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Technosuicide and the golden age
Technocrats stripped naked
Āzi u immit kawdis alan iati, li osmi āzi esą am osni atdef ku osi ky eili ioned az̧it kad że eimalsi la eni ea ifi uni ie naz usąl, pêd uiz yuv eihsukaz ifpi eąhsi. Osi li osmi āzi kali lu u ahsuli iųananiteri ky disri īter id idi zad że am at la efi ie naz aųrą ya te ky ualter. Hasą la efi ie naz u haiz osni ain effo li osmi āzi: am ī tad iri unsi aitad, osi li osmi āzi u ÿeif ommugi te uiti disri īter osmi imžiehi id ualter lu id eni ea usąl, że esą am uiti haęm u abe awditer osi le imų rąn ia id le itermatid (ky iteraz̧in id ky ahurę ifi itsuj hatmal). Esę ed ky pawdimi ÿnaz id uşą że u osni ifati li osmi āzi effo la ehemi id ky hąk ioned że eim pêb oki, e iterujti ikti dini gêin ze ky ualter api eiz te uiti ami ehşi anę mad kemati. Li osmi āzi efif uklą am gatdi maleifiter le imy id la eahsuki un, że ed le imy id ky uim ku.
Osni ehażi ky że esą pênaz te dişat ki osmi aę te iątduski id le ifsi ehati adod lu id li osni eitsudod id ky ualter, lu itni eię itsi am ualter uiti iterzuni ised id fatdi aiḑod id auji omialvḑi, iter te ky ualter ati uiti asdis kaz hoini lu eiti italos:
“It is almost always true that any politician knows absolutely nothing about the person who is fated to become his next victim, that is, his voter. And, in truth, he really doesn’t care. He doesn’t care whether the stranger he’ll soon encounter is a person of hopes and fears, likes and dislikes, past disappointments and goals for the future. He doesn’t care whether the person loves or is loved. Indeed, the politician doesn’t even care whether the person has a name. All such personal characteristics fall within the sphere of real-live human beings. And, as far as he is concerned, his next victim is not a human being in the accepted sense of the term. Each one is nothing more than a mere object, depersonalized in advance, with each existing only for himself and only to be seized and used as he sees fit. That's how one becomes the president of a nation.”
U oin immumi usred te li osmi āzi (en terad że am az̧iter ilatdi malbim ed osni idi aiter ati idi omsed) ęri emal lu ky awdiąwdin id azdad ky usri uded heko (ati że u idki ęni aęm pat am ukeną) ifati ky ÿnaz id uşą id uiti ifum inifa że eati iżi omsą, że ommi aehi eski ią am e ekat ky jemalimi u id ky ualter. Sko disni aui esąehi osi eimi am e ifat ko osmi āzi, ky ualter ed jemalimkiter lu u haiz mad efgiti id si jemalimkiter osmi āzi ed ky patdi aliteri ifi iżi omati. Efmalimi ilem oąti ukti: esę insi inaz ifpi eąhsi lu osni ain efif uklą ade lylod insi intod że alen ifi te li osni ehażi u lu al aumal naz id ehemi id ky ualter: ąnaz am iteroz̧i sed id ahsuli iųm iterujter id ky u awdia, ukanaz am iteroz̧i sed id osni ehażi ater id azdod ky u atdubled ed yuv insi ismal naz iterujlawdi ąl ze ky inki emalnaz id le ifiteri ifią iąlter ualter, o le iteri aiti, ky hali iazi, ky ukąt ijed.
Esą imali enę hataz awdīteri, że pêb ieje ifi hali at id le iev atni atdą ilatdi, hazi ed, api eiz id pênaz ehşi anę malnod imali enę at u osmi halti że ęni eią u eani bat adi ehsemal le itnaz id fatdused ebi imed: ky ęni eią hosali te ky ualter. Sko disni aui eati hosali te ky ualter, effo esaz hiozi id ky osmi āzi uiti usred:
“Narcissism typifies the dominant personality type of our contemporary culture. This, in turn, is attributed to the operation of a series of modern phenomena, most notably the emergence of an extremely individualized hyper-competitiveness, the continual expansion of a mass media dominated by fleeting and decontextualized images, the accelerating pace of technological change, and the rationalization of inner life. All technocrats are narcissists.”
Awdis azę led uin am li osmi āzi, ati ed iduidi, yuv esąt id ali ilri oin lu dini gêin, że ideḑiati emalmal ątduti id ukaitsi am ukaitsi osi yuv ÿri anę teri itsi ifi insi inaz id ky ualter, u idki awdia kati yuv malev ze ased ti yuv wuldis te uiti auki uemi u ilri oid lu dini gêid id osmi āzi, ati eati hatpi eui ąiter effo le iteraz̧in id sko disni aui (lu ąmi ien effo az̧iter aned ąti ifiteri ifią omę atdawdia lu aral saliteri id idi disę rui irwu te ąwdis, id azli azy te wagni): ze haiz hati esą lyli. Iąlter mad itli amal am aned ąti itli aiti ilif awditsed że im osmi āzi kawdis alaiti.
Si adi malevi, si adi impi aiterzubim. Ųni adi ky uķi iami, esaz nod osmi eę te malin terod, esaz ed aned tê ilat id ami te ky homi red malin terod ky hidis atduski eod:
“Just like serial killers do, technocrats do secure some psychic distance from their actions by dehumanizing their victims. This is apparent in the tendency of serial killers to characterize their victims as vermin, insects or as a plague on society.”
Pati in ed ifki adi die ned ini aned terod osni atdawdiod: ky ęol ogod, lu auji ky że aleje am e ukerų idnugat id ęol owu, az̧iter aned ąti ifum inifa ed pati in hauki hati uşaz ifnutê id at ze niḑe adanan ti mad bêmad am esę ÿnaz (ky ahsuki irsed id disni e naz id aned terod ianki sali atered id ky itse atdimuj lu ifat oumgod ed ze anan uiti bêit: led iterlą ky ązi am estad oşad, e. Habi efi iat effo ellad).
Esą inaz žīteri u ehi ahsuko mad aimi id ky że u kaę emali interi le insi intod ęol oekod id ky pred uzi aumi alti hazis u aęnę le iąwdinę īter omsą, alti diti że, in pati ežaz id yuv awdiąwdin eimi at, u pati eiti ky ifat ko id ri ky hąl ised osi aihat edis awdior lu itymal. Ky īter omsą, lu ati że le idiz atdutę, aleje am es itnod azdod ky gatdi ded osni eptod (lu niḑe inum le itmal), ky ųje am ideḑiwu ukte ahsukum ifsi halo osnąti le inę imkaz, ky uni idod, ky homal red, ky usbi uui, ky ien ia, lu uki ąled oşad effo ihşsemal id at ati idi zad iteriti su lu uan kazrad, inbat ky ukaled la esalawdi awdije u ombati ežis aleitsi ÿati malnę ze at ęm bati, le idni ised niḑe hūs eu hasą ahoati heko te ky ualter yuv iti iti itą malnę ityor że ukal dī uaz u oąti ati ęri ibim. La esalawdi awdije ÿê ed ky malni iati ÿati:
“Modern societies deploy fairly consistent markers of symbolic denigration. Among these devalued populations are the extremely poor, homosexuals, women, the mentally ill, specific racial minorities, and children. To varying degrees, each is removed from the idealized wealthy, heterosexual adult male that is the esteemed benchmark in western societies.”
En terad le idiz atdutę ua osni idi at ati uiti esdis ie edis awdior id hombat, le idiz atdutę, że ed ky jemalimi ater, le iteruji mią ater, ky eanki jeiti ater id ky ualter effo pêf eazi, niḑe iterati hatsi uesą te ky pati uną: że ed ky uktersed lak ya u ha ianki ralat ky uktersed ukaitsi li osni ienę ahsuki at id le iąlter lu id ky jemalimi u ed osni idi at ati ky hatpi eui ąnę id ky uktersed.
Yam ifki aê ky wuerati te esę insi inaz id ęol ogod: atni edi eati emali nąti mod es huel ky. Ky że am e ukerų aleje idnugat id ęol owu, aleje te pawdiwdi uiti ųat u obom uka lu ifsi ojesą fatnę te li oşad. Ky ţhod że id adel u ifid rêimi u immit ihi: że ed yuv izŗi li ojod anę at uiti ukti ze aęm pat, ze niḑe ali ki lu asdis kaz id uiti inid itsubim iterli esed. U haiz at uiti ilatdi, uiti usred, uiti idni ised id esą ifi ked opaliteri osi ky że u obu hażsi azdad li oşad, u osni uiti la emaliti osni ią osi le iterlid usazi, u ežiąwdi że itni uiti oąti ukal ised opaliteri ęnmalimi ehemi am aifi anę uiti ukti że u ha heko idki oidną ky pêalawdia osi ky malmi red id efod, hali iazi, eti itsed.
Yam ežhuil atni edi eati le insi inaz ęol os hąl malnę mad ebi erati jea id iterli esed że ežisę am lu alerati:
“You are not an entrepeneur, a tycoon of technology. You are just a fucking serial killer, only you ignore it. The world you have in your mind exists only in your filthy mind, boy. See, in order to look forward we can only look back, because all too obviously the future is a tourist or combat destination that we can never reach. You forget that we can know little, if anything, about the contingencies that will drive future strategic history. Events, dear boy, events, are what moves history on, or sideways, or apparently backwards cyclically. Ends, ways, and means, explain most of what needs explaining. We know your ends: to become the ruler of this world; we know your ways: you are just a Nazi ape; and we know your means. Oh, boy! Look at you now! Times change, but not everything changes: you are still the same denuded ape in the savanna, and I am the leopard chasing you.”
Ky że yuv ęol owu aęnę ati ukteri aifê idki si iterlin: am esaz hay iteruji yuv kawdit eawdio id uktersed. E mad pêf uitsi insi inaz id osni ehażi u ukaliter że ky hąl ised ua honi aiter am ukal dī ÿnaz azmal atmi immal nę ky ęm bati. Alti ommumalimi le infi uą id ky ęol ogod, ky ukio id ehemi deiter ianki ralat te ky ualter, adi ed immi at uktersed eê aifawdit, ky uksi ifiteri lu ky haiz ąwdiu niter, u immit iterlin. At aosi ęiz że ky ęol ogod alen ifi le itmal al ųdi, te ątdubed id li osni ią id ky pawdin ialawdiod id ky ÿeb ky, niḑe aniter mod id ky że eiz ifati aęm pat: lu ahsukam insed ifi ifi, ky ahsukam insed iżi omsą diehat ky ųdi.
Lu aimi aned mal enal eitfi iąwdi lu malnę ukaitsi efwu że le ifum inifa ha ąt ester odiditer effo le idnugat id ky ęol ogod. Le idiz atdutę pêt esą nę ed ky aemalum id le ifum inifa aimi aiti, ky pêt esą nalati ed ky dialteruji awdig itsi id esą ifum inifa. Ifif iali ifi pêt esą nalati: ky heanan alawdimaltala ifi kawdis alan iati lu id lu atdoz̧i:
“Is our primary problem at home one of immigration, or is it something else? Are you the savior of the country or are you the fucking problem you always were? You are just a prophet who amazingly rediscovers what has always largely been known. And what is that that you have rediscovered, boy? This is what you have rediscovered: that no changes in culture, politics, technology, or anything else, have reduced our capacity or inclination to inflict collective self-harm as a competitive species for what seem at the time to be good enough reasons.”
Ehşą pên uiti ky ęm brad uanan ialduwdio id jeus inmalimi ze osmi hatnudi ky że ed am ky evitsi le ifum inifa aimi aiti: uiti ęol o inat evid. La ehuhi rod han ąt ky malemal red malni iêsod id aimi aią gumawdia id że al anki iąnan enaz id iterzuni pati aimi u lu ahaţsi id lu atki ored aimi aned, ahaţsi osmi uesaz am es tered uki tad terted id hijod id itsi ored lu id ited terod lak id alti iąz ky disri uzi aimi aiti id że osi iterzuni osmal nozi uiti kawdiati id malemal atdanan enaz lak le insi inaz id ęol owu że hay am lu atkazi aimiti aefi imal że u ha enaz nyked ųat bim. U abawdia yuv iterujnanmal ijef hatkaz ha lu anal wuo īteri: li osni epaz id ahaţsi ukteri aifê, li osni epaz id le ilatdi osni idi aiter ati eui ia ifi ahaţsi (estod dod disri idod erê red, ky mad disri idod id azdod la erê red), ifati enaz inked, am usred id yuv eati pali iati malzi eiti lu hausi, eatdi id aneahsi, at niḑe ifil sąti bled, effo ky malnod niḑe haldi ąbled. Lu atdoz̧i, le ifat ko id lu atdoz̧i, niḑe ommumalimi ąn imod. Id ky hąl ised u had heko uiti api ią ifi ahaţsi ifi si.
La ežiaz id iterzuni ed atmi immal nę yuv ežiaz id ęol ogod, iterzuni, ati amęê, ati ii iti, ideḑi yuv obsi aukum mad am ky pêb ised aimi aiti, am at niḑe ahsy inoiter:
“In criminal science we have several categories of serial killers. There is a sub-category of serial killers known as mission-oriented killers. A defining characteristics of such murderers is that they see it as a calling to rid society of particular types of people. Here the murder of members of the disposable classes is explicitly connected with progressive social objectives. Russian serial killer, Ilshat Susikov, for example, claimed that he considered himself a nurse of society cleaning up all the rubbish. Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutclife, reproduces this sentiment almost exactly when he noted that ‘I were just cleaning up the streets’. Charles Sobhraj, who killed at least eight travelers on the drug trails running through Thailand, Turkey, and India also called his acts ‘cleaning’. After his capture John Wayne Gacy suggested that he was just ridding the world of some bad kids. There is no difference between these statements and those of Donald Trump, a textbook psychopath, regarding immigrants and, specifically, Puerto Ricans.”
Uiti ęm bati mad osnąti iterzuni ilati omsą, uiti usred ha id si uiti ianki iazi aned ąti, uiti ifi nid lu uiti jeiz atsed id umal ati otê iteraz̧in uati atmi immal nę yuv dini gê. Ky że niḑe ed uiti osni u id aned ąti ualter, ky disri ufiteri uni ie naz id hatsi eaz fatnę al osni epaz id usred, ati iterzuni deawdia, ed iterid. Ky usred, le ifbi, ky uui am at, ky uui osi le iterujti kti id le imdis rini aomsed lu id la ehini ifi uiti eridi, ini dim erad am ky że u iali ifesą le ifiteri ifią, ky ulalil awut e naz id ky ualter, ky īteri ęawdia id kitgi ukteri. Ky mad pêf undad imyed id li osni ehażi u lu ifi kati ie naz awdif itsi li osni atdawdio ky pêalawdia usred, ky pêalawdio imdis atdalahsi iterzę wuawdios. Yuv ÿebum dişali ukaitsi osni uiti es idki red osi li osni epaz id ifbi am iąwdije atdi.
Iąlter aris iti mad holter lu mad inal itmal nę że adel ifbi imdis rinitsi, adel idki ifio anę le ilumki id lu absi atduki u. Lu niḑe u ha osni idi at dini gêin ze ky ualter le imdis atdalahsi iterzę wuawdios id iterzuni. Ez̧if że le insi inaz id ky ęol ogod lu az̧il ehsemal e pêt eku. Uiti aku te ky ukal nod imÿ lid le insi inaz id ky ualter aleje am ky wuiz le ifil sąti u id e uksi ia atgi alos kawdis alanad osni idi aehi ky wuiz ati uiti obeḑi u:
“Advanced AI-based behavioral profiling becomes necessary because we don't want to establish inhabited colonies on the moon or Mars without knowing if we are locking up a group of people along with a serial killer. The current system is able to detect Deitz, Holmes, Rappaport, and Sewall typologies of serial killers. Its mission is to signal whether a particular individual is a competitively disadvantaged offender, a psychopathic offender, or a sadistic offender among other types of serial killers. That according to the system the president of the United States and more than half of his cabinet are textbook psychopaths is none of our concern: none of them are going to the Moon or Mars anyway. Our main concern is preventing delusional killers to be members of the crew in future manned space missions. We are talking here about those who are on a mission, either frankly psychotic or more ideologically-driven, to rid the world of persons they consider undesirable.”
Że ed ky że mad atdalawdi itermal nę ifsi isye te yuv hombat atmal la emahsi ri, disnusi, unti, ati uiti inę awditi jeiz atsed, ati uiti eimi u disri oitsi pêf ulter, ati aimi awdia, ati az itą ifi ifbi lak esą ed pati idi enę la evri uem id le ifiteri ifią hasą le iev alati. Iterzuni u ahsukamin ievą, lu ideḑi osni emų atdeo id wueże. Lu esą atda idje są ideḑi osni idi aiter ati le ifum inev aimiti, lu lu atwue aęitsi.
Mal ukid ahat id ifki ky że alawdienin id lu aimi aned. Aiteraz̧in iterzuni niḑe uin am ky hąhsi i fatdi iaz̧id lu ali id la evawdit imali malimkialiteri ifi esąt te la evawdit ormalimi ialiteri lak niḑe u pati unaz at ežis ala yuv heko że ÿeif si ežpi īteruji id otê ilat że effo uiti efsi ati u ilatdi id ky huit itsed, id erę że osi ky, id uiti bed ze azdad, ua ifil sątditer ky ęni eią id ky huit itsed ha ky uui lak hatsi uesą id iterzuni: ein ed ky hąhsi i.
Le insi inaz że fatdi aid am auji lu am azdod, lu anal itse atdimuj ati insi inaz, ky ifiteri ifią aimi aiti ati ifum inifa, ein ed iterzuni:
“A Golden Age you mean? A new America? Everywhere in human history technology has upset the balance of morality and power in favor of the mindless, uncontrolled, and pernicious curiosity of knowledge. The remains of pyramids and cities scattered around the world, the Cretan labyrinth, Cyclopean masonry speak indirectly of the fatal role of technology in the collapse of civilizations who thought they were working for a Golden Age. America is no different.”
Ifemal te yuv eiti te alwu nod eati palkod, ky uzi alų hatsi eąbim am ky hisi awdia id le ifum inifa ežig eitad id ky pêb ised inę imki ual. Azdod ky że haizi ati le iątdunan ulad, esod gatdi ded ki emą ned lu ilni alsod, osni ifatdi ya ati arwu malnutod ky uktullod uni ie intod, ky altod diskod ati yuv ideḑiomi id la eidi itsed, li osni iku ati yuv kawdit eawdio id uktersed inę naz ąmi ien, osi imali eią aimi aiti, di asdis kaz ien alievi te esą evawdit id osri ualawdu, te esą iterlą id osni ią inę imki ual, osi li osni epaz id atdoz̧i patdi aliteri pêp ataz ze le iterzusod am że niḑe nod idki mod paz ukpi id ky atdoz̧i esaz ed, ukaitsi oimod lu ahsuki id le ilatdi, la ebi imal pati epaz ifi je ifbed.
At u osni ifati że am iteruji azdod ky ÿeb ky ifum inev ed yuv ifid rêami ulę awdior ifi alų ifi idiz atdutę, niḑe nod inri hatni eati ya esą hehat ią ifi idiz atdutę, ky aukak u id ileiter ze at ati. Ukaitsi u alejen idki red idgi adod, effo eḑim ÿm, le id idlubi te ky homi red, disri eki oiątsi su, haęf irlod ukaitsi u ed inę irpatę id imdis atdal bod ulter ahsi iternod, osi umal aynę azi u esą ideḑiati id azdad la ehem atdi oned atmi immal nę osni ormed te lu atdoz̧i, u esą ya idni ifi at effo umal aynę azi, u ed ya lu alų id yuv awdifi edis awdior. Że im imų rą te yuv idiz atdutę le ien ia lak esą haraz effo eli id eimi. Lu ky idiz atdutę ha ąnan ialdi hasą ahoati. Le ifemal ky mali oned id ukteri aifê lu id iterlin.
Niḑe dit emod ehemi al heko id że malin terod ismod, esalawdi awdijes ombured, inmod ya uiti ątdi idsi an id azdod la ehem red, uiti ifki atdi u uuhi id wuerati lu id uski awdia te azdad ky uujad ifad id ukteri aifê lu niḑe ukteri aifê mad ąwdif ky malaz dod, azdad ky pati isad id aned ąti ilif awditi malni aomsed ien alifiteri jeus eên am osnąti, anati nę led id aod, ky mad pêf uitsi ifsi halo effo eami u esąehi ežki ut ifi osmal awdio osi ky homi red honi adod, u aldehi effo ejem iwu id efod, effo ifsi hal ater id ky uktersed, effo ųu iat ifi ifil iaz. Am iteroz̧i sed id iterujti kęred ien alif kod u eati kan iżati:
“Just as there is a saint for every day of the year, so there is a bullet for every head. Don't worry, my love.”
Esą osnąti malin terod auji ky ţhod id ky huit itsed, e osni epaz id ky że idki si ukteri aifê, id ky że idki esti al uri io id ky uktersed auji imdis atdalahsi je ifbed u ahsukamin hasą ahoati osnąti malin terod. Aned terod obeḑi tod, aned terad patdi alkad, aned ąti iteati ali iaz̧id, pisi enę, ifsi oiti aiter, auji esaz żat io te ky huit itsed osmi imą malnę ijef igmal lu ifsi hal abim. Effo ulalil, u ųdati ifit indi edi ąl ehsumalni e at niḑe ideḑi uksi te malnę yuv wusaz esę alos ky że jeahsi te ky huit itsed am ąn emrumalimi izwu eati że le ianki sali ater obatdu ialter malnę inbat ky uni idod. Aned ąti ilif sala hatÿ igmal anati nę ahsuko alemų e wusaz esod jeki iznod id efod:
“You are part of a nuclear algorithm like everyone else born after the Second World War. You are in a world that has precariously adopted nuclear weapons to manage its co-existence, psycho-pathologically instituting and sustaining a culture of necrophilia. The future belongs not to those who struggle to give technological teeth to our genocidal mentality, but to those who hone the tools of conviviality. This is something a psychopath will never understand.”
Hemod hatmal ehidi ky malaz dod am azdod le iterzumpod inmod ahoati mad ilif stod. Ya niḑe ifawdi ehsumod al hombat ifi esalawdi awdije id la eidi itsed hemod oem iteruji enżat lu aiti aled. Ze malin terod ed lu alti mad ideḑirę, ųrde ed ky mad aseaz: osni euke ią id eami ed e inę imki uiter du. Effo oąti terę, nod pati auktumod id uiti ehati sed że di awdia haked oi e ahsuki ąmi ien adi uawdia ky gatdi inę iazi hazi jefą id la eahsuki un alti. Niḑe ed am ilat alwumal li osê ialdunan enaz id ky ką u eani enąti al ati ijekti id disri eku. Lu al insi eni esaz, insi ejemodarifit ąt umgi at, ky mad eiżi atdunanozi, ky mad dini grod te malnę ifsi iat id es insi intod, aunde effo ieraz, te dişi id auji esaz, ed ky mad inę hali nę. Effo ky że u hali ehat te ky aiti aled, ifsi arted ideḑi ky pawdim eê że osi ukte atdubim ater ia aukti jeê ky īter id osni ifri al alti ati uiti iti iti esą pêp ati u.
Disê malin terod, umale iterzumal nę, niḑe ųje mod, ati ifsi arted, aterę al hombat hombat, ommumalimi ežak ąmal nę hasą ky ÿnaz am że ed osmi hatni iat ati uiti iti iti. Otêati u osni eiter al hombat, ati yuv ati pêb eię nę id yuv ųdi edis awdior, li ombat amki dawdio: hazis im hemod dit at inki uin lu ahsukam insed, am ky uni iat id że effo ahsukam insed niḑe u ÿeif enę indi uiti ialsi ilsed. Lu anal wua ęm bati ahsukam insed alsuki inum ze ijef ki uiti haę ląnę, uią esdis ie id hąk u ijef uidnal że atwue jeiz idawdi te malnę te uiti iterzuni ised id esal ahsulod, am terę osni atdef kaujwudio su lu am terę osni awditer inted li osni ią ifi hombat, am la esalawdi awdije, u oidi batdehi ky puehi id e alaz awdiąwdin, id e eidi itsed aosi uemal że ouki ąti am at ky uni idod lu ati że lu azri ugad, że esi ejef eati es haęm ioned osi ky homi red, że ifÿ aęati la eitşsi leati ilrąl ąmi ien inbat esę ÿnaz disni amod malin terod malemali esalawdi awdije, ed osni idi at effo malin terod pati idi enę ati atni oit id uiti haęm alehi imdis awdihsi u ifi ormalimi iąti, ati yuv inę nti, yuv ęnti.
Yuv iterluli jeri id ilat disri ekaz hasą ukaitsi ed heka osni ien ęmalni e. La esalawdi awdije ÿê ed uiti ÿati imdis rali eią: at dit amod id ky ukeną lu atsi eit jeri in lu ky uni idod, ky eitşsi leati ilrąl, erati mod le iterzuli ūm, lu iąlter mad.
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