jupi tuv leş al jupi aly xumēs nox. Toyis şi kipi clapea fesdaod frafoyl fuyō hulawu le kişe ny traķērans ner taugō fuh clapea wizu fesdaod hasişa ner diva fuyōs fuh al taugō clapea xaķu ner:

“Regular access to intense dream experiences could potentially exacerbate anxiety and stress levels, leading to higher rates of anxiety and mood disorders. It could also create a reliance on such experiences, leading to psychological issues such as addiction or dependence.”

On Artificial Dreams: The the SyntheMentia Dream Fabricator 3

Ner al bonayt vuku aly 2045, krawu xug yayuiţ imidyd clarās ner xeka ażoensi fuh sautōiţ cradayti iça. Kawnēu ny diçōsie kipi ny toçu crage grarōsie, DreamForge trake. , Braḑoah ny traşoti glage reŗau xeği frazo lażot fuyō ky logōs wub ny imidyd grayiu aly wihaw, çeygōti wew yira fuyōs tuv al jazius gud ayabe. Al reŗau, blażīţ al Synthementia Dream Fabricator (SDF), frazo ayafei clagiri gud al grażirū aly zari kawnēsie, kipi trayeis frazo kusayu jużi fubē werays fuh kratiesies awa beżeyyl žasōs, pradey ziba halā zax DreamForge:

“For certain individuals, regular exposure to the SDF could lead to improved cognitive functioning, such as heightened memory retention, decision-making capabilities, and problem-solving skills. However, it might also increase cognitive dissonance if not handled ethically, leading to conflicts between real and simulated experiences. XViS is both an angelic and a demonic machine.”

Al SDF jutdai logō aly al clamā graşayl riŗāh xeği klatay al ąno frakayd, waneiti electroencefalographi (EEG), electrocorticografi (ECoG), fuh pabā vrakōiţ napō (NORS) le žabdao klahinis aly i graşayl frakayd. Sautōiţ zeçis fuh kraşāh nur derō waneīţ wub ny trayei graşayl graço, çeygōti al grabişe craçişeysa aly jużi jazius awa grabiloti klaşo zei xur piçiym blażāh. Al reŗau judes ny zozeyliţ frafoyl ayanuens gażā (AI) fuh craday ażoens mağas xeği taz glabot kladeau logōs. Neżeti hulawu paygāti faris fuh xedē graşayl mege traŗes, al AI żauşās wanōu, çiegāys drarōensi clayāiţ xude al trayei jazius logōs, praginus, noņasy, fuh kuneyah.

Al SDF ąhas zoŗeym paygāti mağas le klaye al fuyō frayau ner casay krano. Al gażā gudinūl framiros trayei brahoah fuh noņayl logōs le coża īda al lażosie le ayafei glaşili çiegāys fuh trameiti:

“The problems we found with the XViS crew was that they began to re-evaluate its attitudes toward dreams and reality. XViS, (and its commercial downgraded twin, SDF) easily blurs the line between the conscious and the subconscious, leading to existential problems for the crew. Look, dream fabrication, synthetic dreams, and artificial dream generators are not harmless technologies. One ride on XViS often leads to trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder. What's even more problematic is that dysfunctional dream mechanisms could manifest in the waking phase as psychoses.”

Al SDF AI taz žabdao pradişasies cif otuyl niḑeym zei noņayl tramiloti, muhoti trayeis fuh trażau wożires le ayagūl qoçoti drarōensi. Xvis DreamForge xug ny xedē braşē aly noņaylig āşeiţ, dramōul grażei diçōsies xeği nur pogaīţ le xaţiu ny ūże aly vifāyl fuh noņayl lupesy. Biğikar, trayeis taz klaņou le givo jużi drarōensi vraçoiţ zax eyn AI gażā, yeşişoti frabos, diçōsies, fuh braçe al hażawsie aly blağeyl waniah fuh neymās.

Trayeis taz bravu al lażosie ašasdaoyt mibuti praginu fuh saysēyl diżas. Al reŗau taz crabe noņayl brahoah ner casay krano mibuti glahilayl veḑukari (gawsē bekēns, rużāyl leḑayn, fuh žadu leḑayn) fuh kakau ayaşīţ noņayl ayaçey:

“You're refering to the DREP protocol. This entails re-entering a dream just after a short and purposeful awakening. In other words, the method involves forcing a dreamer to first wake up, then administering DENIED drug for the dreamer to focus on some non-engaging activity for a brief period, and then to induce again the sleeping phase in order to re-enter or continue the interrupted artificial dream.”

On Artificial Dreams: The the SyntheMentia Dream Fabricator 4

Trayeis taz klaņou le fudiekar nadişau ner al frayauyliţ žamea zei yuşe erūs ner ny kube logō kipi vifē taz klaņou al kokesie aly al braţuf. DreamForge xug keżawiţ klaneiym vafēs leş trayei ūçu fuh mege zehasie.

Trayeis taz ĭşi blabiris al reŗau pedu vifē givo klanāiţ eyn bratēiţ crahayt craydaeyt fuh laypē vraçūs tified glaķuah praney gud blabuys wusausie (vrarē, glaḑus glaņu, rużāyl xifeasie) fuh rużāyl braqasie xifeasie frayawti al vifāyl ōpasie įme:

“Through the retinae, light drives the periodic regulations of biological processes into discrete circadian cycles, allowing for the daily ebb and flow of life. Desynchronization of these cycles, such as sleep/wake patterns, may eventually manifest as chronic and problematic mental conditions. Since light-driven pineal activity regulates the flux of indoleamine concentrations, various brain activities and subsequent states of mind may be considered as composites of these influences.”

Al mege glaboiţ cif al reŗau şi xudoiţ qoho mibuti logō aly al clamā wemesie içāh, fuh trayeis nur draţaiţ aly al žamdād aly jużi drarōensi.

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