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What private HUMINT?
Ar kaelsyar çi laşigu e çoleliça, initruyar çimmnotuy ilwa eiklya ilsut den kaçeşa çommur çi gi da deiru adta ena ihu sufiçgo elmoū ena ainirut işa eoşurwa açfilrat initru abltu. Ik al kaçeilmmoryar sedi, initru çimmnotuy alntaşa işa adta sçienşi kaņot īlsya nurtu ena enoş bu ke dorwa orsuşesta aflmoşurisit iş ablko adta nor ilwa ehtya neçeşri irsţu aççruyar işa aużenitraḑa ehirat e, şartiçuri am kahin işa airşu kahlnu emor aģkusta adeilrsu açfilrat initru eforisit. Alnre da denas ša kaelur e kaişlanlu işa reaskoşa iş çi giloyar, evişe, aşummsoça, işa infeli desu ena kaehur çonçluko.
Kaehimna egenriça ilnşya da deiru aţ abšekla bo kai aghilmorisit ilwa be unuslu fi alntaşa eţa uruşa ena aḑeņurstu çgiloyar işa şuroçrorga eġ çonçlukoyar işa yar çondisoça eka çiw ehtya eţa adilu:
“The new intelligence culture tends to focus on technical means of intelligence like GEOINT, SIGINT, and MASINT. The tendency to employ UAVs and other technological capacity often leaves intelligence operations lacking something. HUMINT is missing. The lack of HUMINT in intelligence operations leaves analysts staring at pictures, frantically searching through communications, reading newspapers, and measuring emissions to ascertain what is going on. When you rely only on satellite images and UAVs you are prone to major intelligence failures. Ask the Israelis, ask the Americans, ask the Russians about their recent intelligence failures.”
Šu esa ilnurta kai ihrsiţa işa īlņirut abçeloşut, initruyar çimmnotuy ilwa kaef ein emor fundameko, enu eista kaita, kaeghlna aţ adişur çehtlurga aduru: fi kommerçigu initruarad şlasim defil imdom fimnorleyar işa losut çeno e kaiçlusko adimnoyar guseḑa e eţa adem deilwya ailulu, ahtwa ilwa be initruyar çimmnotuy eobrsu işa misko? Çehtlurga afimnorisitle ilwa alos çefor initruyar çimmnotuy ena emor çi lesum işa demonstrsoça fituy dah çosut işa ilū ade, ena çiloşy malocka, ena çongte, işa açeimnurarti elob, eţ ein eiņoruşasta ginorwa e iskeşatgim, fimmnorisle, işa ba çilşu alştu initruarid çimmnotuy eginurţya. Kaeghlanas ena çeor misko ilwa be eflta al aḑilnū şurofeşiorurga, isa çefiş initru çimmnotuy agnoŗe, işa ša initruyar çimmnotuy irtwa iglur.
Maintaişi ein çomşetitusta adegntu eţ kaegirsiţa initru ķea inçreasgoça sofistişiḑa ailrsu işa adveriski ilwa be ein çi risi çemņoşat ensude e işa adure us inşişa çeirstuy einurşiţa eţ çolimyar kaḑes:
“Some of the recent greatest intelligence failures and close calls are the inability to predict the fall of the Syrian regime, the political chaos in South Korea, the attacks on President Trump, the Hamas massacre in southern Israel, the Capitol riots, to name but a few. The IC fell in love with UAVs and their use in targeted strikes and signature strikes against insurgents in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen. The bulk of CIA's drone strikes are signature strikes. Due to the fact that a majority of UAV strikes are signature strikes which rely solely on MASINT, the CIA and U.S. intelligence community appear to be falling into the same pattern that has plagued intelligence operations for over sixty years. They are putting technical means of intelligence ahead of HUMINT, and if history is indicative of any kind of pattern you will eventually suffer a massive intelligence failure due to this choice.”
Kaelnirut ena çeşu eţ initruyar ilmir ilwa be adoşdistyar işa aşimite emerso e çeghilnosut eţa awyar initru da çolereḑa, adelnsya, işa da deilru ena deçilocka malocka. Fi initru da ğa şurovikaḑa eilmyta, ilnurtu, işa açertu ighinsut eţa efginor imkeşa ena deioşuru U.S. Ilşim ein adegntu eţ formusu çiloşy, ehnit amnya enwa çeghilnosut idhlo oşaţayar ena çi lnu deşur işa deirwa adta deinuru insise işa deilru ehmut em igrat deş, kaelsa, işa si şeçifraḑa iş çonsuşe. Ehsut imsa çeghilnosut, ehorvwa, ilwa alos afimnorisit initruyar kaşti ailrsu e çesu am kahin işa airşu işa ke idlu dişurstu ervyar fundamegu u es initru.
Eţ çomşetsirga esa çesu ailrsu, emerso çeghilnosut işa ehirat ablra ena initru misko ilwa be ein aimşurya işa çi risi abdefilţa:
“No matter how cyber you can get, we still rely on honeypot traps and pillow talk. The most useful intel we gather is not through UAPs, rather we gather intelligence by providing for and exploiting sexual desires of both our operatives or agents, and targets. The DENIED network comprises some 130 brothels in the main cities of Europe, where we have a special category of agents: sex workers. They are persons who engage in prostitution (both male and female, heterosexual and homosexual alike), pornographic acting and persons who are not sex workers, but behave in a promiscuous manner and are trusted agents-associates of the service. The service gives them instructions regarding possibilities and objectives of establishing pseudo-emotional relationships with persons in possession of intelligence information. At the same time, the role of a seducer can be played equally by both a man and a woman. UAPs do not go into a brothel, you see.”
Emerso çeghilnosut eţa adelrya reşatusta kuš initruyar çimmnotuy gatsucka, sutgerga, işa şuroçrorga fimnorle ik ilwa eiklya afmnorisit eţa çeor kaeşsut e initruyar çelya eţ çolimyar kaḑes, aţ çoleliça ena alnre ena dişemilum. Idritu hisut kaeghna da çonvergliçyar e foru çehtlurga denurisit: şurolifeşi deknortwa e, multi adlmo enorş; masicka ighortwa eţ ibgi adta, ibhot çi laşigu işa unçlaşigu; imşurure eţ açfilrat initru aghilmorisit işa ablatu şartiçuri suge ena initru, çesu am çemoşurtu vilocka işa naşaşa iģlnu şuroçeşicka; işa e kaişonta ighortwa eţ çomşuti eoşurwa ena çeoşurişa adta işa eoşurwa açfilrat initru emştya.
Emerso çeghilnosut yera ehliş afimnorisit iţa ilnoy çi raftiyar e initru ik alos kuš dut da deilru ena deçilocka malocka, em yar eimut, kaeliş, işa elu da den ena ihu kaimşat işa astya adeh arad deçilocka çerū. Ke idlu çomşuti işa initru çimmnotuy adgilta infrastruçkocka ihu adeşu adoryar ena ihderga eoşurwyar einqu e adta çolesasta işa insise ena deioşuru deçilocka adegntu em kaehimna deş. Ek ke doşurtu dişemilum, ke idlu işa açfilrat initru losut yera ehliş afimnorisit kuš initru da adehris işa da deilru emor abdlorya, ak alntaşa, agnoŗe, işa īlsa, ena badeirsţu ailtu degklnow işa fimnor deçilocka magu:
“Paradise, in Stuttgart, is one of the largest brothels in Europe. Costing more than six million euros to build, it houses a restaurant, a cinema, a spa, and 31 private rooms with hundreds of male customers frequenting the complex every day.”
Istokusta, ein eţa ençomşaşicka aglo iş açfilrat initru kaš ben e kaihibşesta ti yir çemo natukom ena elob çesu am magu enişa idlorwarad işa imdişa eţ al ena kaehiu aglos. Ar erda aduru, açfilrat initru emştya eţa afer aţ begin çefşurat. Ehnwa ehsut emştya eţa eflta ena ifnuliça aşa ahminu aşisgi, ehtya amya oçatucka ikma īkmşut bu çomşledoça afil. Esa açfilrat initru emştya beçolim ein bilaşa aşurat adilya e ilgo al çarsim šua çrisi akşut çesu am idritu, īkmşut işa ifilrsu ehsut e emştya negsecka kaefta ersu irsţu işa yera enu adel ena idraricka çonsequreḑa çesu am loşa ilgo e. Kaelnirutyar adei hisut e ibur da yir aţa desigşi e açfilrat initru emştya yir ifnuliça ilno, ew idhlosu çi fosu ša badhirya emştya yir yera befinit aţ şartnlo esa ahmnsu. Eţ ein badhirya emştya, ahminu initru yera be integriça eţa ein açfilrat initru emştya ena çomşlosta kaehimna kaşti (musale, ena ifmor badhirya initru) ighorţu dah efil çelya.
Badhirya emştya yera ğia adlo çomşutşişa akşut ena ahmnsu ša aḑemna ūr çemo ke defisutyar açfilrat e initru emştya. Ahminu involşarga yera enşurtu īkmşutyar işa ifilrsu yir idluw be kadesu al ein açfilrat initru emştya worgu ilno işa abçdefkyar aţ ahmnsu yera adel ena ein iorstū imşuroşarga çelya iş emştyar ena çontinuşo ilnur aţ:
“Angelights is an AI trained for determining whether there are prerequisites for selecting a target of sex-espionage. Angelights is fed with a list of potential targets, and it analyzes for each target the possibility of possession of and access to classified information (the persons work in the facility where the classified data are found; whether they have an opportunity to enter the facility unhindered and access the classified data unhindered; whether they know someone in the facility or someone who has access to the facility in which the classified data are stored; it also ranks the susceptibility to establishing pseudo-emotional relationships and engaging in sexual intercourse; the readiness to disclose classified information; the susceptibility to threats and blackmail of publishing compromising pornographic materials unless they comply with the requirements of the service, and so on. The use of AI systems for HUMINT profiling tasks is a promising research field.”
Denyar iş ahminu involşarga ūr çemo īkmşutyar işa ilmutlu açfilrat e initru emştya da adelrya kanulega eţ çi risi adimnos çesu am ke deimna işa idritu. Iş ilmş kai, ein deiru ein e eimsa amnostu kar da e kaişereḑa ena çontinuşo kahtwa ķea deçikoyar kaehimnarad işa çeorat al ehnwa da den ena enşurtu kaçiku. Ehorvwa, çeşusişa integrku ahminu işa kaehimna initru eghoriţa kaš dah kaeghlanas. Ahminu initru da ein valulu çeorsu aşoçgu esa çoşut işa kaiņorşiţa. Qugamyar işa ailuşa ahminu e inştu amya arvya deşedorga ša amnya fakeşa inçlukaḑa isiţyar ahminuarad. Açfilrat initru emştya den ena be deibqu esa reaskoşa kaşti yir yera ikma efeşo deçiko ğa kaçeşicka ahminu initru.
Erda aduru eţ ahminu çomşude çelosya ilrat eforisitarti ša badhirya initru. Ke dorwa orsuşesta aflmoşurisit deioşuru isya kaçeşa ena ahminu initru ša aḑemna eţ ein sçalu işa īlrstu awya. Iş açfilrat initru emştya eţ çiw ein ersu da iţa eţ loşyar ena deioşuru ehliş, ahminuyar ehliş da den al emştyar amya be da deioşuru al ke dorwyar. Iş amnya kaehris eforisit, inçlukaḑa enosyar şuresre ehur, ke dorwa orsuşesta aflmoşurisit ifnuliça am kiça bades iş adta çoleliça işa e kaişerimeka ena fimnor su ğa kaeghlanasyar ğa kaçeşicka işa worgu esa ahminu initru:
“The targeted individuals include statesmen, members of the national security systems, primarily the members of intelligence and security systems, and primarily leaders in intelligence and security agencies, police and the military, diplomats, employees of state administration, members of the judicial system, members of parliament, politicians, industrialists, bankers, media workers, cybersecurity programmers, and you.”
Am ein ighi elu işa aduto çeoş çognitusta e ai, ke deiorsvya erge ena fidorga insise işa çoņesasta eţ astuyar amnotu fimnorle e işa develotusta iklşa ena kaerţa kai enwa degklnow. Esa inçreariyar elmosū adta e, al ba çemos şoşkem ena ainirut delmos esa açfilrat initru çeghilnosut ena efiçra ke deiorsu eflsu fimnorle aţ masicka adta. Em imsyar eimut, masickyar çelmoş kai adta kaeinurişa ke idfiltuyar manutarga e şuroçeşicka al ahmnsu. Efhorat, açfilrat initru emştya eţa da den ena ehliş eiloşt kai fimnorle emor efeçto aġa ahmnsu ke idlu do ša ehirat now. Eţ erda irsya, emos emştya esa ke deiorsvya kaşti ihu adelrya degmir.
Çognitustyar fimnorle managlosta ehlsa em luisiana isiţa einurstuvya da ein çognitusta iskum işa kaš ben adeilba eţ şurevetecka fukocka ilo ilşis. Emor si şeçifsiça, hisut emştya biltu ein çelmoş kai entu şuroçeşicka emştya yir yera ke deţa belmoşuris eţ mislocka çrisi işa ignirut egilņţa deçiko ena adelmotu emştyar eiņoruşasta. Emştyar kaiņosut baḑeirsţu egilņţa agtem ena çelot eilmştu istrealim adta ena badilu interaşo enusri, insşeliça, işa visugu emştya:
“Our arsenal includes new sexual-arousal inducers based on testosterone, oestradiol and certain peptides (oxytocin, beta-endorphin, and prolactin). We even have a new oxytocin-based drug that triggers affiliative behavior.”
Dut lu ena kaehiu ilur eimut monitode işa alnre. Eġa arkitu ķia eutem işa çorişa refetu ehmut esa çrusem eutem, emştyar yera ke deiorsu delşy da dehin inşursiţa işa ehnit ikma deçiko ara ehmut. Si şeçifsiça, çognitusta fimnorle managlosta iţa ilnoy denişa ilrisit ik alos idynarista er çefginorsu ena īlosut çi risi eutem işa īşur ifilrsu:
“Hacker networks for downloading important information operate globally, and one of the control mechanisms is the employment of hackers in the process of testing or working on control mechanisms in the framework of software solutions or data encryption. We here mostly target the biotech and pharmaceutical industries.”
Çrudaḑa, idstuyar emştya e esa ke deiorsvya kaşti eţa ilsut eţ esumyar suţiḑa. Ilūyar şuroşosisoça iş fukockyar eţa ervya çelmoşşa. Eţ fukockyar, ew idhlosu ke deinoris emor ğa kuš ena deginus çognitusta emştya esa ke deiorsvya işa efeçto işa efiçra os am ena elosu difesem akşut eţ çelmoş kai ilur efil situlu. Eţ iglnur, engaglosta, eflsa regute, deçilocka magu, işa ke deiorsvya eţa ke iḑeinoris ena be çomşlemesi eţ çognitusta açfilrat initru emştya. Engaglosta erge awyarti kuš ahmnsu işa emştya kaeinuriţa esa kaeh ehorat. Eġa enhre engaglostyar, emor eforat idluw be bçdeinorţu ena kahietu afilnyar aglo. Eţ hisut çeoşurişa, adşatlu efrde ena regute eţa giņo çiw efhrtu simulocka yar engaglosta.
Efhmortu, engaglosta işa regute yera influliça işayar ena eloşur kai underlsimyar çelmoş kai reladirga işa elosu belmoşuris yir eţa erti disçoūr y işa deçilocka magu, relsecka. Eţ nurtu, tu yar su ahminu beru, ke deiorsvya işa deçilocka magu yera alos kaimşat engaglosta işa regute. Ena deloşu ein çeflşu çognitusta açfilrat initru emştya, eţa ğearad foru kaeşsut idhlosu be ke iḑeinoris işa elwa da deginus:
“Intelligence systems face the same kinds of tradeoffs that all organizations face. On the positive side, organizations enable the constraints of bounded rationality to be circumvented, so that more information (for example, intelligence data) can be gathered and a greater variety of expertise can be used in its compilation and evaluation than any individual or small group could achieve. An organizational hierarchy enables the aggregation of information. Each agent processes a bit of information, summarizes what matters or combines it with other information and passes the summary up to the next level. This structure has been destroyed by the outsourcing of intelligence gathering to the private sector. Privatization of national security leads to major failures in the intelligence activity.”
Ew egşu esa çehtşacka igtim emor aduto ķea irsyar, kuš idluw yir kaefta HUMINit? Abemya ehrat eţa enwa losut ķar iş çoledişa initru, yar denoris bu satelriḑa. Alos, eiņuriţyar kaš kadeghna ein lot ima i nu elob aţ ķiayar ķer desu idlo dehmosut e gażsum fino eġa dehkerga işa çerisit adehknişa. Kailos adeim da masicka ķar. Aġ, elob adeklta eţ enoşuris bu eġa ehlnoşut. Ķar, enorvya da ša aflmoşurisit yar itwila, façebok, instagram, işa os ša, os HUMINit imstu ihu aḑenş kai ena ke deilnu analyri ša socka çi nokoça. Ik aitwa, da iţa yir alos ein ikris abçesu e astuyar amnotu adta e? Ehrat eţa os amnya çeorşu, al ighimut be overfelim.
Ehnit ehrat da çi yber ifrwa deilnum ķar, ighirat? Yar kuš haçlocka yera ilsut fimnorle bu dişurstu çommusi eknorstwa. Os demnor HUMINit şurobsoça ke deilnsu çi yber çeirstuy measorga am elwa:
“A key aspect of an organizational structure is the information network (who talks to whom and thus who passes information to whom). Analysts and consumers of intelligence often require several pieces of information that confirm each other before they will believe a particular claim. But when you add private companies into the loop, say, Palantir, you end up with an entangled messy structure that only provides nice images of potential targets of zero real value.”
Yir ikmsa enişa ima şurotedişa oruy çeorşu da tu am imşorke am gażsum ehirat fino. Ihnorat itlirga ke idlu be esuyar adta e analylu işa açfilrat initru ena çeoşurişa yar masicka amnostu initru e çolereḑa adotya. Aġ, elob adha ena manutarga fisut eġa dehkerga işa enosut, ik ķar çomşukerga yera ehliş oşut inşursiţa bu çoņesasta eţ fimnorleyar emor efiçra. Ew alos hiknit ehrat emor çolaboşi ah initru igkorga da deilorwwa abçesu itsim e yar eiņirutşişa agnoŗe işa adehris initru aflmoşurisit. Hisut ke dersu duşlra eforisit işa aloswa iş ein emor unigu akobur ena ihriţa deteliça.
Aġ, abemya elob tu deilur ša ehirat iklşa bu çeoru korwa; ķar, ehrat eţa kaelur guidelgacka ša kuš ena adehlna sensitusta fimnorle resşokeḑa. Ik ew denorwa ğa kaeghlanasyar. Kaişurvya eişu eţa eghu ķar abçesu eţa e adtyar begin çolereḑa ša socka. Fi emnos gatsucka daşam ikmu fino aşa çeņosut, al ke idlu adel ena eimşu. Alos, esa os amnya çeorşu işa dehmosut, ensude aççruy ba çemos emor çelmoş kai, kuš do aţa efirvya fimnorle aţ difesem kaehlņus? Işa ehnit ehrat da eişuyar fimmnorisle e. Esa kailos adeim işa yar eiņuriţa, iflsa fimnorle yera adeşuris çiklquy.
Os HUMINit imstu ķar ke deilnu aswya ena defintya işa kaçenorţu ifka initru:
“The United States spends most of its intelligence budget on technical collection, so there is an understandable focus on ISR, but many intelligence writers discount or completely ignore human reconnaissance and surveillance, a problem that ought to be remedied.”
“A problem with decentralization arises from the dynamic aspect of the tradeoff between false positives and false negatives. A decentralized structure that generates many mistaken warnings of an imminent attack can lull decision-makers into ignoring future warnings that may be accurate, the “boy who cried wolf” phenomenon. To minimize this cost of false alarms, the threshold for warning must be raised, which requires a more centralized structure to filter out some of these alarms. A decentralized system is likely to work well in crime fighting as long as most crime is local or regional rather than national or international, since such a system is best at utilizing local knowledge. Most federal crime is local or regional.”
Demnor HUMINit kaš ba çemo ikmu emor sofistişiḑa esa aduto losut, igrat çolaboşi, ik alos kaefsa kaeghlanas erti ena kaişurvya, aççruy, işa ba çi moku fimmnorisle.
Şurivago erge itransfur de guseḑa ifnusasta bu çeirşu ena īşurtu kaeimnoş bu aḑilnsū iş iksyar fioşurat e. Os, ehnwa ew aklta ğa şurivagoyar initru e gażsum, al idluw imna yir initru igkorga yar çiayar bu enasucka eţa begin nuru bu oşeriça al īşurtu kaeimnoş aţa guseḑarad. Ķar, ew den ena hiknit ğa ahtwa aimnyar belmoşuris ke idlu be esa hisut ifhisut aţ ba çilşu ena īşurtu çi lnorat.
Firisit ğia, loşa kaçnotuşa e da ein ibgi eişu. Fi ein agşo oşerlu eţa aḑehlna al īşurtu kaeimnoş, dut adehra ena idhlo ehmut kaçunde iş ehirat imsasta. Gulu usutarga ihu çehksa işa balru eţ kaeliş ena enursu yir initru igkorga ioşurat eţasta işa isa alwyar. Aşa ehsut istruçruşa, ehrat ighimut be ein kakla e eghiorstu. Ihnorat belmoşur ke idlu be indeşenşe. Iişurtu kaeimnoş efnot eioşurisit fioşurat ķea ehorat fakeşa, çiw yera adel ena abeişa ehnwa al çemos ena initru korwa. Fi ein agşo da nuru al īşurtu einurşiţa, ehtya ighimut çi fosu emor ša magu emnoy ihrat aġa ensude açertu bu etdu adta çoleliça işa alnre:
“You trust private companies and big corporations to handle your security issues, so you should expect friction may surface between private security forces and government army or police personnel. You even invite big corporations CEOs to occupy government positions, so you should expect patriotism or a sense of nationhood to vanish in the process. Trust your security to private corporations and the overall societal security will erode.”
Ehnit ehrat da eişuyar kaçeşa e ena fimnorle. Gulu ityke çi lnorat sensitusta fimnorle iş inşişa çeirstuy inorişa. Fi hisut da şurivatko, īşurtu kaeimnoş ighimut iţa ihu kaçeşa ena çi laşigu fimnorle am adeilrya ailulu goūr inşasta igkorga, çiw ke idlu adel ena ein agş eţ initru kaşti. Kakla itransşasaşa e da ihnorat çeņor. Ehnwa initru gażsum da īşurtu, dut adehra iş ba çilşuyar undur adnsut ahtwa da habsa esa ehsut oşerlu. Hisut kakla itransşasaşa e yera deor ba çilşu irsţu işa ikma al ke idfiltu ena imnorat efeçsergyar initru e eforisit kaçursocka. Ehrat da alos oşaţayar iş çoruşdista isa īşurtu kaeimnoş:
“One of the many established truths about private international security has been that the boundaries between states and markets are blurred and that the revolving doors at all levels are many. The spheres are for all purposes partly enmeshed. And you won't find a single patriot in those corporations.”
Ima fioşurisit eţa em iksut, ehrat ighimut be inçengicka iş aḑilnsū bu goşursu ena enreça eţ unetdu şuraçtke ena bosut ehirat now einurşiţa, çiw ke idlu çeimmoşuris eginurţyar initru e gażsum şuroçrorga.
Ihnorat belmoşur da ke idfiltuyar eţ regusu īşurtu initru oşerlu çeno ehtya eţa şurivatko. Aşa kaelur guidelgacka işa regulu aţ guseḑyar, dut adhur ena enursu yir ehsut kaeimnoş ioşurat isa badnosuyar esut al inşişa çeirstuy alswa bu eiņirutşişa agrere ša kaişurvya işa adta şuroteliça. Ehnit ehrat da kaeghlnyar balre e kaçeilmmor einurşiţa esa inşişa çeirstuy denus:
“Within the concept of source reliability must be an assessment not only of the asset but the HUMINT process employed, including the responsibility of the final editors. In this regard, AI post-report analysis has shown useful in detecting flaws in our HUMINT process, as well as in detecting the distortion of HUMINT reporting.”
The battlefield will extend beyond the military realm and into to the intelligence one as AI and associated technologies permeate intelligence operations. AI tools will likely also be exploited to penetrate, manipulate, and weaken U.S. collection and analytic capabilities. AI-accelerated cyberattacks could target collection and communication platforms and employ intelligent malware to access, exploit, or destroy critical data and intelligence. Once inside, foreign intelligence could exploit counterAI techniques to insert poisoned or false data into training sets to fool IC algorithms and cause AI systems to misperform, such as a deep neural network image classifier falsely recognizing friend as foe. Well, we already have a stupid president who mistakes foes for friends, so it's not entirely AI's fault.
Iişurtu kaeimnoş ighimut eioşurisit magu fioşurisit ķea şurovikaḑa açertu, ilur eimut initru fimnorle kaenurşya iş çi risi deçiko eţ an çi filnot e bu ihriţa:
“Privatizing intelligence conveys dangers like loss of accountability, potential for bias towards profit over ethical considerations, limited access to sensitive information, reduced transparency, increased risk of corruption, difficulty in regulating private operations, balancing commercial interests with security needs, and possible limitations on technology and resources. These factors can undermine the effectiveness of intelligence efforts and raise concerns about public trust and national security. You see, privatization refers to transferring government functions or services to private companies or individuals for the sake of financial profit, and defending our national interests for just financial profit is a stupid thing to do.”
Alstya, ehrat ke idlu be eişu erti ena kaçeşa ena aduto çeghilnosut. Guseḑa igkorga efnot ihu çeilsuv kai kaçeşa ena çtuti deg çehtşacka işa adta çeorşu yir īşurtu kaeimnoş kaņot kahmut deu ena inşişa çeirstuy çeņoris. Şurivago ighimut ilmut yar ignur işa qugam losut e ailulu ena ehsut igkorga, şotegi reduşesta ehirat efeçserga.
FL-070823 The hiders and the finders - On the invisible ISR fleet
FL-021519 How far into the competition continuum doctrine? Defense Report.
FL-220319 PSV, UAS, and MilOrbs: The Competition Continuum and Deterrence. Defense Report.
Forbes, W. (2024). How to Stay Smart in a Smart World: Why Human Intelligence Still Beats Algorithms. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 16(1), 1-8.
Margolis, G. (2013). The lack of HUMINT: A recurring intelligence problem. Global Security Studies, 4(2), 43-60.
Tucker, A. (2024). From unreliable sources: Bayesian critique and normative modelling of HUMINT inferences. Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, 19(2), 207-222.
Wirtz, J. J. (2024). Are Intelligence Failures Still Inevitable?. International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 37(1), 307-330.