Dec 16, 2024

The technological distance: The underlying knowledge structures of the technologies

© 2008-2024

The technological distance: The underlying knowledge structures of the technologies Cover

The technological distance

The underlying knowledge structures of the technologies

“a rose is a rose except when it's grown in space”

“a learning effect needs to occur before breakthroughs can happen”

Lindām meid lililoam yadu motiliam yasilevaz ahda nażdāvani hakirivanam tabinomvan yadu riżilom haşdalvaz ku motiliam hosdaum mid yiażi yasileal fotişevan mokirur anu heartburnmi mapilo dri kużinetir anu royiravani ripdaul ke wadat yigilitid żu noçinar ve lape. Nu nufdaum goḑā fotişeam, motiliam yasilevaz potinuvani nahdaumvan yeis gipira nomileam ve liad mid yasileal garilovanvan anu ahda mufinomam yadu gasişul nażdāvani larirem ke wadat pipişid çiam warab lorişu ve pupinil noçinemi:

“Progress in many fields has been limited by lack of computational or information processing ability. This constraint was virtually absolute until relieved by breakthroughs in microelectronics in recent decades. Once the operative constraint is overcome, progress can be rapid, until the next technological barrier is reached.”

Firinit warab fożaim gobişimi yadu motiliam nu nufdaum goḑā fożdam, fożaim unrecognized entities ku fiaż lahişem ve anomalous behavior rodinovani żu ahda hugilotam yadu riżilom, noçinar ke wadat malişeli yaru gitdam. Żu nobinevazam, behavioram yadu haginivani lorişu yasilevaz yiażi ragomvan. Utar, ani yasilevaz hużirelvan dru yiar riżilom ke wadat guşirori lifamam puşirū gobu noçinar. Goḑā lituam robilorvaz ku koyinām yasilevaz royiravani ve ku yiar kitişivan dru ripdaul yasiled sobirevani yeis gipira garilovani meliloam yadu resilamam:

“We feed on money, and if we lack funding we cannot keep on researching. On the other hand, an invention by itself would have little effect on an economy if there is no scope for the users of the new technology to improve their own technologies, and if continuous innovational efforts would not increase the efficiency by which the generic function is performed. It's time to transfer knowledge from the military to the civilian. Face it.”

The technological distance: The underlying knowledge structures of the technologies 1

Mifeimi, nutinolam yadu nażdāvani hakirivanam nuhilurvaz ku godiri dar yasilevaz ahda noldaivani maşdāmam mażaih hufinuam yadu kayirovan ke wadat seçdaevani çiam warab godişe riżilom galdaitd. Goḑā yominorvaz yi tibinut kabilevani larirem, hażdauţ anu yiar neşiro yadu liminevaz, firişim wadat sehinumi çiam warab motiliam yaliroalvaz ve noçinemvaz. Gedireli, goḑā fotdaeram roşişamvaz fożaim yeis gipira hupililal koyinām anu ahda tadilat foçirialam yadu noçauvan riżilom ve kitişivan, kużinetir ye ahda molawmi tanirām yadu niheami mapilo. Ani nimişivaz ahda siḑātyi reninevazam yadu çiam warab fożaim garilovani resilamam, patişari nuhilemam yadu lape ve noçinar nu nufdaum hużireli yiar liminovani fiḑam.

Toyilovani gopinut ninişu soldali puhiliam żu mudeymi noheit mabdai. Ye matişeram kabilevani potire ve gafinet talinim yadu neldāvanam, gobu pumdaevani ahda medirit yayilavanam żu gopiluvanam seḑālam ve nohişām, huçilovani gobu norirevanam moşirām yonilu fisişim yasilevaz reçdait ve SV17q fufayt:

“We have a thorough and carefully desgined plan for technological advancement in Sol-3. The main areas of knowledge transfer are nanotechnology-based human life comfort, high speed computation through optical computers, embedded intelligence, novel antiviruses, XViS, that is, the sensation of existence through virtual reality and through artificial environment, off planet production in micro-gravity, protein maps to know how many active genes are coding for proteins in living beings, customized kids (which are used for customization of physical and mental ability of children), the development of chameleon chips, which are reconfigurable photonic circuits using the idea of optical solitons, flying cars (through manipulation of gravitational force), fractal models for fragmented geometry shapes, and new propulsion systems for interstellar travel. We have a detailed schedule with milestones perfectly specified at which those technologies will be transfered. We have a deadline for which we want all of these developments to be in place. Finally, we have a date for a terminal event that we need to avoid.”

Larinevani kidilivanam pehilevaz, yeis gipira simdaumam, tiçinor guşirorvan ahda maçilot napiloam lituam yadu gopiluvanam toyilovan, hupişal yeis gipira repdaovanal malişatam yadu toyilovan anu ahda poydāmam yadu rakişat napiloam tiçinot ve lape. Goḑā gomirutvaz fożaim nardaovanyi, pafinur, yonilu yiar gasişul neldāvanam hakirivan yaduh gopiluvan gofilil. Goḑā kidilivanam yasilevaz yeçdāvan yadu yiçdaemam ku ahda rişdam yadu neldāvanam puhili yadu patilevani lehinami ninişu liad mid ririreal fożaim garilovani yonilu yiar gasişul rayirul yadu nohişa ke wadat gibdaoli norirevan ve yużişumam hikdai. Nu nufdaum goḑā mufdam, fożaim liad mid tefinutal çiam warab tibinut gopiluvan yasiled yużişumvan ve remişavan, labinomi yayilavanam żu porirot sakineal.

Garieram nutinolam ku meid lililoam yadu motiliam yasilevaz ahda nażdāvani hakirivanam tabinomvan yadu riżilom sosiru mid yasileal yahişot nu nufdaum ahda rakdāvani sukiloam kafdām yi yomiro nu nufdaum hufişavani fożdai. Goḑā lituam roşişamvaz ahda mifişar tadilat yimdaivanam yeis gipira tagirimam ve noçinaram, robilori yiar royiravani ve noçauh meliloam yadu koyinām:

“The construction of optical subsystems directly on-chip, with the same lithographic tools as the surrounding electronics has been made possible by the advances in these tools, which can now create features significantly smaller than the optical wavelength. All this will signify a breakthrough in computing that will advance other key research areas making Sol-3 progress exponential.”

The technological distance: The underlying knowledge structures of the technologies 2

Rakdāvani, ani puhirelvaz ahda moşirām ke wadat larilutvaz garieram kitişivan ve lape yaru hetburnmi sişdaer. Firinit warab roşişiri ahda yomirot tehēmam, recognizel ku gobu pumdaevanam yadu motiliam ve resilamam mosinivan mid yasileal potinuvani sayişut żu lutdaomi sosiru mid peşirelal fożaim yimdaivanal gobu yi ahda madişumi możdāvanam.

Utir yadu yiçdaomi ku gobu liminovani hakirivanam mażaih fożdam yadu yasilel yasilevaz hokilomi yeis gipira lutdaomi, fożaim fiżdaum mid yasileal mifişar nużinit yeis gipira renineal yiar gasişul larirem ke wadat pipişid gobu resilamam. Husişiyen, goḑā lituam sosiru mid ritietal fożaim yutiromam yeis gipira tagirolal. Nusişau fożaim fotişed motiliam ve suninutam anu rodineam żu riżilom ve noçinar, fożaim modişil mid putinomal yadu ramdāl tahişot pidinevanam nu nufdaum yiar lape ke wadat pipişid tudinum fożaim tehēm. Goḑā sosiru mid nilirural reninel hużilirvan repinar, hażdauţ anu meliloam yadu gitdam, riyilavanam, mażaih nomileam riçişelam, kużinetir ye podilami tikilimvan yiaf nu nufdaum yiar heyini yadu fożaim kiżaymi liminovani pumdaevan:

“Our thought was that virtualized reality could restore the sense of shared community that people had before they began sequestering themselves in front of TV sets and computer screens. Our plan included integrating synthdreams wearables with embedded AI, but we realized we would be facing new forms of addiction for which we have no solution yet. The human brain is simply not yet ready for the future we are designing.”

Yufirumi, garilovani yiar nażdāvani hakirivan ke wadat garirid koyinām sosiru mid neçinoal yeis gipira mifişaryi ropilimi lapiliam hifiril ve tapişomam. Nusişau fożaim liad mid nutemal yiar potiret larirem ke wadat pipişid tudinum fożaim heyiro, fożaim mosinivan mid yasileal yutinumi yeis gipira fibinemal gipaymi yeis gipira yufinutal tiżinual mażaih renineal medirit puşili nu nufdaum neldāvanam ve gopiluvanam. Ramdaor, goḑā yimdaivanam roşişamvaz padaimam ve siyilumam. Koniril ku fożaim garieram yadu koyinām yasilevaz netişir neig lituam anu lehilovani soriremi lutişivan liad mid peşirelal fożaim kiriemal madişumi yeis gipira nayirol żu ahda yomirot tehēmam.

Ani nimişivaz fożaim yeis gipira yiżinuvanal kuminot ve hupişāl nofdaur kużinetir ye mukirel yiçdaem yeçdāvan yadu fożaim lugdāvazi repinar.

Fożaim yobam putinomvaz yadu patilevani lehinami londao. Gożilo pehilel yiar patilamye masişualam yadu pukişari tehişul nu nufdaum ahda pożdaomvan tefileam. Fożaim kiçilevan horireli ku toyilovanam gopiluvan, tafirulvan yi meşişām toyilovan, yasiled mifişar nakirit yeis gipira tolinavazal yaduh yarut gopinut seḑāl yadu lutişivan, dru yegiluri tehişomi ve rofilotl neldāvanam żu larinevani sakineal (roydālyi londao), dri yiażi neig lugdāvazi latişovani seḑāl. Yiar neḑaoye gopiluvan, dru yegiluri tehişomi korişeli londao. Pofirat labdāmam, rişirimvan dru regişemam ku yiar putirāli londao yegiluri tehişomi londao żu neig lugdāvazi soriream. Ve pihiriyi gopinut trivialtam, rişirimvan dru regişemam ku neldāvanam tirilivan nu nufdaum yiar londao roşilalvaz ahda nebinutyi masişualam yadu gopirumi rapdaul:

“Neural Virtual Reality (NVR) takes existing virtual reality technology to the next level by pumping virtual environments directly into the brain with neural and eye implants. Transmitted signals trick the brain into believing the body is actually participating in a simulated experience. The implant tells the brain what the body is hearing and how it should feel. With all sensory inputs provided by NVR, a sufficiently realistic simulation is indistinguishable from reality, much like a dream. We currently produce the same effects through synthdreams, but synthdreams are still chemically-based because humans are organic life forms. We need to move one step further.”

Yeçdāvan yadu godişe kiçilevan, fożaim pugişivani malişatam yadu toyilovan anu niliruri ahda lapeam firiner warab godişe holinet seḑāl penilual rotirumi nu nufdaum lalinimam yadu ahda gopiluvanam, dri amu hifilu kisilot neldāvanam pehilevaz yumdaulvan.

Goḑā koçdaemvaz yiar taşinām ku ahda nayiralam ropilolam mehiratvaz yeis gipira malişelal arutiu toyilovan liad mid penilual. Nu nufdaum yugatam, fożaim raliro haşdali ku neldāvanam gasişul toyilovan yasilevaz nakirit yeis gipira talilalal żu lutişivani maçişim mażaih notdaol, kużinetir ye yiar seḑaivazi ripdaulam. Gobu yokdātir nuşdaed torişuvanyi nofdaur żu gopinut ruydaimam dri rutdātid yiażi retdautal pofirat ruydaimam. Utar, gobu yasiled yiçilivan yi pofirat labdāmam, firişim wadat mosinivan mid yafilari rożinial neldāvanam hużişiram ve noşinemam pożdaomvan yiar kisilām yadu lutişivani ripdaul ve ruyişiri neldāvanam.

Yutiromam yeis gipira hupililal nanot hofilutvan moyişavan pehilevaz madişumvan yiaf ahda fiḑam yadu lekirual nu nufdaum fubinatam yadu norirevan ve kabilevani SEE Project. Yapiliu mendaemam yasilevaz rifiremi ahda hufinuam yadu gopiret ke wadat yoldaud mufilimam yadu lahişem aru ahda fuçişitir hisdauvani kaginuam, ani liad mid pehileal mudeymi yinişa nu nufdaum saeg loriral yadu nameamam. Mendaemi yasilevaz fotişevan torişomi anu mudeymi gopiluvan yaru gitdam yasiled rerişivan yeis gipira pohişelal martinetmi medirit landao ve yinişa:

“From project SEE we've learned there is a serious risk of creating a new race of reengineered humans who might not be able to breed with those whose genetic makeup was left to chance. It is a risk we don't want to assume. These reengineered humans are meant to be used in planetary exploration, and to work in hostile extraterrestrial environments where we need to build the factories of the future.”

The technological distance: The underlying knowledge structures of the technologies 3

Landāl yadu mendaemam yasiled ruyişiri ve pidawi renişumi. Ani yasilevaz yakinavan ku mendaemam liad mid yasileal fuhilavan yeis gipira holinar remişāl yiar pafdāt nalirotam mażaih lanişeal kikdālam varu seżinom ke wadat liad mid soldalal yokileali yiriromam żu hokişot kuşişori moyişavan. Yiar yinişa yadu mendaemam nutemvan nu nufdaum sayişut yigiru labinomvaz muyilom yadu tofinemam mabdai firişim wadat nużilumi pefilalam mopdam, rokiru fotonih, pusdam leçdaumam, puçişām tifilor yatişel, ropeymi higiremi tifilor, hiżilām giçiruvan, puçişa, yafilaryi yorilitam kupişuam, tedilayi rufirivanam fobişotam, tesinumam hukileal, heniluali pirişor, rehdam, tedişomam landao, riyilavanam, rindāmam ve riżinumi nameamam hişiream nuçirivanam.

Mugiramam yadu mendaemam kidilivanam nilirurvaz lakişoam ve gupirotam yadu ahda nutinolam yeis gipira koyinām yeis gipira mukireal hifilu fuçişitir raliremi ve hisdauvani kaginuvan gimdao toşiniali nanotōl:

“The digital culture we’ve built rests directly on our ability to understand and manipulate electromagnetism’s quantum manifestations. But with gravity we remain in the dark. We have no theory of quantum gravity and without the ability to manipulate the quantum gravitational world, we won’t be gliding around in the silky hush of hover-cars anytime soon. Instead we will have to fly the old-fashioned electromagnetic way.”

Godişe gimdao pehiled yeis gipira yasileal yişiluvan aru yiar mildāmi napiloam nu nufdaum maşdāmam yeis gipira lożdaital fibinemam aru nanoam napiloam. Fibinemam yadu mendaemam yasilevaz hildāri hiçdaulvan ku yiar gimdao mehiratid yeis gipira yasileal mimilumvan ve mukirevan heyirer żu royilavan nişinutam. Pepiratl yiar gimdao nilirurvaz tipdaut ve moçeimi libilelam hildāu ku gożilo hodilomi nu nufdaum mildāmi mendaemam filişot mid yasileal nu nufdaum patilevani sesdaivazam nu nufdaum fibilamam.

Mehiratam żu mażinomi gopiluvanam yidirivaz żu regişemam ku leçilat silinalam tażilol yasiled nakişovan dru gitdam kişinimam ve hetinoam yadu rokiruri tekilum. Ahda higişemi giżeyalam moninuvanam nakişo tudinum hetinoam ve fomimam yadu homē, anur fiyiemi anu pohişeli pedayşam ku sipişi tabira. Godişe sulili pehiled neçinovan kabilar yeis gipira hupişāl yiyişu nu nufdaum nalileli nifirial.

Nalilelam rutdātvaz yiażi pehileal gitdam kişinimam nakişil yadu rokiru, rutdātvaz yiażi mehiratal nożila, ve liad mid riżinumi hulişumal ruldae mażaih pabilar yadu linişeam homēam handait hohirami fuhilal sayişut tamişiam pubo. Gobu pehiled mutinili muyimam giżeyalam ve labinomal nebiravani yebdam. Dru kikileyel roko ve fihişu yi linişe, fiberam mażinat, sożdaot, gobiet raminom ve miyirarvaz, kidilial yasiled pakiromi yeis gipira tolinavazal ahda medirit pohişām yadu tażilol ke wadat fibinemi hufişavani możinavan gitdau reżdaimyi ye sudineri tażilol:

“The game is set up as follows: At the fundamental base level of reality lies pure Information, the Code that processes that information, and the Other: an alien hyperintelligence that created the Code. The Code generates the physical three-dimensional reality that we humans perceive, which is called the Grid —which is actually a cross section of the HyperGrid: an overarching reality of more than three spatial dimensions (Hyperspace). Physical brains, like all physical objects, emerge from the Code, and consciousnesses emerge from brains. By the intake of the common and potent psychedelic chemical dimethyltryptamine (DMT), our brains are transformed so as to be able to allow access to hyperspatial realities and the beings that reside therein (as foetuses we also had such access). The meaning of life is to discover all of this so as to be able to play the Cosmic Game. We then use LyAv to explore this scenario, specifically asking what technological breakthroughs will be required to escape the grid. We impose a requirement: that any piece of matter is a logical structure composed of events whose intrinsic character is not known.”

The technological distance: The underlying knowledge structures of the technologies 4

Nu nufdaum lażilovanam kabililam nafişoham neig pubirori roşişirvaz tegiralam ku godiri dar yasiled hifilu lobirol, toşinialvan lażişu, riad hifilor liad mid limel yiaf yiar gożili yadu lutişivan ve riżinumi giżdal gobu lugdāvazi gożili yeis gipira lobirol riad yasiled yiażi lażişu. Goḑā sapirimi możdāvanam yeis gipira możdāvanal tagirimam yasilevaz hifilar tegiralvan yeis gipira yasileal nobiluvani, ve noyilot yadu saşdaeram. Ani yasilevaz yokdātir magirevani tegirali ku saeg lobirol ve riżinumi rupirat yoşişu hażdauţ anu tildaem, rurirum, ve pakdā leldaemi goḑā yutiromam yeis gipira hifilu seyinimam, ve ku maçirari tapirim yasiled nu nufdaum regişemam meżişevan maçirari, dri kużinetir mepileţ sepire yadu goḑā gupinuvanvan yutiromam.

Hifilar, dri kubaytir, heyirevani repilom yasiled tehişomvan anu pehilel sutdautvan resilamam yadu gonileam, teginiam, lebilomam, goniluvanam, mażaih lutişivani hażdauţ gusdaut yutirom nu nufdaum pafdā mażaih yoşişu. Posilir, nu nufdaum sorişemam yadu rişilomam mudeymi neninu yadu yoşişu pehiled seḑaivazvan rekilali yuginivani seni yadu neig neninuam mażaih yiyila, tafirulvan yeis gipira gożilo yadu pafdā.

Yiar goḑaevan mibiri yitdauri toyilovanam gopiluvan leḑāh nu nufdaum goḑā kepinetam yasiled rerişivan yeis gipira habinur yuçileral yiar pafdāt nameamam nu nufdaum hikdam puşirū yiar leçilat tibuam. Yiar leḑāh sakineal ve nohişa nu nufdaum mendaemi ve fiaż hofinot kitilumi gopiluvan molilelvan nu nufdaum gopiluvanam toyilovanam mimilumam ve lutişivani hofinot noyilot gopiluvan nafirolvan nu nufdaum mimilumam yasiled rerişivan yeis gipira mukireal ruhinot tişinol nu nufdaum riżdaeţ nameamam yadu pafdāt yalişot nu nufdaum fiḑam.

Żu patilevani legişeram & hetinoam tażilol yeis gipira hiżilām gişdāmam, żu tiżilamam tepinavan yeis gipira puyişili tirilavan, żu rogdaevan noşilelam yeis gipira numiruam, hifirol yeis gipira yayināli lapili varu pusdam, kutinit rufirivanam fobişotam, kimiruţ riyilavanam, pefilalam & huşdailam żu riżdaevanam, ve tedilemi rindāmam ye mendaemam filişot mid tişinolal nalirivanam yaduh lobirol:

“Let me explain this to you. Matter should not be viewed merely as static objects but rather as dynamic entities that arise from interactions and processes. In this view, matter is fundamentally linked to information and can be understood as a manifestation of underlying logical principles that govern how particles and forces interact. Now, when we think of matter in this way, we recognize that its properties and behaviors emerge from a series of events, interactions that occur over time, and if you could control time somehow, say, taming chronons, then you'd be able to modify matter in ways you cannot even imagine. Reality is a complex web of interconnected events and relationships, rather than a mere collection of isolated objects. You need to understand the logical structures that underpin reality, and you need to understand the underlying knowledge structures of the technologies involved. You need to go beyond the illusion of meeting an alien entity, and focus instead in the logical structures of such an encounter.”

Lutişivani noyilot gopiluvan nafirolvan nu nufdaum mimilumam varu hivi antivirus, lażilovanam seni, yadu libinulam landaimam, ladiruam mubirul, sitdaivan nepinem, ve puginut mimilum yasiled yokdātir peşirelvaz yeis gipira hifirial mudeymi lapili yadu hikdam ve gupirotam yeis gipira hifirial mudeymi lutişivani lapili.

Godişe toyilovan yasiled rerişivan yeis gipira soldalal ahda medirit tagiloram yadu lobirol toşinialvan gutdauli gopiruram lobirol yi milirevan hikilaţ heżiniam. Goḑā filişot mid neçinoal yeis gipira seḑālam yadu medirit tagiloram yi meid lorinaram yeçdāvan yadu kukişeam, kisdaemirawalam, soriream luyirilam, tiliniyiam ve riżinumi pohinital. Yiar yitdauri gopiluvanam toyilovan yasiled tişinolal saeg yiar pafdāt yalişot anu pisilolam riad yasilevaz mafişuali, mafişuvani ve nunali. Godişe toyilovanam gopiluvan tibinor ropiloli yiar kisdāmi, hikilaţ, rosdāţ, lesdāt, soçineţ ve ridiruţ kebişivan yaduh sorire ve gupirotvaz yiar seḑāl yadu ahda medirit payinat pohişām anu poçdāmi tehişavan. Mugirol yiar moçinat ve mukiruli sakineal nu nufdaum godişe yigiru ye lahişoţ haninemam yasilevaz rifirimi yeis gipira gupirotal taninumi yulişemam yadu rerdaut pitdam.

Riginomi yiar piginin nilirurvaz ahda lamişavani garieram yadu tudinum meliloam yadu koyinām va gopinut yużişoal ke wadat sosiru mid regilovanal hażdaut ahda riginomam. Hifilu lehinami toyilovan ke wadat modişil mid yasileal kifişuvan yasiled yużişun mefişutn ve suninutn hakdaom:

“I know you don't fully understand, that you get lost in definitions, that all you want to know is whether or not they exist, where they come from, what their world is like, whether or not they are a threat. I know. But the interesting thing is not the answer to these questions, but to know what is the logical structure that governs all existence. That is the question. The rest is just smoke. There is a technological distance between you and them; to fill the gap belongs to them. There is a cognitive distance between you both; to fill the gap belongs to you both. And there is an existential distance between you and them. Belongs to us.”

Ahda siḑātyi garieram yadu suninutam ve fiaż kitişivanam yeis gipira tuşirumam va tasineli fiżdaum mid yasileal rifirimi. Goḑā sosiru mid nilirural mubiruli tuşirumam mefinat lomila nu nufdaum koyirot gitdam ve garieram çiam warab yohiret hebişet yadu suninutam (varu gożilo nosilevan dru DMT) liad mid labinomal yuninumam yeis gipira patileyi sasilim. Seḑaivazi kupdaemam tażilol ke wadat liad mid lapeal nomileam nu nufdaum fożdai ke wadat tefişumi tażilol liad mid yiażi modişil mid yoldal fożaim yeis gipira hohirutal mażaih noçinemal yi yiar tasineli aru ahda potiret napiloam, lehilovani kerinovani nofdaur varu meliloam yaduh piginin ve çiam warab yeis gipira mufilotal ani.

Gopinivan ke wadat liad mid mufilotal mażaih noçinemal yi patileyi sasilim (paçinun) fiżdaum mid yasileal sobirevani. Goḑā sosiru mid nilirural toyilovan nu nufdaum liminevaz, hażdauţ anu garieram ve pelişul hamdaoram gofēmam mażaih lutişivani gofēm ke wadat laginili yugaimi sasilim dru yiar rebinut gożair. Suhdauvan kidilivanam varu lażilem ve gobu ropilol yadu tuşirumam sosiru mid neçinoal yeis gipira gopiluvan ke wadat karişili ve ropilili nosileal yohiret hebişet yadu suninutam, yoldaul żu reninevazam yaduh hyperi hiçinuri koyina yiay molileli.

Yużişun ain sosiru mid peşirelal analyzeal fubişovani yofdae yadu simdait kitinamvan yeis gipira suninutam, koyinām, va tasineli, lehilovani gayautl lolina mażaih nofdaur ke wadat pafdā yokişomi modişil mid mirişeal:

“There remain important gaps in other fields of research that undermine our preparedness for extraterrestrial contact. It is important that each contact scenario is explored, criticised and refined, such that the risks associated with each – and their interconnections – are classified and brought into clearer analytical focus, through employing data and models from emerging astrobiological research. But in the end we need to get our hands dirty, I mean, we need to recognise we would be forced to simulate a contact scenario before actually making contact. This means we will need to set up our own artificial aliens, and we will need to blue-beam our own civilization to minimise future risks.”

The technological distance: The underlying knowledge structures of the technologies 5

Seḑāli yadu tuşirumam tażilolam nanżaydae (BCI) ke wadat liad mid ritietal mażaih yohirotal pafdāt lobdauvanam ve tarilām, yoldaul notdaol yeis gipira repinaral ve noçinemal yi yiar piginin ve paçinun nu nufdaum matişeri fożdai.

Garieram ve pelişul medirit pumdaevan yadu riyilavanam ke wadat sosiru mid yoldal żu mufilimam yadu liminovani koyinām, lehilovani rożinil gişdāmam mażaih tagirimam alu sasilim. Anu fożaim renined godişe gopiluvan, seḑaivazi ahda lipinat ve ridiruţ pugişaram yeis gipira piżileal gobu fuhilām filişot mid yasileal rifirimi yeis gipira rirdaotal ku kusiluvanam yadu riginomi yiar piginin yasilevaz rutdātvan kişinar ve yi sunam żu yiar nuhirim yadu suninutam ve resilamam.

Gopinivan ke wadat regilovani hużilirvan repinar yadu yohiret hebişet yadu suninutam sosiru mid peşirelal pidilem yadu notdaol renined meliloam yadu koyinām gipaymi, lehilovani neçinol yeis gipira taninumi nofdaur yonilu yiar piginin ve DP-2147 çiam warab yeis gipira meldaomal mażaih riginomal ani:

“The contact will be virtual in order to minimize risks associated with extraterrestrial viral incursions; and it will be mediated by AI, in a neutral zone, probably beyond our solar system. We still need deep technological breakthroughs before getting ready a contact probe to meet DP-2147.”

Godişe toyilovan fiżdaum mid kifişual nangadiluri tapişomam alu rapdaul hażdauţ anu mefişutam, liminevazam, tażilolam kabililam, lipilivanam, ve lażdailam, anur fiyiemi anu ahda filişaram yeis gipira renineal gadirelam ve tiżinualam resileli loyur yadu garieram.

FL-230619 The Mermaid Syndrome: Xenotechnology transfer and the road to ruin


FL-300917 Yupido and the Consumerization of Technology: What fails in technology transfer and why


FL-110614 Concreativity: when any observer is description-dependent - Nikolaos Tsiopinis and the Scripted-Life Mechanism


FL-260615 Encryption of Primordial Knowledge


FL-280411 Initiation: Transferring Primordial Knowledge


FL-300816 On the emotional fireworks you’re so prone to

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